《I Will Pave My Path With Blood》Are There Any Consequences?


Looking towards this man beside me he does not look like you average man. He exudes so

much power that over the years with the power I have gained I still think it would be difficult

to defeat someone of his stature. Still he is someone I must look out for. Trying to make small

talk Tom says to me “So what brings you around here Alex? You don't see many men like you

around here.” Not wanting to seem suspicious I respond “I could say the same to you Tom, also

how did you come to gain so much power.” Looking at me with a joyful expression on his face

“Now Alex I think some things are best unsaid but let's just say that I lost someone a long time

ago and I promised myself that I would get stronger no matter what so that I couldn't let the

same thing happen to the ones that I love.” Saying that with such resolve Tom seems like one

of your average jerks to me. Still I wouldn't say that I like men of his nature. They are always

seeking justice and whatnot things of that sort are always so boring.

Letting a smile form on my once expressionless face I tell Tom “That's so sweet, trying to get

Stronger for your deceased friend, I can respect that in some aspects” looking into his eyes

“Thanks Alex, it's nice to know that someone feels that way. Alright we're here” Standing

the two of us was a small house. Leading me inside of a small house. It looks to be one of

the common sort nothing stellar, I assume that he lives alone from my estimation. I'm

starting to feel a bit in comfortable. Tom then turns to me looking quite amused


spreads a smile on to his face, and says “since your in the town and all would you like to have

a small chat.” I agree since its been a while since I have last had a nice conversation with

someone. So we talk to one another about some of the experiences that we have had in our

lives, and soon we begin to share quite a bit with one another, I tell him a little of my past

leaving out some details as we go along. “That sounds nice Alex living in a small village and

what not. I'm pretty much the same in that aspect. Except for one thing. I don't usually

share this with many people but with you I feel like we share a connection in come way. A

long time ago once when I was but a young boy a little younger than yourself my entire village

was massacred before me.

My sisters last words to me will always stay in my mind. And I just

feel so weak unable to protect her, I just feel so WEAK.” What follows is a long Silence. Even

though I wouldn't consider myself the emotional type I still sympathize in some way for this

man. A tear rolls down Toms face “I'm sorry for being a bit emotional here, it's just once a while

it gets to me. No matter how strong I get or how much I train it won't bring her back to me but,

when I find the man who did this I will End Him. You see Alex that same man shares your

name. I was always searching for the man who did this to my sister and all that was left on her

body were the names of the assailants. Still even now I have yet to find them .”


Closing my eyes. I think could the village that he was talking about the one I massacred, that

Just can't be true can it. Looking down at my hands I reflect on all of those I've killed so far,

children, wives, husbands, families, sons, girlfriends, boyfriends, and daughters. In that one

instant I've taken so many lives from those around me. Those who I may have left alive are

scared and have to live with that for the rest of their lives. Still, it's not my fault right. Those

people they….they……they were just all weak right? Yeah that's it, if they were strong they

would have survived, if they were strong they would have lived their lives. Loosening myself

up a bit I stare directly into Toms eyes “This was a nice talk Tom unfortunately I'm getting a bit

tired.” The moons rays shine inside the small house “That's right. Sorry for keeping you here so

long Alex. There's an open room over there to the right you can sleep there. I was just

reminiscing a memory of long ago.”

Leaving Tom to his sad state I enter the room. It looks a bit torn but it'll do for tonight. Laying

In the bed. I am a bit torn. I love blood so much that it fuels me but the lives I have taken those

Weak lives do they matter? I'm not alone in thinking this right? Well I guess I'll think about this

In the morning. Shutting my eyes I drift off slowly to the land of dreams.

Looking around me all I can see is blood. It's thick texture almost consuming me. It flows

endlessly around me. I can see the faces of those that I have taken, their rotting human faces

almost seemingly taking me. They keep clawing at my white pale body I try to scream but

nothing comes out. Tears begin to roll down my eyes as I begin to be covered in more blood

and more bodies of those I have killed. I can see my mothers face, my brothers, and my fathers

as well they almost seem to taunt me. Falling back my flesh is torn away by those around me,

all of them almost seemingly craving for my blood as well. I can see the hatred and agony in

their eyes. I am left with nothing my body, everything about me is consumed in the thick red


Waking up from my deep slumber I can feel my self panting as sweat rolls down my face. My

Chest beats sporadically. Looking up towards the ceiling with a sigh of relief A gently smile

Forms it's way across my face.

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