《BOOK 1: THE CURSE OF ASMODEUS -- (a Perth's Accidental Superheroes series) VOL 1.1 OTHER-PERTH》Chapter 3: A Message from the Time Traveler
PETER AND PAUL WENT TO CHURCH MASS that Sunday, with their mother. Caroline Walker forced her son-Peter, to go for his Holy Confession. And, Peter went to a further-length to tell the priest, of-his 'own' explanation for his every sin, he had-committed – and with a disclaimer, that it was 'not' his fault.
Outside, their car was parked, under a shady tree of the church compound...
... nesting magpies pooped on the-top and windshield, of the white Audi. After mass, their mother stepping out the church door, and she cursed aloud at the 'mess' the birds made.
"Bloody shitting birds!"
On their way home, they bought some pastries from a famous bakery – 'Corica Pastries.' When Paul asked if they were expecting 'visitors,' and the inspector-mother didn't-say.
At the backseat, Peter too was wondering 'WHO' WAS COMING-over – when his mother, didn't tell her own mommy's boy, it made him even 'more' suspicious...
... they reached home, inspector-mother told the boys, 'not' to change the Sunday-best clothes that they both-wore. She then arranged the pastries on 2 plates and placed it on the marble-top kitchen counter.
She took a roll of kitchen paper towel, and went outside, to clean the birds' poop on her car.
Paul was playing his videogame, on his iPhone in the living-room... while, Peter sneaked-back to the kitchen, to eat a couple of pastries.
Paul heard car doors slamming shut... and 'some' familiar voices. He peeked outside the window and saw – Jane Wilson and Alicia Wong visiting again.
He rolled his wheelchair towards the front main door to welcome them – and he saw the 2 girls greeting his mother outside.
They came over, Alicia was cheery. "Hiya Pauly! You went to church...?"
"Yeah, we just came back – we are expecting 'visitors.'" Paul casually replied to her, and both the girls giggled.
"Here-we is – where is Ms King, is she 'here' yet?"
"What...? Where – Ms King?" Paul was stumped.
"Paul, YOU DON'T KNOW? Since the school is closed, Ms King had 'asked' permission from your Mom, to 'hold' her session here."
"Oh-Peter... I get it." Paul nodded.
But Alicia corrected him. "No-silly, it's A GROUP THERAPY – it's for coping of 'what'... we had gone through in the Treeton dairy farm field. Ms King is going to counsel-us-all later."
Finally, Paul understood 'WHY' HIS MOTHER did 'not' tell them both in the car, just now – in case, Peter 'might' have protested... and showed his tantrums-drama.
Peter was hungry and had his third doughnut. He heard a familiar car hooting. He cranked his neck outside the kitchen window to see, who was the 'visitor' was ahead. He was shocked to see Ms King getting off her aging-Volvo – greeted by his inspector-mother.
The one-armed boy had his 'panic-attacks' – he rushed to the common bathroom downstairs and locked himself in.
Caroline Walker made Paul in-charge, as she wanted to go out to town, to the carwash. They were all inside the house – gathered informally and sat in the various couch in the living room – and they all noticed Peter was 'not' present.
Paul sighed, he went over, calling his twin's name...
"Peter! Peter!"
Paul did 'not' see Peter going upstairs – so he must be hiding 'somewhere' downstairs. He physically rolled his wheelchair towards the kitchen. Jane saw the BLUE-GLOWING PAUL, she left the couch and followed him.
Paul sat outside – the common bathroom that was locked.
"Hey Peter, if you don't come out the-dunny this instance – I'm going to tell Mom, once she gets back home. Boy! You'll get into some-serious trouble then."
"Go away, Poe! I'm 'NOT' COMING out!"
Jane then came closer to the door. "Peter, this is Jane – open the door. I want to talk to you."
"No Janey, go-away!"
"Peter, please come out, and 'HELP' ME UNDERSTAND on 'why' are we glowing – and why, we can see it, but 'not' others."
After a moment of silence, Peter unlocked the door – and saw the yellow-glowing Jane, smiling at him outside.
Peter stepped out of the bathroom, and Jane Wilson took him, by 'his' only-hand – they both walked to the living room, passing Paul in his wheelchair. Paul sighed deep in 'more' disappointment, seeing them holding hands AS-A-COUPLE.
Peter saw Ms Diane King sitting in his late father's favourite chair... and his mind...
