《[BOOK 1.0] -- PERTH'S ACCIDENTAL SUPERHEROES》Chapter 6: A Field Trip Gone Wrong
IT WAS CASUAL WEAR THURSDAY AT STAMFORD HIGH'S field trip day, happening later that afternoon. That morning, Peter Walker walked down the school corridor. He wore a dark Sergio Tacchini tennis sportswear-jacket, Nike cap, and black H&M skinny-jeans and Fila runners. He dragged his feet...
... as his sports-shoes were tight, and needed a size 10, for his growing feet.
At the lobby, it was like a TWEEN FASHION SHOW PARADE, that morning – where students were in a hangout like it was a mall.
As Peter walked along, some-dag students were stepping aside and made 'less' eye contact with him. He then heard another-bogan shouted from his back, 'one-armed bandit' – and, followed by laughter from some boys...
... he was like an outcast stranger over there, having NO 'REAL' FRIENDS in that school...
... but Peter ignored everyone and went ahead to look at the notice board. His eyes were searching the list of students in his class, who were going on the field trip later.
His heart skipped a beat, with that moment in joy, when he saw his NAME, 'NOT' THERE in the list...
... he then heard an adult voice, calling him from behind – he turned to see Mrs Ann Burnell, the discipline teacher and also SHS's VP...
"Peter, where, is your brother-Paul?"
Peter shrugged off. "Blimey, how would I know...? So, excuse me... Mrs Burnell and my name is 'not' here which means… I don't have to go on the bus-ride trip, yeah?"
He asked, pointing at the list on the notice board.
"You and your brother, are both are travelling in a DIFFERENT GROUP, and 'not' in the 4 buses."
"What group...?" Peter was suspicious of her.
"Principle Harris has arranged a van, for you both, to go there."
"In that case, LET ME GO IN THE BUS, and let-Paul go in the van, by himself."
... Mrs Burnell's voice was firm…
"No... Principle Harris gave me some specific instructions, that 'you' will go with the Methodist church's handicap van – because it has 'space' for Paul's wheelchair."
The discipline teacher turned and walked away, towards the classrooms – WHILE PETER, looked in horror...
... he slowly walked to his classroom, by following the VP, who-was ahead. She entered the class's front door, while he used the 2nd rear door. He saw the room of classmates, in their colourful casual-wear... rather than in their regular green-toned school uniforms.
From the back of the class, he then saw the discipline teacher, speaking to his brother Paul and Alicia ahead.
... Peter was distracted by a voice calling him, from his side. He turned to see Jane Wilson wearing a marine blue jacket with hoodie, bearing their school initials, S.H.S. – and wearing bright pink tracky-daks below, and black basketball-sneakers.
The blind-girl sounded excited...
"Hi Champ, I am coming in the van, with 'you.'"
... Peter still looked dazed, walked away and sat at his desk, at the rear end of the class. He was quiet.
The one-armed boy recalled a run-in, he had with his mother last night, that he did 'not' want to go on this dairy farm field trip – which, he told her that it would be 'boring,' and a waste of his time...
... but his inspector-mother forced his attendance... by saying that 'WHEREVER' PAUL went, he should go with him. Then, Paul cajoled his angry mother, that he would buy lots of cheese back home from the trip, to the dairy farm...
... she then gave him some money – while the angry Peter ran-upstairs, shouted out 'good night'... and, entered his room, slamming the door-hard.
HIS RUNNERS WERE KILLING HIM... as he dragged his foot when he walked over to the Infirmary.
After 2 periods, in his class with light revisions, the third period was a free period – for students to get ready to go, on their field trip. Everyone was getting excited about THEIR BUS-RIDE visit, and others were even-more excited, about their mid-term break holiday plans. But, during the free period, Peter had a face-to-face 'session,' with his councillor, Diane King for half an hour.
... he had a heavy-heart... when he entered her office and slammed the door. Diane King looked up from her lappy, on her table.
"G' day Peter, I thought you won't come?"
"Strewth, do I have a bloody-choice here...?"
... he sighed and slumped on the sofa.
"What is bothering you today?"
"I don't want to go to that bloody-cow farm! It is all a consumer ploy – to make them buy their products, in their visits-there. And, me fat-bogan brother will be doing just that, just because he eats lots of grilled sangers at home, and my mother gave him money for that too, which means –she would 'not' let me order pizza, for dinner." He rambled on.
The Indigenous Australian woman smiled, noticing his clothing. "You are all dressed-up smart in your best sportswear – so, 'where' would you rather go, Peter?"
"O-yeah, I would rather go to a slaughterhouse, and see 'where' my juicy steaks come from. I need the protein to be a strong athlete but, my mother doesn't understand that too – because she became a new-age hippie vegetarian. But thank-god... she lets me eat what I want."
She laughed…
"You are funny today, Peter. But you can't get upset for some-things that you can't control of. The school had organized this field trip, and EVERYONE IS 'GOING,' and you should join them too.
"It would be fun, maybe you can 'learn' some things outside, of what you study in the classroom."
... Peter disagreed…
"What is there to learn, but it crack-the-shit outta me of stupid cows secreting bodily fluids... and they make consumer-products out of it!!?"
He felt hot, adjusting THE COLLAR OF his track jacket...
"That is funny."
She laughed again, recalling back seeing-at the 'exploding' fingers-gesture shown by the one-armed Peter.
"That is 'not' funny, Miss King! Why am I being humiliated-here, 'when' I'm taken over there? Principle Harris is making me take the bloody-handicap van, instead of the bus to go there. Hah! Everybody will laugh at me if I go in that stupid-van…huh, is this-funny and an idea for fun...?
"... it is TOTALLY' SHAMEFUL...!"
... Peter kicked his feet-up, at an 'imaginary' Principle Harris standing-in front...
