《Deathless Dungeoneers》3-9: Brotherly Blues
Rhen’s limbs were weightless for a flash, and bright light surged past his eyes. Then, he was standing under the anima barrier in the rainforest chamber, hand planted on the Resurrection node.
“Wow,” he whispered.
“Rhen? That you?” Ulecks asked from outside the shield.
“Who else would it be?”
Ulecks shrugged. “Well, s’just that you’re supposed to be at Zeichen’s dungeon. Did she kill you?”
“No, she has a node in her dungeon capable of teleporting someone back to the node where they have their active anima profile saved.”
With that thought, Rhen selected to save another profile with the addition of the three new spells. He didn’t want to chance losing them.
Ulecks stepped through and moved over to the panel. “Long Dark’s coming.” He flipped the switches and deactivated the shield.
Rhen looked up to see the crystals were still white. “Are we sure?”
“Wyland said it should be within the next few hours, and no one’s waiting for respawn, so I figured I’d get it done early.”
As if on cue, the crystals faded to a soft yellowy orange.
Rhen smiled at the young man. “Good work.”
They walked together at a leisurely pace toward the inn. Ulecks was quiet, and the few glances Rhen stole told him something was wrong with the kid.
“So, how are you liking it here?”
Ulecks nodded. “I like it a lot. Few worries, more time to train and relax, not feelin’ on edge all the time like one mistake’ll get us kicked out on our asses, or worrying about whether we get to eat. It’s been real good.”
“Good.” Rhen saw something was still bothering him. “Anything I could do better?”
“Hmm? No. No, I don’t think so.”
“You look out of sorts.”
Ulecks sighed. “That obvious huh?”
Rhen held up his pinched fingers with a wince. “Little bit.”
“It’s gonna sound so dumb, but… Alex doesn’t hang out with me anymore. He’s with Olliat a lot and requested to get on her delving team and I, I dunno, I feel kinda mad at her, but I know I shouldn’t.”
Rhen nodded. “Have you told Alex you want to spend more time with him?”
Ulecks made a sour face. “What? No way. That’s so lame.”
“I find that being up front and to the point gets a lot done faster, and helps people understand me more.”
He crossed his arms. “But he’s my brother, I shouldn’t have to say this to him.”
Rhen stopped and turned to him. Ulecks didn’t want to look him in the eyes, and his shoulders were bunched up next to his ears. Poor kid.
“No one can read minds—except Aki of course—so it’s important that we tell people what we’re thinking. Everyone’s got something going on, and with Alex and Olliat… well they’re pretty interested in one another right now and sometimes it’s hard to see what else is going on around you when you get like that.”
“You mean in love,” Ulecks said with a sneer.
“I don’t know about that. Maybe. But yes, when you’re first getting involved with someone it can be really distracting.”
“But you and Jakira weren’t like this…”
“Well, Jak and I sort of fell into this. But more importantly, we communicate a lot. We talk about needs, desires, and boundaries whenever we have a free moment. We support each other’s big dreams and goals, knowing that there are some sacrifices to be made along the way. And of course, there are days where all I wanted to do is be with her, but we’re both responsible for a lot of people and that need supersedes our desire to block out the world and elope.”
Ulecks swished his pursed lips back and forth as he thought about what Rhen was saying.
“Look, if you really can’t talk to him about it, talk to Olliat. Tell her you miss being able to spend time with your brother one on one. She’ll get it.”
“And if she doesn’t?” Ulecks looked up at him, brow wrinkled with worry.
Rhen raised an incredulous eyebrow. “Well, then she’s not who I thought she was. And the worst that’ll happen is she’ll say, no, you can’t spend any time with him at all! Ha ha ha, your brother is MINE!” Rhen made a ridiculous face at him and Ulecks laughed.
“Yeah, that’s pretty outrageous. You’re right. I’ll figure it out.”
Rhen slapped him on the shoulder and turned them back toward the exit. “I know you will. And hey, you can always join me for a delve.”
Ulecks blew a raspberry. “If you ever delved.”
