《MOLTEN》Ch 14: Assignments


During the Venatores students’ training, Olaf had no mercy. He went all out when it comes to his pupils’ preparation to face the endless hordes of demons that many of them will inevitably face in the future.

At first many students were annoyed at the level of difficulty of the training regime and protested to the principal, but they were ignored and given even tougher training by Olaf…

And so a week passed and the students started to shape up a bit better; during one of the training sessions Olaf came up to Grey-shade and pulled him aside from the other students saying “Come with me I have something special to show you” and so, Grey went ahead to get private lessons from his grandfather.

Olaf: I think it is finally time… You may not be ready yet but you are starting to shape up quite nicely.

Grey-Shade: What are you talking about, old man?

Olaf: Before the formations of your first squads…

I need to tell you something important about me and our family…

Grey-Shade: Something important about you? what do you mean?

Olaf: … (Olaf then became quiet for a few seconds and just stared at Grey)

Forget it maybe it’s not time yet…

Grey-shade then stood there all confused before Olaf got all excited and raised his voice.

Olaf: Moving on, today I actually want to teach you a special technique. One that has been passed down in our family for generations, one that has helped me rise to new levels of demon slaying…

Grey-shade: A technique? What is it a sword technique?

Olaf: No, Grey. It’s a special way to manipulate Rouh and your element, privy to only a select few Venatores.

And today I will teach it to you, keep in mind that it is a very unique and difficult technique to use. Not even your mother could use it effectively, angels bless her soul…

With the brief mention of his mother Grey stared longingly at the ground for a few seconds before facing Olaf with eyes full of determination.

Grey-shade: …Okay I understand, so what do I do?! (He said full of enthusiasm)

Olaf: Haha, I like you spirit kid. Well, then let’s get started, shall we.

First, I’m going to have to explain what the technique is to you for visualization is an important aspect of it much more so than the regular use of Rouh tools.

This technique is called “compression” and it is extremely hard to use, like I said before, but not in its’ usage; rather, the difficulty mainly comes in its’ preparation…

You see, to use Compression of your select element you will need to prepare a Rouh element compression attraction closed ring, or a “Compression Element Circle” for short; which, like a Rouh tool, will make it much easier to attract the Rouh energy to create your chosen effect (I.e.: compression)

But, you will have to keep in mind that the “Circle” can attract a higher amount of Rouh energy than any tool or normal user can ever dream of being able to, and the bigger you make it, the harder it is to do it right and activate, the stronger its’ effect will be.

Making this a very… (Olaf then noticed Grey not paying much attention to his explanation) Complex technique to use…

Grey-shade at this point started dozing off and staring into blank space, Olaf then gave him a serious threatening stare “cough cough – clears throat” “I see you are paying a lot of attention huh…”


Grey-shade, flustered, quickly adjusted himself and, while stuttering his words, tried to make an excuse. Olaf then stopped him and reassured him saying “Don’t worry, it’s fine I understand. My explanation went on for too long.”

Olaf: Yep, I understand. So, I’m sure you will understand as well when I increase the toughness of your training tomorrow right?

Grey-Shade: … Well, shit (he said to himself while sweating heavily)

Olaf: Jokes aside, you will need to learn to use the element circle or you won’t be able to stand a chance against higher tier demons…

And then Grey-shade got to studying under Olaf’s tutelage for the next two days. Where Grey kept reading books about Rouh manipulation and practicing drawing and trying to use the element circle; none of which he could do very well as studying was not his strong suite to say the least…

On the third day, there Grey was hauled up in his room and for the love of him he could not figure out how to improve or get to the next level of Rouh manipulation, so he found himself extremely stuck and with no solution in sight. He thought of asking his grandfather for help, but he remembered that he told him to figure it out on his own as the process of learning in itself was a valuable lesson to his muscle-head grandson.

Grey-shade just kept forcing it with no end sight for hours on end, when suddenly he heard a commotion right outside of his dorm room…

“what was that all that ruckus about?” Grey wondered to himself, before going out to investigate. Once he left, he saw students rushing out of their rooms and out of the building. “Weird” he thought, but curiosity got the better of him and with one look towards his room…

Grey-shade: Yeah, I’m going nowhere with my studies for the day… (he said out loud)

He thought that he might as well follow them and find out what was going on, and so he did just that.

As soon as Grey left the dorm building, he noticed that students were lined up in rows of twos with some professors and staff members overseeing the order of the group. Grey-shade feeling a bit of peer pressure decided to join the group and line up as well.

After a few minutes, when almost all students were gathered, the group was led in front of the main building and the entrance of the academy. There, Principal Violin was waiting for everyone.

The students were told to stand and wait there, then the principal stepped up in front of the group and started addressing them…

The principal: Welcome students I apologize for the sudden announcement, but I’m afraid it was necessary.

For without any prior warning and on short notice, the appointed high-commander of the Venatores will visit us shortly; Captain-commander Volt told us in a last-minute message that he will be recruiting new hunters and found new squads for them…

As such I expect only the best behavior from you students. Anything less will be met with harsh punishments…

Minutes after principal Violin was finished with his speech, six hooded horsemen came in through the main gate in an orderly and dignified manner.

Each of them held their chins high with their chest puffed up, making them seem larger and more noble than usual.

Then they stopped and behind them he came in; Captain-Commander Volt slowly entered while inspecting his surroundings…

Volt: …This academy is as dull as ever. (He said to himself) …


Principal Violin stepped up towards the horsemen and started addressing Vant.