... Peter fumed and felt uncomfortable, wearing his zipped-up track jacket. HE ZIPPED IT DOWN... he was wearing a black, Babolat brand t-shirt beneath and – revealing too…
… a 'tribal necklet' WHICH-HE WORE…
… which strung a small ancient metal coin, a shiny red gemstone, a thumb-sized wood, and a carnivorous animal's fang tooth.
Counsellor Diane King stood up at once, SEEING THE AMULET he wore, exclaiming...
"...THAT THING you are wearing – 'where' did you GET IT FROM…!!?"
"This…? Aww! It was a 'gift' – I got AFTER BECOMING CHAMPION, some years back."
"That is the TALISMAN OF ASMODEUS – and... IT IS 'CURSED...!'"
...Peter protested. "NO, IT'S 'NOT' – this amulet has been me good luck charm since I got it."
"No! The Sakhr is 'cursed,' Peter – it's forged from the Ring of Aandaleeb and those who wore it, will bear THE 'CURSE' OF TERRIBLE EVENTS... that happened in their lives who wore 'it.' That scourge thing MUST BE DESTROYED!"
"Destroyed…? NO WAY! I reckon 'not' know, which bloody-version of The Lord of the Rings movie-subtitles, you watched it in, but YOU ARE 'WRONG' – it's MY GOOD LUCK CHARM – and I'm keeping it!"
"Peter, 'who' gave it to you?"
"Someone... a man – I can't remember, he 'gave' it to me – he must have BEEN MY FAN, back then."
"The Fiqitush is truly a dangerous weapon – and YOU HAVE ALREADY BEEN 'CURSED,' ever since you got it! See it for yourself – the terrible accident, and YOU LOST YOUR ARM – and your father died 'too' on that day!"
... Peter was mad, and he stood up, pointing at the woman...
"You look here, Ms King – you making fun of me for your hee-how laugh-about, and that I can 'tolerate’ – but don't you ever say ANY 'BAD' THINGS ABOUT MY LATE FATHER! This thing is serious – and I want to tell my mother on this, and she too will 'not' be pleased about what you just-had bloody said! I would bloody-make sure SHE WILL GET YOU FIRED from this school, and they will deport you somewhere far away woop-woop, like New Zealand – and you can go 'there'... and make-up your-own Lord of the Aandaleeb Rings-bullshit 'stories,' gone far away over-there!"
"Peter, I am serious too – YOU 'GIVE' ME THAT TALISMAN NOW...!"
... Peter saw Ms King's eyes 'shone' out, in bright luminous green. He freaked out and bolted from her office. The frightened one-armed BOY RAN AWAY, hollering from the Infirmary... and her voice then was echoing orders, from behind him.
"Peter, come back here now!"
PETER WALKER RAN FAST. HE NEEDED TO HIDE somewhere from that – creature, or whatever it 'was' – which had the glowing, bright green eyes...
... which might hunt him next.
He ran on the busy corridor – passing by scores of students meandering-along in their casual-wear, during their free 3rd class period. He knew 'only' one place, where he can safely hide.
... he locked himself in the boy's room toilet stall – his heart still pounding hard, and he sank to sit on the dunny – nattering to himself, by processing 'what' had just happened...
‘... would Mom 'believe' me...?’
She would 'never' believe him – HER OWN FLESH AND BLOOD – while she rather trusted that creature, Ms King, more, because his mother had been 'fooled' by it before – probably it had mind-controlled her, to make phone calls behind his back, to report on his 'behaviour' at home.
... Principle Harris too must be some sort of alien creature. He-too was 'SOME-HOW' INVOLVED, with his horde of shape-shifter teachers – who were there ...
... every-day to 'control,' and punish him more in school – just because they were disguised as 'adults' in their-world – in which, he had 'no' control of being heard or reason with, by their domineering nature.
The paranoid, panic attack faded, after a few moments, and he breathes shallow – now thinking, on what the glowing green-eyed alien creature 'said' just now. He touched the necklet, that he wore below his jacket.
... he recalled it-saying, the talisman was 'CURSED' AND DANGEROUS – and it-reckoned, it even 'killed' his father.
But all he wanted to do was to only go play tennis, and be the 'best' at it, and – going-on, to proudly play for Australia. He had succeeded at it 2 years ago – and that made his father 'proud,' by being a junior champion, before the accident.
If it was cursed, 'who' bloody gave it to him...?
... he was only 10 years old...
... when ‘that’ fame came into his-world – and the label 'protégé' hung over his head like a halo, when he BRAVED THAT WORLD – and even challenged adults to match-up with him... via his YouTube channel challenge...
.. everyone was impressed at his WINNING 'STREAK,' and placed money bets on his behalf – rewards of cash and other perks too came, with local store-retailers who wanted him to wear their sponsored brands of teen sportswear. And, swing-their trademarks-rackets in his viral videos,
…but back then... what he 'CRAVED'...
... was the attention and love, that his true-blue fans showered him, in his weekend popularity matches in the clay court. They bought him, Paul and his 'camera crew' fast food. Some gave extraordinary and personal 'gifts' to him – like a senior old man who was in his 90s, who had given his antique tennis racquet from the WW2 era...
... and, another woman, who was an artist, presented a canvas art of him, swinging his racquet LIKE HIS 'IDOL' McEnroe.
... Peter sat up – as he RECALLED 'WHO' HAD GIVEN him the talisman...
... it was in a bad day that 'day,' and he lost a rematch with an 18-year-old – and also lost $200 that evening, from personal bets, he had placed on himself – if he would-had 'won,' it was 'triple,' as the underdog.
A thin and tall Black man, named Hajji, approached him. He had dreadlocked braided hair. He spoke with an African accent, Nigerian probably – who, ...
... had befriended him when he was 'feeling down,' after his lost his-match, that evening...
