《MOLTEN》Ch 1: The Silent Town


Without looking back he ran as fast as he could, terrified the man was as he made his way through a ghastly forest. He was frantically running while holding his arm that seemed to be injured, but he looked so desperate he paid no heed to his injury as it was poked by the tree branches he was passing.

He kept mumbling to himself… How he was a coward and a monster for doing what he did, he felt ashamed more than he felt scared, but his survival instincts did not allow him to die…

The man kept looking behind him from time to time, as if to make sure no one was following him. He was clearly running from someone, perhaps whoever injured him?

The man was getting increasingly tired, as he started to pant and sweat even more…

The man: Oh no… what am I going… to do now (the man said while panting heavily)

The man: This forest is a bloody maze.

The man was struggling to navigate through the forest as each turn looked the same in this dark and confusing forest, and the sun setting wasn’t much help either…

He didn’t know what to do, but he didn’t have a choice but to keep running and hoping for the best…

Eventually, just as the man was starting to lose hope he came across an exit that led to a huge empty field… He was ecstatic when suddenly he felt himself falling…

The man: Huh…?

He thought to himself as the ground was getting closer and closer. The impact with the ground rendered him unconscious almost instantly. But, in a brief moment before he fell asleep he saw his life flash in front of him as well as glimpses of his friends and family’s faces, as surely he thought he was done for…

A few hours earlier…

At the edge of the human territories, near a large forest you could clearly hear the sounds of gallops and wooden wheels rumbling at a distance, which was possible as everything was extremely silent; not even birds could be heard.

At a closer look, a carriage could be seen making its way through the grim landscape, with no obstacles except for some dead and withering trees. The horses would advance at a very fast pace and you could instantly tell that the horses were well trained as they were dodging the leafless trees extremely easily.

The driver wore a hood that obscured most of his face and his body, except for his mouth and his chin which were full of wounds and scars. He also seemed extremely cool and composed while making his way through the woods, but the same couldn't be said about his passengers.

The passengers consisted of four men and one woman. One of the men who had brown and eyes, didn't look as strong as the others, as he had a green look to him and he was clearly distraught as he couldn't stop his hands from shacking. The woman, who had light red hair and eyes, was wearing thin clothes with leather leather armor was calm and confident as she approached him...

The woman: What's wrong with you Pike, why are you shacking so much? "She said with a mocking tone"

...he hesitantly replied...

Pike: I just realized...

Pike: I forgot my bag at the inn...

Felty: You dumbass, our individual luggage had all our trips necessities, don't go asking me for food when you start starving.

Pike: But I'm already starving, I just got hungry and when I tried to look for my bag I didn't find it, Edward help me please .."Growl"... Ahhh! My stomach hurts.


Edward:(one of the men. He had brown hair and hazel eyes, and wore thick leather and cotton clothes with iron arm and leg guards for armor) I guess I could split my food with you.

Pike: Oh my god you're such an angel, if you were a woman I'd marry you...unlike some other people here "He said while staring at Felty"

Edward: Well comrades got to have each other's backs right ?

Felty: Don't spoil him Edward, he brought this on himself!

4th man: That's right if he's not going to take care of his own luggage properly, how is he going to protect our backs in battle.

Pike: Come on Darius don't be so uptight, it's just a little food.

Darius:(the fourth man; a rough looking person with sharp features, with orange hair and eyes. He liked to wear thick iron and chanmail armor) It's exactly this carefree attitude that always gets us into trouble, why do you never learn?!


Felty: What where?!

5th man:(the fifth man and last passenger; he had sky blue hair and eyes. He wore a mix of leather and chainmail, as he preferred to mix both protection and flexibility) captain scar should be able to take care of them, eheheh

Felty: This bastard is still asleep! , gave me a goddamn scare

Edward: When will Elise wake up, he's been asleep since we departed.

Pike: I still can't get over the fact he's called Elise, even though he's a dude "lol".

Darius: Names don't matter to the demons.

Pike: Yeah, yeah, but I'm still hungry!

Felty: But You Already ate what Edward Gave you!!

The Driver: You guys quiet down, we are almost out of the forest.

Felty: Finally, this forest looks freaking creepy, where to next cap'n

Captain: We are headed towards the silent town I told you about in the briefing back at the inn, did you already forget our objective?

Felty: Well I can't help it, it's not every day I can see you in a sexy bath towel.

...Silence, "What ignoring me?"

Captain: Darius could you re-brief the squad, especially Felty.

Felty: Hey, that was unnecessary.

Darius: Yes sir!

I'm sure you are aware of the fact that there exist many outposts around the human territories; these are mostly used as initial contact and they serve to quickly warn any nearby towns before any demons approach, so messengers and merchants carrying supplies travel regularly between the towns and outposts. Unfortunately, the south east outposts, and town of Knife-peak have gone silent for more than two weeks now, and we have been sent to investigate

Darius: Your expressions tell me that you aren't paying attention, Felty, Pike, are you guys looking for A BEATING!