Violin: Welcome Volt, it has been…

One of the horsemen then interrupted saying

The horsemen: Such insolence, It is Captain-commander for a mere principal!!

Violin was chocked and in disbelief of what the horsemen just said to him…

Violin: … What did you just say to me? boy.

And right after saying that, he slammed his cane on the ground so hard it could be heard all the way from the entrance to the other end of the academy. Then everyone, from the students to the new guests could feel it.

The wind that started to slowly unravel, distort and travel towards Violin…

The horseman who spoke to Violin started to feel shivers down his spine before Volt stepped up, came closer to him then tapped him on the shoulder.

Volt: … Calm down “Cough”, hunter.

He then passed the horsemen and came down his horse. Afterwards, Volt walked towards Violin and stopped right in front of him, then he started looking at the students lined up behind him…

Volt: Principal…Old friend, I am not here to fight again. “cough cough”

Violin, still controlling the wind around him, kept touching a bracelet on his left wrist, and before long the wind started to calm down.

Violin: Fine…For old times’ sake I will let this act of disrespect go.

The captain-commander relieved then turns his attention once again to the students behind Violin…

Volt: “Cough” …Well then Principal.

I am hoping for adequate recruits this time around.

Half an hour later…

After Volt and his guards settled in, principal Violin prepared a room for him and Volt to inspect students’ files, as well as discuss their potential.

Volt and Violin remained in that room for hours on end leaving the students still at the courtyard anxious…

Lilia: I wonder what’s taking them so long. (She said while looking at the main building)

Morrigan: There are many students enrolled, so of course they will take a long time.

Almond: They are of course going to choose only the elite students for the new positions, like me.

Grey-shade: Yeah, Yeah. (He said in a sarcastic manner)

We’ll see how it goes…

After a few more minutes Volt and Violin come out of the main building and stand in front of the students.

Volt: … Students I have made my decision…And “Cough cough”

He then started to cough uncontrollably. Some of his guards tried to help but he stopped them before they reached him…

Volt: I apologize… As I was saying, I have given a list to principal Violin and he will take care… Of the logistics along with my second-in command…

“Cough” They will also fill you out on your duties and your…upcoming mission…

And with that…I am finished.

Right after he took his horse and left the academy along with the rest of his guard detail.

Violin: As the captain-commander said, he has told me his preferences and provided me with a list. However, keep in mind that he only chose the best students as potential recruits.

And with that said, today will be the birth of three new squads as well as three new captains…

Grey-shade thinking to himself: ouwww, I must be one of the three captains no doubt…

Violin: The first squad will be given the number eight, as well as the name Draken…and the captain will be…

Grey-shade: …It’s me isn’t it (he quietly said to himself)

Violin: student Silent Breeze!!!

The other students then started to clap for their fellow comrade as he made his way towards Violin. All of them except for Grey-shade, who was staring intensely into the back of Breezes’ head out of both jealousy and annoyance.

Grey-shade: Yeah, next one most likely…

After Violin gave a few things to Breeze and told him to enter the main building, he quickly continued to announce the next captain.

Violin: …And the next captain for squad nine, Cyclops is… student Yol!

The students then started to clap and cheer even louder, showing that Yol was perhaps a favorite…

As Yol was walking towards Violin he kept saluting and saying thanks to the students who cheered for him then Violin did the same thing for him as the last captain…

Grey-shade who started to look even more annoyed than before started to try to calm himself down

Grey-shade: It will be alright (He said) I will make old man Olaf proud. It must be me this time, there are no other choices…

Violin then got serious and started to stare at the students which made them all go quiet in an instance…

Violin: This next selection has been difficult for both Vant and I to say the least, as there were so many promising candidates for the position. But we could only think of a few who had the potential to thrive in such a role…

For squad ten, code named Liviathan… The captain is…

Grey-shade then started to look smug and prepared himself to walk to the principal.

Grey-shade: Just say my name. (he said to himself)

Violin: …student Morrigan step forward.

Grey-shade was chocked and he could not say anything as he slowly turned around towards Morrigan who started to walk towards Violin. As she passed Grey, noticing how he looked at her, she quietly said to him in an apologetic manner “…sorry” and Grey-shade could not take it as he gritted his teeth and looked towards the sky.

As Morrigan was passing the students very few were clapping as most of them looked confused; some of them even started whispering to each other, but it was so loud you could make out what some of them were saying “Why here?” or “Who is she?” they kept saying to each other.

This, however, did not faze Morrigan as she strutted confidently to Violin’s side.

Violin: Well done, student thanks to your excellent results as well as abilities you have been chosen as the captain for this squad.

He then came close to her and gave her a silver medal with large snake engraved on it and a list…

Violin: This is a list of the top students who you can choose as squad members; I wish you luck.

You will need it in the future…captain Morrigan.

He then guides her to the main building and instructs her to go wait for him at his office, afterwards he turned around towards the other students and dismissed them…

Grey-shade just stood there with his eyes closed while students passed by him from all sides, until eventually he was left all alone there.

Slowly he started to open his eyes and noticed that clouds formed in the sky, as rain started to fall bit by bit…

He just stood there getting soaked without a care in the world, just thinking to himself.

He then slowly opened his mouth and said” …I’m useless man. “

And just like that he vowed to prove himself to Captain-commander Volt should the opportunity ever arise.

--Chapter End--

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