《Chosen Sun》Character / Info Page


Original Character Sheet:

Character Name (Origin of Name/ Meaning) – Brief description of character

Prince Mostafa Osei (Arabic/Chosen One) -Main Character, Aged 12. Born 278 AC,

Attendant Niyar (Swahili/Purpose) – Age 18, Born 272 AC

Princess Reina Osei (Spanish/Queen) – Mother, Rhyonar Descent, Born on the Isle of Women

Prince Boqar Osei (Somali/King)- Father, Prince of the Summer Isles

Captain Lizwi (Zulu/Word of God) - Captain of the Sea Guard, Age 25

Vice-Captain Ayale (Ethiopian/Powerful)

Vice-Captain Kali (African/Energetic)

Jahi (Swahili/Dignified)- Sea Guard Member, MC Bodyguard, Age 19, Grandmother from Naath

Ahia (Igbo/Merchant) – Father of Jahi, Ex-Merchant

Book/Tv Series Characters:

Possible Spoiler Warning.

The original characters of the series and book will as expected appear often so rather than write about every single character, I will only write about important changes I've made and things I've assumed which aren't explicity mentioned in the book. On top of that I will also mention the characters who are lesser known and casual readers might be unfamiliar with. This will allow the reader to understand the context and backstory behind each character. [denotes assumptions or changes]

Quhuru Mo & Kojja Mo – Captain & Lead Archer of the Cinnamon Wind, Father & Daughter, Homeport is Tall Trees Town.

Spoiler: Quhuru Mo & The Cinnamon Wind

Sent word to Daenerys about King Robert Baratheons death.

Ferried Samwell Tarly & Maester Aemon from Braavos > Oldtown

Petyr Baelish- Customs Officer in Gulltown during 289 AC, impressing Jon Arryn (Hand of the King) so much he was called to King's Landing. [Currently Customs Officer in King's Landing]

Spoiler: Baelish

In 3 years time, Baelish will go on to be made the Master of Coin hence sitting on the Small Council. Key Player.

Tobho Mott & Gendry- Master Smith & Youngest Apprentice.

Spoiler: Tobho & Gendry

Tobho : Able to reforge Valyrian steel and does so for Ned Starks weapon Ice.


Gendry: Bastard Son of Robert Baratheon, Key Player.

Archmaester Gallard: Wrote a book on the Summer Isles.

Tourney Knights:

Lord Jason Mallister : Seaguard in the Riverlands

Lord Yohn Royce: Runestone in the Vale

Ser Arys Oakheart: Risen to the Kingsguard in 290 AC

Spoiler: Arys Oakheart All that was included in the book is the year he was promoted. I added the detail of it being due to winning a tourney. I felt it fitting as in the books, he is sent with Myrcella to Dorne as her sworn shield. So him getting promoted at the tourney held to celebrate her birth makes sense. It would even make sense that he was added mainly due to increasing size of the royal family hence more protection needed.

Lannisters & Support:

Ser Jaime Lannister:

Queen Cersei Lannister:

Sandor Clegane: Bannermen of the Westerlands. Burns on his face.

Baratheons & Support:

King Robert Baratheon:

Lord Stannis Baratheon:

Lord Renly Baratheon:

Prince Joffrey Baratheon:

Princess Myrcella:

Shireen Baratheon:

Maester Cressen: Served House Baratheon since Lord Steffon ( Father of Robert,Stannis & Renly) as Maester of Storms End. Followed Stannis to Dragonstone when he was granted it.

Patchface: Slightly Prophetic Jester from Essos. Almost drowned in the same shipwreck that killed Lord Steffon but survived and has been singing deranged songs since.

Small Council:

Lord Jon Arryn: (Hand Of The King)

Lord Stannis Baratheon: (Master of Ships)

Pycelle: (Grand Maester) retained from Aerys small council.

Varys: (Master of Whispers)”retained from Aerys small council”

Ser Barristan Selmy: (LCOTK) “retained from Aerys small council”

[Lord Alesander Staedmon: (Master of Coin)]

[Lord Symond Staunton: (Master of Law) “retained from Aerys small council”]

Spoiler: Staedmon & Staunton

Staedmon : MoC in the books is Petyr Baelish but he required 3 years from coming to King's Landing to become it. This meant a hole arised in the position. The position of MoC was left empty under Aerys after Qarlton Chelsted was raised to HOTK. This meant a new character needed to be included. Staedmon is bannerman of House Baratheon ( hence loyal) who had the nickname Pennylover which meant I chose him as our current. As per story in 2/3 years time he will be switched out for Baelish and I've already installed conflict between him and robert to faciliatate that.


Staunton: MoL in the books is Renly Baratheon, who is during 290 AC only 13 years old. This meant new guy needed. Staunton was MoL during Aerys rule hence similar to the other characters spared was allowed to carry on.

Info Sheet: (* used to denote things I’ve created)

Current Year = 290 AC, where AC = date after Aegon’s conquest. The year Mostafa marks in his calendar is 404 SD*, where SD = since Doom [ Of Valyria], a fictional calendar used in Essos & Summer Isles.

Rhoynar are one of the three main ethnic groups in Westeros. Arrived from Essos after a mass migration. During that migration, they came across the Summer Isles where a portion of their people settled on the Isle of Women.

Map of Known World: https://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/File:WorldofIceandFire.png

Map of Kings Landing : https://external-preview.redd.it/IVpsKg6BsIc_Bu_8XbJM8G319rDqv1JIvajHiAXK31A.jpg?auto=webp&s=d89e3a08f7465886845a2f8f94fee0583159b974

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