《Remorse》Chapter 5: The Winter Court


I pause as the horns of the hunt reach our grove. Thankfully, the Spring Princess and her boyfriend have a particularly strong dislike of the Hunt. They should distract them long enough for us to arrive at the Winter court where Telerion resides.

I hold my hand out to Amy, “I can take us to just outside of the winter court where Telerion lives. At that point I will have to leave you. Many in the Fae courts have taken a dislike to me.“

“I understand,” Amy says, reaching out to grasp my hand.

With a smile, I take us through the shadows again.

We appear in front of a forest covered in snow. I feel as many powerful Fae sense my presence and start to turn to me.

I look at Amy, a strange feeling in my stomach at the thought of leaving her to face these creatures alone. Why have I taken a liking to her so quickly?

She reminds me of someone else I once knew amongst the Fae, I suppose.

With a sigh, I shrink into the shadows, becoming one with them.

The Fae that had sensed me think that I have left, and turn their attention to Amy, who is currently holding her stomach as she leans against a tree.

She looks up to see that I am gone, a strange expression flickering across her face, too fast for me to see.

With a deep breath, she stands up straight, turning her attention to the forest. A moment of hesitation passes, before she walks forward.

I know that I should leave, but something stops me. I know my limits, if I enter that forest, any Fae that I come across will be stronger than me, surrounded by their own magic as they are.

And yet, something stops me from leaving this girl alone with the Fae that live in that forest.

My new emotions are turning me into an idiot it seems.

I follow the shadows forward into the forest, diverting every ounce of my being into staying hidden. If anyone actively searches for me, I know that I will not be able to hide. Their power is too strong in this place, and mine too weak.

I have only done this once before, in the fall court, and that journey ended in death. Let’s hope that this one does not end similarly.

Amy walks forward, confidence in her every step. The trees slowly change, becoming older, and more powerful. Eventually, a Fae steps out of the forest, his face covered by a wolf mask.

“Daughter of the night? What brings you to our court?” The Fae asks Amy.

“My name is Amaryllis, daughter of midnight. I come here to speak with Telerion.” She answers, her muscles tensing ever so slightly in the presence of the predatory Fae.

“And what gives you the right to see the master of the Hunt?” The predatory Fae asks, his body eerily still.

Amy frowns at the question, “I thought that any member of the winter court could request a meeting with the master of the Hunt.”

“Indeed, any member of the winter court can make such a request. But your family is banished, and no one would object if I were to refuse you your request. So I ask again, what gives you the right to see the master of the Hunt.” The Fae still stands unmoving, but I sense Fae magic gathering around him.


Amy’s abilities are woefully untrained, as she crudely draws Fae magic to her in response. There is potential in her ability, but she is young, and obviously no match for her opponent.

What could have happened for a whole Fae family to be banished from the Fae courts? My lack of interest in the otherworld means that I have not heard the gossip that would surround such a momentous event.

After a moment, Amy lets go of the power she had been gathering, recognizing the difference in magical ability between her and the predatory Fae. “Please, I make this request as a child of the courts. Please let me speak to him.”

The many hidden Fae that are watching the drama discuss with each other what should be done, an argument obviously brewing.

The predatory Fae looks ready to deny her request when a long limbed man steps out of the trees, a quiver of arrows sits across his back, and he wears an ornate fox mask that declares his position as a prince of the winter court. “You wish to speak with me, daughter of the night? Very well, out of respect for your father, I will grant this request.”

“Why have I been targeted by the hunt?” Amy immediately asks, bowing to Telerion.

“There are those that fear what you could become one day. The hunt was simply given a prey.” Telerion answers.

“What must I do for the hunt to be called off?” Amy asks, still bowing to Telerion.

“I am willing to call off the hunt, but you must do something for us in exchange.” Telerion says slowly, his expression hidden by his mask.

“If it is within my power I will happily do it.” Amy says readily.

“Give us the name of the one who killed our huntsman, and I will call off the hunt.” Telerion says calmly, his body as unnaturally still as the other Fae.

Amy pauses for a moment, opening and closing her mouth, before shaking her head.

The request was to be expected I suppose. The hunt was very protective of its members, no doubt they wish to get revenge for the killing of their huntsman. I have had clashes with them in the past. Although it will be annoying to die again, if I quickly let them kill me, the hunt will be ended and I can continue to deal with all of these annoying emotions.

“I cannot do that.” Amy says, making my eyes widen in shock. Stupid, idiot girl. They gave you a way out, why would you not take it?

“Why not?” Telerion echoes my thoughts.

“They killed the huntsman to save my life. I will not so easily break the debt that I owe.” Amy says resolutely, but I can see the slight shake in her shoulders, as can everyone else watching.

“Are you certain?” Telerion asks.

A resolute light enters her eyes, and I can see that she is about to tell him that she is certain.

With a sigh, I step out of the shadows, covering her mouth with my own shadow to keep her from speaking. “She just ordered me to appear.” I can feel my own stupidity growing as I speak. “By revealing who I am, she fulfilled the deal, you will call off the hunt Telerion.”


