《Kaleidoscope Book 2: Moon Has Fallen》Chapter Three: Harsh Morning


Chapter Three: Harsh Morning ~ Marie ~

Marie stepped into the bookstore and headed to the back. It wasn’t on her list of errands but since she was passing by she might as well stop and take a quick peek. Checking whenever she had a chance was something she often did since the bookstore didn’t hold onto books for long. Marie browsed the collection but nothing stood out to her. She checked at the cash register but there was nothing on hold for her either. Marie took one last look around before she went on to her actual errand.

The small grocery store nearby wasn’t packed. It was easy to quickly grab what she wanted and head to the cash register especially since she just needed a few things for her trip. She always tried to pack light but these items were necessary. Since she didn’t know what her situation over there would be like, it was better to provide her own and not use them, than to go and not have any. Now she just needed to pack for tomorrow.

She waited for a couple of cars to pass before she crossed the street. Marie looked both ways before she turned her attention to the front of her house. Someone waited on her front steps. Another case? Since her current case was light, she might be able to juggle two cases at once.

Mark stood up and waved. He smiled as he waved at her. It wasn’t likely he was here for help. Adrian wouldn’t want her interfering in his business again. What was the boy here for then? Marie strode across the sidewalk and up the steps.

“Was this a bad time?” His smile wilted a little as he stepped to the side.

“Did something happen?”

“No. I just wanted to come over.” She opened the door and held it for him. He went in and sat on the couch. Marie closed the door behind her before joining him in the living room. He’d been a prisoner here. Why would he want to come back? Mark straightened up as his eyes turned solemn. “If it wasn’t for you, I wouldn’t be alive right now. If there’s anything I can do for you then I want to do it.” Adrian must have explained what had happened that night since the boy hadn’t been conscious for most of it. He was sincere about helping her but she didn’t save him so that he could owe her.

“I was only doing my job.”

“I still want to repay you.” She stared at him. If she told him no, he would just leave. Then again there were some loose ends with his case. If he stuck around, she might get them solved. The only problem was that Adrian might come over too.

“I don’t really need anything.” Mark nodded as his shoulders drooped. “But you can do what you did before and clean whenever you have the chance.” He instantly perked up and smiled. It should be fine. Mark probably wouldn’t come over that often anyway.

“I’m free right now.”

“Go ahead.” The boy jumped up and went to the closet. She grabbed her bag and took it upstairs with her. Might as well get started on her packing while he cleaned downstairs.

Marie threw the bag on the bed as she knelt down. She only kept a couple of things under her bed so it didn’t take long for her to find what she was searching for. Marie dragged her duffle bag out from under the bed and cleaned it with magic before she stood up and threw it on the bed. She opened it up and went to the dresser where she proceeded to pull out a couple of pairs of jeans, t-shirts and underwear. Marie put them on the bed next to the bag before going over to the closet.


Dresses were pushed to the side as she looked through them, one by one. Marie didn’t buy dresses often and the ones she did buy were ones she could use for multiple occasions. Still, since this was a wedding there were certain things that wouldn’t look right or were wrong for the occasion. She’d read a book on weddings to make sure that she wasn’t going to break any etiquette rules. Marie scrutinized each dress until she finally found one that fit her needs towards the back of the closet and took it out. It was a simple black dress with a white sash and white straps. She had bought it a year ago, just in case she ever had to go to a formal event. Marie knelt and picked up a pair of simple black shoes. She took them to the bed and put them both in her duffle bag. Marie shoved the rest of her clothes on top. Any wrinkles could be fixed later with magic.

Marie took out the items she had bought at the convenience store and dropped them in the bag. Coffee, a smaller bottle of the pills she normally carried, and a pencil and small notepad sat on top of her clothes. She preferred to buy new ones when she went on a mission so she didn’t have to worry if she had to leave her bag behind. The bag wasn’t even half-filled but there wasn’t anything else she needed to take with her. Marie zipped it up and took the bag downstairs.

