《The Juveniles - Segment 1 (Completed)》Chapter 7 - Destiny (FINALE - PART 2)
At the front gate of the now empty residence of his home, a bright light flashes in the middle of the road, and one second passed, a person exits the bright light, stepping foot to the real world. Alo gazes at the house with remorse can still remember the police sirens rang at their front gate, closing his eyes.
He remembers how his uncle reacted to the bitter news, and Tati crying as she went back to her room in a tantrum. He remembered how he ran away from there and went on his own path, with hopes of being successful. Oh how wrong he was. He opens his eyes again, and takes a deep breath before going inside to search for his sister, or better yet her whereabouts.
But before that, he sees an old man staring at him stupefied by what happened.
"Is somebody there?", the teen kindly questions him. The old man shook his head as a speechless response. Alo nods a little as a sign of appreciation, then heads inside. He opens the front gate, hearing the tiny screech of the friction between two rusty metals.
For an abandoned house, the things were pretty organized. There are minor objects that fell down on the floor. THe bedsheets were scattered all over, and the windows are open, letting the wind inside her room. However those last two observations clearly speaks for itself; Tatiana was kidnapped in her sleep. While investigating, Alo accidentally steps on a picture frame. He stops for a moment and picks it up, taking a closer look.
The picture was him and his family back in the 1990s, they were in the middle of Osmena Boulevard, behind them was the famous Osmena Fountain, along with other people, having picnics on the grass. He thought of the simpler times, back when everybody lived in peace and not filled with gray buildings and polluted air. He sees his little self, acting all grumpy beside his happy-go-lucky little sister. Despite losing almost everything he has, it warms his heart for a little, but that moment will have to be cherished later on.
For he has a fat lard to rip open.
Alo removes the picture from its frame and keeps it inside his jacket. He turns to the garage, see if Basil left something useful for him to use against Keith.
The place was like the bedroom, intact. But Basil's bright red Hummer is stationed, waiting to be used. Unfortunately, the real owner couldn't make it, so he'll have to hijack it for his own use; Thank God for reckless driving. Observing the amount of dust on the outside, Basil wasn't able to clean it when he was away for America, yet he takes a peek inside.
The seats are clean and polished, some useless crap on the backseat along with cardboard boxes. He didn't care about the contents anyway, all he ever wanted to use was already within him. He tries to open the driver's seat but it's locked, presumably from a remote. Considering the little amount of time he has, finding the remote is not advisable. Instead, he takes a wire hanger, a screwdriver for later, and a piece of yarn from a shelf full of junk behind the car, and combines them as a makeshift "slim jim", a tool that is commonly used for carjacking, its small and has a high chance of breaking, including the car's locking mechanism, yet it's reliable once the person has the right timing and the perfect precision.
He opens the car and checks around the back, but to no avail, there wasn't any object that could help him. He checks the fuel gauge of the car, still enough to go for one more trip to the airport. But before that, he's curious once he caught his eye on the compartment, he hesitantly opens it, seeing a piece of paper. The scent was old but the texture was smooth. Probably because this is a high-quality paper. He takes a closer look, surprised to see his name on it.
A letter from Basil to him? Did he made this before he died? Or was this another person?
He opens the letter and definitely suspected the handwriting: It was his uncle's. It read:
This note's for you, boy. I'll start off with a confession. A confession I'm sure you'll regret meeting me in the first place. Years ago, I used to work with a man named Keith Schmidt. He's a liar, a cheater and a stone-cold killer. He killed your parents with the information he stole from me.
You could say I was also responsible for their deaths; and you're right. I'm also one of them. But that doesn't mean I'm not dying or leaving without leaving my mark. I want that sonuva' bitch dead, I want his dripping entrails hung all over Greece, to see that people like him will suffer the same.
I know this satisfy you as for me, but this is not for the both of us. It's for them. Especially for your family. I left a gift along the way. Make it count.
- Uncle Basil
He moves the note aside, uncovering a Snubnosed .44 revolver, with 6 bullets already loaded into it. With Keith's men armed to the teeth, its only fair he'll take it with him, holstering the gun behind his back. He moves below the steering wheel (the steering column), for a few minutes he managed to hotwire the steering column, drilling the lock-pins with his meat-hunks (hands) and powering the dash. He revs up the engine, rumbling with glee.
