《The War Revealed - 3rd Novel in the Shadow Series》Chapter 10 .



"Wake up my most precious son."

My eyes fluttered open. I expected to see my mom hovering over me as she had when I was a child. Her long black hair would spill over her shoulders and her dark, brown eyes would smile. It had been her voice that called to me. It was warmth and love and safety.

When she wasn't there, I remembered I was a clone of the original Vai and had never actually seen my mother - even if I still had the memories and feelings. The warmth, love and safety fled from me and I was left with emptiness.

"Get up my lovely child," my mom's voice said.

My dad had given the okay for my computer mom to speak to me as a son only when I was alone in my room.

"I wish I could give you a hug," I said out loud. I had a strange sense of happiness and loneliness all rolled into one. I was happy that I could hear my mom's voice once again - and know it was her voice. But it also left me empty that it was only her voice.

"Me too," she said, "but at least you know who I am and I can speak with you as something other than a computer A.I."

I sat up on my bed and looked around my room. Warpaint stood by my bed with an algae bar ready in his hand.

"How did I get back to my quarters?" I asked Warpaint. The last thing I remembered was being on the bridge.

"You fell asleep so I carried you, sir," Warpaint said.

A part of me wanted to feel embarrassed at the thought of my large mechatronic carrying me through the corridors for everyone to see, but I didn't. I was grateful. "Thank you, Warpaint."

"Just one of my many great purposes, sir."

I took the algae bar from him and took a bite.

"We need to meet the others in the docking bay," Warpaint said.

"I remember," I said quietly. I finished the algae bar and got off my bed. "Let's go open the light on other ships."

"I can't open the light, sir," Warpaint said. "I am great, but that is beyond my capabilities."

"I know, Warpaint. When I said 'us' I meant - never mind. You are great in protecting me, Warpaint."

"Really sir? Did you forget the times I let you die? It happened twice."

"Once," I corrected. "Other Vai wasn't me and he was incomplete. And the time I really died wasn't your fault. You've protected me many times and I know you will many times more."


"Thank you, sir," Warpaint said. I stepped into the living quarters. Warpaint followed. I thought my dad would be waiting for me beyond my bedroom door, but the quarters were empty.

"He is on the bridge, sir," Warpaint said. "He is very busy right now."

"Of course he is," I said. His absences hadn't bothered me before I realized I was clone. Now it was different. I had consciously made the choice to make him my dad. Now I missed him.

I stepped out into the corridor - Warpaint close by my side.

This morning - before the incident on the bridge - before we broadcasted to the entire Gathering - people didn't notice me when I walked through the corridors. Now people stopped and stared. Some came up and shook my hand and said 'thank you'. It made me a little uncomfortable, but I was cordial to all of them.

Owen was at the elevators as if he were waiting for me. He smiled when he saw me and jogged up to me and Warpaint. "You look better than before," he said.

"Sorry," I said. "I was so tired. I couldn't control it."

Owen placed a small hand on my back. "Don't worry about it. Your power is incredible. It's opened up an alternative to death. If the end result is that you get tired, I can handle that, friend." He smirked at me.

"Thanks." We got in the elevator, but before the door shut, I noticed the looks from those in the corridors. "Just don't ever look at me the way they do."

Owen looked, but the elevator door was already closed. "What way?"

"Like I'm something - greater than they are."

Owen chuckled. "Don't worry, friend. I don't think anyone is greater than me. Except maybe - " His expression suddenly went blank. He realized what he was about to reveal to me and went quiet.

"Except maybe Esther?"

He bit his bottom lip as he looked up at me. "You noticed?"

"I think she might feel the same," I said.

"Really?" His face brightened. "Should I say something to her or - no. Now is not the time. We have the entire Gathering to save first. And don't worry. You will always remain my friend Vai who will help me with my current and future business ventures."

"I am?"

"Of course," Owen said.

And how could I say no. Warpaint would say no for me though if Owen wanted to do anything illegal.