'... it's the green-eyed shape-shifter...'
He sat on a chair across her, while Jane left him – to sit back, with Alicia on the couch.
After a brief introduction by the school counsellor, Alicia went on first in the group, to narrate, of her TERRIFYING EXPERIENCE, that occurred 3 days ago, in the freak thunderstorm, in the dairy farm that their school visited, in their field trip.
Alicia was recalling that afternoon when disaster struct Treeton – where lightning struck the cows dead, but despite that, Jane ran-boldly to rescue both Peter and Paul. But Alicia 'had' froze and was too-afraid to follow Jane. She hid away among the trees – until Mr Hart found her, but tragically he 'too' was-hurt, by a falling tree branch.
Jane went-next. She stammered – when Ms King, asked if her AI SIMY had 'FORCED' HER to go on and endangering herself. But the blind girl denied that and said... she was at 'fault' – admitting that she 'pushed' her AI hard, to 'neglect' its protocol-of safety, to-risk the danger. As its resulted, Jane had-survived – but the interactive-device was electrocuted – and 'how,' her SECOND-BEST FRIEND 'DIED' that day...
Everyone saw the 2 girls huddling each other for support.
Ms King asked. "You-boys – who is going first?"
... Paul blurted out in anger, after knowing that Peter, WAS TO BE 'BLAMED' for Jane's losing her faithful device.
"I saw this bloody-idiot, was running into the field, in the thunderstorm – I had to do something, so I followed him. And, 'WHAT' DO I GET IN RETURN...? He tried to strangle me instead."
Peter sat up at the edge of his seat and retaliated...
"Oh-yeah, you should have minded your own bloody-business then – now, you gave Mom an added expense, by wreaking your tortoise wheelchair."
"It is insured, you drongo-dummy!"
"You didn't buy-and-pay for it, in the first place so 'why' do you care?"
Jane saw both the handicap brothers glowing darker red and blue – as they argued bitterly.
Ms King intervened. "Can you boys stop fighting!!?"
Now, the counsellor was underfired, by Peter...
"Oh yeah, you were there too Ms. King, in 'both' those bloody places – in the cow-town Treeton and also at the 'hospital' too, where YOU DID 'SOMETHING' – and Janey here, floated up to the ceiling. What kind of freak-show was that you're pulling?"
Blind-Jane exclaimed. "I FLOATED? 'How' is that possible?"
"That was the Sakhr, Jane! You 3, have been 'cursed' by the talisman." Replied Ms King.
"There she goes 'again' – you can do better than that, with your fake facts of – some bloody Ring of Aandaleeb bullshit! We need more evidence than that, to claim we are 'all' cursed!"
"The 3 of you-are indeed cursed – and you BEAR ITS SCAR!"
"You mean this?" Paul showed his marked-throat.
Alicia too saw the scar for the 'FIRST' TIME, remembering that he wore a turtleneck sweatshirt when she visited him yesterday. Alicia then dropped the beanie that blind-Jane-wore, to see the 'SIMILAR' DIAMOND shaped scar – on the top of the blind girl's forehead like of Paul's.
Ms King nodded-to Alicia. They all 'next' looked at Peter stooping low, to avoid the any-eye contacts. Peter was tightening his-fist that bore the scar, by 'not' revealing it. He then looked up in spite... and shouted at the school counsellor, at her face...
"Who are you, coming to my father's house – AND 'TELL' ME, that I am bloody-cursed!!?"
"I'm qualified 'enough' to say you are indeed-curse, Peter Walker! I have studied the subject of medieval Middle Eastern occult... and I 'know' what I'm talking about!"
The counsellor stumped the one-armed boy. Everyone else was curious, to 'what' she had to SAY NEXT...
"Evil has escaped, and I was informed that it is 'COMING' TO-PERTH – and for 20 years, I was tracking it with 'no' real-results – until you... Peter – you showed up in my office during counselling on field trip day wearing the DIABOLIC TALISMAN!"
"EVEN MORE BULLSHIT! I don't bloody-trust you adults – I want MORE EVIDENCE than that – 'not' some mumbo-jumbo damn-bloody-studies you majored in – at an OLD SCHOOL-NIGHT-SCHOOL... where you went a century ago... in the past millennium!"
Ms King was stumped a moment, but she then spoke up...