The vehicle breaks out from the garage door, causing slight damage to the hull. However, this is the part where he won't have second thoughts about this. Drifting and speeding around the streets, he drives to the airport, disobeying the speed limit, which he also accidentally knocked off.
A limousine parks at the drop-off area which is not allowed according to the airport's guidelines. A guard armed with a compact pistol sees the disobeyer and approaches the vehicle.
He couldn't see the guys behind the black glass which prevent from seeing who are the other people on the back seat, so he heads to the driver's seat. He then knocks politely on the thick window. The window slider lowers down, looking at one of the guys Alo beat up at the bar before. The two exchange shady glances before the officer decides to speak up.
"Sir, I'm gonna have to ask you to park somewhere else.", he warns him, his vision remains unfazed and on alert. The driver pretends in accidental surprise in response.
"Oh sure, lemme just - ", he goes to get something behind him and pulls out a gun in his hand, and without a second thought, pulled the trigger and blows the brain out of that poor guard. The body slumps on the car, but the driver kicks it away with disgust.
The sound of a mere gunshot triggered everyone's fight or flight response, and also alerting the nearby security on their current location.
The driver leans back to Keith, still wearing his suit from the rooftop and beside him is a quiet, yet mortified Tatiana, wearing a sleek gimp suit of all things, showing it off to the public all for Keith's entertainment. Well, not public per se, since it's starting to become a hostile ground, nobody has the guts to video when they are in this kind of danger. And pray to God those police officers better shoot accurately than Stormtroopers.
"Coast's clear, boss.", he grinned.
Hearing the clarification, Keith takes out his revolver and holds a leash connected to Tati, giving her a little strong tug to know who's in-charge. "Okay, out! Out! OUT!", the thugs grab their assault rifles and walk towards the airport along with their boss and their plaything. Once outside, Keith drags her around like a cargo bag, the suit barely protects her from scraping against the rough ground.
Two from the side area arrive and about to take position, when they are killed by Keith himself with his revolver. He turns to his heavily armed men, obviously they didn't catch that since they weren't actually ex-military, they were just a bunch of disgruntled men who forgot their training or just left the academy out of spite "Seriously? You all got the guns?! What am I even paying you for?!", he shakes his head in dismay, heading in first.
Behind them are 5 more units approaching them, but the soldier-goons dispatched them in coordination, eating Keith's words out of his mouth but the boss already went inside and like the goons they are, they catch up to him.
Three guards rush to the enemy and the two provide time for the last one to radio in behind a ceramic wall used for cover. Keith sees them and had no time to aim, so he pushes Tatiana down on the floor and crouches to get him some cover. Also the grunts entered the airport and finally did something that made Keith appreciate them; shooting everywhere else to strike fear and not give the enemy a chance to move out. Keith lets go of the leash and reloads his revolver with special rounds, what kind of special round specifically, it is unknown.
The third officer radioes in for reinforcements from any nearby police stations or any patrols heading to the airport.
"To any nearby units, requesting immediate back-up inside the airport! There are - ", he peeks over seeing over 10 men shooting at them and heads back to cover, " - 9 or 10 of them. Requesting back-up no - ", the order was cut short thanks to a bullet that pierced the ceramic wall.
Through the hole where the bullet came, Keith loaded his bullets with some kind of armor-piercing rounds for a revolver. The two guards are also dead by the hands of the goons.
Keith lazily holsters his gun and grabs the leash again, but he turns to his men. "You heard the dead man, let's get goin'!", they pick up the pace, hoping to get out with their heads, and their rewards, okay.
A group of security barricaded their way against the path towards the airfield via a catwalk, assuming the criminals are heading out of the country to escape and lay low. Their senses are heightened and prepare to engage the threat, but they weren't prepared for two metal balls dropping behind them. One guard saw it and jumps away, "GRENADE! - "
And just like that, the whole position was compromised, within the rubble and dust, the rest of the guards gather around and open fire at Keith's men. Fortunately, they were able to bring down two of the 10 men, but like the rest of the guards earlier, they are dispatched in return.