The man said as the 'gift' of his true fan, HE HAD A GIFT-JUJU, that he got from his homeland – which will bring him good luck, and fortune in his 'journey,' to be the next country's top tennis player.
... Peter sat up in the dunny again...
... when a loud PA system called out – for all students – to come to the waiting buses at the school's parking lot. His still sat on the toilet bowl for another 15 minutes…
… hearing more silence outside the toilet stall. He presumed THE BUSES HAD ALREADY LEFT. His heart then-jumped, when the PA blared again, with the next communication...
He was afraid to come out of his hiding.
... Peter at once cursed Paul – whose wheelchair, had 'made' him to travel in the handicap van.
He finally picked-up his courage, peeked-out, and left the stall – he was ready to bust out of the school's main door ...
... and, would bolt-out away fast, 'if' that-green glowing-eyed alien, confronted him outside.
PETER RAN OUT OF THE SCHOOL MAIN DOOR to the empty parking lot. The 4 buses were gone. He saw ahead, Paul, Jane and Alicia were under a tree shade. He cried out to his twin – and Paul rolled towards him in his motorized wheelchair, responding back...
... Peter met him halfway, who was panting and acting-paranoid like that he had just been chased by a killer psycho...
"Poe! Poe, her eyes glowed 'green' – I noticed it before, and I thought then, it was some contact lens she wore – but today, it shone green, like a 'dog' at night... while it's-still 'daytime' now!"
The one-armed boy rambled away, and, Paul was more confused...
"... who...? What're talking about?"
"The bloody school-counsellor woman, Ms King! She must be an alien or sort. Shit! Even had the nerve – to even insult Dad, that he was 'cursed' to die – I'm going to complain her to Mom once at home!" The one-armed Peter was-pointing back at the school building.
"What you 'do' now...? Are you in trouble?" Paul probed.
"No! I did 'not' do anything. She was bloody-hunting me – so I ran and hid."
... Peter responded, as he gazed up above to the school windows, for any alien-creature lurking-out, like in a videogame. Peter spoke again...
"Why are we bloody still here? I thought we were going 'visiting,' some of your pet cows."
... Peter wanted to get far away, from there.
A white minivan came, horn slightly hooted. A friendly, large, burly driver in his late 50's alighted and introduced himself, as Mr John Hart – he politely apologized for being late, because he was pumping air to his tires, at the petrol station earlier.
The girls then walked up to the van, and Mr Hart promised to get them all, to the dairy farm destination on-time, although the other buses that had left.
... Mr Hart was decently dressed, but the boys noticed tattoos on his forearm – the man told he was a retired military man, from the Australian Armed Forces.
The van's side door had imprinted sign, that it was a Methodist Church vehicle, and Peter stared at it and muttered softly. "I'm Catholic, I should 'not' be even riding in that."
He turned to someone calling from the rear. "Hey Champ... 'where' were you...?"
... it was Jane – and Alicia Wong.
"Why are 'you' in this group...?" He asked, with suspicion. The Chinese girl responded. "Mrs Burnell told... I should accompany Janey."
... Jane chorused. "Ali is my partner, in the field trip – your buddy-partner is Pauly."
... Peter made a face and then saw the ex-army man carrying Paul, from his wheelchair to the front seat. Peter looked at his watch and said to hurry-up.
"Watch your back, Mr Hart – he is heavy, my brother dear is. You need a crane, to haul his fat ass-up, Sir..."
"Shut up, Peter!" Paul cried back, noticing everyone else was smiling, at the laughing Peter.
Peter got into the rear seat, just like in his classroom – kicking off his tight shoes, and sat alone.
... Jane and Alicia were in matching fashion, sat together in the middle row seat.
Mr Hart then placed the wheelchair at the back compartment. The pious driver returned, he then said a brief prayer, before he started the ignition.
The white van left the parking lot, with Peter still staring over behind... cautious for any alien creatures, jumping out of the woodwork.
... everyone was quiet, in the first 5 minutes. Jane whispered to Alicia. "I'm so tired and sleepy." Alicia made the blind girl, lay her head on her lap. Jane removed her SIMY headset. Alicia then got busy – and, SHE WAS BRAIDING Jane's bushy blond hair.
... Mr Hart then spoke. "Don't mind, I play us some music?"
Peter echoed from the rear. "As long, it's 'not' some trumpet playing band."
Mr Hart played some gospel music, in his CD stereo.
Paul, who was seated beside – recognized the singer and exclaimed. "Is that Elvis?"
Mr Hart was impressed with the 12-year-old and praised him. "You know Elvis...? I'm surprised a boy you age, these days, knowing a 'music' of yesterday."
... Peter exclaimed. "Who is this Elvis...? Is he Australian like Kevin Parker... of Tame Impala...?"
Paul rallied back louder, correcting him...
"He is American, you dummy! Elvis is the King of Rock and Roll, you moron! If you don't know music, just shut-up back there!"
"What King of Rock and Roll, your-fatso-arse...? I know music – what about Acca-Dacca, you drongo? ACDC is rock and roll of 'yesterday' – and, they're Australian too!"
... Paul 'sighed,' DEEP-AND-LOUD – both the girls giggled aloud 'hearing' it.
"Okay, we put that, to a test here, we confirm with a music 'expert' in the van hey Alicia, what can you say about Elvis?" Paul asked. While braiding Jane's hair, the Chinese tween looked up...
"Who is El Vis...? Is he a South American?"
The baffled Alicia replied, and that made Paul face-palm. Even the sleepy, Jane Wilson chorused out...
"Is he famous...?"
... Peter laughed out. "No Janey, he is 'not!' None of us-all 'heard' of him – Hasta la vista Poe, case closed."
The driver laughed aloud, listening on the young-minds bantering.
... Paul said back, in a disappointed tone. "I thought you 'know' music, Alicia."
Alicia shrugged. "Not everything... I know 'only' classical music. The rest of the time, I listen to some Chinese songs and K-pop."
