《I am succubus' favorite food》college between two worlds


A few hours passed and already being far away from the place where the incident with the two girls happened

[21.9 kilometers - 2.1 kilometers remaining]

Arseny stretched and looked at the system, which showed the current status of the mission.

"Alone, but 2 kilometers is better to finish at once."

He ran away excited that this would be the last time to complete the mission.

Running in the direction of home, the fatigue building up in his body had disappeared.

Halfway there, the system notified him that the mission had been completed.

At that moment Arseny instantly stopped running looking at the system and feeling a sense of pride as his body relaxed and he almost collapsed to the ground.

[23.7 kilometers - 0.0 kilometers remaining]

[Mission completed]

"Ah, finally... no more missions for today."

[New mission available]

He let out a small chuckle, closing the system and ignoring the mission that had popped up without even reading what he would have to do.

"Not today... now it's time to eat."

Arseny breathed a sigh of relief and began walking calmly home.

"Mr. Arseny, sorry for the delay, are you ready to go?"

A silver-haired, silver-eyed man with the appearance of a 25-year-old, dressed in a white military suit with multiple insignia on the right side of his chest.

"Oh, so you are my guide?"

"Exactly Mr. Arseny, my name is Parky and I am an archangel who will lead you to the entrance of the Faculty Test between the two worlds."

Arseny suddenly began to feel weaker and soon realized why Parky was an archangel.

"What a terrible combination, a future demon of lust and an archangel... the guardian can only be someone from the human world... to make such a bad taste joke.


Parky the Archangel prostrated himself before Arseny with his head down, looking at the ground.

"There is no need to worry. I have knowledge of the race going on

in your body at that very moment. So I made sure to limit my powers as much as possible so as not to cause any problems."

"If he wasn't an archangel, this would be weird."

Arseny thought looking at the man in front of him.

Touching his sacred shoulder as if a needle was being stuck in his palm with a smile on his face to continue the good mood between the two Arseny spoke

"Please raise your head, a great archangel has no reason to lower his head for a simple student who has not studied a single day."

Arseny thought, "I don't know anything about this 'university', so the best I can do now is that I am no longer in control of my life, so I better choose the best option to be friends with the door that connects the two worlds."

"Of course, Mr. Arseny." The Archangel stood up, with a smile so bright it could blind a person, he walked towards Arseny's house so he could transport him to the university between two worlds.

Arriving at the front of the house being in front of the door.

He turned to Arseny when he realized that there was a barrier around Arseny's house, if there was a barrier, it would be impossible to get permission to enter without turning into a pile of archangel dust.

"Unfortunately we will have to take another way to get to the university between two worlds please give me your hand."

The Archangel reached out offering his hand to make a temporary contract "don't worry, that's only because the main gate is closed and it's my fault, I took too long, sorry" Parky said in a shaky voice.


"He's lying," thought Arseny as he saw the Archangel's hair start to darken "But now I can't do anything but accept."

"Don't worry, the student being late is a normal thing for me, okay? Parky" With no other choice, I shook Archangel's hand, finalizing the contract.

"Open the door" Parky's voice blew through the windows of the house where Arseny lived, two pairs of huge wings filled with white feathers that would be so white they differed from the clothes he wore.

The wings completely covered our bodies forming a sphere composed of feathers that rapidly increased to ten meters in height and three meters in diameter.

In an instant he shrugged his shoulders and pushed them both away.

Appearing in the midst of hundreds of girls and boys wearing a standard uniform, most of them did not understand at all what was happening. While the minority stood looking directly at the huge stage in front of us, we couldn't see what was on the stage because the red curtain covered it completely.

"Shut up" a powerful voice spread throughout the place causing a mental shock to eighty percent of the people making them faint.

"So that's what he meant by proof?"

I said curiously looking around. I could see that seven groups had already formed within moments of the shout echoing.

"Useless if they don't know. They don't even speak the language of the Demons. They never made it past their first year of school," said Sya, a tall, brown-haired young woman dressed in a red military outfit.

"Get the useless ones out of this place," said Sya with deep disgust choking in her throat.

A yellow sphere appeared floating in the air, spinning, sucked in all the passed out students and disappeared the same way it appeared.

A group of extremely excited boys spoke up.

"Man, what a beautiful woman."

"She could beat me if she wanted to"

"Miss Sya-sama, marry me!"


The group of five girls walked away from them.


"Better not talk to them. I might end up being hated again."

I said, looking away and trying not to get their attention.

"Ahhhh!" a loud scream echoed throughout the place, attracting everyone's attention.

"You decided to attack a lightning maker right away?"

"Luckily I'm a wind maker..."

"I'm glad I stopped talking to her..."

When I looked at the person who caught everyone's attention, I realized it was Milla. who let go of the boy's wrist who now had a third-degree burn

"Sorry for the delay. We already sent all the useless ones to the Archangels and now only those who deserve to study in the demonic world are here, we will begin the presentation."

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