Felty: Well you shouldn't blame me you know, your story was too boring.

Darius: You're supposed to listen anyways! Its briefing you know and you're a Venatores hunter damn it!!

Pike: I'm hungry I can't be bothered to listen, i'll waste too much energy.

Darius: Hey!

Elise: hmm, that's some good tea where did you buy it?

Darius: And you should GET UP!

Edward: Well calm down Darius I'll explain it to them again, just sit down and don't get worked up. We're going to need you to be at top shape when we reach the town.

Darius: Well if you say it like that ... hm hm ... I can make an exception.

Pike: What the heck is up with that, your way too easily convinced.

The group ,although briefly, was suddenly blinded by sunlight which was hidden by the forest, and in the horizon you could see a town surrounded by large and thick wooden walls .


A barely standing fortress that has clearly seen many battles; the carriage was getting closer and closer to the town, and once the squad reached the gates they found them open.

There were no guard patrols anywhere, the squad was alerted but they didn't leave the carriage, they couldn't without their captain's orders. They all kept looking at the captain, 'Prepare your equipment we will continue on foot' the captain said, which he was then answered with a 'yes, sir' before everyone left the carriage.

The weary Venatores hunters didn't falter and were extremely focused. After all a demon could come out of anywhere, and any mistakes would cost them their lives. As the squad reached the inner entrance of the gates the captain ordered them to split into teams of two and they were assigned as the following;

--} Darius and Pike: scout the residential area.

Darius: Why the hell, am I assigned to the same team as this pipsqueak.

Pike: Because I'm better then you obviously.

Darius: You little Basta...

--} Felty and Elise: scout the military establishments.

Felty: I'm assigned with Elise, geez why do I always get the pathetic guys I want to be with the cap'n.

Elise: Don't do it ! Please don't take my skin!!!

Felty: Holy shit! you scared me, what the hell is wrong with you?! And don't sleep standing up!

Elise: ...ah,oh! Who was sleeping? was it you?

--} Captain and Edward: scout the main plaza and the governor's mansion.

Edward: That sounds simple enough, so what do we do if we encounter any threats?

Captain: If it is a minor threat like bandits you are free to deal with them as you please, and report back to me later, but if it's the worst case scenario ...

Suddenly everyone went silent and kept looking at the captain.

Darius: Demons, sir.

Captain: Yes, don't engage them. Report to me at once, and we will leave immediately.

Pike: But why? , sir we could kill the demons and be done with the threat.

Darius: Don't question the Captain's Orders! , this I won't allow from you!

...silence, Captain: I cannot risk any of you dying on me. Now 3rd Venatores demon hunter squad 'Medusa'


The newly formed teams soon headed towards their own designated scouting area, with scouting and exploration as their main objective living to report was a priority .Therefore, fighting was risky, and with that in mind each squad member raced to fulfill their role.

Dark clouds and fog started to slowly approach the town from over the horizon. Visibility was being slowly obstructed by the thick fog, and it started raining.

Unfazed by such drastic changes in the climate, the Venatores kept going with their mission. The squads each covered their own respective area to search for clues about the disappearance of the townsfolk, but this was proving to be challenging.


Pike: you know it's really weird how all the houses we visited so far have signs of life but empty, you know .... It gives me the creeps.

Darius: well don't mind it, we're here to do a job so keep your opinions to yourself, pipsqueak.

Pike: if you're going to call me pipsqueak the whole time, should I call you old man, or gramps perhaps?

Darius: don't even dare ...


Darius: You Motherf..!

Pike: no, Look There!

A hooded little child passed right in front of the two demon slayers and entered a dark alley located between two houses.

Darius: What in the angels name was that?

Pike: We Should Follow Him Quickly!

The two squad members moved quickly, but once they made a right turn to the alley way the child went to, they were surprised to find a dead end with no soul in sight...

Pike: umm, what?

Darius: where did the kid go? "He said as he was searching behind boxes near the end of the alley"

Pike: This is really weird; we should report this to the captain.

Darius: and tell him what? That we think we saw a kid and disappeared right in front of us? No, we keep going.

Pike: I don't like where this is going...


A few minutes later...

Edward: everything appears to be in order, no structural damage, no blood, nothing. Captain it's as if the townsfolk disappeared into thin air.

Captain: well that's how it appears to be, we don't know anything yet. So let's move on to the governor's mansion for now, we might find more clues there.

...As the two hunters were making their way towards the mansion, not more than a few footsteps close to it, they saw a window suddenly close. This was a strange occurance since there was no wind even with the rain, was it merely and illusion of the fog?

Edward: What in the world?