"Like Jackie Chan, right?" Peter added. Alicia replied to him. "No, silly – Chan is an actor. But Jackie Chung, is a singer, from my mother's time."
"Whatever," Peter said, and everyone was quiet once again.
... Mr Hart glanced at 'both' the brothers, one beside him, and the other – through his rear-view mirror. He said to them...
"Do you know Elvis had a twin-brother too, by name of Jessie Garon Presley? But so-unfortunately, Jessie the 'elder' twin, died a stillborn."
... Peter voiced back. "'Not' in my family, we got good genes. I'M A FIRSTBORN, and 'this' hungry fat Paul, tried to eat me in my mother's womb – and he began to chew my ass-on me... but I got away fast, and was born 2 minutes ahead of him. But I know, deep down in the depth of his fat tummy, sits a 'lost and found department' with my umbilical cord still in it."
Everyone laughed, except for Paul.
... Paul was sour...
"Go ahead, TALK NONSENSE, and laugh all you want – 'every day,' you learn nothing."
Peter snapped back. "Screwth! What is there to learn? I'm 'not' someone who has the 'time,' to read something trivial on the internet, just to impress his girlfriends here – and also his dear Mommy, back home. So, by the way, what have 'you' learned today, O-my brother Paul?"
... Alicia cupped the sleeping Jane's ear and whispered in it. "Janey, I think 'both' of them, are trying to impress you." Jane boxed her thigh, also giggling and saying. "Noo!"
"Unlike-you, I learn something every day... like in this conversation 'here'... with Mr Hart – I now know Elvis had a 'twin' brother, who died."
"Oh yeah Paul, go learn even 'more,' like Stephen Hawkins – you both end-up have big brains, and short legs."
... Paul saw in the driver's RVM... and he saw Jane at the back, covering her mouth, sniggering to everything that Peter said.
"Hey, some respect here, you-Bogan – don't 'insult' dead people."
"Oh yeah Poe, Elvis' twin-dying is fascinating to you, yea...? But here I am, learning the 'secret' mystery of how did Stephen Hawkins 'had' a daughter...? The man was practically was paralyzed in all parts of his body... and he 'talks' by pushing some sort of joystick, with his face cheek. Now, my genius brother – 'how' did he get a daughter...?"
Everyone laughed out, Paul was furious – and wished The Methodist driver, Mr Hart would stop the van, to go-slap Peter, in his two cheeks instead.
... Peter was on the roll. "No worries Poe-pee-Poe, I got your-back – when the-time 'comes'... I will get you your blue-pills. That's what bigger-twin-brothers are for..."
Again, everyone laughed, Paul was totally embarrassed.
"Stop making dirty jokes in a church van – I will tell Mom about it when we get 'home' later!"
Everyone, including Peter, laughed even more.
... Alicia voiced out. "Is this 'how' you-2, fight at home…?" Everyone laughed again...
... except for the bashful Paul.
Everyone was back to quiet again, listening to Elvis, crooning Gospel songs in the stereo – they were half-way in their 'journey,' of the hour-long ride, to the dairy farm...
... it made Peter think 'back' of the incident, that happened in school earlier. Did the alien creature in the meantime, had 'called' his mother, to give some 'FAKE' NARRATIVES, to punish him more?
He needed to 'know' that, and also make an impression to his inspector-mother, that things were 'fine' – and that, HE WAS NOW IN THE 'RIDE,' in the Methodist van, that took them to 'visit' the dairy farm – which he had 'refused' to-go last night.
So, he text-tweet her, in his smartphone...
'Mom, wen U las tym tuk me shopping? My shoes r tight n I nid 2 buy 2 pair of shuz. Deposit $300 2 my acc. I buy cheep online.'
After 5 minutes his mother tweeted...
'Y U nid 2 pairs? Y $300? I can buy 4 prs wit tht – 2 4U n' 2 4Poe.'
... Peter immediately replied to her...
'Poe don nid nu dancing shuz. QUALITY MOM, I wan gd tenis shuez dat can las.'
After a long 10 minutes wait, she tweeted back...
' M busy. V tok abt dis wen @ home 2nite.'
EVERYONE LAZED IN THAT AFTERNOON van ride – except for Paul and Mr Hart – who was explaining military weapons, his division army tattoos on his arms, and his combat experience in the first-Gulf War.
... Paul too participated-by saying... that his 'pee-paw' grandfather Walker... was in WW2 in the Pacific-war, fighting the Japs...
Then... Paul was asking the war-veteran 'about' weapons-he-used... in his shooting, NOVA 3 videogames.
... Peter looked out of the window, bored at the endless grass fields, on both sides of the road. He saw the girls quiet, in the middle seat – he did 'not' speak to them much...
... unlike at the tennis court and McDonald's yesterday. He acted like-a silent-one... looking 'cool' in, his expensive sports attire.
Finally, they arrived at the dairy farm, outside Treeton...
... the place welcomed visitors with its advertisements of products, mainly their Cheddar, Romano and Havarti cheeses, in the road billboards. There were also the public statement claims, where the cows were grass-fed, in the organic maintained pasture.
Peter looked horrified, as the van passed a 'green' Volvo, in the dairy farm's visitors parking bay – he froze, when he saw his counsellor, Diane King, alighting from her old car. The van proceeded further in and parked along with the 4 earlier buses... that had dropped off the SHS's students.
The white van arrived late. All the students and teacher were in the main dairy building, far ahead.
The van's automatic side door opened, and the girls were first to get off the minivan...
... Jane stepped out, SPOTTING A NEW HAIR-DO, with 3 thick-dreadlocks of her blond hair, braided on the right side of her face. The auto rear-door opened – Mr Hart came to get Paul's wheelchair out. Peter finally spoke out...with only-Paul in the van with him. His voice was rambling in panic again, like from in school earlier...
