《Blade Quest Vol.1》Ch.12: Let's Examine it


As the sun rises with the beams peeping through the holes in Lyn’s walls she leaps up and looks around her room. Her body still aches and as she moves and grabs the sword leaning against her wall as she rushes towards the stairs. She walks right above the stairs themselves before landing directly in front of the front door.

“Why no use stairs?” The landlord asks walking out of his room. “You keep flying and leaping right at the door, why no simply walk?”

Lyn rubs the back of her head as she grins nervously. “Sorry, I do that when I’m in a hurry.”

“Fine, fine, make sure no break something.” He says before walking off.

Lyn rushes out of the front door into the alleyway with a large grin on her face as she makes her way onto the main road. She grips the blade close to her as she makes her way to the Witch Shop bursting open the door to find Rayne sitting around staring up at the ceiling.


“Lyn, it’s early stop yelling,” Rayne says annoyed holding her hand to her head. “Mother’s homemade remedies always make my head hurt after I use them.”

“Is that an Elf thing, because that never happens to me when I get a remedy from here.”

“No, you’ve never had to take the cure for Mana Depletion, it’s a pain in the ass.” She says standing up as she holds her head. “Anyway, why are you so excited so early in the morning?”

“I want to meet Glenn’s boy toy’s Master!”

“What was that!?” Glenn yells out walking into the room. “Rayne control your dumb friend from spreading slander about me around town.”

Rayne glares at her annoyed. “Oh please, everyone already knows. That’s why you targeted a newbie because he didn’t know about your reputation.”


“Just shut up. Unlike you, I will go out and find my prince and live outside of being a Witch.” She says annoyed.

Rayne and Glenn stare at one another as Lyn walks up to them and pushes the two apart. “Come on, we’ve got more important things to worry about.”

“Fine,” Rayne says happily. “But why go there?”

“Well, the way he repaired the sword was faulty and amateurish, but the swords that the shop itself makes are of pretty excellent quality. I figured if we head there then we’ll be able to meet with the Master who could help me.”

“Oh, right the sword appraisal,” Rayne says seriously.

“What sword?” Glenn asks curiously. “Is that where you two ran off yesterday? I thought you were making out somewhere or something.”

Rayne glares at her and walks off out of the store with Lyn following close behind as Glenn smiles happily. “Oh and don’t forget to watch the store for me while I’m gone.”

“Wait, watching the store?” Glenn asks. “Wait get back here!”

The door closes and the two walk into the streets with Rayne smiling somewhat happily as Lyn looks down on her confused. The pair eventually makes their way towards the blacksmith as Lyn clutches the blade nervously.

Where am I? A voice asks echoing through her mind. Please tell me where I am.

Lyn’s vision fades and all around her is darkness as she walks around holding the blade close to herself as she continues marching along. After a quick moment, Lyn slams into a wall with Rayne simply staring at her confused.

“So, you okay now?”

“What?” Lyn asks confused.

“You were walking around in a trance, you walked through the crowd and smacked into a building,” Rayne says seriously as she looks up. “Either way, we’re here.”



Rayne sighs. “The Blacksmith Shop.”

“Oh right!” Lyn yells out excitedly.

Lyn excitedly opens the door to see an old muscular man with a long white beard covered in sweat working at the forge pulling a blade out of the fires. He holds out his hand and the red-hot blade cools as he opens his mouth with a large puff of steam coming out.

“Hello there.” She says with a large smile on her face.

“Customers?” He asks curiously looking at them. “You’ve come at the right time, I’ve just finished making a new batch of swords for the city guard, I have a few extras around if you want them.”

“We’re not here for that, we’re here to ask for a favor,” Rayne says walking up to him and taking off her hat. “We want you to examine something.”

Lyn rushes ahead and pushes the sword towards him. “I want you to examine this, this sword I found in a cave.”

“A sword, huh?” He takes the blade in his hand feeling the weight before looking at Lyn. “You’ve been carrying this around easily? You don’t look that muscular.”


“This sword despite the looks of it is quite hefty.”

“Really? It always felt light to me.” Lyn says confused.

He takes the blade and smashes it against the sword he’d just finished smashing the blade into pieces as he holds up the sword. “It’s well crafted, but it doesn’t cut.”


“If it would have cut, the blade before would be sliced into two even pieces, but it just smashed it into bits with its larger girth.” He says putting the sword on the ground. “If I had more time, I would like to examine it, but I have other orders to fill.”

“So, is it worth anything?” Rayne asks curiously.

He stares at the blade. “The sword is well crafted, someone put a lot of time and energy into its construction. But it’s worthless outside of a collector’s item and without knowing who foraged it, it’s even more worthless.”

“Huh?” Lyn grabs the sword and lifts it high into the air. “Are you sure this wouldn’t work?”

He nods and turns away. “Yes, it’s worthless, at least financially worthless. You should consider checking the runes inscribed onto the blade, they will lead you on your quest.”

“Alright,” Lyn says confused. “Well thank you for your time then.”

Lyn and Rayne leave the store as the blacksmith looking somewhat disappointed the old man sits staring at the blade. “How on earth could I ever consider taking that blade away from her? No blacksmith in the world wouldn’t recognize that sword, a blade that curses its wielder with a harsh destiny that will shake the entire world.”

In the streets, Lyn sighs still puzzled by the sword she’s carrying around in her hands as Rayne steps in front of her. “I’ll do it.”


“You were thinking about asking me to look into the runes on the sword, weren’t you?” Rayne says with a grin.

“I kind of, but I just couldn’t think of a way to ask you,” Lyn says nervously.

Rayne stares at the sword and looks its runes. “I’ll check them out and get back to you with it later, but for now just take it and rest.”

“Right,” Lyn says happily. “I know I can always trust you for this stuff Rayne.”

“Damn right,” Rayne says happily. “Anyway, just go home and head to work like normal.”


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