《Chosen Sun》15. Water Gardens


My spear held diagonally across my chest, I look in the eyes of my opponent, attempting to predict his next move. He shifts to a different stance and I accommodate, an intricate dance being performed with him leading. With slow steady steps, I move towards my opponent while maintaining an advantageous position. All of a sudden, my opponent lunges his spear out at pace. The attack is telegraphed, and I immediately estimate it will land on my right shoulder likely causing me to lose balance for the finishing move. Taking the opportunity to counterattack, I strike the hilt of his spear with my own, connecting roughly at the midway point. Intending to redirect his blow and then continue my lunge towards his exposed body which is currently unguarded. The moment our spears connect, I realise it was a trap, as there is no strength behind his attack. Finding no purchase on my strike, the force of my own blow slightly unbalances me. My opponent redirects the force of my blow, twirling his spear backwards. The butt of his spear then connects with my waist and before I know it I’m staring helplessly up at the sky.

The sound of cheering and whistles fly around the air while I massage the aching side of my body. A well calloused hand appears blocking my view and I grasp it to help me get up off the floor.

“Overcommit again and you’ll receive far worse than that” a gruff voice sounds out from my opponent.

“Merely a snake bite” I reply teasingly.

“Then next time I will remember to include the venom” a slight smile playing upon his gloomy face.

A walking contradiction was my newest mentor, Oberyn Martell. The rumours painted him as a bloodthirsty creature, who would kill at a moment’s notice and though that may be true over the past week I’d learned there was far more to him as well. The treatment of his six natural daughters for one. I’d come to learn that in Westeros, children born outside of the bounds of marriage were often discriminated against but Oberyn was an exception. The looks they gave him alone told me they each cared for him fiercely which was already a positive in my book. Well-travelled and learned from his time at the Citadel. Him being a fearless warrior only added to that and created quite a dangerous adversary. His reputation as the Red Viper was interesting as well, because a part of me wondered how much of it was actually factual and how much he maintained simply to make himself seem more dangerous. The poisonous snake often being left undisturbed.

Oberyn had a lithe figure and emphasised the importance of speed and agility in combat as opposed to brute force. Handsome in atypical sort of way, he had a natural widows peak which gave way to shoulder length lustrous black hair which sat messily on his head. Thin eyebrows, sharp nose and vicious looking eyes completed his look and made him resemble a bandit more than nobility. A tough mentor, Oberyn had covered me in bruises over the short time but I’d advanced leaps and bounds. He had chalked it up to a lack of familiarity with dirty tactics and said his time as a sell sword may not have taught him to fight but it had taught him to survive.

“Lessons over, time to keep us company” a husky voice called out while its owner pulled my arm.

“Slow down Arianne, I haven’t been dismissed yet” I reply.

“A good attitude to have, but you are granted your leave. I wouldn’t dare to get between my niece and her prize,” a knowing smile playing on his lips. “Besides my paramour demands my attention”


“Not completely forgotten I see. Woe is me to have such a fickle lover” Ellaria interrupted in feigned dismay.

“Then allow me to demonstrate my devotion” he batted back enjoying the teasing.

As if intending to combat any assertations of disinterest, Oberyn drew his paramour into a deep embrace and headed off in the direction of one of the numerous pools. His paramour Ellaria Sand was a striking sensual woman and from what I’d witnessed completely devoted to him. Unmarried but more in love than the majority of couples, they stared lovingly at their two daughters Elia and Obella who were playing in the small fountain in front of them. A vicious expression crossed Oberyn’s face when he saw the former, but it quickly passed.

Turning back around to face the gathered group, I noticed the sour expression on the face of Oberyn’s squire, Daemon Sand. The heated look he was projecting at Arianne, who was still attached to my arm, explaining why he was so upset. Detecting my gaze, a determined glare passed through his eyes before he opened his mouth.

“I hope the injury doesn’t sting too badly. My mentor isn’t known for pulling his blows” A smug satisfied look creeping over his face.

“No worries, I’ll be just fine for our spar tomorrow”

My statement causing a chuckle to pass through the group and achieving the aim of silencing Daemon. Over the past week, I had sparred with Daemon on multiple occasions, which was more suitable due to our similar ages and ability levels. Unfortunately for him, his use of the sword meant he had struggled to overcome the difference in reach resulting in a string of losses. He’d raised the issue with Oberyn, before mentor rightly reminded him that he wouldn’t have the choice to choose his opponents in battle. Those factors plus the amount of attention Arianne had lavished on me meant our relationship wasn’t exactly the greatest in the group.

“Today we’re going to take you to the best spot in the entire gardens” Tyene said in a voice as sweet as honey and immediately we all set off.

Walking through the Water Garden, I couldn’t help but note how beautiful the place was. Pale pink marble flooring, shimmering water pools and overhanging blood red orange trees. The vivid blues from the fountains and greens from the foliage painting a glorious picture. To impress his dragon bride the sun’s son had spared no expense and it clearly showed. Mesmerised by the view, I mentally detached from the groups conversation only to find them all staring at me, likely expecting an answer.

“I agree” I said after hesitating for a moment.

“And what exactly is it that you’re agreeing to?” the Princess and Tyene said aggressively, both cousins staring me down.

“That I wasn’t listening” my hands flying up in a mock surrender.

The members of our little group besides the cousins and the surly squire, laughed till their eyes watered. Their enjoyment even generating smiles out of the other three.

