《THE JOURNEY》Chapter 4 the fourth day



“Is the magic cercal ready yet captain? We need to clam this forest for the empire for that we need the leader of the forest” [???]

“Not yet sir it’ll be a few moments” [???]

“Then get the sacrifice ready” [general?]

“Solder get the slave now” [captain]

“Nooo! Let me go” [???]

“Silence filthy slave” [solder]

“It’s a pity that such a beauty has to be the sacrifice” [captain]

“Quiet! Captain she needs to stay unused for this to work. Get her on the edge of the ring and take the collar off her. Mages start the chant solder kill her now” [general]

“Yes sir” [solder]

“Noooo!”[The slave girl]

I stood there and watched the monster girl get stabbed threw the stomach then fall to the ground like a broken puppet. Then I notice the ring glowing it looks like its working soon we will control more of this filthy land mass.

“What the? Where is this? Oh! Who did this to this lovely lady?”[man]

It looks like we summoned a human and not the forest boss. Oh well we will use him for the next try. Then I saw something amazing happen.

“Don’t worry ill heal this” [man]

“Who” [slave]

“Shh. I’m not going to hurt you” [man]

I watched as a white mist left his mouth and went in hers. Looking at the wound I see it healing at an incredible rate he might be worth selling to the emperor. She then got up and looked around then at the man.

“Thank you my new master” [slave]

“Go in the forest it’s safer there then here” [man]

“Quick don’t let her escape” [captain]

The men surround the two they already lost yet the man seems to be unfazed and ready to fight us he is a fool for thinking he can win.

“Hmm hey can you use a weapon?”[Man]

“Sorry I don’t know how” [slave]

“It’s alright I can send you to a safe spot” [man]

“Huh” [slave]

Then the man suddenly faces her then whispers something strange then, his eyes form a beam of light that hits her when the light dies down she’s not there. What the hell is he?


“Hey trash what happened to the slave?”[ captain]

“You will never find her.” [man]

He seems slightly annoyed, good maybe we can kill him.

“Bastard! Men kill this scum” [captain]

“Nope you’re dead” [man]

Then I see that when every one that moved to attack him he vanished. Then I see the captain standing there trying to speak then the wind blew and he started to fall apart. First his stomach fell open spilling his guts, then he fell forward and separated into three pieces. his legs, chest, and his head rolled off. Behind him is that man with dragon like claws he’s a monster, I need to kill him for the empire!

“Time to die you dammed monster!”[General]

“Nope it’s yours” [monster]

I felt something go through my stomach. I look down just to see a claw coming out and then darkness.


Ten Minutes Ago

I was walking with Lucia, Kalar, and Nyla when a dark wave of emotion towards the forest and me.

“Girls ill open the gate to {world home}”I said

The spell activated and a blue and white spinning vortex appeared.

“The gate is open” I said

“Why did you open the gate? Is something wrong?”[Lucia]

“Yes a dark brutal emotion towards both me and forest hit me a minute ago and it’s growing.” I said slightly scared

“Alright we’ll go through just go North West from here the clearing is there.” [Kalar]

“The wave came from the north.” I said

“An empire city is that way.” [the girls]

They said that while going through, the gate closed after Lucia entered. Then I started walking North West when I heard a voice. I realized it was Nyla talking.

“Hey Brandon we can see what you see.” [Nyla]

“So you can see what’s happing out here.” I said

“Yes we can looking through the windows we can see through your eyes.” [Lucia]

“Oh shit there’s a summoning ring under me.” I said

“Let’s see where we are going.” [girls]


After the light died down I looked around to see a girl dying in front of me.

“What the? Where is this? Oh! Who did this to this lovely lady?” I said

“A Kobold, what is she doing here?” [Lucia]

I’m going to save her, but I don’t have healing magic. Dragon breath type might work lets try mixing my life force with my breath should work lets give it a go.


New breath ability confirmed please name


Soul dragon’s mist

Name confirmed

Soul dragon’s mist

Life points are transferred to target, the injury of target determines the years you lose. Ability can upgrade.

So I use this she will heal but I lose years off my life.

“Don’t worry I’ll heal this.” I said

“Who?” [Kobold girl]

“Shh. I’m not going to hurt you.” I said.

She’s terrified, then again I’m not surprised ,because of what happened to her.

“{Soul dragon’s mist}” I whispered.

Then a white mist flowed out of my mouth and went in to the girl’s mouth. I brought my stats up to see how many years I lost.


Brandon Simonds


Human: Dragon: Rabbit:

High green elf
































Dragon Slayer, World Traveler, King of the Forest, King of the Drabits


Dragons form


Dragons breath


Air jump


Fire magic


Air magic


Light magic


Dark magic




All Language mastery


Earth magic


Infantine storage


Blood bath


Core eater


World home


Green magic

Novice 8/10

Soul dragon’s mist

Beginner 4/5

A thousand years were given to her.

“Thankyou my new master” [Kobold girl]

I was surprised that she said that then I looked around and saw twenty men dressed in Roman Empire like armor and ten in mage robes.

“Go in the forest it safer there then here” I said

“Quick don’t let her escape” [dead man 1]

We quickly got surrounded.

“Hmm hey can you use a weapon?” I asked.

“Sorry I don’t know how” [Kobold girl]

“It’s alright I can send you to a safe spot.” I said

“Huh” [kobold girl]

“{World home} target mode girls catch her” I whispered

“Ok” [girls]

I looked around and saw the legion officer was mad.

“Hey trash what happened to the slave?”[Dead man 1]

“You will never find her” I said slightly annoyed.

“Bastard! Men kill this scum” [dead man 1]

“Nope you’re dead” I said.

After I said that I dashed at him and turned my hands into dragon claws. I slashed two of my claws through him and looked at the blood on them, then I turned around just to see the man fall. Then I heard some one yell.

“Time to die you dammed monster!”[Dead man 2]

“Nope it’s yours” I said again.

While he was charging at me I dashed behind him and thrust my claw into his back. It went through his stomach then he stopped moving so I flung him aside, then I looked at the soldiers. I said,

“If you want to live to see tomorrow then run, if not you will die” I said

Then five mages and ten soldiers ran away. The rest attacked me, then I used { Soul dragon’s mist} in attack mode and saw them all age so fast they turned into dust then


Soul dragon’s mist has leveled up

Soul dragon’s mist

Advanced 10/100

Soul dragon’s mist has acquired life drain

“Hey girls, want to see if they had any thing good?” I said

“Yes” [girls]

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