《Guilty Diamond Hands{Kylo Ren x Reader}》Chapter 5: The Fallen Angel


To have the first week behind you was a great triumph.

Since the elevator accident and the enigmatic disappearance of Professor Ren, nothing dramatic happened throughout the week. Some assumed he had quit school. Others thought he was no longer alive. His lack of care for his students was funny. While they wished he would return, he probably already forgot their names and their existence.

And hopefully, yours as well. Some students always asked the other teachers when Professor Ren would come back, but just like the teachers, nobody knew when this would happen or if this would happen at all. And you hoped this would stay that way.

You couldn't call him an outstanding professor, at least not yet. He had only taught two hours of psychology on the first day. Most of the time, he just bragged about how difficult and complicated his subject was and something about Stanford University. And that was it.

Sleeping in on a Saturday was something new for your ears because you didn't hear the annoying sound of the alarm in the morning. You completely forgot about your meeting with the choir for the complete day. Not that you had other plans in mind, but nobody should spend a Saturday at school.

Ms. Holdo would say, "God took a break on a Sunday, so Saturday is a workday."

If she were God, then you, the choir, would be her world that she wanted to create. She preferred to hear the choir sing when the entire school was empty, and only The Nightsisters who protected the school could be the audience.

Maybe they were the one who chased Professor Ren away? Because they had a feeling that he was evil? That he could be a danger to the school? Or to you? Then they must have forgotten to chase Mr. Hux away years ago.

For a Saturday afternoon, the weather was not too bad. It wasn't raining, and you could even see the sun, though it did not make your skin sparkle like a disco ball. And as usual, you were late. Again.

The large room that served as a chapel for the school was on the first floor. When you arrived and opened the heavy brown door, you felt something breathe into you. To enter the chapel, after a long time, was a comfortable feeling. Nothing had changed. The big lead glass windows still had the same paintings and welcomed the sun as always with joy. The sun thanked them by reflecting a small rainbow within the windows on the white wall.

Everyone was already sitting in a circle on the other side of the room on the grey, scratchy carpet, with crossed legs and tired faces. Ms. Holdo wore her usual long dress that was nearly as purple as her hair. She stood on the stony stairs when she looked at you and said, "There you are! Come sit down! We just started."

You took off your jacket and threw your backpack on the pile with the other bags. Kaydel whistled to you to indicate for you to sit down next to her.

As you sat down, your brain directed you to look where Ms. Holdo was standing. At her right side sat an unknown boy who looked like a lot of trouble. When you saw his face, you felt your heartbeat increasing.

The young man looked like the fallen angel, who got excluded from heaven for being too handsome. His look screamed like a lot of alcohol, cigarettes, and exciting one-night stands. His dark brown hair was the color of the wooden folding chair where he sat with his legs crossed.


Your stomach started spinning around at a fast speed when his index and middle finger of his left hand pressed against his temple, and his ring and little finger gently touched his lips. You could almost think he was Sherlock trying to read you by your appearances. He observed you from a distance, and slowly a smirk appeared on his face and -

Did he just wink at me?

Your eyes and mouth were slightly open with a confused look. Discomfort pulled over your face, and you blushed. Quickly, you turned your face forward, and your eyes dropped to the floor.

"Kaydel," you whispered. "Who is that guy sitting on the chair?"

"I forgot his name, but I know he's a senior from the other class."

"I've never seen him before."

"He's new here and arrived only on Wednesday," she responded.

On Wednesday. The day of Professor Ren's mysterious disappearance. How unusual.

"Apparently, he got kicked out of his last school because of for his terrible reputation," Kaydel added. "Keep your hands away from him. I'm sure he has a collection of broken hearts from different girls and is part of a mafia gang or something."

With his black leather jacket, white shirt, dark ripped jeans, and his big boots, he rocked the stereotype of a bad boy. He for sure also had a motorcycle, with which he would try to impress the girls. And a brave story about him trying to rescue a pregnant woman from a burning building. Eventually, she would jump straight into his arms, and he would drive away in the sunset while the others would cheer him. They always have one of these imaginary stories.

