《Voice of reason with a hint of insanity》Chapter 2: Hard taking care of airheads with low iq


Oh lord please let me never have to travel with this person for any extended periods of time ever again. I really thought that I would die after 10 fucking minutes. That was enough for me to realize the mistake of telling her about being a transmigrator. Then again I do appreciate the crash course on common sense in this world. What I don't appreciate is the condensation of idiocy she also spat out. I knew Parts was an airhead, but to think it would be so bad. I feel bad for killing that bear, he didn't deserve it.

''And then Vera scolded Marianna for atleast an hour for making her favourite shirt turn bright pink. Did I mention who Marianna was, she is the other apprentice apothecary studying under Vera my master.'' (Parts)

''Alright how about you zip it now. You can see the walls now.'' (Joe)

Seeing a village in this world for the first time, I am actually suprised just how effieciently it's built. Then again from what Parts told me this place is a frontier town filled with social outcasts and weirdos. Suddenly the ground shakes a bit, and I can see a purple smoke cloud rising from a more secluded area of the village.

''Ara? Did Marianna boil the ingredients before cutting them up again?'' (Parts)

''Just how much of a scatterbrain are the apothecarys around here!?!'' (Joe)

Seriously speaking it seems these two apprentices mess up something alchemy related once in atleast 3 days. I hope they don't practice at night. I don't believe I could get used to using explosions as a wake up call.

Such a thing would make you wake up well though. There are certainly pros to it.

Why are you even bothering with thinking up pros for such a thing.

One of us has to see the light in the dark. If I didn't do that you would be a horrid pessimist about everything.

That is a fair point. Well getting closer to the gate I can make out the details of the houses better. They all seem to be made by carving out giant blocks of wood from the inside.

Some sort of plant magic? Considering this is pretty much the town for all the weirdos out there I would expect there to be someone who can use plantmancy, or whatever they call it here. As a side note there should be a lot of people that get misunderstood from their appearence so keep an open mind.

Ah yes the social recluses and outcasts. The misunderstood of the world. Totally not banished because they caused hall of the town to smell of burned brownies for a week or anything. Seriously though how bad of a cook do you have to be to magnify that smell to those kinds of proportions on accident.


Talents come in different varieties. Some just happen to lean more towards what some would consider to being defiencies.

Arriving at the gate with the still babbling catkin on my back, the guard keeping watch notices us. He most likely already noticed us by the time I saw the town, considering the preparations he seemed to make. I wonder if this happens often enough for there to be protocols recarding this. Walking up to the guard in question and taking a closer look at the now standing beast of a man.

Well he is a bear. A giant bearkin. He's gotta be atleast 2 meters tall.

Looking at the now standing man looking at the catkin with a tired expression. He is totally done with her shit is he not. Anyways the best way to descripe his build would be to say he looks like a body builder. He also has murky black hair and a scar running across his chin diagonally.

''Well look at what the cat dragged in. Well what the cat got dragged by in this case. Names Francis the lawkeeper of this little collection of weirdos.'' (Francis)

''Hey Francis! Hows the day, the weathers been so lovely recently...'' (Parts)

A cold stare from Francis silences the blabbering mouth of the catkin lady, causing her to hide behind me.

''Right, I suppose I must thank you for bringing back a stray cat. Considering we could hear her from atleast 500 meters away I can't say I'm suprised.'' (Francis)

Just how loud can one person be. Seriously though as someone used to the sounds of rush hour and modern society I'm personally not that bothered by the volume. The fact that it is the only thing I can hear tickles my nerves though.

''Righto, the names Joe. Parts said I should inform you of me being a transmigrator.'' (Joe)

''Well it usually isn't recommended to tell that to people you don't trust, but considering I am the closest thing this place has to an official it should be fine.'' (Francis)

''I get the feeling you need to fill me in on some common sense that this airhead doesn't have.'' (Joe)

''Hmm well, I am supposed to fill you in on that by law. But I think it would be better for someone like Vera or Jared to give you the rundown. They do have experience with transmigrators already.'' (Francis)

''Hmm? I thought transmigrators were very rare?'' (Joe)

''Oh they are. It's just that those two have lived for atleast a thousand years. Just don't mention you heard that from me to Vera.'' (Francis)

''I see.'' (Joe)

This place is totally going to have an assortment of overpowered characters isn't it.

