《Starsign Lord》Training With Master - Chapter 12


On the outskirts of the forest, twenty men stood up. In front of them, Larios and Giras were talking about something, and then at that moment, Giras turned his head to the guards and spoke.

"As the others say, the problem has arrived. The "Ratman" are in the Blue Bird Lake, and creating some kind of place to live. We are not going to give them this chance. Go and collect information about what they are trying to do,"

After the words of Giras, Larias turned to Giras and spoke.

"I must go with them to coordinate them."

Giras took a deep breath as he looked at his old friend and spoke.

"Okay, but be careful. Ratmans are weak when they are alone but too strong when they are in a group. Just collect information and then come back.

We are not working on the problems of the outside. After taking information, we will give the information to the "Blue Warriors" and they will take care of it."

Larias nodded and went with the twenty-man group.

They were going to a cave where Ratmans were being seen.

After Fraus finished his food and drinks, he went to his room and then conjured the "Geminis 1 and 2". After he conjured these two, he ordered them to slash with their swords.

Slashing with the swords made the arm of the Fruas stronger and gave him experience in the matter of handling a sword. It may look like a dumb-move for a person to try, but "Geminis 1 and 2" were not dumb. They are not humans anyway.

They can do it without getting tired or bored.

After Fraus gave the order, "Geminis 1 and Geminis 2" started slashing with their swords. At that time, Fraus went to sleep.

Day 2 - 8:00 AM-

He opened his eyes and noticed that "Geminis 1 and Geminis 2" were still working. He just smiled and then, with one thought, the two vanished.


After they vanished, Fraus checked his status.

"Fraus Deephearth"

"Level – Candle

"Starsign Energy—2.0"

"STR" = 1.4

"Agility" = 1.5

"Endurance = 1.3"

"Starsign" = "Gemini"


"Genuine Gemini - Ability 1"


Level 0 Basic Swordmanship (%17)

Fruas wanted to see only his basic stats and "skills", not the "Pathway" abilities, so he only saw the things he wanted.

With one night of training, he still improved a little bit. One has to know that normal stats for humans are "1.0" and Fraus's were already above-average if one thinks about the stats.

With the "Starsign" ability, he could very well protect himself, or use copies of himself to create an illusion and have a chance to escape in the dire-times.

After Fraus woke up, he noticed that his clothes were pretty bad in shape.

They were not harmed but still smelly because of wearing one set of clothes.

It was also unsightly. Fraus knew that he needed to change these clothes and buy new ones.

Of course he was talking about personal clothes, not the clothes "Dream Sword Art" gave him.

He needed to buy a set of clothes for wearing when he did not want to be seen as a member of "Dream Sword Art".

Fraus got up from the bed and then took a shower in the bathtub, and then wore his old clothes and sat on the chair waiting for the bartender, Lilis, to come.

After Lilis saw the Frau, she went towards him and asked

"Do you want to have breakfast? It is only five coppers."

Fraus nodded and gave one silver coin to "Lilis" and spoke.

"I would like to have one breakfast and ten more days in the room, and the other five coppers are yours."

Lilis smiled and then nodded. After nodding, she just went to the kitchen to prepare the food.

Today was the first day of the "Dream Sword Art" classes for the "Fraus", and he was feeling good with himself.


About fifteen minutes later, Lilis gives himself a breakfast. It was not bad, not too good. There were tomateos, cheese, meat, and hot-tea. It can be said that this is pretty normal for a tavern that does not make too much money.

Fraus finished his food fast and then left the tavern.

Fraus directly went to the "Dream Sword Art" Palace and entered the inside. As he entered, a man with grey-hair looked at him and then spoke after he came towards himself.

The man had a sword wound on his left cheek and was aged 40 to 50. Fraus was not sure, but the man had a height of 180 cm and looked pretty strong from the outside.

"So you are a new member?"

Fraus nodded and spoke.

"Yes, I am!"

The man with grey hair nodded and shook the hand of the Fraus and spoke.

I am Grayes, one of the sword-teachers here at the "Dream-Sword Art". I will be teaching you and four other students this year. That is, of course, if you haven't left the "Dream-Sword Art".

Fraus nodded and spoke.

"I am Fraus, sir. Nice to meet you."

After the initial meeting, Grayes told Fraus to follow him. After Fraus followed him, they went to a courtyard with sword-dummies, hard rocks, and different kinds of training equipment. Grayes looked at the Fraus and spoke.

"I can see that you are a "Starsign User" at the level of "Candle". What is the sign of yours?"

Fraus smiled and then answered.

I am a "Gemini", but I am not using my "Pathway" ability."

Grayes nodded and took two wooden swords from the basket in the courtyard and gave one of them to "Fraus." Then he spoke.

"Just start attacking."

Fraus nodded and then used a wooden sword to attack the Grayes.

Grayes shook his head, and with a fast-swing he hit the sword Fruas was holding, and the sword in the hand of Fraus dropped on the ground. Grayes then spoke.

"Hold the sword, make it stronger, but be flexible with it."

Fraus gulped and smiled, then took the wooden sword from the ground and attacked again. This time he slashed from the right to the left with a strong grip.

Grayes just took one step back, dodging the sword slash from the Fraus, and took one step forward, holding the right wrist of the Fraus and whispering.

"You are dead, again. This time when attacking, try to watch your opponent's legs."

Fraus took a step back and attacked again, this time with a vertical attack, directly towards the head of Grayes.

Grayes again took one step-back and then tried to make the same move when he held the wrists of the Fraus, but something unexpected happened.

Grayes took a step forward, Fraus already took a step back and slashed from the right to the left again. Grayes gulped and blocked the sword attack with his sword. At that time, he spoke after looking at the eyes of "Fraus".

You are a good candidate for a swordsman. I will teach you the art of the "Dream Sword Technique," and the moves of it.

Fraus smiled and spoke.

"Thank you, Master."

Grayes nodded and thought.

"It's strange, he just created a swordplay scheme in just one training; I can tell he doesn't have much sword experience, but if he was physically stronger than me, he would have gotten through my block and killed me."

Grayes just gulped and then, at that moment, the other four students came too. Grayes looked at each of them and spoke.

Now, I will teach all of you to move in the "Dream Sword Art."

After Grayes said his words, all of the four students and Fraus' eyes lighted up with expectation.

Grayes then started talking as he was showing the moves.

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