Keith sees his dead men and shrugs it off, "The lesser, the better. We're almost there, boys! We're gonna be home free!", the group left their corpses as they walk to the catwalk.
The group can see the airfield but not the jet itself, and immediately think inside their heads are their greedy dreams and fallacious fantasies that result in getting of the country, not noticing the situation they're in, and Keith is no exception. He thinks about living the life out of the grid, have women by his side, millions of boozes and everything man could ever dream of.
However, mid-way in the middle in the catwalk, one of the goons sees something in the distance and miliseconds after, backs off in shock, "CAR! - ", alas, the warning was late catching them off-guard and give Keith's group one hell of an instant karma.
The guy who yelled got hit by the front, full force, knocking him out of the catwalk then falls to his demise, splattering his skull out on the ground. Coincidentally, this is one of Keith's side-plans; to take all the money for himself. Keith and his men had a brief stare-off, before Keith mouthing 'Sorry' at them, pretending to be pitiful and be sorry for them. The fat lard turns back on his men, leaving them trapped between a burning debris and the entire Greek police force breathing down their necks.
One of them, at least with a logical sense, breaks the window on his left with the butt of the rifle, paving a new way for the other goons. But as he was about to jump out, from the off-screen, a burning windshield sliced the man in half sideways, his body slowly splits into two, spilling out slightly burnt internal organs like his intestines and his mouth gurgling blood.
His upper fell down on the bloody floor, though the lower half is dangling on the edge of the catwalk, dripping blood immensly.
The rest are down to 7 looking back at the burning car and what they are looking is right out of low-budget movie flick. A person exits the car via driver's seat, then stands tall and proper, his fists clenched tightly. Small area around his clothes are burning, eating the cloth away like a forest fire, along with his skin, charred but not too charred to see his skin tone.
One of the thugs got beat up by Alo, recognizes the blue jacket and his whole brain went gaga in fear. The teen takes a step forward, shaving off the burned pieces from his body. The rest them aimed their rifles but during their way here, they we're already empty, taking out their pistols instead. They fire potshots at him, though Alo has one last trick up his sleeves besides electro-gauntlets and an area of effect that shoots out bolts of thunder.
Before the bullets could even hit him, he manifests something from his fists and spreads his arms wide open, making the goons question what is literally happening. Between them is a big, bright blue electric barrier able to fry machines, projectiles and people alike. How he does it is similar to how Doctor Strange summons his portal and how Barik [Paladins: Champions of the Realm] deploys his own barrier.
"What...THE FUCK!?", the second goon couldn't believe what he was seeing, and continues to shoot mindlessly at the seemingly impenetrable forward shield. Much to their chagrin, the bullets didn't even come close into contact, deflecting them with tiny sparks, one bullet managed to ricochet to the shooter's arm, grunting in pain.
Alo raises his head a bit, glaring daggers at the three. "My turn...", he steps back and exerts a powerful punch to his shield to the enemies like an Earthbender. Just as the barrier passes the goons by, they're quickly electrocuted in their places, with the third and last one, the same goon who took Tatiana in her sleep, helplessly falls down on the floor, begging for mercy.
The teen walks up to him, looking down on him like some god that despises his creation. Alo crouches down to him, grabs his throat, and rips his voice box out, letting the goon scream like that one private in George Romero's 1983 'Day of the Dead', his girlish yet gruesome yell made the others shiver in fear and agony. Blood flew far within the catwalk, gushing out everywhere.
On the other hand, the two manage to resist the pain and takes out their own guns, aiming on Alo's head, then again, it failed as two arrows from nowhere went through their heads and chests. The bodies drop dead, killing all of Keith's men.
Alo glances at the shooter, only to be in gradual awe.
Johan waves casually at him, her appearance differs to her normal outfit. She has proper armor that covers her entire body because sleeveless to no armor only worsens the chance of survivability. Her quiver, arrows and her black longbow ominously glitches on and off, much like Alo's power, but its not standard neon-green from the Matrix, but neon-pink.
"Now you owe me, again.", she parkours her way to Keith and Tati, showing her enhanced agility.
Alo shakes his head furiously, back to his senses. "Damn it, Richard.", he moves out again, following her.