Captain: Whispering" quiet down ... tread carefully and follow my lead. "He said as he pulled out what looked like a sword handle, but with no blade and an unusual guard on the top, Edward did the same soon after.

Captain: Let's go.

...And with that they proceeded inside the mansion, slowly opening doors, and making their way through the rooms, until they reached the one with the window that suddenly closed earlier.

Captain: watch my back. "He said as he suddenly kicked the door, but it didn't open"

He repeated the action a few times before finally giving up and suddenly grabbed his sword handle with two hands.

Captain: Well there goes being discreet. "He said before closing his eyes and focusing for a few moments... Then suddenly a yellow ray of light came out from the top of the handle"

Captain: Let's do this, Edward once I cute down this door get in quick.

Edward answered him with a single nod and then the captain cut down the door, which made it fall towards them. Then Edward quickly jumped over the door and a couple of chairs that were arranged behind it. Edward froze with surprise for a moment, and then turned around to face the captain...

Edward: It's the mayor, sir...


Meanwhile Inside the barracks Elise was searching for clues while Felty was sitting on top of a bed...

Felty: Yep, it is official I'm bored, maannn I wanted to be in the captains squad, I wanted to just keep looking at his muscular body and especially his arms. Ouufff, just thinking about those biceps makes me we...

Elise: Interrupt" Can you please stop talking about the captain like that it's making me uncomfortable.

Felty: Well too bad for you, you haven't found love like I did.

Elise: Yeah keep dreaming, we all know you're not going out with him.

Felty: Well not yet... and how would you know, you're always sleeping when we're off duty, EVEN ON DUTY IN FACT!

Elise: True, but that doesn't make me blind or deaf when I am awake you know.

Felty: Humph! Whatever, I'm not talking to you anymore.

Elise: Well I guess some peace and quiet wouldn't hurt but can you at least help me search I'm getting tired. "Yawn"

Felty: Humph!

Elise: Great, thanks a lot.

Felty: Wait what is that?!

...She said while looking at a child-like figure watching them from the barrack's door, but with the fog his face wasn't visible.

Elise: Who Are You!

...He said before the child quickly ran away. Suddenly, Felty got up from the bed and chased after him.

Elise: Felty, what are you doing?!

Felty: You said look for clues, well what does it look like I'm doing?

Elise: Fair enough.

Then the two hunters chased the figure to the main plaza, and the child suddenly stopped running. Which startled both Elise and Felty so they stopped as well...

Felty: Hey kid, tell us what happened here? "She said but with no response, so she got closer"

Felty: Hey Kid! Are you listening? "She said while suddenly grabbing him by the shoulder and turning him"

Felty froze in shock at what she was seeing; the child had empty eye sockets where darkness stood instead of his eyes, no nose and his mouth was drooling.

As the child opened his mouth his face opened up and the upper side of his mouth grew larger and larger engulfing the frozen demon huntress in an instant.

Was this not what she was taught to fight; nevertheless, she was frozen and she could only say one thing...

Felty: Eh...?

...Before the monster's mouth suddenly closed, leaving only her legs as remains.

Elise: Ah...? FELTY!!!! "He screamed while taking out his blade hilt and activating it, which produced a beautiful cyan ray of light"

The child like monster smiled with a disfigured upper mouth and head, with blood and drool dripping down his monstrous teeth....

Elise kept looking in chock when suddenly he started screaming in terror...

The town was by no means very large, and with the quiet Elise's screams could be heard from miles away, which alerted both his squad mates and other unknowns hiding in the shadows of the fog.

Captain: That's Elise's voice; something must have happened to him, Edward go and grab the mayor, let's move!

Edward: Let's go mister mayor. "He said while he held out his hand"

...But the mayor swiped away Edwards hand and backed away into a corner.

Mayor: Please... leave me ... alone, let me ...stay hidden. I Beg You!

Captain: Hidden from what?

Mayor: ...

Mayor: ...The Monsters, they thrive in the dark...


As Darius and Pike were searching for clues of what happened in this town, they couldn't forget the ghastly figure they encountered earlier and as they were making their way from house to house, they were suddenly blinded by even thicker fog, which made them lose each other momentarily. As Pike was searching for his partner through the fog, he found him, but with his back turned and just standing...

Pike: Hey Darius... we should probably move away from the fog and to the plaza ...I heard a scream coming from there.


Pike: Hey asshole you're right in front me so don't try to ignore me! "He said while brusquely pulling Darius by the arm"

Darius suddenly was cut in half right in front of Pike, which made him stop and look at his hands...

Pike: What the fuck... "Then suddenly he noticed a dark figure in front of him, which was extremely tall."

...Pike then suddenly turned tail and started running towards the plaza.

Pike: Not good, not good,... That must have been...

Mayor: ...Demons...!

Elise: ... Come at me you DEMON!!

Pike : ...a demon !


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