"Poe, 'she' is here! She is looking for me! I'm dead!"
... Paul shouted, after the hour of humiliation…
"That alien-eyed Ms King, you fool! SHE 'NOW' FOUND ME – she will hunt me, and 'take' what she wants IS MINE – my Lucky Charm!!!"
"You, and YOUR STUPID NONSENSE – I will tell Mom if you find 'excuses' of don't go up, to that dairy farm with us!"
... Peter jumped out the van, angry, and spoke out at Paul's window...
"Bloody Oath! I'm GOING ALRIGHT but 'not' with you – I can't bloody wait for you, till you set your-big bloody butt into 'your' tortoise buggy. I'm joining the class over there... and I NEED TO HIDE TOO from 'that' crazy adult who is coming after-me...!"
The anxious Peter bumped into Alicia's back.
"Hey-Peter, where are you going? You are supposed to BE WITH PAUL!"
"Bugger-off, Chinatown Wong!"
The confused Mr Hart saw him running ahead when he lifted Paul to his wheelchair…
The sky darkened, AND IT DRIZZLED...
... the girls pulled-up their jacket hoodie. Paul too had a built-in hard-shell, plastic brolly-shed, extended from his wheelchair up, which looked oval dome – like a tortoise-shell.
... Peter ran up in the drizzle, on the pavement, that led to the farm building, 300 meters away – ahead, he noticed hundreds of cows grazing in the large compound with enclosed wooden fences, on both sides of the path that he ran on.
... the clouds got darker, with thunderclaps afar.
"Paul...why is Peter running...?" Blind-Jane approached him.
"I don't know – he was talking, crazy-and-stupid just now, then he bolted."
… Paul said back... seeing his twin had run half-way over. The winds blew strong... and it got darker...
... Peter was nearing the main building. He slowed when a bolt of snaking lightning from above and struck the pavement ahead of him. The terrified-Peter brake-stopped...
... to see another lightning bolt hitting, the path again from his rear.
He froze in fright, to see a 3rd lightning, hit the grass on his right and – scaring the cattle.
Those tweens in the parking-lot... realized that Peter was in 'danger' of being struck by lightning...
... they heard his screams afar... seeing him run on the grass, in the left-side of the walking path. The distressed cows were mooing wild and were running in circles in their fences. Another lightning struck the grass behind Peter, who shrieked out...
... Paul finally voiced out. "The idiot is in danger. I will go get him!"
But Alicia protested...
"No, Pauly – don't go!"
But HE WENT ANYWAY. Switching the controls on his wheelchair to max-speed, and he sped on the pathway ahead…
"I got this!"
... Paul despite being humiliated in the entire journey over, now, WANTED TO 'PROVE' that Peter was the useless jerk – who needed to be rescued. He wanted to prove, he was the 'heroic' twin, in the 'eyes' of Jane and Alicia.
"Paul, don't go!" Alicia warned again, but he left them behind... she then, heard Jane behind her.
"SIMY, 'guide' me – I will follow Paul!"
"No Jane, the chances of you getting HIT BY LIGHTNING, on an open field is great!"
"Shut up, I'm running!" Alicia saw the blind girl ordered the AI.
"Janey, no!"
... Alicia too went running after Jane.
THE SKY GREW DARK AS NIGHT. The veteran, Mr John Hart stood around speechless and helpless, by his white van...
... seeing the 2 girls running ahead – chasing Paul... who rode-fast in his mobile wheelchair who in return, was wanting to rescue his one-armed twin, in the harsh and freaky thunderstorm.
The ex-army man could 'not' run over – and protect them as HE HAD WISHED for – due to his injuries... suffered from the Gulf War, that he fought years ago...
... but he gimped quickly towards the farm-building, reciting his prayers, which accompanied by the chorusing loud, exploding thunder. Mr Hart wanting to reach in 'time' over...
… to rescue the handicapped children in danger.
IT THEN RAINED HARD with darkening clouds silhouetted, by multiple streaks of lightings, striking the meadow ground below. Peter ran-along the fenced cattle-compound...
... and he sometimes 'froze-still,' when the next bolt struck-close – in that chaotic and terrifying moment...
... he shirked out when he witnessed LIGHTNING STRIKING some of the panicking, running cows – and electrocuting some, that fell dead.
... Paul braved the rain with his umbrella-shed buggy, speeding on the concrete pavement, looking out on the left of the meadow, where Peter was heading. Paul heard his name been called from his back...
... and saw Jane, running up from 50 meters. He then manoeuvred the wheelchair, on the uneven, wet pasture, shouting back...
"Jane, go back!"
His chair raced in the bumpy downhill, towards Peter, who-was halfway at the fenced enclosure. Paul then saw up-close of the horror, of cows gone 'wild,' as they stampede over each other…
… fighting and goring one another...
... in desperation... to leap out of the fence.
And, it was bloody-too...
... Paul realized he had bitten on a big task-end, which was something he could 'not' swallow – just like a sandwich – and HE 'CHOKED' in fright, witnessing the horror up-close...
… of the crazy cattle running around ...
... and getting-further close, as he saw some cows getting stuck 'down' by-lightning into carcasses
... before his eyes...
... but, the crippled boy, braved on...
Blind-Jane ignored Alicia's calls, echoing behind the sounds, of thunderclaps. She ran from the wet concrete path... to the grass on the left. She chased the direction-where Paul headed, but did 'not' get far...
... and the blind-girl slipped downhill...
... she-then regained her composure – and was relieved, that her AI headset hung-on, her newly braided, wet dreadlocks. She wore it back...
... and stood, shouting at the heavy blowing wind...
"SIMY, 'where' IS PAUL...?"
"30 meters ahead, North-east – JANE, BE CAREFUL!"
