《Chosen Sun》11. Night Visit


Rising from my slumber, I realised it was still late at night. The temperature was frosty causing a white cloud to disperse from my mouth every time I exhaled. The city was still which heightened the sound of my own movements. A feeling of anxiety began to spread through me as if some mortal peril was approaching. Deciding to trust my instincts, I reached for my clothes which I had placed upon a chair next to my bed. The feeling of wetness transferred through them compounding that the temperature was low this night. Intending to wake Jahi up, I walked over to the adjacent bed while being careful to make no extra noise. My eyes had slowly become accustomed to the dark and the first thing I saw was that Jahi was not in his bed.

The feeling of anxiety was now increasing, so I decided to head out and investigate. The silent city was now beginning to give off an eerie feel, as even the ambient sound of wind was not present. A metallic smell transmitted from outside caused me to wrinkle my nose in disgust and recoil from the doorway. Mentally preparing myself, I swung open the door to a scene that could only have come from my worst nightmares. Dead bodies littered the ground in abhorrent conditions. The state of the corpses suggesting that they suffered for a long time before their deaths. The expressions of anguish permanently preserved on their faces. This was no army that was killed but innocent civilians, their blood forming a river in the city’s gutters. Determined to get to bottom of this and potentially avenge these people, I returned to my room where I hefted my red oak spear and shield. Following the trail of destruction, I steeled myself for the upcoming fight.

The journey led me to the steps of the Red Keep where multiple knights lay dead. The knights were all facing outwards as if protecting the Red Keep or more accurately failing to. Running into the grand hall, the sight inside sickened me to my stomach. Corpses of noble ladies and lords covered every inch of the hall, so much that it was impossible to see the carpet. Their ornate dresses and outfits now sullied by their own lifeblood. The faces of the lords were unclear, but it appeared as if there would not be a single one alive in Westeros. The iron throne, seat of the regent of the Seven Kingdoms stood imposingly over the hall. The first impression I gained of it was that it was fitting for the most powerful person in the kingdom. The seat appeared uncomfortable as kingship should be while the protruding swords added a martial aura. Upon the throne, lay an indistinct corpse which was faceless and formless. The only identifying feature being the crown that sat upon its featureless head. A sword had impaled the figure, nailing them to the seat. The symbolism of the act frightening me, as death now reigned over the Seven Kingdoms. The sound of footsteps echoed in the hall announcing the presence of an individual behind me. I resolutely turn around to face them, only for the vision to come to an end.


Sweat drenched and shaken, I heave the sheet off my body and spring from my bed landing heavily on my feet. My breathing is heavy and laboured causing my chest to rise and fall as I come to grips with what I just witnessed. A different variant of vision compared to those I’ve seen before, I attempt to understand the meaning behind it. Taking into consideration the three main factors that are: the complete devastation of King’s Landing; the lack of any identifying features on the nobility; and the vision occurring on my first night in the capital. I come to the conclusion that the vision was a warning, meant to help me understand what is at stake if I was to fail. That it wouldn’t matter which king sat on the throne or which knights protected him, this threat would be coming for all us. A sobering thought, I couldn’t help but wonder if the vision came because I had become too relaxed and this was a wake-up call.

Realising I had already slept for too long in both senses, I garbed myself in my sea guard uniform and a thick cloak, setting out into the night. Retracing my steps from earlier in the day, I headed to the north of the city. This time I took a left at the Dragonpit and found myself surrounded by that same aromatic smell. The atmosphere on the street was one of caution, with patrons distancing themselves from each other as much as possible. The style of walking suggesting every individual was a man of means and by the way they so desperately covered their faces, not someone who should be found here.

Stopping in front of a two-story building at the centre of the street, I look up confirming the ornate lamp over the doorway. Striding into the establishment, I come across a tall light-umber skinned woman wearing a long green dress with feathers atop the shoulders. A beaded belt at her waist kept her dress glued to her figure and made it difficult for me to decide where to look. Focusing intently on her face, I found myself drowning in her delicate features such as her soft lips and the slight incline of her eyes.


“Greetings client would this be your first time in our humble establishment?” A seductive voice questions, a slight smile stretched across her perfect face.

“It’s my first time in the capital madam, would I be right in thinking you are Chataya?” I inquire back, switching to the language of the isles.

A slight sense of panic creeps onto her face which she quickly covers with a practised smile. Her body language though is harder to mask, clearly anxious and frightened by the current situation. Very carefully Chataya begins back tracking towards the counter, as if to grab an object hidden behind it. In an attempt to disarms her fears, I remove my heavy cloak to present my childish and hopefully harmless face.

“I mean no harm Miss Chataya, Captain Quhuru Mo of the Cinnamon Wind told me about you and how you might be able to help me” I placate.

A combination of the captain’s name and my face visibly deflates the brothel owner and finally assures her she is in no danger. The relief makes her pause for a moment before she recollects herself.

“Apologies little one, we all have our pasts and mine just got the better of me for a moment. If you’ll follow me, I have a room upstairs where we can talk privately.” She soothingly says while flashing a melancholy smile.

Following the proprietress up two flights of stairs, we pass by a long hallway and a further flight of stairs before reaching our intended room. The room appears fit for purpose with a large canopied bed and a wardrobe decorated with erotic drawings. The erotic nature of the room causing my young mind to blush, but I am put at ease by the caring nature of the owner. She immediately prepares tea for us both and we take seats across from each other on a table.

“Miss Chataya, I am Prince Mostafa Osei.” I declare.

“House Osei of Walano” gasps Chataya, looking at me as if she’s seeing me for the first time. I nod in affirmation of her thoughts and can’t help but smirk at the effect my family name has.

“I’ve come to King’s Landing for the first time and need information. Nothing secret or dangerous just enough to understand the main players in the city and who to be careful of. Captain Quhuru will pay an appropriate fee for any information shared” I implore.

Her face goes through a range of different emotion. The initial shock of my family name wearing off as she begins considering the proposition. A businesswoman through and through uncertainty begins to build on her face which is removed when she hears about the possible fee. A nod of affirmation seals the deal and Chataya immediately begins lecturing on the different parties in the city. Chataya spoke uninterrupted for hours discussing every figure she could think of in the capital and their relationships to each other. From the royal family to the small council even stretching as far as minor officials. Attempting to remember all that information would have been impossible, so I requested for a quill and paper and ordered my thoughts on there. The information was invaluable and with Chataya’s inferences added in, I was able to get an idea on who was allied to who and any rivalries I could potentially exploit. Content I had gathered enough information, I returned to the Salty Sheets and fell asleep, eagerly anticipating my upcoming audience with the king.

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