Rhen sighed. “I know. More sacrifices. One of these days I’ll be able to do it more, but everything is so new right now with the Nexus node and it’s hard not to block out everything else from the excitement.”
Ulecks gave him a sidelong roll of his eyes. “Yeah, I see what you did there.”
Rhen grinned. “Good. And you know what, I think it’s time for a delve right now. What do you say? Get Jak and Aki to come with us to the new eco-chamber?”
Ulecks beamed and pulled out his daggers with a flourish. “I’m ready!”
Ulecks went off to get Aki and Rhen went up to the room to find Jakira. She was asleep on top of the blanket in all her gear, a bit of fruit goop smeared across her forehead. Rhen sat down beside her with a smile. He ran his knuckles across her cheek, then moved her braid around a little.
Jakira’s eyes blinked open out of sync and then her gaze focused on him. She smiled. “Hey. How was the thing?”
“The thing was lame. Everyone is very pompous. Well, not everyone. Zeichen seems pretty nice.”
Jakira chuckled. “Zeichen, the “I murder you if you make me mad” head of the Desedra household seemed pretty nice? What kind of cebrum spell did she put you under?”
“I should probably get my head checked, right?”
She giggled and sat up, then planted a kiss on his lips. “Definitely.”
“Ulecks has the blues, and I was wondering if you’d bruise for us down in the new eco-chamber?”
She yawned and stretched. “Yeah, sounds great.”
He paused, then pulled her in close. “You know that I love you, right?”
“Yes, of course. And I love you.” She pulled back, her brow pinched with concern. “What is it?”
“I feel like I’m getting sucked into this Nexus Protectorate thing and I’m going to lose more time with you and everyone else here. I just want to be sure you know that this is where my heart is, not out there with them.”
She smiled kindly. “I know.”
Rhen sighed. “And boy, do they need help. It’s a wonder the Imperial Kingdoms haven’t fallen apart. In-fighting, betrayal, hostility over the smallest things. They’re a mess.”
“Not your mess,” she reminded him.
“That’s true, but Zeichen seems to be trying to get me on her side—well, I mean I’m already on that side. Her methods are…”
“Deadly?” Jakira finished with a smirk.
She jumped up, then pulled him off the bed. “You don’t like the way she does things, but you like what she stands for—or seems to.”
Rhen nodded.
“Maybe you shouldn’t worry about all that and come delve with us.”
“Yes. Definitely.” He smiled and kissed her again.
They met Ulecks and Aki down at the tavern and took the mining cart all the way to the edge of the explored territory in the alpine chamber. They walked from there and found the cave leading to the new chamber.
Rhen stopped when he reached the bottom and marveled. The crystals encasing the Hexawraith were vibrating, creating a near constant low-level hum, and the creatures inside were wiggling about.
“Well, this might be bad,” Rhen said to the others. “Totally forgot the Long Dark was imminent.”
Aki held up a tentacle to stop him. “Or it could be very interesting. We have an opportunity to observe the eco-chambers interacting.”
Jakira nodded. “For science.”
“I’m in,” Ulecks said.
The quartet dropped into stealth and made their way up to the gap in the rainforest chamber. The crystals encasing the Hexawraiths trembled faster and faster, so much that the sound of it nearly drowned out Rhen’s thoughts. Ahead, the gap was bright red, and the clashes of tree on tree could be heard above. They moved away from the gap and into a nook where they could observe the action.
A crack split the air and the closest crystal shattered. The dark pieces clattered to the ground and the Hexawraith dropped onto its legs. It shook off the chrysalis and moved to the red mossy pond beside it, then drank. The water filled it up until it was about half its normal girth.
Crystals all around the chamber were breaking, and the monsters scrambled on all six claws to get at the ponds for a drink. Then, it all went black. The red glow from the ponds highlighted the horrifying creatures in a way that would’ve struck fear into Rhen months ago, but with everything he’d seen, this was now intriguing to him.
When the Hexawraiths were full, they charged the gap in the wall. They flattened out and slipped between just as Rhen had as a giant squid, then whispered into the rainforest chamber to get their fill of wood.