Peter hollered out again when lightning hit closer at his rear. He ran ahead zigzagging to anticipate, dodging the next hit. The crazy moos-deafened. The distressed cattle, in the pen nearby him, were thrashing their 'heads' away-bloody, to break the wooden fences-down.
He gazed-up, to see a CLUSTER OF DARK CLOUDS following him...
... dispersing bright lightning in all directions, striking angry on the ground... and occasionally random-killing of the terrified running cows.
... Peter yowled in-fear, and ran-helter-skelter again.
... Paul too saw the BLACK CLOUDS ABOVE, when he had approached the muddy lane, that separated the cattle-fences. He saw Peter running ahead...
... and he too raced to 'catch' up... shouting-out...
"... stop running... you moron...!"
... while witnessing also, the endless lightning darting-in, and hitting various parts of the meadow…
… it seems, the lightning was like shepherd-dogs rounding-up the fleeing cows into a bottle-neck, to break the fencing…
… where Peter was…
Jane reached, and stood by the fences, panting... SIMY alerted, after looking by the lens on her dark-glasses.
"TURN BACK JANE – it's a 'horrific' situation ahead – with animals COMMITTING SUICIDE, and KILLING ONE ANOTHER!"
" NO! I'M A BLIND-GIRL and I don't 'care' – please, 'FOCUS' SIMY – take 'me' to Peter and Paul!"
The girl who had been BLIND SINCE HER BIRTH... had 'not' seen what-horror-was, that the AI alerted her-of – so... she ignored it...
... she then RAN 'AHEAD,' to the danger zone.
Peter ran in the muddy-path ground, losing one of his tight Fila shoes in it. The winds too had blown away, his Nike cap earlier.
... he realized the black-clouds were still present 'above' him – and SENSED ITS EVIL BREWING, and stalking to kill him...
... he had before-long, remembered of the cursed Talisman of Asmodeus, which Ms King, his counsellor HAD WARNED HIM about.
... with his only one arm, Peter SNATCHED THE CURSED NECKLET OFF, below his jacket – and soon enough, a lightning bolt struck almost near his muddy socked-foot, throwing him back sloshing in the filth.
Soon hell broke loose...
... the mad dairy-cows, had trashed down the wooden barricade fence, with dozens of survived dairy cows with blood, smeared on their furs...
... stampede to escape...
... on the rainy ground, Peter saw more than a score of cows, with eyes-bulging in terror, running towards him...
... hollering...
... he managed to only, DROP ON HIS KNEES, anticipating to his demise of being trampled to his death, from the fast running beasts.
Raising that one arm and shielded his face, with THE CLUTCHED TALISMAN – he yowled out, still on his knees.
... the gemstone of the talisman GLOWED BLOOD RED...
... the helter-skelter beasts were freaked out, by the 'red' light – and they trampled-over among themselves, back-diving to halt, and retreat. The cattle ran back fast, with tails between their legs, to the 'other' side and – Peter saw the red glow in his hand. He laughed in total relief...
"Oh blimey-yeah...hahaha, you Lil' Ripper, my 'lucky' charm, yeah!"
He then heard Paul's distressed, voice calling out. Peter's jaw dropped, sensing the 'crazy' cows were heading towards Paul...
... to STAMPEDE HIS-TWIN instead...
... Peter realized, that...
... Paul saw 20-over cows, racing over at him, while he was still speeding AHEAD-ON on-his motorized wheelchair in the mud. He 'switched' control, reversing the chair before U-IE wheelie...
... to make a 'drift' doughnut-move, on the sludgy surface.
... but Paul was slow, in the Bulls-on-Parade run...
The first cow hit Paul...
... on the right-side of the motored wheelchair, and he spun around like Ballerina-Paulie – then, the next cow hit him on the left side of the chair, the wheels skid over and hit another cow on the right, which kicked him 'hard' in the rear of the wheelchair...
...soon HE WAS PINBALLING ABOUT, with the other cows, that followed bumping-on him about...
... then-the last dairy cattle on the run, was Godzilla huge...
... it ran straight at him – and strangely, the animal wanted to be that 'graceful,' as leaping hippo of that was in a Disney's animation that Paul had watched-on-telly, when he was little with Mommy, on the couch – with the bored-sleeping Peter...
... it 'leapt' in mid-air, and then, TIME SLOWED DOWN – but, gravity kicked in 'fast' ...
... and the beast was descending down – and was 'about' to crash on the wheelchair's oval umbrella-shed shell, above Paul's head...
... he thought he 'saw' an eclipse – and... with Mommy, reading…
… 'halfway' was through a nursery rhyme, in his head – that went ...
... 'the cow jumped over the moon.'
Before saying his 'last' prayer – Paul Walker did one 'last' daring exploit ala Tom Cruise’s M.I-Hollywood's leap-off-a-speeding car-stunt attempt, to safe himself.
The belly-landing move saved his 'life' – and he thought of the POV 'comparisons' of car crashes of videogames – with his 'own' escape, which was also equally dramatic too.
Thinking a brief flashback-second of the moment of him... 'escaping' the cow's fat hind-legs kicking on the chair – 'instead' his face or chest –which would have been 'ugly' for-him. Then, he belly-dived and with him thrown off, rolling on the sludgy grounds – and also, seeing 'ahead' the tripped fat-dairy cow, 'not' gracefully, rolling twice face down over, landing hard on the motorized wheelchair.
... Paul saw the portly cow, roused up on its feet, dazed... with one of its leg 'stuck' to the chair-rim – it dragged to release and failed. The motorized fallen chair was 'still' pulling it from the other side – spattering mud over, with the wedged-leg of the mooing helpless fat-cow, which followed the dragging machine, like being led by its master...
He was also glad, with assurance, that his wheelchair was battery-operated, 'not' petrol combustion – meaning, there was 'no' Hollywood-explosion that followed – and that made Paul thankful... the dairy cow was spared and 'safe'...