"Look, Peter, I have so 'much' to discuss, and BY ARGUING WE DON'T have much 'time' – the inspector will be ARRIVING SOON, from the carwash..."
"That is right, today I will 'STALL' FOR TIME, so don't get bored – there are some doughnuts in the kitchen for rest of you, but you, Ms King – I WANT YOU TO BE 'HERE,' when my mother gets back... to listen to your bloody-lies, bluffs and bullshits about this fake Ring of Aandaleeb – so that, SHE WILL THEN BELIEVE ME – and arrest you faker instead!"
Blind-Jane turned around and asked...
"Ms King – tell us what you know – AND 'HOW' CAN we reverse the curse."
Peter instantly spoke out...
"Come on JANEY, YOU TOO – caught up in this, faker-con-woman's tales? Let's be good lawful citizens for-once, and let MY POLICE MOTHER HANDLE IT!"
"YOU SHUT UP, PETER!" Jane snapped, at the dark-red glow. The blind girl leaned towards Ms King. "Tell us. Is there any 'way,' to reverse the curse?"
"No, the 'CURSE' IS NOW-PERMANENT – it will manifest on your 'all' of your negative 'emotions' – and get A LIFE OF ITS OWN, as BlackStar."
"The African she-entity is the high servant, of the demon-Asmodeus who controls all the natural disasters, but – you 3 must be making a bonding-pact, to let that 'not' happen."
"So, that's YOUR 'STORY,' and you expect us to believe that! If you are bloody-serious, you got to have some CONCRETE EVIDENCE, to back that up!
Ms King's patience was wearing thin...
"You 'WANT' EVIDENCE – hope you can stomach, of what I am about to 'SHOW' YOU!"
Her eyes glowed green – and light from her eyeballs, projected A GREEN HOLOGRAM – of a thin tall figure of AN OLD-BEARDED-MONK ahead.
... Peter and Paul and Alicia freaked out in their seats and shirked – 'except' for Jane. The blind girl left the terrified Alicia's side, of the couch – and she went forward, to the hologram's male voice...
"I'm a SeeIn, the Record-keeper of the future realm of humanity's reality – I have a DIRE MESSAGE for the Cursed-Trio."
"What is your message, SeeIn?" Jane asked.
"You have 'already' unleashed the malevolent curse into-Perth – where will be the 'HEART' OF EVERYTHING-EVIL, that is to-come! You can't fight it... if there is 'NO' PEACE AMONG YOU-ALL, when 'you' can even turn-against yourself and each other...
... and even against your friends, parents and siblings."
The green hologram continues to reveal...
"You-3 are your 'OWN' WORST ENEMY of yourselves – with your NEGATIVE THOUGHTS AND ACTIONS."
"What should we do?" Jane asked.
"CONTROL IT, O' Blind One!"
... replied SeeIn, and further continued saying...
"You-3 MUST ALL UNITE and – make a pact, with all 3 of you, by 'NOT' GIVING IN to the temptations of the Sakhr, and to refrain it from growing stronger – or else, it will TAKE OVER HUMANITY...
"You must 'NOT' SUCCUMB to it, with your 'own' negative behaviour – as it will manifest and transforms to the diabolical BlackStar. Once she is born...
"... there is 'NO' TURNING BACK – that is where a series of nature's catastrophe will occur – it will lead, to the DESTRUCTION OF HUMANITY."
... the 'futuristic' message from the hologram called SeeIn – struck the chilling fear into the children...
"You all must BRING THE 'BALANCE' in yourselves by controlling the EVIL IN EACH OF YOU – and also, promise to HELP ONE-ANOTHER in times of crisis."
"We promise, and we will abide..."
... Blind-Jane said – and she looked over her shoulder, at the red and blue glows behind her.
"Come, Peter... you too Paul."
The confused twins hesitated at first – and Paul-then rolled his wheelchair towards the blind girl, and she held his hand.
"No, I'm 'NOT' A CRIMINAL – and I am 'NOT' EVIL!"
The one-armed boy yelled, before running away upstairs... and locked himself up, behind his bedroom door.
Downstairs, the green, hologram See-In – OBSERVED, AND DECIDED...
"... it seems the unity of the Cursed-Trio has 'NOT' BEEN ACHIEVED, despite the warning that the BlackStar, who will NOW BE A REALITY in this realm. This is the moment of the inception...