"As I was saying, our school got built a hundred thirty years ago by the great Nightsisters. For this year's celebration, we are going to play a big musical," Ms. Holdo announced. "I've been thinking about it for a long time, and I decided that we're going to perform, The Phantom of the Opera!"

Everybody got excited and started chattering around except the guy on the chair. He didn't look very enthusiastic, but a little smile on his face was noticeable.

"Everyone, please stand up! I want to hear you sing, so I can determine your voice type and who fits which character," Ms. Holdo stated.

You stood up and went toward Ms. Holdo to apologize for your lateness while she handed out papers of different lyrics.

With your big puppy eyes and your soft tone, you hoped this would help. "Ms. Holdo, I am so sorry for being late. I overslept. I promise it won't happen again."

"I understand. It's only the first rehearsal anyway, so it's fine," Ms. Holdo responded calmly with a soft smile, putting her right arm on your shoulder. "Sweetie, I don't need you right now. Just sit down and keep yourself busy. Can you do this?"

You nodded and walked away. You didn't know if you should feel relieved or hurt that you were useless for now, but Ms. Holdo didn't always mean what she said. The other kids stood nervously in a line as she approached the piano.

Your gaze fell back on the unknown boy, who was about to put a second folding chair next to him. While he observed you from afar, he gestured with his head for you to sit down next to him.

You didn't question your legs when they moved towards him by themselves.

"You must be special for Amilyn if you're the only one who doesn't have to sing," he asserted in a smoky voice, his left arm hanging on the support of the other chair.


Nobody could call Ms. Holdo by her first name. Not even Headmaster Palpatine. So, this guy had to be someone exceptional for her.

"And who are you to have permission to call her by her first name?"

"Allow me to introduce myself," he affirmed, and stretched out his hand for a handshake. "I'm Vicrul."

With a doubtful look, you folded your arms and declined the handshake. "What is that your pseudonym to get into every VIP club?"

He broke into a smile and dropped his hand on his knee. With his wrinkled eyebrows, he looked surprised by you not accepting his hand.

"You should hear the names of my brothers. They're even weirder than mine."

His accent was one of the most attractive accents you have ever heard. It was not British, neither was it American, but more like a mix of both with maybe a little Scottish in it? His voice was naturally seductive and deep, but still modulated.

"Come sit down," Vicrul advised.

You turned around and glanced at the others already singing. Nobody paid attention to you. What could go wrong by just sitting next to the guy who Kaydel advised you not to? You finally sat next to him on the chair, and that's where it hit you.

It was impossible to miss the enchanting sea-blue eyes twinkling with a riddle from him. No sign of evil in them to be seen. Only peace and freedom. You stared at them and felt like you would fall into a blue magic ball covered with cold snow.

"May I know your name as well?"

Still hypnotized by his eyes, which sparked real magic out of them, your brain couldn't form any correct sentence from your mouth as you mumbled your name. You slowly lift your left hand out for a handshake to start this all over again.

"Wrong hand," Vicrul chuckled as his eyes switched back to yours.

You shook your head and quickly dropped your left hand. You picked up the right hand, pressing into him, feeling his soft skin. His grip was weak, as if he were letting you decide how hard you wanted to push your hand into his.

He smiled as he pressed your hand tighter and turned it around while raising it higher to your eye level. His lips approached your hand, and just like that, he pressed a gentle kiss on your skin without taking his eyes off you.

Every single bone in your body was shaking, and you bit the inside of your cheek. Nobody has ever kissed your hand like that, let alone touched it so softly, like a feather. It was like in a fairy tale.

Vicrul knew, exactly, what he was doing to get your attention, and you could imagine Kaydel's voice buzzing in your mind. "Your heart will make a fine addition to his collection."

"How charming," you said playfully. "Do you use the same method on every girl to wrap her around your little finger?"

"Maybe," he responded with a smirk. "Your hand smells like strawberry. I like it."

"Thank you. I can show you the hand cream I use."

You both laughed as you went deeper into the conversation. You found out that Vicrul was the same age as you, and Ms. Holdo caught him singing in the sports hall and therefore forced him to join the choir. He told you about his brothers and how they were much older than him.

You toyed to ask him why he got expelled from his old school, but before you could ask, Ms. Holdo approached the two of you with a wide smile on her face.

