《Eldritch, Fragments from the Abyss》The master and the monster


In the depths of the green dark forest a soul was wandering, long he had travelled and searched for the cave now so close to him, the cave whom many deem cursed. And yet he was dubious, after all this work he couldn't muster up the courage to go there, to challenge the darkness. Long he stood idle there, walking, cursing and planning without going there.

Alas, like a lost, frightened child, he timidly challenged the darkness.

"Just folk tales," he repeated to himself "this is just a normal cave."

Worryingly he passed the entrance, trembling did he venture deeper and deeper into the darkness. Until he didn't reach the end.

Just a few bones and skulls of animals long death, nothing more. How foolish of him, worrying so much because of folklore and children bed stories. Relieve he tur-

Hungry red eyes glowing in the darkness, grey inhuman skin, long animal fur, the monster was standing there, just a few inches from him, he didn't hear him but the monster did, listening every word, observing every movement. Paralyse by fear his muscle couldn't move, but from his mouth a few words managed to be utter "I-wan... th,t bec..ome a stu...d-ent."

The monster turned his gaze away, "I don't take students," he said in a deep and strangely human voice, "go away."

"But" Now braver without the monster looking at him "I want to learn."

The monster looked at him again, he couldn't decipher his expression "you are still too young, go away." this time the monster showed his teeth. Frighten he quickly abandoned the cave.

Weeks passed before he could muster again the courage to enter the cave.

"Mas..ter.." he said while venturing into the cave again "I want.."


The monster was eating a deer alive, the inhuman figure, his teeth, his claws, his red eyes, that was way more than he could support. He quickly ran away, nearly screaming.

This circle repeated himself a few more times until he didn’t talk to one of the locals.

"My master doesn't want me as his student. He scared me away," he said nearly sobbing.

And the folk replied "I remember that in my younger days I was in a similar situation, I had a very severe and scary master who always made me run away in fear or shame. Do you know how I manage to finally become his student? By not running away, showing him my courage and determination. Try doing this for a few days, if he really doesn't want you as his student after a few days go away. After all, what is the worst that could happen?"

Images of dead animals and skulls rose up from his mind.

"Y-es... what is the worst that could happen..."

Enghlitened he ventured into the cave, the monster was there waiting for him.

"Master, I was a coward before, Permit me to show my determination"

The monster quickly came toward him, looking him in the eyes.

He feared, he tremble, he cried, but he didn't break contact.

The monster then started teasing him with his claws and teeth, making many little cuts and bites through his body. The monster continued for hours upon hours, making him jump away in fear, insulting him, scorning him, humiliating him, bitting him, torturing him. Many times over he thought that he was already dead, but he persisted.

After what felt like days the monster said:

"You can't control fear, it will come regardless of you wanting it or not; what you can do is act regardless of it. You have act regardless of it, you have a great spirit, but you are still too young to close yourself in a cave, you are fascinated by the occult, you fear losing your youth, you wish to know the unknown, I understand this. Come back to me once you are ready."


So he got up and left, a bit sad and relieve, and he exited the cave, venturing into the world.

Many years later he came back, his body was full of scars, his right arm was missing, his face had grown old, his youth was gone, but his eyes still somehow glowed with the same spirit and determination to know.

"I wish to become your student," he said humbly.

The monster hinted at a smile and made a gesture to follow him “so the first thing that you should know is that….”

For many years he was his student, always diligently doing his work and serving his master. With much sorrow did the master saw him going away, but that was the course of things, the trained student that leaves the master in order to become one himself.

Not a single day had passed since where he didn’t hope to see him again, older, stronger, wiser, ready to take its place, but that time has not yet come.

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