"... for the destruction of humanity – because, 'ALL' OF YOUR negativity in your future thoughts and actions WILL FUEL 'EVIL' – to feed and grow the BlackStar, for her TO PERMIT, FOR-EVEN greater annihilation with her MONSTROUS NATURAL DISASTERS.'
"SeeIn, 'what' should we do?" The desperate blind girl asked.
"UNITY IS THE 'KEY,' O' Blind One!"
The green hologram faded – Paul quick turned back, and saw Ms King's glowing green eyes FADING TOO, to normal. The counsellor then spoke...
"Inspector Walker will be arriving back-soon. I want you 3, TO PROMISE TO KEEP-whatever you saw and heard here, as a 'secret' because the fate of humanity, is now a BURDEN ON YOUR SHOULDERS. No one 'outside' this room should know or else, the possibility of the government will take you away, from your families would be possible...
"... you too, JANE AND ALICIA – don't 'say' anything back home."
A worried-looking Jane nodded...
"I understand."
Paul then asked, pointing upstairs. "What about 'him...?'"
"Nobody trusts WHATEVER PETER 'SAYS' – but you-Paul, don't get in 'his' way... and fight or argue – it will FUEL NEGATIVITY – and the evil BlackStar, who will brew-stronger with ruining this Perth City, with its natural disasters."
The scared Paul nodded in agreement to Ms King.
"Everybody, please keep this Sunday-meeting, as our well-kept, 'secret' and swear upon your life, that you might 'not' break it nor abuse it."
The moment she 'said' that, an Audi arrived – and parked ahead at the gate. Inspector Caroline Walker got out from her car...
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In the Urillian Empire, the Empress Xandra rules three-quarters of the planet Xren from her home in the capital of the Earth Continent. Both the fire and water peoples have fallen under her might after a series of wars stretching back three centuries. Earth elves, under Xandra's rule, have spread throughout the planet and established colonies, and are, by all accounts, enjoying what seems to be a prosperous and happy existence. But not everyone in Uril is happy. The holy books speak of elves as the Chosen People of Thesis, tasked with guiding and protecting the lower races. For some people, this scripture has been interpreted to designate their life as one on the lowest rungs of society. Humans have been reduced to a slave class, and serve their elven masters under Xandra's rule, kept at bay by the constant fear of the dreaded Emerald Knight, and their own perceived weakness. Humans do not lead long lives, nor do they possess the wisdom, power, or magical acumen of their elven masters. But there is hope. A group of people have banded together to fight against Xandra, her Knight, and her empire. They call themselves the "Knights of Order" united under the principle idea that Xandra's reign has brought chaos unto Xren, and they wish to restore order. These Knights are led by a man named Xaxac Brigaddon, spoken of as a legend. They say that when the moons are full, some humans transform into powerful beasts. They say that Xaxac is the most powerful warrior on Xren, that in his youth he was enslaved and forced to fight other humans to the death in a bloodsport called "cage fighting", that he could not be touched and held the world championship title for three years running until he faked his own death and escaped his master to join the resistance. They say that he has friends in high places- noblemen, pirates, and the devil himself. They say that if you can find him, he can ferry you to freedom in places where the Earth Elves fear to tread. They say that he is immune to magical attack, and his eyes shine like the silver moon. They say that he is descended from Quizlivian Brigaddon, one of the humans who helped the demon Magnus escape a god. They say that if you want to walk the Path of Order, you should follow the White Rabbit.Come and watch the transformation from human boy to Knight of Order: The life and times of Xaxac OfAgalon OfLangil Brigaddon. Content Warning: This work is based on the real experiences of human trafficing survivors. Xaxac's origins are based on true events, and they are presented realisitcally; this includes but is not limited to: isolation, gaslighting, emotional and sexual abuse, and grooming tactics. This work is meant to hold a mirror up to society; it is based on the real of experiences of people who have experienced slavery and/or abuse. It is an adult work and probably should not be read by anyone under the age of 18. If you are a survivor of human trafficing and/or abuse, your feedback is welcome, but please do not read this if you think it may trigger your trauma. I did not write this with the intention of harming anyone, but rather to provide accurate representation for a group that does not normally get it in the hopes of changing the zeitgeist. I would like to see a world where more people understand what these experiences are like, so that real survivors do not have to deal with microagressions from an ignorant public. Reader discretion is advised. This book does not display these elements as heavily as book 1.
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