"I see you two get along," Ms. Holdo remarked, winking at you. "Sweetie, it's your turn."

You stood up and approached the piano. Your hands were sweating, and you could feel how your heart beat faster. You were nervous about singing in front of a group after such a long time.

Your gaze moved to the center of the group. They all sat there, patiently waiting for you to sing. You glanced at Vicrul one last time, who slowly nodded, making you feel you knew you could do it. You returned him a smile, and the first note of the piano made a sound.

Everyone clapped and cheered. You were happy to sing again like you used to. It almost felt like standing on the stage again. You thanked everyone, and Ms. Holdo hugged you, something she never did to the others.

Hopefully, The Nightsisters had the same reaction as the group. But when you looked at Vicrul, he didn't clap. He just smiled and saw in you the skilled performer you once dreamed of being.

"I think we found our Christine Daaé," Ms. Holdo congratulated.

A bright grin appeared on your lips. "Thank you so much for this opportunity! This means a lot to me."

You were so happy that you wished you could hug the world. You would end your final year by singing the lead role of one of the most traditional musicals in the world. What a friendly goodbye present.

The day went by quickly, and for the rest of the rehearsal, you sang a few more songs together with the others, and for the first time, you heard Vicrul's voice. It was anything beyond you ever heard. His voice was loud and clear, and you understood how easy it was for girls to fall in love with him, and how dangerous.

No man in the world had a more impressive voice than him. No one.

After many more songs, it was already time to go home. You put on your jacket and slowly packed up everything. You were happy that Kaydel got the supporting role of Carlotta Giudicelli. She deserved it. Her voice was extraordinary, just like her personality.

You approached Mrs. Holdo and appreciated again how happy you were to play the lead role.

"Your voice still needs some work, but I hardly believe you will disappoint me," Ms. Holdo smiled, yet her tone seemed strict.

"I have read the summary of the play, and since everyone already has their role, I wonder who gets to play Raoul and Erik?"

"I believe Vicrul will explain to you everything," Ms. Holdo replied and guided her gaze at the person behind waiting for you at the exit door.

You said goodbye to her and walked up to Vicrul, who held your bag in his hand. Funny how guys become gentlemen when they want something.

When you both left the school grounds, you noticed a black motorcycle standing next to the sign where he shouldn't park. Just how you expected it. The light flashed as Vicrul approached it. He took out his helmet from a small box behind the seat.

When you were thirteen, you dreamed of having a motorcycle. If you ever needed to get a clear head, you would drive around the city and across the landscape. You would ride to the highest mountain and watch the sunset from there, disappearing. When you told your mother about it, she was the opposite of what you expected. She assured you, if you would ever ride a motorcycle, she would disinherit you from the family and never talk to you again.

"Do you need a ride"? Vicrul asked, putting his helmet on.

"No, thanks. If my mother sees us, you're going to die with me," you joked.

"I can drop you off somewhere else, and then you can walk the rest," he suggested. "I won't drive fast. You can trust me."

"Easier said than done."

You noticed how the spark in his eyes disappeared, as if what you said lightly offended him.

"It's up to you to decide," he replied coolly.

On the one hand, you would sit on a transport that could lead you to your death without saying goodbye to Finn, your mother, and Ms. Rey. But on the other hand, you would have the opportunity to sit on a motorcycle and hold on to a sexy guy.

Shall I or shall I not? That is the question.

"Do you have a second helmet?" you demanded him with a playful grin.

His spark came back to life as he smiled and took a second helmet out of the box.

Damn, a lot fits into this little box.

Of course, he always had a helmet. Just in case a girl joins him. Like you now, at this moment.

He put on his leather gloves and gestured with his fingers for you to come closer. Slowly and carefully, he placed the helmet on your head.

"You have eh — beautiful eyes," he added quietly.

You closed your visor and said nothing. Good thing Vicrul couldn't see your face under your helmet because you were red like a tomato, and you could sense how your sweat dripped on your forehead.

He sat down, and you sat behind him carefully without being too close to him.

"You can hold on to me. I won't bite."

Why does he have to say it in such a seductive tone? The sentence made you heavily blush. Shyly, you wrapped your hands around his torso. Through his shirt, you felt his brawny muscles. You imagined things in your head that you shouldn't. You told him your address, which wasn't far away from the school. He started the engine, and the adventure began.