But it was still 'not' all safe, at the other side of hell...
Jane FROZE AND STOOD still. Thunder cracked loud, above her...
"Steady Jane – about 20 cows ARE HEADING OVER to you – run 15 steps North, and stop – crab 4 steps East – GO NOW, FAST!"
The blind-tween dashed over head-on, 'towards' the running frightened-cows – following instructions of her AI...
Her feet sloshed harder on the mud, running faster and, the blind-girl dodging-east into the fence, to avoid the nearing cows, in a nick of time. But another erratic cow came-in her way...
"DANGER...! Run 5 pace diagonal North West now – and DIVE 'DOWN' FAST!"
... Jane avoided being trampled on by 2 cows running side-by-side, and she ran diagonal but 'instead of diving 'down' as per AI-instructed – the blind-girl, 'leapt'... and somersaulted over – before flop skidded, on the slippery mud...
... when all the cows galloped away from her-rear...
…the gawking-Peter had just in 15 seconds... WITNESSED 'HOW' both Paul and Jane managed to save themselves, from the fleeing mad-cows, in the teeming rain...
He saw the red-glowing talisman, that he still held...
... it was pure evil.
AS HER BUDDY-PARTNER ON THE FIELD TRIP, the terrified Alicia Wong did 'not' pursue, running after her best-friend Jane.
The thunderstorm was still brewing in the darkening skies, with heavy winds blowing – while, the Chinese tween 'hid' down under-some trees... crouching in fear in the grass, which was closer to the concrete pathway.
... she heard a man's voice calling...
It followed by bangs of deafening thunder...
... the terrified Alicia glanced over, from where she was squatting – to 'see' Mr Hart the van driver, walking-over fast in the rain. He was calling out to her – and the frightened girl ran over, to the adult for safety...
... a streak of lightning hit the treetops – and a hewn heavy branch, 'fell' over from above...
... Mr Hart pushed Alicia from harm's way but, he was stuck hard instead. The Chinese girl screamed out, in 'more' fear and RAN AWAY, AHEAD 'towards'...
... where Jane and the 2 Walker-boys were, at the cattle fences.
PETER SAW PAUL, 10 meters away crawling on his elbow, and the cripple was calling out his name. Further away was blind-Jane sitting on the muddy ground, disorientated by her narrow-escape.
...Peter stood up from his knees, still holding the red-glowing talisman in his single 'palm' – gazing the black, murky clouds suspended above. The talisman was heating up, warming his palm, and shone redder.
Peter wanted TO GET 'RID,' AND FREE himself of its 'evil' curse, which-intention of wanted to kill, and – 'had' killed – whoever 'close' to him...
... Peter turned-back, and used all his 'might' of his only arm – TO FLING, THE CURSED necklet, over into the dark-meadow behind. But-in an instance...
... the black clouds sniped a 'bolt' of lightning, at the flung talisman in mid-air – REBOUNDING IT, by arrowing the cursed piece, 'back' to Peter...
... the one-armed twin screamed – AND IN REFLEX, he placed his 'arm' out to shield his face. The hot glowing talisman-darted, and bonded back into his 'PALM' ...
... Peter dropped back on his back, with throbbing pain... growing 'up' in his one arm. It burned…
… ' but' FELT ICY-COLD ...
... his arm was freezing cold, with-his head numbed, and he was about to pass-out – but heard...
... Paul's voice, still calling out...
... eyes closed, he felt sandpaper 'rough' surface, coming along his face, and ears, with hot air puffing.
Peter thought Paul crawled over and was ’touching' his face...
... in pain, he struggled to open his eyes, only to jump away...
... seeing large nostrils, flaring up-close to his face.
A dairy brown COW WAS LICKING his face. He howled back...
"Shoo...! Bloody back-off, you-rib-eye – I'm 'not' hungry yet!"
The growing agony-grew, when he gritted his teeth and forced himself up from the mud. The throbbing discomfort from his hand and head prevailed towards his chest. He limped forward...
... like a reaching-out zombie... to meet Paul halfway...
... raising his only arm, with the SHINING 'RED' GLEAMING GEM, stuck in the centre of his palm skin...
...Paul on his belly looked up – and saw his twin brother approaching like a walking dead, carrying a 'glowing' red lantern in the dark…
“… Poe… Poe…
"… Poe! Help me...! I can't get it-off my hand – it's 'stuck,' Poe! I have 'only' one hand, and I don't wanna 'lose' my hand...!"
Peter said, staggering over, to his cripple brother in the mud, before he dropped on his knees.
... Paul looked scared, of the menacing red light in his palm... and he backed away. He shrilled...
"Get away from me!"
... Peter's blood-red, glowing palm reached out closer – and Paul caught his 'single' wrist with his both hands while hearing his twin demanding in anger...
"NO... get away from-meee...!"
... Peter wrestled-back from above, when he was 'denied' – and, angry Peter wanting to grab his face. At close...
… reflecting red, as...
... the glowing gemstone.
Jane who sprained her leg heard sounds of struggle...
"What is GOING ON, SIMY...?"
"Paul and Peter are ON THE GROUND, top of one another, 15 meters ahead – it is either Paul is HAVING SEIZURES or – Peter is TRYING TO 'KILL' Paul!"
In the beating rain, Peter was shivering, in both cold and 'agony'...
... and as the stronger-twin strangled Paul... choking him hard, with the red-hot gem at his throat...
... it burnt-in...
... the blind girl dashed over, wobbling in the muddy path. She HEARD 2 VOICES...
... one choking to death, and the-other snarling feral.
She dove on the twins, GRABBED THE ATTACKER'S HAND from the victim's throat, prying it away...
She screamed out... HEAVING 'OFF' his stronger one-arm...
... and then, 'another' lightning bolt zapped down below... and 'STRUCK' THE 3 handicapped children...