“So cool,” Ulecks whispered when the last wraith had gone.
“Indeed. These ponds may contain nutrient rich food for the plants above.”
Rhen crept to the edge of one of the ponds. It was nearly empty, but he was able to scrape some of the red algae off the side and deposit it into a small vial from his side-pouch.
“We really need an alchemist,” Rhen said looking at the glowing plant in the glass tube.
He grabbed a bit of the shattered black crystal next and wrapped that in a bit of leather before storing it away. Water splashed against the rocks above and trickled down into the hex chamber. And then more, and more, until there was a waterfall streaming toward them.
“Maybe we should get out of here?” Jakira offered.
“Yep, good plan.”
They took off for the exit, hopping around broken crystals and half-empty ponds. Water was flowing in all around them from the alcoves, directing them until their path was blocked by a raging river. Aki’s tentacles flourished with yellow magic, prepared to move the flow from their path.
“No wait, you might disrupt the chamber’s eco-system!” Rhen stopped him, then looked around for another option.
There was a small, raised alcove to their left that seemed dry enough, and Rhen pointed them that way. Jakira crawled up first, her bone club ready to smash anything waiting for them on the other side. Then Ulecks, Aki, and Rhen climbed up into the small space.
It was a tunnel that led straight up, but not into the rainforest chamber. Blue light rippled over the ceiling far above, and web-like shadows cast over the walls. Had they just discovered another new chamber? Or was this a continuation of the hex chamber, another coexisting room?
“Well… shall we?” Rhen asked, pointing straight up.
The others shrugged in agreement, and they started the climb. Aki latched onto Rhen’s neck and “tossed” his water up to the landing above. It was difficult for him to maintain vertical ascension without some serious power behind it, or walls to creep the water between.
Rhen climbed easily, as it was one of his favored pastimes, and made it to the top before the others. He knelt in stealth at the top of the ledge and looked on in horror at the new chamber. It was a dark, rocky cavern full of six-legged spider-like monsters with enormous butts, and fangs to match. Rhen pulled his bow over his head and prepared to notch an anima arrow.
The creatures huddled over piles of blackened goop, shaping them into spires with the short mandibles. Two creatures worked on a single spire, caressing the viscous material into a flat, crystal-like shape. Inside the spire was a fat, red egg that thrummed like a heartbeat.
A high-pithed chittering turned Rhen’s attention skyward as one of the monstrosities dropped from the ceiling on a string of black silk. This wasn’t the welcome he was hoping for…
The spider creature plummeted toward Rhen, and there was only one thing he could do. He pulled his bow, aiming for the monster’s bulbous head. Aki slipped down his arm and held onto his fingers.
“Do not fire. Lower your weapon.”
“What? This thing is gonna kill us!” Rhen tried to wiggle his fingers free, but Aki held tight.
“It is afraid you will harm the babies. Lower your weapon, and it will not attack.”
Rhen had few options to retreat, other than back down the tunnel from whence he came, so he sidestepped the monsters’ dropping lunge. Rhen dismissed the arrow and locked his bow over his shoulder, then put himself up against the wall of the chamber next to the open pit.
“Rhen, what’s happening?” Jakira asked, nearly to the top.
“Just a friendly encounter with a giant spider monster that Aki doesn’t want me to kill!”
“Spider?” Ulecks cried. “I think I’ll stay down at the bottom and wait for the rain to stop.”
Aki pulled the water from the ground and summoned his body, holding his tentacles out to the creepy crawly that was nearly as tall as Rhen was. The monster didn’t advance, though. It chittered lowly and the nearby creatures who were shaping their crystals had stopped, watching for more action.
“It does not understand.” Aki reported.
“So, should I get my bow back out?”
“No. I am attempting a different method.” Aki got closer to the beast, his tentacles reaching.
“You’re not really gonna touch it, are you?”
“It is the only way I can be understood, and this beast can understand. It is very intelligent.”
Rhen blew out his cheeks and fingered the grips of his crescent blades, ready to slice off any grasping mandibles. Aki inched forward and the spider stood deathly still, it’s chittering unending except for a quick breath in. Then, his tentacle touched the monster’s many-eyed head.