She walked into the living room and looked around. Mark had shoved most of the furniture against the walls. He swept the middle of the room, careful to keep his pile of dirt in a tidy pile. She made sure not to get in his way as she edged around the sofa and placed her bag on the seat. He stopped cleaning for a moment and glanced at the bag.

“Are you going somewhere?” Adrian might learn about anything she said. But was this something he would care about?

“I’ll be gone for a week starting tomorrow.” She still needed to let Mark know so he didn’t come all the way out here. Marie didn’t need the Master Vampire blaming her if the boy got kidnapped.

“So Guardian’s don’t stay in one place?”

“I go where I’m needed.” Within her territory. Going outside her territory invited complications that she didn’t need. Mark nodded and went back to cleaning. Since he was preoccupied, she went to her study to fill out her paperwork.

Even though the area she was headed to was part of her territory, she still needed to inform the council of what she was currently doing. It was insurance, in case, she died on the job. The paperwork would stay in her study and if she were to die before finishing a case, the new guardian could use it to retrace her steps. They would investigate her death and confirm whether or not she had completed her case. If she failed to complete her case then they would pick up where she left off and complete the job.

It didn’t take long for her to fill it out and put it away inside a specially marked envelope. Marie stretched as she stood up. She should check on Mark and get some coffee while she was at it. Marie stepped into the living room and looked around. This area was clean and all of the furniture had been returned to its proper place. She heard the sound of cabinets opening and closing in the kitchen. That must be his current location. Marie was halfway across the living room when he came out of the kitchen and put the mop and bucket to the side.


“Did you need something?” He turned to her with a smile on his face.

“Have you eaten?”


“Do you mind going next door and getting something for the both of us?” She pulled out some money and held it out. Marie didn’t feel like making anything and since he was here wanting to do things, she might as well ask him to get food.

“I don’t mind. Is there anything special you want?”

“A burger’s fine.” Mark nodded. He grabbed the money and headed out the front door. She put up the cleaning supplies and dried the kitchen using magic. The kitchen was spotless and her coffee maker was put away. She looked through her cabinets and found took her coffee maker back out. She wondered if he was doing the same kind of chores with Adrian as she started her coffee maker. Marie leaned against the counter. Why did she even care? She shook her head. It didn’t matter.

Mark returned and ate quickly. He mentioned that he had to go because he’d been called back. She asked Mark to tell Adrian about the stuff he left behind. The boy nodded with a smile. Mark promised to come back again before he went out the back door. She frowned as she stared into her coffee. Marie didn’t think Adrian was going to come back for his stuff. If he wanted it back, he would have gotten it already. Marie sighed as she stood up. The food was just going to go to waste since she had no idea what to do with it. She glanced at her study. Marie was close to a breakthrough but she should be going to sleep. She had an early start tomorrow. The research could be continued when she came back. Marie ignored her impulse and went to the kitchen to put her mug away.


The light was mercilessly bright. Marie shaded her eyes but it didn’t help. She had not been successful in ignoring her impulse last night. Since sleep hadn’t come, she’d gone downstairs to work on her research and now she was paying for it.

The only thing she ate for breakfast was a handful of pills and coffee. She was too tired to even eat her customary piece of toast. Her bag dragged on her as she plodded along. She would need to take a bus to the nearest intercity bus depot. From there, it would take six hours to get to the next area.

And her trip still wouldn’t be done.

Someone would pick her up from there and drive her out another thirty minutes before she actually reached her destination. Just thinking about it only made her more tired.

Downtown was busy as she made her way to the bus stop. The smell of tacos and barbecue filled the air. Her stomach reminded her that it hadn’t eaten but she ignored it as she reached her destination. The depot itself was busy as well. Several people were already sitting down in the waiting area while several others were in line, waiting to pay. She got in line and waited for her turn. Once she bought her ticket, she picked a seat and waited some more. The area was starting to fill up as other passengers bought their tickets and sat down. Marie looked around the area. She had nothing else to do for the next half hour. There was a small snack bar and several vending machines but she didn't see anything she wanted. She briefly stared at the beverages on the menu. A coffee would help wake her up but the line was already long.