... Peter's hand came off Paul's throat, as he was thrown away – but, his free 'palm' ...
... smacked on Jane's FOREHEAD ...
... BEFOREHAND – when the-3-of-them all rolled apart, 'separated' from one another – TO-LAY UNCONSCIOUS... from the aftershock.
The skies soon-cleared, and the killer storm fast subsided by vaporizing above. The weaker sun came out again, gradually that drizzling afternoon.
"Janey! Janey!"
... Alicia came running over, shouting out Jane's name.
She found her BFF unconscious, with the twins beside. She reached fast – and removed, and tossed away the 'burning' SIMY headset – that had FRIED AND SMOKED, from the 'group' electrocution.
… Alicia tapped her palms on Jane's wet hair, on her partially burnt dreadlocks.
Alicia who-was still in a panic state, and then ran off away, TO GET HELP from her 'teachers' ... sheltering themselves from the electric-storm, in the main dairy building.
The 3-tweens sprawled-still in the mud and SOMEONE THEN APPROACHED. The Australian indigenous student-counsellor appeared with a brolly – and saw 'Peter' out cold...
The cursed talisman, 'disintegrated' to red residue-ashes, in his single-hand... and 'scarred' his palm. Ms King dusted the residue off from Peter's marked palm... and shook her head, murmuring to-herself...
"If 'only' you had listened..."
Her eyes blazed 'green' light... to see the rest of the unfortunate children, all-too were 'SCARRED' BY THE EVIL GEMSTONE, and woman repeated...
"If only you had 'listened’..."
There was sadness in her voice tone... when she said that and left them... and self-admitting...
"SeeIn... I have... FAILED OUR 'MISSION'...
"... all 3 of them are-all 'now-equally' cursed by the Sakhr."
Children of the Sun
Abigaël Chase, an ordinary physicist with an ordinary life on Earth got transported to another world. A world of magic and war, a world where death was never very far. She unexpectedly survived for many years thanks to a hidden power she didn't think she had. The same power that many people, gods and demons alike, wanted to annihilate no matter the cost. Hunted and cornered, Abigaël bet everything on a daring move which nearly ended up in her death. Having acquired a new body, Abigaël must do everything in her power to return to Earth. For Earth was in danger and only herself held to key to its survival. WARNING : It will contain mature content. I checked LitRPG not because there will be game-elements (pop up screen from the "system", the god or something like that) but because of the world mechanic itself (there will be level up, quest/mission, guild, etc?).
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Sands of Elstirr (Dropped)
"Bodies are built from dust, and as the sand and wind strip the flesh from our bones, to dust we shall return." - Grand Sage Ghod The poets claim that the sands of Elstirr are red from the blood of the countless innocents slain upon them. The mages say that the is a by product of the reaction of excess elements. And the Orks, the ancient and warlike people, the natives of Elstirr claim that the sands are red from the tears of blood wept by their god Gulgirra. But one truth is known, the sands are an eternal and unforgiving place. The true edge of civilisation, they ebb and flow like the tides of the great salt seas to the south. Ever changing, and like the dunes cities rise and fall , and the tales of heroes can be heard like the howling winds across the expanse.
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Forbidden Knowledge
The history of this world is known to almost no one, those that try to uncover its secrets are never seen again. While those that still cling to the Old Words try to repent, the enemies that they were once safeguarded from are no longer under threat and have come to reclaim what was once theirs. A young man stumbles across a ruin that thrusts him into an adventure of magic and monsters. As he tries to survive in the remnants of a once thriving world, he is beckoned by the call of the unknown.This is my first time writing publicly, any criticism is welcome and encouraged.
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Age of Regression
[Author's Thoughts] Dropped, obviously. Still, it's my first attempt at a novel and I do love what I did with it. Big step towards learning. Far in the past, there was a civilization much more advanced than the one of modern times. Evidence of that time remains, but it is all but shrouded in mystery as there remains no way to decipher it. Currently, normal individuals wage war with guns and smaller machinery, but those who can wield a higher power vary in their abilities. Scales, born upon humans, are a mystery in their origins but are the source of their abilities and their way towards advancement. Although normally powerless, humans have adapted to the scales and thus can connect with the power of the universe, much like the other races that inhabit its various corners. In one of these corners, there exists a human settlement where Lancing follows his father's footsteps to begin his own ascent to power. However, he finds he is far different from his gifted father, whose scales below his eyes were among the purest ever seen, reaching gem-like quality. Far from perfect, Lancing shows no desire to give up and ceaselessly moves forward to reach the peak of the universe. However, he begins to notice that the mysteries of the universe slowly begin to unravel in front of his eyes. To reach the heavens, Lancing must carve his own path.
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Cars Humanized Boyfriend Scenarios!
In this boyfriend scenerio fanfic, I do the human versions of McQueen, Mater, Finn and Siddeley.Enjoy! :D None of the fan art used belongs to me. All thanks go to the rightful owners.
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Love Knights (10/10)
Noted from Author: So this story is all about magics and some medieval genre, yeah... And some armies for that..In the Earth Land. Mari bought something and other Aqours members curious about it, Kanan, Riko, You, Yohane play the game which "Hades" and they immediately teleport in an unknown place which is they didn't know about it, and they teleport to Ferlord Land when the two rivalry, Kanan Matsuura and Mari Ohara.Two Kingdoms who definitely rivals and named these persons, Kanan Matsuura, a queen and commander on Wraith Dawn, and Mari Ohara, a queen and also commander on Clover Keef, cause of Kanan's jealousy cause Mari takes the crown and in the name Goddess on their comrades, Kanan killed Goddess Queen by her Jury Sword which is represents that a person is not agree for it and not deserving on it, Mari angers when Kanan killed a person that is Goddess Queen who create a world and they battled for their own rights! Will Mari and Kanan will return as their friendship or.. Lovers?
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