“Told you” Drey chimed in.

“Are you aware you are prone to daydreaming Prince?” Sylva added, while staring at me in curiosity.

“It’s a habit I’ve had for a long time, recently I thought I was doing better but seems I still have a long way to go” I explained.

Over the past week I’d really come to enjoy the company of this little group and even found myself slightly jealous that they had so many friends their own age. Arianne was the daughter of Prince Doran Martell and by virtue of being his eldest child also his heir. With bronze skin, large black eyes and thick curls the Rhyonar descent was clear to see even though it had been mixed with her Andal ancestors. Tyene Sand was the daughter of my mentor Oberyn Martell and hence the cousin of Arianne. Tyene had fair skin, short golden hair, and striking blue eyes, very little in common with her father. Had it not been for her blue eyes or Oberyn’s hatred of them I would have questioned if her mother was a Lannister. The rest of the group was far more diverse with the only thing they had in common being that they spent their younger years fostered at the Water Garden. Andrey ‘Drey’ Dalt was the heir to a knightly house whose seat was called Lemonwood. An honest individual with an open face and easy smile, the kind of person it seems easy to get along with. ‘Spotted’ Sylva Santagar was a reserved girl who only spoke her mind after thinking it through first. The heir to a place known as Spottswood, it was ironic that her face was covered in freckles. Daemon technically wasn’t a member of the group and was already inhabiting the Water Gardens with Oberyn before we left Sunspear. The last member was Garin, an Orphan of the Greenblood. Descendants of the Rhyonar who had refused to assimilate into Westerosi culture. Apparently, his mother had been Arianne’s wet nurse and hence they had known each other all their lives.


“We were actually discussing names. Among the orphans, we say their exists power in the names we are given” Garin informed me.

“Garin the Great who led the forces of the Rhoynar in battle against Valyria, a great man and a great name” I replied.

“Garin led them to their deaths, a fool is all he was” Daemon spitted out.

“In that era, it was often said the mouth of the dragon was unending, in their wake leaving only fire and ruin. You only had to ask the Ghiscari to know all you needed about a dragon’s mercy. That is if you could find them. A leader of his people and facing the full force of their army, a craven would have broken and ran, offered his own children so he might be spared.” I say facing towards one of the pools.

I scanned the group and saw them all silent even Daemon thinking on what I said.

“The true measure of a man can be seen in their actions when death approaches and he made a good account of himself. In life we don’t always choose our circumstances, but we can always choose how we face them” I continue on, realising the parallels with my own life.

A slight hope in my heart that I would be remembered as a great man. Or more morbidly that people would even be around to remember us and the sacrifices we will likely have to make. Looking around at the group, I realise my words had sunk in deeply and created a sombre atmosphere. Hoping to lighten the mood, I decided to contribute some information.

“One who is chosen, that’s the meaning behind my name” I say while looking around at the confused group. Without giving it a moment to register, I then say “I told you I was listening” with a teasing smile on my face.

It takes a moment for what I said to process before the group starts laughing out loud at my call back. The cousins initially holding back out of defiance but failing horribly.

“I was named for Daemon Targaryen, one of the greatest warriors to have ever lived” Daemon said clearly proud of the connection.

Garin immediately argued against him and suggested other figures from history as more powerful. While I turned around and focused on the forests. It was all I could do, so I didn’t accidently give away my thoughts. Daemon may have been a powerful fighter, but he was also a pretender like his equally infamous descendent and namesake. Black or red, still a pretender at least that’s one thing they had in common.

Our destination was a quiet alcove with its own shimmering pool. A beautiful location in the middle of the trees, the foliage had parted to allow the sun to enter through the gap. This created the impression of a beautiful oasis which was quite a sight to see. The group started playing games in the water which I initially took part in before taking a seat on the side. Eventually Arianne came to join me and sat wordlessly at my side. I could tell she wanted to say something, so I intercepted it.

“Your father loves you and whatever you’ve come to talk to me about would be better discussed with him” I say while still looking in front of me.

The small gasp from her telling me I had guessed correctly about what was upsetting her. I didn’t even need to look in her direction, to know the sort of expression she was making.

“We left Sunspear in such a hurry, I would have thought we were in danger. I only managed to put the clues together when I saw you giving him your farewells. I hate to say it, but your father also noticed but he chose to give you your time. A good man who cares for you dearly” I said looking at her for the first time and seeing the tears streaking across her face.

“He doesn’t care” a quiet mousy voice came out.

“I thought he believed in me. I worked hard to be worthy of it” she carried on getting stronger.

“I was just a spare, always a spare. I bet he only looked after me out of obligation” anger visible as she bit her lip.

“Never say that again. I saw his eyes and your anger hurt him. There’s no way to fake that” I said seriously. “He could have stopped you leaving and forced it out of you, but he trusted you, believed in you” looking into her eyes “He deserves the same respect back, trust him with your fears and I’m sure he’ll reply or bury them and trust he has the best in mind for you”

Having almost drained herself of tears, Arianne managed to force out a nod. Exhausted from the effort, the Princess then leaned her head on my shoulder, which I allowed as she had earnt it. The commotion had drawn the attention of the group but luckily Sylva and Tyene had enough tact to allow Arianne her privacy. She eventually fell asleep on my shoulder, before we carried her back to her room. Oberyn giving me a thankful nod as I walked. As soon as I entered my room, I drifted off into a contented sleep with the feeling that everything might actually end well.

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