《The Juveniles - Segment 1 (Completed)》Chapter 2 - Begin
Alo opens his eyes to find himself in a white room similar to where Alice woke up in a white room in Resident Evil, he wears the same clothes from the meeting with Richard, but confused and has millions of questions in mind. His hand slides on the clean foamy wall, wondering if he's in one of the mental asylums. He circles around the room, checking for exits and secret passages.
"Don't bother trying.", a voice creeped up behind him. Alo looks behind and sees Richard, only this time, his body structure is frail and weak, he wears the same lab coat with his hands inserted in his pockets, his face now old and wrinkled.
"Richard? Where am I?", the teen asks with slight concern. The doctor merely glances elsewhere.
"I...don't know. I call this "The Scape", mainly because of how weird it is, but because someone can envision their surroundings based on their emotions. In other words, you are still doubting yourself on our deal.", Alo clicks his tongue in disagreement as a silent response. "...Do me a favor, look at your hands. Describe what you see."
Alo extends his arms down, his palms facing the floor. He squints his eyes to see blue veins pulsating inside, glowing faintly, "What...The...FUCK?! What did you do to me?! -", he yells at Richard.
"I said describe, not complain!", Richard retorted, putting Alo in place in the meantime, which the teen murmured some stupid shit before coming to his senses again.
Alo looks back at his hands again, "There's...blue...veins all over me. It's glowing...", while he is panicking, Richard takes out a small filer and to gently grind down the edges of his normal nails casually, followed by a "Mh-hm, like my hand before?",
"Yeah, like yours."
Richard stopped grinding his nails and place the nail filer inside his pocket and watch as Alo keep staring at his body. "What else? What do you feel now? Besides the amount of awe.", Alo feels warm inside and seemingly fine; he doesn't feel the gallons of alcohol coursing through him, he doesn't feel the inflammation of his constant smoking within his lungs or his exhausted scrotum from too much fucking. No, this feels weird in a good way, as he is cured from all the diseases and infections he may or may not have known.
"I'm fine.", with that reply, Richard clasps his hands together and inhales deeply.
"YES! YES! YESSSSSSSSSSS!", followed by jovial laughter, "Oh God, I was right! I was right!", he screams to himself, puzzling Alo. "Sorry, I got carried away. Anyway, the reason why I'm happy right now, is you're now part of the team!"
"The team? This was your project the whole time? To make a team?", the teen tries to figure out Richard's cryptic statements.
Richard walks to Alo, now proud of him. "Yes! And since it accepts you, I may as well tell you everything. But first, -", he raises his right hand. " - wake up." And snaps with his middle finger and his thumb.
INT. BEDROOM - ??? - JULY 17, 2019
The teen opens his eyes again, this time in a white room, but filled with minimal decorations like a mirror, a desk, an empty bookshelf and a large wardrobe. Adjacent to his bed is a large sliding glass door, showing large pine trees, presumbly a tiny forest in the middle of Greece. Hold on, Alo lives in Athens, the capital of Greece, it's mostly cities not trees. He gets up on his feet and exits the room.
Guess I'm not in Greece anymore
The teen slowly steps foot in the hallway, the glass floor feels cold and the air conditioners hum in monotonous. Next to his room are several other doors, leading to God knows where but in his view, just a bunch of empty rooms. A detail he almost forgot is the doors, including his, have some sort of card-scanning system built a few inches above the metallic and stylish doorknob. He looks both ways; the end of the hallway behind him is a glass wall still showing the forest, and in front, an elevator.
As he takes a step forward, an off-screen static noise alerts him, "What the - ",
"- Hey! You finally made it out without breaking anything! Good job! Now, before you try anything, I'd rather go down to the 2nd Floor and make some breakfast for yourself. Then we'll talk.", Richard's voice can be heard through an intercom at the center of the hallway.
Alo continues to saunter at the elevator, "So, this your place?"
"Nah, I'm more like the ONLY tenant here. Well, besides...them, but lemme give you a brief history on where you are right now.", Alo presses the down button, then the elevator doors open with a "DING!".