At first, you sensed fear. Fear that Vicrul would drive too fast, and you would run over a red light. Fear you would die. Fear that something might happen. You sensed panic. The panic that somehow your arms would let go of him, and you would fall from the motorcycle on the street and would get hit by a car.

And —

You felt the adrenalin rushing through your body. It's funny how the human believes nothing bad can happen with closed eyes. It's like your problems would solve themselves by sleep, or the monsters under your bed would disappear. Just close your eyes, and everything works out in the end.

Now or never. You cracked your eyes open, and in front of your visor, you saw different lights from several large buildings passing by. Flashing lights. It was unforgettable. Everything felt so unreal.

With the adrenalin in your body, you would love to get up on the seat, take off your helmet, stretch out your arms as Rose did in Titanic, and scream so that everyone could hear you. You felt the wind blow in the small holes underneath the helmet, and you couldn't help but smile.

It wasn't cold anymore. You forgot about it. About everything. You felt free in so many ways. You have never felt more alive than you did at this moment.

After a brief ride, the adventure came to an end. Vicrul slowed down when you pointed your finger at the Chinese restaurant where he stopped. He took off his helmet, swung his hair to the side, and turned his head towards you.

"Are you hungry, my love?"

Your eyes spread wide, and you gave him a very dubious look. You quickly removed your hands from him and stood up. You took off your helmet and gasped for air as if you were under-watering the entire time. "No, this is where I say goodbye." Your voice became filled with annoyance. "I will walk from here, and one more thing. Don't call me love again," you declared sharply. With fiery eyes, you looked at him and handed him the helmet.

"As far as I know, you will fall deeply in love with me and choose me over the phantom," Vicrul said comfortably. His gaze met yours, and he smirked.

Before you could say something, everything made sense.

Ms. Holdo had told you Vicrul would explain to you the rest, and you had the answer right in front of you. That's why Ms. Holdo liked him so much. With his charm, he had enchanted her, too. Since Vicrul was the only guy in the group with a pleasant voice, you imagined he would be the one to play Erik. Many questions whirred in your head as you wondered who else could play the phantom.

"If you play Raoul, then who gets to play—?"

"Holdo doesn't know yet," he cut you off. "She is desperately trying to find someone who could be perfect for the role, but it's not that easy. She's extremely picky."

"Well... we're not in a rush."

He nodded, and there was a thoughtful silence. You would see each other more often and play two characters that we're madly in love with each other. You might have to kiss him, and the idea of it made your stomach twist.

"Anyway, thank you for the ride Vicrul, I — "

And just like the wind, he left before you could finish your sentence.

As you entered through your house door, you dropped your bag on the floor, took off your shoes, and went through the corridor.

The singing made you tired, and the only thing you wanted was just a hot cup of tea. When you entered the living room, you noticed your mother sitting on the couch. She looked at the bright computer screen with tired eyes and headphones in her ears. She didn't hear you because as soon as she lifted her head, she nearly had a heart attack.

"My goodness, you can't just sneak up on me and scare me like that!" she roared.

"Sorry, I thought nobody was at home."

It was true. Seeing your mother at home wasn't something that happened often. Most of the time, she traveled for work.

You sat down and gave her a long hug as if you hadn't seen her for decades. She returned the hug and kissed you kindly on the left side of your temple. With her smooth hand, she stroked your hair. Your mother put the computer on the floor, and your head dropped on her lap.

It was at such times when you forgot the world around you and just enjoyed everything in silence. The beautiful mother-daughter connection you missed so much. You always loved it when your mother stroked your hair like that. In her arms, you felt safe. Loved.

"I missed you," she muttered in your ear.

A small smile appeared on your face. "I missed you too."

"Will you go to work tomorrow?" she asked softly.

You could feel how your heavy eyes slowly shut down. "Yeah, I'll be home at night."

It didn't matter to you that you still wore your clothes from outside and laid on the couch with your head on your mother's lap. You wouldn't mind falling asleep that way every night for the rest of your life.

The last thing you heard before you peacefully fell asleep was your mother's soft voice muttering, "I'll be here waiting for you."

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