They are now outside on the runway. "There he is!", Johan points out on the far side of the airfield is a private jet waiting, and along with it, is Keith and Tatiana heading there with the former now in a panicking state.
Alo gazes at Tatiana, wearing a gimp suit. His eye twitches violently and turns to a nearby truck. "C'mon! I'll drive!", Johan nods in return and follows him.
The driver was covering down for his life, hearing several gunshots and explosions for the past several minutes. The driver door was providing him some cover before someone rips it out with ease. He jolts up to see the intruder, only to find two teenagers.
"Keys.", the driver tosses the keys to the young man and pushes them aside, now running away to the opposite direction. Johan goes to the front seat whilst Alo revs the truck and races to Keith.
Meanwhile Keith is sweating hard, carrying whatever he can with his bare hands. He didn't care the bag was open thus leaving a trail of US Dollars in his path. As for the slave, well, she will be dealt with once this all blows over. He can now see the jet and a timid gleam on his face, before hearing what it seems to be a kind of vehicle.
He glanced behind him, "Ah, fucking kids!", he curses and drops the money and the leash connecting to Tatiana, pulls out his revolver and fire desperately at the truck, as long as it hits one of them.
One of the bullets hit the tire slowly losing air over time, however the two teens already perceived this and got out of the truck. Johan turns to Alo. "I'll go get Tatiana! It's all on you!", she said before shifting directions.
Alo locks onto Keith and runs superbly fast, (though not as fast as Usain Bolt) almost reaching the jet. Keith holsters his gun and climbs the rail of the jet and heads inside, and immediately close the only door for him to enter. The jet gets ready for take off, moving forward to gain some speed.
Alo yells, "LITTLE HELP?!", still running to the jet. Johan looks at the plane already taking off, but the fat lard won't be getting away that easy. She takes an arrow from her quiver, and carefully aims at the left jet engine. The arrow is glitching bright pink, foreshadowing a secret payload. Holding her breath, she releases the arrow and landed right where she wanted it to be.
"Take us outta here now! - ", Keith pants heavily between his words, just closed the entrance, feeling safe and comfortable.
"I - I can't!", the pilot tries to stabilize the vehicle, though it's flying, they will crash one way or the other.
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU CAN'T?!?", Keith exclaimed in rage. He moves his eyes over to the gauges and the control panel, all blinking madly for no reason. This is hopeless, everything was ready for him. Yet the sheer incompetence of his men, the brat that returned for revenge and his insatiate ego for wealth and women.
Suddenly, a loud thud can be heard inside the jet. The fat lard and the pilot went silent, with the former going back to the passenger cabin.
Keith opens the door to the cabin, when suddenly Alo busts in, closing the door behind him from the air pressure. Keith growls in anger heads to a shelf, displaying several golden, yet rather sturdy trophies. Alo ganders at his weapons and scoffs at it, then summons his electric gauntlets, surprising Keith in the process. However, the troublemaker won't open his mouth, possibly thinking multiplie ways to kill him gruesomely.
"Nice trick, brat...now get off MY FUCKING JET! RRAGGH!", he charges at him full speed.
Just a few inches away, from him, Alo sidesteps casually and uses his left foot to trip him down, causing him to fall, but the weight of Keith pushes the jet downward right away, losing his balance.
Keith gets up rather quickly and bashes Alo with the trophies in succession, but Alo hits back with a sharp kick in the gut, followed by Keith's vomit, which is probably full of digested food. Lucklily Alo dodges it and pushes Keith towards his own vomit. The teen gets up and takes a step back, still feeling dizzy by the fat lard's petty hits.
The fat lard gets up again, taking advantage of Alo's recovery break, he drops the trophies, grabs him by the collar of his burned jacket and leads to the exit door, getting rid of him while he still has the chance. Keith grabs the lever and takes a last close look of his beaten up face.
"It's just business, kid.", and finally opens the door, letting the air suck everything inside the bizjet, Keith was just about to let go, when Alo shocks him with his gauntlets, more powerful than a tesla coil.
Shivering from the pain, the fat lard accidentally closes the door behind them, letting the air inside the jet again go to normal. And due to the extreme volts coursing through his entire system, he falls down dramatically, this time the jet went down slightly.