The intercom came on every now and again to announce arrivals and departures but the words were too garbled to make out. Marie glanced at one of the screens against the wall. In between showing ads and things to buy, it also listed the buses that were leaving or returning. None of the busses that were leaving were hers. The time passed slowly but the line for coffee stayed long. Soon it was time to get in line to board. She stood in the designated line and waited another ten minutes before they started to board the bus. When it was her turn, she loaded her bag and entered the bus. Marie was able to get a seat near the window. She sat down and looked out the window as the rest of the bus was boarded. Her mind drifted to the details of her current job.

The job this time was that of a referee. She was to oversee the Rite of Accord and make sure no one broke the rules. The Rite of Accord was a contest amongst eligible wolves to find the next leader of the pack. Since pack leadership was not hereditary, the way they chose the next leader was through a single elimination tournament. Only the strongest could lead and that was the purpose of the Rite. As long as a werewolf was old enough, they could participate and try for the position of leader. It wasn’t unheard of for there to be one or two people who would be willing to do anything for it. What was strange was that they would come to her.

After she had received her invitation, Marie had contacted the current leader. The information he had given her was vague. She only knew that he would be absent and she would be speaking to his son about anything from here on out. Besides filling her in on basic rules, he hadn’t said much else. Something must have happened for them to call her. Just like the vampires, they preferred to keep things to themselves. More than likely she would have to find out more on her own.


The bus slowed to a stop before it turned into the depot. This was her stop. After this, it would just be another thirty minutes before she reached her destination. Marie got off the bus and moved to one side as she surveyed the area. She had been told to cross the street and stand next to a bus stop in front of the nearby corner store. That way she would be easily spotted. She wasn't told who was going to pick her up or what their vehicle looked like. Only that it would be someone from the pack. The idea of getting into a car and sitting for another thirty minutes wasn’t appealing. Marie sighed. Teleporting only worked with places she had been to. Since she’d never been to the area before, she couldn’t use it. Marie glanced at her watch as she waited for her ride. It was a little after four. The sun wasn’t directly overhead but it was still hot. Hopefully, she wouldn’t have to stay out here for long.

A faded red pickup headed in her direction. It pulled into the parking spot right next to her and stopped but the driver didn’t turn off the engine. There were two men in the truck and another two men in the bed of the truck.

“Guardian?” The teen in the driver's seat shouted at her over the rumble of the engine. Marie nodded and moved a little closer so she could speak to the driver. The passenger door opened and a man got out and held the door open.

“You are?” She wasn’t going to get in until they identified themselves.

“Grayson. These are some of the pack.” He huffed impatiently and gestured lazily to the others. This must be her ride. She went around to the passenger side. The man standing next to the door reached for her bag and she handed it over. He tossed it to one of the men in the back of the truck. They caught it and wedged it between them and the folding chairs. It looked like she would need to squeeze into the cab. There was no room in the back, since more than half the space was filled with folding chairs. Marie slid into the cab and the other man slid in after her and slammed the door shut. Grayson switched gears and reversed the truck. This would not be a comfortable ride. She was not crushed but it was only slightly more spacious than that. Marie kept her elbows tucked in as she watched the scenery pass by.

She was glad when they finally stopped the truck in front of a two story house. It felt like someone had been staring holes into the back of her head the entire way. No one talked either. Not even to each other. She had not made a good impression on the pack so far.

The truck idled as the man next to her got off the truck again. She slid out after him and stood next to the truck. He got back into the truck and slammed the door again. One of the men in the back of the truck threw her bag on the ground next to her. The truck drove away barely missing her feet as she stepped back. This was not the welcome she had been expecting. Marie picked up her bag and turned towards the house. Hopefully, this would be the only problem she faced this week.

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