"Alright, shoot.", he says as the doors close back.
"Okay so, we're in our Headquarters here at West Virginia, USA. This place was owned by Mr. Ralph Branzuela, a former Area 51 employee that made incredible inventions during his time. He decided to retire because of how the government was treating him, and how they abused his technology *cough Roswell Project *cough. Anyway, on August 12, 1947, back when I was your age - actually I was 8 years old, when Ralph made a really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, REALLY, big mansion. It was just like you imagined.", Richard stated.
The elevator doors open, arriving at the 2nd Floor, Alo's eyes were blessed with an organized home; a living room with comfortable sofa, a flat-screen TV, different video game consoles, with a small shelf for game cartridges. The kitchen is much like any other kitchen but with high-tech cooking tools, the refrigator has a meter that shows how much capacity is it holding inside, which is plentiful. The utensils are in their proper places and his favorite; a case full of beer is placed on the table conveniently for him.
"Which is?"
"Wood, Old, and obviously smells like rat feces.", Richard replied. Alo opens the refrigerator, picking up a tray of fresh eggs with a jar of mayonnaise, then closes it behind him with his butt. "Fortunately, he knew the problems and hired a team of fellow scientists with construction workers to fix everything, down to the last cranny. And those improvements are the ones you are seeing right now."
Alo nods in approval of the owner who made this, he must be really rich. "Then what happened to them and the owner?", There was an ominous silence between them, before the voice intercom acts up.
"They...passed away. The owner, in turn for the professionals that helped him, rewarded them with refuge and funds for their personal lives. However, he expected them to leave, yet the professionals felt bad and chose to stay as the owner shared his tragic story along what's his purpose to build and upgrade his mansion. A mansion, mind you, had no purpose. Until I, the last of the professionals, came up with one."
Alo takes a bowl and cracks 3 eggs, and mixes them with a simple fork, "Uh-huh, quick quesh, though. If you were 8 years old in 1947, how the hell are you still alive back there?", he transfers the mixed eggs into a pan and turns on the stove, cooking it in a stable temperature.
"Remember my crystallized hands you were scared about? It's a special kind of crystal that decreases the aging process of a living organism, be it plant, animal, human, or unknowingly, alien species.", This made Alo laughing his ass off, whilst opening the jar of mayo and poured a tablespoon on the cooking scrambled egg, then mixes them altogether. "HAHAHAHA! Yeah right, and I'm an overpowered God who can bend time and space at will. You think I'd fall for that crap? Science hasn't been THAT crazy ever since engineers made drones that only carry small packages to somebody else's door, only to find a bunch of dildos ordered from Lazada as a mistake."
"Uhh, your first statement was half accurate. The crystal accepted you because you are 'worthy' to harness its power. Depending on your abilities, of course. In your case, it's close-quarters-combat with tons of endurance.", Alo is now again, confuzzled by Richard's science-y talk. He flips the scrambled mayo-egg around and looks at the intercom.
"So you're saying that the crystal also gave me superpowers?", he bluntly inquired him. Richard's reply was a low chuckle. "Took you long enough.", Alo looks again at his palms, the blue veins reached at the tips of his fingers in surprise and amazement.
"No. Way."
"Yes. Way."
Alo takes a closer look at his fingers like Tobey Maguire got his first climbing ability as Spider-Man, only Alo's fingers emit sparks of electricity instead of hairs.
"Although that power belongs to you, I'm preeeetty sure you don't have the skills for it. Not that I'm saying you're weak, just lack focus.", Alo stares at the intercom again, a bit insulted.
"What? I'm like totally focus right now!", he complained, but smells something burning inside. He looks to the scrambled egg, on fire and overcooked. He takes out his shirt and wraps around the grip of the frying pan, turns on the sink and pour cold water on the burning breakfast. After that minor accident, Alo pants heavily while Richard laughs in the intercom.
"You were saying?", the doctor continues to laugh, but Alo shakes his head dismissively, walking back to the fridge and cooks another batch of scrambled eggs. "Feel free to roam around the mansion, but don't go outside yet, I still haven't discussed to you about the ground rules and our main mission. The place may be yours, but we can't have any outsiders breaking in."