Alo stands over the boss, powering down his shock gloves to small amount. He kneels on top of him and tightens his fist, raising up high.
"This is for him.", he begins to punch him repeatedly, applying a little shock to quicken his death. Each blow of his fist generates a spark, mixed with blood. Until the sparks became cracks, as Alo screamed with such indignation, Keith's very own head was about to crack open. Yet he stopped punching, lifting his heavy body, holding it upwards. One hand is holding his belly, the other on his chest.
With one last surge of his power, he electrocutes the boss, and slowly rips his entire body in half, cooking his fresh fatty innards like overcooked fried chicken, Keith's eyeballs exploded into pieces in a comedic fashion. This went for a minute, the teen relishing on his kill.
After that, Alo has finally avenged his family, all that's left is crispy human bits and piles of dust. He's coated with human blood, not one spot has been left unstained. He pants heavily, dropping what's on his hands, then head to the cockpit.
Unfortunately, he sees the pilot has been also killed in action, presumably he made contact with the controls, which are full of circuitry. The body is slumped forwards, blood dripping from his ears, his eyes and on his mouth.
He can drive a car, but not an airplane. He quietly left the cockpit and walks back to the cabin.
He finds a comfortable seat, looking out on the window, he can see the nearby airport paired with several buildings nearby. Alo remembers Richard's quote about not taking any revenge and how it will soon backfire upon him. Guess he was right.
Alo glances at an adjacent seat, a kid sitting on the other side, wearing the same clothes as he is before, during his flight to Greece. The kid glances at him dead in the eye for a moment, hinting on what he has done.
"Man, you suck.", the kid jeerly said to him, before everything went pitch black.
Alo opens his eyes, in sync with a strange church bell, finding himself right in front of a wooden door. His vision was all hazy and dream-like, he looked behind him and what he saw was breathtaking.
He's on top of a small hill, overlooking a small village, built by hay, strong wood and cobblestones, similar to the huts within the Middle Ages where peasants house themselves away from the rich kingdom, though he sees nobody around, not even a child. Regardless, this view eases his pain before, thinking he's in heaven. But personally, he didn't deserve to be here, no. He's a person who also committed crimes for the sake of forgetting the bad memories and he should be with Keith by now, roasting with his pig-like structure.
Behind him is a woman singing "Our Father" in an angelic voice. Alo holds the door knob tightly and opens it, going inside to meet the woman.
"Give us this day, our daily bread ~,", Alo stares at a nun, kneeling down on the floor, her palms clasped lightly. She prays in front of a giant cross made out of oak, and colored glass, mainly blue, yellow, green and white reflecting the light against the back of the cross, looking as if it was sacred, because it is. The interior is a mix of Gothic, Byzantine and mostly Roman design. He walks cautiously, looking at the empty pews and the rather ominous columns, probably hiding something.
" ~ And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil ~ ", her song stopped and gets back on her feet slowly. Alo stops in his track and wait for her to notice his presence.
She slowly twists her body and smiles at him, "Ahh, it's you. Welcome back." Her eyes are bright blue, her face is radiantly, her innocent smile made Alo nervous and thinking what to say properly at a beautiful nun.
Alo looks both ways with only his eyes, then chuckles nervously. "Sorry, I don't think we've met - who are you?"
The young nun kept smiling, "It's alright, I'm Julieza. The prioress of this small monastery." she bows only with her head to him, "Pleased to meet you.", then raises her head back up. "You can call me Julieza or sister, but I'd rather not go for formalities. Come, I'll go make ourselves some tea."
Alo, doesn't know where the hell he is, and definitely doesn't know the strange person, yet he complies as he feels this relieving aura around, he feels safe and protected. The two head around the back, going to the kitchen.
The kitchen is simple and purely made of wood and cobblestones with finely-made interior designs. On a far wall, a small wooden crucifix is hanged, like every house in their dining room to say their thanks to the Lord. He simply sits down, hearing the teapot and pouring of the glass behind him. Seconds later, she appeared holding two teacups, though they weren't as glossy and shiny like the upperclasses.
Alo sips a cup of tea, and is amazed by the flavor. "That's...pretty good."
"Compared to your "alcohol", yes?", she also sips her cup of tea.