The chittering stopped in an instant and the beast seemed to relax. The forelimbs drooped and its posture dropped closer to the cavern floor. The nearby spiders returned to shaping their crystals, apparently satisfied that the danger was over.
“I have explained that we are guardians of the dungeon, here to help it grow. The creature… it is just one creature, but it is one thought of a linked mind. This is very chaotic. I am struggling to follow the images.”
Aki’s water rained down out of his body as he concentrated. Rhen stepped forward to hold him up and the spider hissed. Rhen put his hands up, showing they were empty. Then, he slowly cradled his friend and supported him while he communicated.
“It shows me a great web of light, connected anima strings, and uses the idea goddess.”
“The Tree of Being maybe? Aki, could you channel my thoughts and images through your connection with this thing?”
“I will do my best.”
Jakira reached the top, looking at the trio in disgusted horror. “Is he touching it?”
“I am, and Rhen must touch it too. The connection will be stronger.”
Rhen sucked down a deep breath and inched closer. The spider flinched, making Rhen flinch, but then they connected. It was like a tsunami of images flowing in and through him, into Aki, and back into the spider. No, not spider, Hexmother. She was guarding the babies. The baby Hexawraiths who would sacrifice themselves to bring the water. The water flowed through the rainforest chamber and made the plants grow. It flowed through the dark chamber and fed the Hexmothers. It flowed down, deeper, to… to what? What was that?
Flashes of Rhen’s goddess fruit trip took over his mind, interrupting his view of the thing he couldn’t put to words, and the danger that lurked around it. Aki pulled the images of Rhen’s Tree of Being encounter to the surface, stamping out the Hexmother’s thoughts. Images flipped around and around; the string from his chest and into the dungeon, the string that connected the realms, the feeling of connection to everything, the bright light pulling him into the sky.
The flashes came faster and faster until the Hexmother pulled back. She danced from side to side, her chitter-click calling the others to her. Jakira raised her club menacingly, and the Hexmothers went aggro, raising their claw-tipped forelimbs.
“No, she won’t hurt us,” Rhen said. He knew in the deepest part of his being that this Hexmother was happy they were there, happy they were who they were, and ready to show them something incredible.
The Hexmothers grew in numbers, all of them dancing this same side-to-side sway as they chitter-clicked the same tune. Delicately, they lifted Rhen and Aki into their grip. They turned and trotted deeper into the cavern.
“Oh no, you’ve gotta be kidding me. Rhen! What if they’re going to eat you!” Jakira called as she barely kept pace beside the swift Hexmothers.
“They only drink the nutrient rich waters, and the soul-fruit.” Aki said.
“But what if they’re lying? Why if they’re super powerful cebrum mages and they’ve tricked you?”
The Hexmothers picked up the pace, leaving Jakira in their wake.
Rhen waved. “Then we’ll see you at respawn!”
- In Serial191 Chapters
This Used to be About Dungeons
This Used to be About Dungeons is a comfy slice-of-life adventuring story that occasionally features dungeons. Updates Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. Mostly it's about walking in the woods with a friend, looking for mushrooms to put in your soup, or haggling with the guy selling squash, or taking care of a neglected garden. It's putting some jam on shortbread biscuits. And yes, sometimes you go down into the dungeons with your friends, and you kill monsters there, or disarm traps, but when you come out, you realize you've found the perfect magic item to give to one of the local kids that helped you out when your cat was sick. Look, the dungeons are always going to be there, and sometimes you need to make a journey to one of the Spirit Gates, or make a pilgrimage with the local Cleric of Symmetry to a holy shrine. Your tour through the local dungeons can wait. You'll have rivalries with other groups, and find some dungeon eggs that need to be carefully incubated in case they turn out to be something valuable, and help a friend to build a fishing weir. There's a big world out there, a mostly tame place with lots of magic, and even more to do and see. Join me, won't you?The cover image is Morning Sunlight Effect, Eragny, by Camille Pissarro.
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