Alo, after eating breakfast is now sitting on the couch, playing the 1992 version of Mortal Kombat, playing as Scorpion against a Johnny Cage, controlled by none other than Richard. "So lemme get this straight, you are technically, "dead" because you passed the crystal to me earlier, and now you're an A.I watching me like a creep.", he does a series of combos but Richard blocks all of them, letting the teen snarl.
"Alo, I have many contigencies, one of which is becoming a "creepy" A.I, though I must say, that crystal has been with me through thick and thin, now its your responsibility to guard it, or better yet, use it for good. That's Rule Number 1: Don't use your powers for your own personal gain. You can be Johnny Cage, but you can't be Scorpion.", Richard's character does an ultimate against Scorpion, killing Alo's character in a gory fashion.
"Oh, COME ON!", Alo throws the controller on the floor aside. The Johnny Cage character slowly looks at Alo, breaking it's normal programming, "NEXT GAME!"
Alo is now playing Resident Evil 2, not the reboot. Currently, he's controlling Leon as he kills several zombies with a handgun and a trusty knife. "Rule Number 2: Keep our agendas a secret."
"Uhh, do we even have an agenda?", Alo attempts to clarify Richard's rule.
"Yes, although it's rather noble and clearly dull. You'll probably make fun of it."
Alo continues through the game, "So? Say it.", Richard sighs in the intercom, "Our main objective is to save this planet from all kinds of threats; global and intergalatical. Earth is filled with corrupt governments, pollution, and a young albeit dumbed-down, cancerous generation, but it's our home nonetheless."
"By definition of 'we', you mean it's just me?", the A.I scoffs at Alo's assumption. "There are others like you; Broken pasts, no sense of hope, and sometimes, barely alive.", a zombie tries to eat Leon but, dodges by sidestepping and busts it's brains out. "The crystal can mitigate all that. If they got what it takes to fight for a good cause."
Mr.X abruptly busts out of the wall, making Alo jump a bit and shoots all of his ammo at the mutant, however, it was all for naught. Leon ran back to hide from the Mr.X in hopes of not getting pummeled to death. "Yet if you were to personally ask me what am I looking for? It's an old artifact dated back in Ancient Egypt called "The Eye". The Germans excavated it and delivered it to Hitler in World War 2, but the Fuhrer, at his last moments, was rumored to be possessed by a soul of a ferocious god. Thankfully, Ralph killed him and took it here to secure it indefinitely."
Leon grabs a rocket launcher from a humvee and aims at Mr. X, closing in to Leon. "I take it didn't go so well for him?"
"The Eye was strong. Too strong.", Leon fires at the mutant, covering him in a giant explosion. Despite all that, the mutant presses on, unfazed by the fire and the immense damage Leon caused. Mr. X grabs Leon and slams him down on the ground. "It overpowered him, and soon vanished without a trace.", The mutant throws Leon to a wall, his health bar is now 5% before the game is over. "The Eye is out there, somewhere. And if it picks the right host, I can only think of the extinction of our world...and others if that were the case.", Mr. X grabs Leon by the neck and chokes the rookie officer, until the health bar reaches to 0, ending with a loading screen to go back to a previous save.
Alo shuts down the TV and stretches his back and lies down the couch, his arm placed on his forehead, "I can't believe I signed up for this..."
"I get that feeling too, looking back at your previous life, you were a lost sheep. You lost your life there, but in here. You can start over and become something more. Need a good reputation amongst your peers in Greece and the world? Sure. Reunite with Tatiana and Basil? You got it. Avenging your parents?", there was a pause, knowing Alo is listening.
" - Revenge is a sweet feeling, but the old law about an eye for an eye leaves everybody blind.", then only silence remained within the floor.
"Your real training begins tomorrow, I have prepared fake IDs, clean clothes, money, shampoo bottles and some soaps. We have a state-of-art generator so you wouldn't have to worry on wasting the electric bill. If you have any questions, you can ask me anytime. See you around.", the intercom shuts down, leaving Alo alone in his new home.
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