Alo is interrupted by her assumption, instantly figuring it out probably because he looks like he's seen some stuff. "Y-Yeah...I guess you could say that. How did you know?",
Julieza lays her cup on the table. "Let's say a certain man was rather too happy in sharing his experiences. You obviously knew him."
"Mh-hm.", she nods again, "He always come here to pray and meditate, but now that you're here, he comes in rarely."
There was a small pause, the teen hesitating to know, "Is that a bad thing?".
Instead, she laughs joyfully, "No! Not even that bad!," then her laughter died down, "In fact, I am happy for both of you. The good doctor has finally set his first step in achieving his goal, and you, who has finally learned his lesson about revenge."
That's right. He remembered his last moments were crashing down nearby the airfield. Alo looks down in regret, realizing his fate, "I died, did I?".
Julieza nods grimaced for his noble yet barbaric actions, like ripping off Keith into two and deep-frying him, "Sadly, yes, but your body is still intact. What I'm talking to as of now, is your soul, which the crystal miraculously saved.", she replies with hope at the end.", there was a short silence, before narrowing his eyes at the nun. "I'm sensing a 'but' here.",
Julieza adjusts her sitting position in a more solemn-like pose, "Yes. We need to talk about your destiny. Not as a simple person, but as a Juvenile.", that word made Alo scratch his head in his head. 'Juvenile'? What does she mean by that? Isn't this a church with a relaxing atmosphere? Or what she just said was a figure of speech?
Alo leans, putting his left elbow on the table, "Juvenile? You think being a criminal is my destiny?", the nun abruptly flinches back in shock and tries to correct her previous statement. "No! I mean, the other meaning, what Ralph said. Argh, something about being young and free, while shunned by society. I don't know why he called that."
Yes. It was definitely a figure of speech. Alo smirks it off confidently, "Ooh, that one. Meh, I kinda like first one, but sure."
Julieza lets out a sigh of relief, "Anyway, I'm giving you another chance to live. This might be longer than the last one, but you have to promise me you won't get to any fights again.", her demeanor became mother-esque.
Alo raises his left hand, trying to convince her in a less surrending way. "Swear to God."
Julieza takes a moment to think on what Alo just did, about to reply but chooses not to, "Okay, let's go back to the church."
Once there, Julieza takes out a normal chalk and drew a pentagram, the smooth tiles made it easier for her to draw the symbol quite perfectly, but it's far from complete. Alo steps on the pentagram carefully as to not break the spell all because of a small smudge of his boot. He observes this pentagram has a different feeling compared to the real-life versions, which is used for mainly in satanic rituals or pagan religion that involves sacrifice. Well, in hindsight, all religions have some sacrifice written on to it.
He glances at Julieza, "Are you sure this is going to bring me back?",
Julieza takes a few steps back and aligns herself at the giant cross. Now she, the cross and Alo are in one straight line. "Yes, but I want you to have faith in this."
Alo clearly doesn't have faith, he might as well turn into ashes or drag his soul to the other side. That works for everyone. "Right ~ . Right.", he follows it with a sarcastic smile. Julieza casts a spell and a bright light portal begin to open above Alo. The rays shoots out, hitting the old, giant cross and glows incandescent like the rays, the choirs of angels sung in melody while Alo is dragged atop in grace.
"Ooh, and don't forget to tell Richard, "The keys now belong to him. That is all!", she waves at Alo goodbye, as he returns down back to the real world.
Once that's done, she smiles again. "My, they've grown.", behind her are two unknown individuals. Both of them are male, however, they have distinct outfits. The one on the left wears some kind of Old-Western outfit, complete with the cowboy hat and the brown leather boots, compared to the right guy, wearing the same lab coat as Richard's albeit much more cleaner and well-maintained, his hands were behind his back so it is unknown whether he has the same black gloves as the eccentric doctor or not.
"ALO?! ALO?!"
Alo hazily wakes up. His hearing and other sense are not working in peak condition considering he has seemingly resurrected from the dead by a kind nun. He can hear Johan and Tatiana's voices, calling out to him. Alo slowly grabs a piece of debris from the plane, and throws it at a random direction. After a few seconds the debris he threw hit something metallic together with a sharp shriek in pain.