Amy tries to say something, but my shadows keep her quiet.

Telerion and every other Fae looks at me in shock. When Telerion doesn’t speak, I continue, “You will fulfill your bargain Telerion, lest I speak to the royals of the other courts.”

His expression stays hidden by his mask, but I feel the power of the hunt break from Amy.

“Shadow.” He says the word like a curse, “I did not expect to ever see you again.”

“Believe me, if I had a choice in the matter, I’d never see your ugly mask again.” I say with my practiced smile. I gently reach over, touching Amy’s arm. “I’ll be alright.” I tell her as I teleport her through the shadows back to the Cherry grove. A message was also sent to the spring princess to immediately send her through the gate.

No need to have her do something stupid, like trying to come back to save me, or some such nonsense.

The Fae could have stopped the teleport if they’d wished, but they were hesitant to directly confront me over such a small matter.

“What are you doing here shadow?” Telerion asks after a moment of silence.

“I wish I fully knew the answer to that myself.” I answer, shrugging. “I was asked to protect that girl today.” by extension of her roommate, “I have no real desire to be here.”

“A price must be paid for the death of a huntsman.” Telerion says, choosing his words carefully.

“Very well.” I answer, “I know who stole the crown of the winter court. Is that sufficient as payment?” The forest freezes at my words, as every Fae has an intake of breath.

“It…. It would suffice.” Telerion squeezes the words out, trying to hide his desire for the information.

“The first prince of the fall court keeps the crown in a box underneath his bed.” I say, gathering my shadows as I prepare to leave. “Try not to start a civil war. Goodbye.”

This time the Fae try to stop me, but they are a second too late. Payment has been fulfilled, no price must be made for the death of the huntsman. I won’t be visiting the Fae courts for a while, but I had no plans to come back anyway.

I reappear at the gate, and quickly return to my favorite tavern.

Amy’s voice reaches me as I open my eyes. “We have to go back for him. You don't know-”

Tyra interrupts her, “there is no need for that. He’s already back.”

Amy swivels around to look at me, a look of relief covering her face. “Are you alright?”

“Perfectly fine. I’d recommend avoiding the Fae courts for the next couple hundred years however. Things are about to get messy.”

“What happened?” Tyra asks seriously.

“The winter court found out that a prince of the fall court had their crown.” I tell her, double checking that the Fae hadn’t put any magical traces on me.

Tyra gasps at my words. “You bastard.” Tyra says with slight annoyance, “Do you have any idea how that’s going to affect my business? Some of my best wines come from the Fae courts.”

“You’ll live.” I respond, looking over at Amy. A strange relief fills me at seeing her safe and sound, if a little nauseous.

It’s strange. I’ve never felt this kind of pleasure before, it looks like the curse that was cast upon me didn’t only bring me pain. Even if there is a lot of that.

I briefly reflect on why starting a war doesn’t seem to bother me that much. Maybe because of how removed from it I am? I’m not the one directly causing it.

It’s strange how picky my emotions are.

“I should take Amy back to the University.” I tell Tyra, turning back to her.

“Of course.” Tyra says, leading us back into the main room of her tavern. The two demons who had been bothering Tyra are thankfully gone. Although that dragon is now conversing with another vampire.

I wonder what he is doing here.

It likely doesn’t matter to me, so I’ll ignore it for now.

“I get to look forward to your company tomorrow, right Leo?” Tyra asks as we approach the door.

“I’ll be here. We have plenty of unfinished business to take care of.” I respond with a smile.

“Wonderful,” Tyra clasps her hands together as Amy and I stand on the exit to the human side of the tavern. “It was lovely meeting you Amy. Please visit again when you are old enough to drink. I’ll make sure to save some of my favorite Fae wine.”

“It was nice meeting you too.” Amy responds.

And at that, we find our small adventure to be over.

“That was actually… kind of fun. Tyra seemed very nice.” Amy says as I hold my hand out to her.

“She’s a good actress.” I respond as Amy firmly takes hold of the offered hand.

A moment later, we are right behind the University Cafe where I’d seen Amy walk by this morning.

Amy looks down at the floor in thought as I let go of her hand, “Thank you again. That’s twice that you’ve saved my life.”

I pause at her words, fully examining them and the emotions that they bring up in me. “Next time, if someone asks for my name in exchange for your safety, tell them. I’m not worthy of yours or anyone else’s protection.”

Amy looks into my eyes sharply, a twinkle of the starlight that could be seen in the Fae realm showing itself. “That’s not true.”

I chuckle darkly. “Don’t presume to know me Amy. Things are never as simple as they seem. I told you at the start of this that I was gaining something from helping you.”

Amy’s gaze doesn’t waver. “And what do you gain?”

I purse my lips, surprised at the boldness of her question. “I gained your trust of course. Who’s to say how valuable that will be to me?”

Amy frowns in thought, looking away for a brief moment.

I take that moment to disappear into the shadows. It’s time to watch the witch who started this all, and protect her from the things that go bump in the night.

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