《BOOK 1: THE CURSE OF ASMODEUS -- (a Perth's Accidental Superheroes series) VOL 1.1 OTHER-PERTH》Chapter 14: In the Evening Edition


PETER LOOKED AT THE NEWSPAPER’S HEADLINES, after waking up late, on that Sunday evening…

… that screamed…


… featuring a photo of… the grey-mixed-breed Alsatian with Samuel – riding on it-horse-back, in the rain…

… but, the Black boy’s face in the PHOTO WAS PIXELATED, as he was a minor… with the abduction-case as-a, still-under police investigation case...

The main story was sub-captioned as…

‘Piper rescues kidnapped boy’


… too-drew the one-armed boy’s attention… that highlights a photo of Jane-and-him, Peter – captioned as…

‘Perth’s Famous Couple aid police investigation’


… the excited Peter then read the fine-prints… for ‘verifications’…

‘… Jane Wilson who was also rescued by Piper, from attack by an escaped black panther, a week ago; and she was with her boyfriend Peter Walker last night, at South Perth Zoo. They both were the first responders, to be in the kidnap case; based on the hunch of their classmate, Alicia Wong Ai Chu, also 12, who had suggested that a possibility of the kidnapped boy was in the zoo…’

… Peter rolled his eyes, of the ‘FAKE NEWS ALIBI’ thrown into share-the-credit – but he kept on reading…

‘… Alicia was accompanied by her Stamford High School’s counsellor Diane King, 46, was also present … bla-bla-bla …

… and Peter Walker was also the singles-tennis champion, of Perth’s junior-schools championship 2 years ago…’

… Peter was beaming with joy when he read that…

He was no longer a piece of old news – and, finally WAS NEWS-WORTHY… and was getting his deserved attention, ‘since’…

… by stepping into his famous blind girlfriend’s limelight, after her being rescued by her dog. And, the blind-girl…

… was ALSO KNOWN FOR the viral-video on YouTube… THAT WON HER TENNIS MATCH, PARTNERING with Peter.


… with mega-big plans in his mind, for the brand of the PERTH’S FAMOUS COUPLE… to excel even further, for the next school’s term.

Even-more, when he ‘broke’ the spell of The Curse of Asmodeus…



… on-bed, and he was reading some posts online on his iPad device, about the early incidents in the zoo…

He watched a few video clips of the ‘Aurora Australis’s fireworks – and revisited the post in Facebook of the Perth’s-Famous-Couple...

The post-photo showed the infamous-couple, who both spotted EACH A BLACKEYE, punched by the same Black-man.


… Paul thought back, at THAT VICTORIOUS DAWN, where the Cursed-trio had managed to defeat BlackStar, and her minions, in their aerial battle…

… then, everything else from there ONWARDS, HAD GONE WRONG for Paul Walker…

… it started the moment, of arriving at Primate World…

… where the gathered mob of monkeys that were abruptly alarmed, by the sudden loud police siren. For one moment ago, they were all boisterous, in celebration over the DEAD, STRUNG UP TINY MONKEY – and the next…

… they were all helter-skelter, once when the cops showed up, and…

… with each fled in the 4 corners of the zoo – just like the Netflix-movie 12 MONKEYS.

Paul in his wheelchair was then-detained for ‘trespassing’ … but-he told the 2 officers – that he was THE SON OF INSP. WALKER, and together with his twin, Peter – they were in search of the missing Samuel…

… but it was raining…

… and he took shelter in the Primate World – and claimed ‘no’ knowledge of ‘who’ had UNLOCKED THE CAGES… that led to the monkeys’ breakout to escape…

… and also, as a quadriplegic…

… he couldn’t have possibly stung a dead monkey, high-up in the tree.

In secret, Paul Walker was whisked off by the coppers as a probable witness – from the TV and press journalists present…

… and, Primate World was cordoned as a ‘crime scene.’

The crippled boy was taken to the police station… to be questioned by his police-mother – who then…

… arrived 2 hours later… with the barefooted twin-Peter...

… then, the inspector-mother personally took the incident report of her twins…

… in front of Corporal Frank Smithy, who was the earlier arresting-officer.

… but to-maintain his secret-identity, Paul white-lied to his mother… that he and Peter TOOK AN UBER ride to the Wilsons to fetch Jane, to head up to the zoo...

… even Peter nodded yes.

Paul backed up ‘more’ untruth by saying – over at the zoo, while Peter took off with his girlfriend… based on a call earlier from her BFF-Alicia, that-Samuel was in the zoo…

… the twins… then, got ‘separated’ from there-onwards, in the rain.

But-at-the-station… Peter got excited at this point of the narrative, and he then bragged – where he had boldly… chased the intruder with his Babolat in his hand. Peter then got longwinded…

… that, he caught up with the Black-man, and they got into a struggle, where he clouted him with his racquet, in return… got a black eye…


... and that ‘slugging punch’ dropped him in the crocodile pool… but survived being eaten alive, when he swam to safety. Then, he continued his mission-search – and found Samuel, in the black panther enclosure...