''Anything else I should know urgently?'' (Joe)

''Just don't be an idiot and you should survive till finding one of those two. Probably. Maybe. Hopefully?'' (Francis)


JUST HOW DANGEROUS IS THIS PLACE! Oh wait, I know this pattern. He is fucking with me isn't he?

''Are you fucking with me?'' (Joe)

''Oh interesting. You actually kept your cool and thought about it. The towns safe aslong as Parts or Marianna aren't cooking.

''I'm not that bad at it!'' (Parts)

''And who is the one who turned pancakes into chemical explosives? What about that time you somehow made a chicken turn into an undead with your cooking?'' (Francis)

Just what the hell is this fearsome ability.

I once considered her a waifu canditate, but that ship has sailed, exploded and burned.

Parts is clearly embaressed and unable to come back after that.

''Just take me to Vera, okay?'' (Joe)

''...fine.'' (Parts)

Reluctantly she seems to agree to be my guide. Not that she really has a choice with her back in its state. Following her directions we approach the site of the purple smoke cloud explosion. The streets are busy with everyone hurrying along doing their own thing, too busy to pay us much attention. I walk to the fence of Veras house, which now has a hole in the roof. The person in question is lecturing a dogkin girl on the lawn. Why am I not suprised?

Because you totally expected it?

Thanks Svor for the unnecessary answer. Then again rethorical questions are something we answer ourselves so technically he is supposed to answer the question.

How about focusing on the situation at hand first and then discussing the meaning behind this rethorical dilemma.

Focusing my attention on the master and apprentice pair, I take in what the two look like. First of Marianna looks like your typical energetic red head who only gets good grades in PE. She seems to be a bit taller than Parts with a lithe build and a flat chest.

What's with the beastkin all having small breasts anyways?

Let's not ask that question from these ladies. I still very much value my life. Vera on the other hand is a beatiful blonde that could easily make for a model. She is also rocking some decently sized melons on her chest. She gives of a motherly feeling.

''And that is why you will be in charge of weeding out the rosethorn bushes for the next month. Now go clean up and make some tea, we have a guest it seems.'' (Vera)

Well atleast she finished with that lecture. Also what is with this terrible feeling that I've stepped into a trap or some sort of web.

''Uhh... Miss Vera I presume?'' (Joe)

''Ara? What a polite one you are. Usually you transmigrators nowadays are all hotheads rushing forwards to adventure. You seem awfully composed facing me.'' (Vera)

''Is there a reason why all of my instincts are screaming at me to run away, or is it just my insanity acting up again?'' (Joe)

''Well yes. What you're feeling right now is the same feeling a rabbit feels when meeting an apex predator. Usually it causes people who aren't used to it to faint. It is a form of pressure. Also I've noticed you're gathering mana. Have you been in this world for a while now? It usually takes a while for people to get mana perception to see mana to draw at in.'' (Vera)

Uhh Svor? A little help?

So it is mana. Well it was pretty obvious from the start that it was atleast something similiar.

''Now this is interesting. You seem to be unaware of what mana is, but still have collected a fair amount of it. This needs more research.'' (Vera)

I really don't like the look in her eyes. I'm fairly certain she thinks of me as something akin to a new toy. Isn't she supposed to be some thousand year old immortal?!

''Umm.. yeah I've been seeing these weird wisps since a while back. Mind explaining more inside?'' (Joe)

''Yes it would seem that you lack a lot of basic knowledge at the moment. We can talk everything over tea, yes?'' (Vera)

''I'll take you up on that offer. Just to make sure the tea is going to be safe to drink?'' (Joe)

''My! What could you be referring to?'' (Vera)

I think we're in for a long, long talk. My stomach interrupts any thoughts that were being processed by growling out in protest.

''It would seem that you would prefer lunch instead?'' (Vera)

''If it's not a hassle I would like to cook myself.'' (Joe)

''I think I will have to take you up on that offer. These two idiot apprentices of mine just can't seem to not turn any food items into poisons, explosives or other deadly substances. I would love to have an actually competent cook for once.'' (Vera)

She spoke in a loud enough voice for me to hear something fragile break inside. It doesn't require a genius to regognize what caused that.

Marianna seems easy to tease huh. I'm sure she will cute being embarressed by her master and being teased by us. Let us remember to not take it too far though. We don't want her to hate us for going too far.

Noted. Finally entering the house that smells suspiciously mushroom like, I can finally appease my stomach and my curiosity regarding a lot of things. First things first though, I need to make food.

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