《Eldritch, Fragments from the Abyss》Sleep(old)


Once upon the misty swamp, there was Oorbgh, Oorbgh loved the swamp and he was tired so he decided to sleep on it. With time other beings notice him and started worshipping him for his oniric properties, a small cult formed and the swamp was renamed the oniric swamp.

Thanks to his properties and the cult, many beings from different worlds come to the swamp worshipping him, including a handful of humans.

The story talks about a human who entered the swamp and found the cult.

I found myself laying on the dark naked earth, it was night, a profound dark night, no stars nor moon, only thunders of strange colours gave some light. I stood up and look around, they were a few pink lights far away after some sort of mountain range, I decided to go and check them.

The land was strange, anything except regular and easy, the terrain switched between soft and hard without externals signs, gravity did not seem to work properly here given all the inverse trees and strange conformations and spirals, I needed help. I quickly abandoned the climb and started looking for an alternative path, I saw a strange, giant, round, mosquito with red eyes and no mouth flying at the contrary, going around pink stones that emanated a strange exotic smell.

I should have regulated the dose better, I thought to myself. The earth started moving and a far chant could now be heard, It was coming from the direction of the pink lights behind the mountains, the mosquito and even the stones moved toward the city.

It was not long before I stumble across a creature similar to an anteater, it was strange, he had no skin, all his flesh was exposed revealing a long series of teeths running all throughout his body, maybe he was aggressive, maybe he would have eaten me, but I must try to ride him.


"Oh loth ah yuhan, oi woundier yohaw hi munege tho keth hiry" the creature said when I approach him.

"Wait you can talk?" I responded surprised.

"Sire oi kan toukal, bur omi nor beri hood ot ito" the creature answer.

"Can you understand me?" I said not understanding the creature.

"Yis" he said moving his head in agreement.

“Can I ride you?” I ask.

The creature stood immobile for a few seconds, “Siri” then he lowered his head.

The anteater gave me a ride through the high mountains, I discover that he was able to make very long jumps, I understand very few words of what he was saying. Ritual, sleep and Oorbgh were frequent words, I was excited.

Soon we reach the city, it was completely invaded by a strange, purple, smoke, the lights where very sparse and few between, most buildings were illuminated only at their entrance, leaving the inside and the highs totally obscure, I wondered how they looked like, strange symbols and objects were everywhere, what kind of things the darkness hide? What crazy and delirium part of my subconscious created this city? Creatures looked at me, some very similar to humans, others indescribable and eldrich, many ate each other in a loop, many were sleeping, many were screaming unnoticed in the midst of the crowd. It was perfect.

Suddenly the chanting became stronger and more intense, I became tired, " Wu Lust Yurri" the anteater said, shortly before hasting to reach the chanting.

When I reach the centre I saw it, surrounded by temples and shrines, he was calling me, his son, the chants, the smoke, the creatures, I suddenly realize, this was no dream, this was no product of my brain, I wanted to go back home! Soon great tiredness and sleepiness had taken hold of me, I could not move, my strengths left me, it was in that moment that Oorbgh made me understand the chants before I closed my eyes falling into a profound deep sleep.


Once upon the swamp Oorbgh arrive

Tired and sleepy he felt asleep

Dreaming of other worlds and realities

The creatures saw glimpses of his dreams

With temple and shrines they worship him

Great darkness finally fell

An infinite night full of dreams

And Oorbgh finally sleep soundly

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