The elevator door opened and we made our way to the docking bay. Owen received some of the stares from people in the corridors, but most of the stares were reserved for me. It made me uncomfortable.


The others waited for us next to Lieutenant Tanpo's shuttle.

"Vai," Minmin said with a small smile on her face. "Are you feeling alright?"

"Much better," I replied.

"Let's go," Lieutenant Tanpo said. "Even though we are only opening the light in the command staff, there are many ships to get through. This is going to take us all day."

"I gave the stellar navigator on duty the coordinates to the Awakened One," Esther said as we stepped on board the shuttle. "The captain said we will go there next. Now that everyone knows about him, he can come on board the Shadow. Captain Axa said he will probably have to stay on the docking bay if he is as big as we say he is, which of course he is, but that's okay. I don't think he will mind."

We sat and Lieutenant Tanpo piloted the shuttle to lift up and away from the Shadow.

Minmin's okulus chirped as she received a message. I hardly paid her any attention as she read the message. But I did notice when after a few minutes, she still stared at her okulus. She was expressionless. Her eyes hardly blinked. As if she was in shock.

"What is going on with you?" Shel asked. He was next to her. When she didn't answer, he lifted her wrist and tilted it so he could read the open message on her okulus. She didn't protest. Didn't move. Just blinked once.

His blue eyes widened. Then he scoffed and shook his head. "I don't believe it," he muttered.

"What is it?" I asked.

Shel moved Minmin's furry wrist so the okulus was pointed my way. I leaned across the aisle to read it.

«I saw the broadcast from a few hours ago and just realized you are in my official fandom. I can't tell you how honored I am that someone as great and as brave as you chose to be my fan. I will work harder to be worthy of your interest. I really hope that the travels of the G.E.F. will bring you back home to Minidtin. If you by chance do get back here, it would be my greatest honor if you were the one to open the light inside me. From your number one fan, Bars.

I dropped Minmin's wrist. Owen was quick to pick it up to read the message himself as Minmin continued to sit there in a daze.

"Wow, Minmin," Owen said. "You must be so excited."

"What is it?" Esther asked. She sat next to Owen in the row in front of me and Warpaint.

"Bars just sent her a message saying he was her number one fan," Owen said.

That broke Minmin from her trance. A high pitched squeal came from her throat. She grabbed Shel's shoulders.

"He messaged me," she said.

"I know," Shel said with a slight smile on his blue lips.

"He messaged ME," she said again. "Can you believe it?" She shook Shel's shoulders. "He knows me." She collapsed back into her seat as if all her strength was gone. "He knows me," she repeated quietly.

I didn't realize we had docked on the RedNova until Lieutenant Tanpo said, "We're here. Let's go."

We filed off the shuttle. Lieutenant Tanpo was the last one off. A group of security officers waited for us.

"We will take you to the command staff," they said.

They asked us questions as they led us there. They probably weren't supposed to, but it was understandable. The Gathering populace learned two great things a few hours ago that changed their existence. One, there was an enemy alien that could take over them and control their minds. And two, there was a way to fight them. They looked at all of us as if we were something greater than we were. Especially me. I tried not to show the discomfort on my face.

They took us to the captain's quarters. The captain was a small Starwatcher with sepia colored fur and green eyes. He was surrounded by the second officer and a handful of other ranking officers. I didn't see anyone wearing the rank of first officer.

"The first officer . . .?" Esther let the incomplete question hang in the air.

"Left with the others who had the miasmids," the captain said.

Esther gave a brief explanation of the light and how they could open it in others once they had it. We then each moved to the officers to open their light. I ended up in front of the second officer. He was a red K'thaktra with yellow eyes. It was good I was me again and not Other Vai. His light came out as a vibrant red.

We left with many repeated 'thank yous'. Then we were on to the next ship and the next. By the time we got back to the Shadow it was late and I was exhausted. I wasted no time going back to my quarters and crawling underneath my blanket with my head on my pillow.

By the next morning, everyone remaining in the G.E.F. had the light with the exception of my dad.

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