… he then had-crawled in a trapdoor, at the padlocked gate, to get into the stockade, with his Babolat, to fearlessly face the fierce black panther all ‘alone,’ to rescue Samuel – but…

… the crazy-dog Piper took away his ‘glory’ of his heroic attempt – by it whisking the boy away, from being eaten alive by the black panther…

By then, Paul facepalmed… and sighed.


In his bed, Paul blew his nose with a tissue, laughing to himself… recalling inspector-mother stopping her ‘dilutional’ one-armed son, from his ongoing-statements – ahead, from…

…before he told her of-his – ‘how-he-cracked-the-sky-and-shook-the-earth’ part, of the story.

It will be a long week more, of putting up WITH PETER’S NONSENSE, before school term resumed. That was a long time, for being his brother's keeper…

… it was because earlier at the police station...

... he noticed Peter HAD NEGATIVE VIBES – the moment Principle Tom Harris dropped in… to ASSESSED HIS PRINCIPAL ROLE in the police investigation…

… and then, he was also TALKING ‘PRIVATELY’ with their mother…

… Principle Tom Harris WAS A PROBABLE TRIGGER, to the probable nature’s next calamity – in the land-down-under.


THE NEXT DAY WAS A MONDAY, AT THE WILSON’S residence – Shelley Wilson took A WEEK TIMEOUT, from her work at the clinic, to be with her children…

… after a sleepless night of Samuel’s abduction, that HAPPENED ON SATURDAY NIGHT, right at the doorstep of their own house.

… the doctor-mother was grateful, that it all concluded well that Sunday morning, when ‘DISCOVERING’ THAT JANE had ‘again’ sneaked-out earlier…

… in the wee hours, with the Walker-boys – to search for her baby brother.

But several things even puzzled the mother, of HOW THE ESCAPED PIPER came about, in the zoo…

‘Next… WHERE-NOW did Piper go to…???’

It wasn’t the only unexplainable, baffling strange things – with such as of ‘how’ her blind-daughter, had managed slipped out that night… ‘undetected’ by her adult supervision…

… that was why Shelley Wilson took a week off-duty, so to WATCH OVER HER B-GIRL, whom she had grounded a week… till the next school term commenced.


At around 11:00 AM., Alicia Wong cycled over, and visited…

… her black-eyed BFF and baby-brother.

Both the girls were excited as they ‘WHISPERED’ TO EACH OTHER, of the adventure they had, while battling medieval evil.

They were also were excited to go back to Stamford High FOR THE NEXT TERM, as famous-Perth-celebrities…

… of-extraordinary events… within that 10 DAYS PERIOD since school-break…

… where-they had all ‘survived’ a thunderstorm at the dairy farm…

… had ‘escaped’ a black panther attack…

… had ‘beaten’ the rivals in a mixed doubles tennis match… in a video that went viral…

… and finally, ‘defeated’ evil…

… to retrieve the kidnapped Baby Samuel, at the zoo.

Although Jane was grounded, she-too WAS SATISFIED, THAT… she got to get to learn ‘new’ things in her term break, with the Walker-twins – Peter…

… who taught her how to skateboard and play tennis… while – Paul taught her how to fly.

As for her indoor activities, the blind Jane wanted to learn ‘how’ to paint… and ‘learn’ more-about colours…

… the girls and the Black baby-boy, got busy creating their artwork with their paintbrushes, while they sat apart on the marbled floor of their living room, covered with old-newspapers.

The Chinese girl then Googled in her Samsung, of African cultural art – SHE FACE-PAINTED SAMUEL, as a Kenyan’s tribal warrior, before they took wefies.

Alicia joked that they can monetize Jane’s abstracts masterpieces for a fortune online, because Jane was ONE-END OF the ‘PERTH’S FAMOUS COUPLE.’

The blind-girl blushed…

and they all laughed together… downstairs…



… JANE’S PARENTS were in her bedroom… and both the mother and father were staring hard at the broken Queen-sized mattress, with coils of springs sticking out from a caved-into bed – it also had a hollow-etched IMPRINT OF A ONE-ARMED BOY, on the mattress’ surface.

Anthony Wilson was baffled BY-HOW THIS damage could have ‘possibly’ happened, to his company’s top product ware…

… and, Shelley Wilson too was equally mystified… looking at it in horror, of how the ‘culprit’ could have – ‘entered’ her daughter’s bedroom, in that wee-Sunday hours – while the trio had claimed…

… that they took an Uber ride to the zoo…

… the doctor-mother swore to herself, TO KEEP A CLOSE EYE on her B-girl’s rebelliousness…

… with-her ‘uncontrollable’ pubescent-nature…

… now-until…

… she went back to school, next term.


End Of Book 1


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