Seconds later, he sees a familiar silhouette, "He's over here!", hearing Johan's muffled voice through his numbed ear drums. Another figure walk upon him, although, she's rubbing her head from an unknown projectile that flew right at her. Tatiana and Johan traverse their way to Alo, tending to his badly wounded body.
"C'mon, I'll grab his arms.", her voice became much clearer, staying close to him and holds both of his broad shoudlers, while his sister grabs his ankles, he can feel his body being moved away from the debris. Johan preps herself, "Alright. On three. One. Two. THREE!", then a sharp pain rushed all over Alo's structure, shouting at the top of his lungs as an effect, though it might feel better later on. Probably.
They pulled him out of the small tight spot and they carried him Human-Crutch style; for the conscious victim, this carry allows the victim to swing their leg using the rescuers as a pair of crutches. For the unconscious victim, it is a quick and easy way to move a victim out of immediate danger.
"Christ. I literally died back there.", he grunts in pain after that. But Johan, didn't know he did died, takes it less seriously. "No shit. The cops are coming any second, we have to lay low before we leave this country."
The little sister has a proper idea, "Nobody hasn't been into our house since the last two days. I say we head there.", the three escape the law enforcement and eventually exit the airport undetected.
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8 119 - In Serial19 Chapters
Ronin: The Dark Huntsman (An Isekai Progression LitRPG)
Chains of ice, the crown of kings,Evil shall emerge from the broken wingsBrilliance may lead to downfall, Darkness might bring respite Because not every salvation, Is found within the light —Prophecy of the Blind Sage, Excerpt VII, The Grey Book A pleasant and comfortable life, peace, good-hearted people, and a loving job are things that Rudolph didn't get. Feel pity for him? I hope not. Because he gets something much better. What did he get? Umm, he nearly got drowned upon getting teleported to another world. The twenty-two-year-old software engineer had enough with his life when a mysterious encounter resulted in him teleporting into a world far away. A world under the influence of soul archives, also known as the system to the mundane. His whole life is changed when he is introduced to a world of unlimited possibilities. He gets to explore the whole world and meet new races and befriend people Eat food he had only dreamt of Get a system with class, levels, professions, bloodlines, and whatnot. Fight and kill the monsters, he had only dreamt of. Not enough stakes? How about all of the above while fighting and interacting with gods, evil cults, monstrous beasts, and dragons? The prophecy about the birth of an evil being? And a considerable chance of losing sanity due to his newfound powers? Sounds plausibly dangerous. No? ---------------------------------- Tags: Western Fantasy, Adventure, Action, Progression Fantasy. Release rate: 5 chapters/week The author and the MC aren't Chinese. ----------------------------------- If you feel hating it early on, give it a try nonetheless. Who knows you might fall in love with it. Criticism is highly appreciated. And so are reviews. If you see any mistake, mention it in the comments. It will help me to elevate my work up a notch. I apologize in advance for any typos and grammar issues for I am not a native English speaker.
8 179 - In Serial9 Chapters
Rising of the shield hero: the fifth forgotten hero
This is my rising of the shield hero fan story. What if a forgotten hero was summoned along with the 4 cardinal heroes. This hero was often forgotten due to him being very mysterious and creative, staying under the radar as much as possible. What will be this hero's fate will he fall for the stereotype or will he be different and will be aknowledged by the world? read to find out!!!(DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT OWN ANY ART USED IN THIS STORY NOR DO I OWN TEAM FORTRESS 2 OR THE RISING OF THE SHIELD HERO
8 179 - In Serial12 Chapters
Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted (Vitaly X Neko! Female Human! Reader)
(Based off of the "Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted" movie.) 19 year old (Name) (Last Name), a half neko and half human girl has been on two crazy adventures with the gang while going to Monte Carlo to get the penguins and chimps to take them back to New York City when they plane crash in a train yard and meet circus animals who help them escape from French animal-control officer Capitaine Chantel DuBois who is after Alex. (Name) eventually meets Vitaly, a grumpy Russian tiger who seems to try to trust (Name) and the Zoo animal gang until Chantel DuBois captures the Zoo animal gang in order to hang Alex's head on her wall. Will (Name) and Vitaly tell each other how they feel or will it be too late?
8 140