《Kill Thy Gods!》Chapter 1 — A Repeat(?)



Leon's eyes shimmered as the bright light covering the nostalgic place filled Leon's sight. It was that same circular place with ascending slabs from the middle until the edge of the place in a circular formation. The slabs was used for sitting and other things, and thousands of people are now awaiting for what's to come.

"I was right, this is the Tutorial of Beginnings, alright."

Of course, all of them has no idea what's going on; but Leon does.

This familiar place, Leon thought his soul was gonna diminish like what what that long-nosed-tuxedo guy in the previous.

"But what the hell is going on?" — Leon was calm but his mind was in alert. Everything was so confusing, he didn't think he would be back here again.

"Did I go back in time?" — He muttered, examining the whole situation.

In the middle of this place was a pillar, protruding like a tree on the ground. That's where that long-nosed guy is going to appear any minute.

"Now that I remembered, I kinda killed that guy for tricking me once." — Leon muttered with his finger on his chin. Remembering how toxic that guy was. That guy was known for his trickery, he should not have messed with someone hot-headed like Leon.

Though that was not a reason for being backstabbed once more. There was no such rule in this place not to kill a Guide.

Yes, people like the long-nosed guys are called Guides. They own and overlook one floor of the tower and have tremendous power. Killing one was supposed to be an achievement, knowing how that Long-nosed guy can kill all the thousands of us here with a snap of his finger.

"Killing those guys, I hope I won't cross through them again. Not this time." — Leon was planning different this time. Unlike his previous two lives, he was feared because of his tremendous growth but this time, if he could come to Godhood without being a threat to the other Gods.


"I could back stab them back!" — Leon suddenly grinned as he leaked a little of his blood lust. He clenched his fist, recalling all the betrayal he has ever confronted to those powerful people, who was too greedy for power, that they fear and resent those who may become a threat to them.

Leon's rage was incomprehensible. To walk in the path of loyalty to those in power and yet killed by those you kept loyal— What a load of bull shit!

【Welcome to the Tower of Godhood!】

A voice echoed throughout the entire place as the people who was resting woke up and people who was alert panicked. A man in a tuxedo magically appeared in the pillar at the middle of the place. Yet—

"Wait a minute, that's not the Long-Nosed Guy." — Leon's eyes dilated as he expected it to be the guy again; but that's this? No, something is wrong here.

The guy has a black and hard hat, like those of magicians. Like the other Guides, he has a tuxedo and he seemed to look like a rabbit with brown eyes and grey fur. Like all Guides, however, he is leaking intense aura.

【I am Luxia and I am your Guide for this floor, and thousands of you here, have died. All of you, innocent or criminal, are in pursuit to become God.!】

People were still confused, yet some has already adapted to what is happening. Some people smiled when they heard about becoming a God, but most people was not in the believing side. I mean, who in their right mind would believe it so quickly. Some of those who did, has really high expectation of themselves, and Leon knows those kind of people—are gonna die the earliest.

【Your mission is to climb the tower; to its 100th Floor and this floor is called the Tutorial of Beginnings. Meaning, this is the 0th floor. Also meaning, if you die here, it means you aren't worth shit!】


People were in stand still, as they listen the rules from the rabbit in a tuxedo— Luxia. Many were horrified, some were delighted as killing would be a norm to strive for greatness. Many of the people will battle for items and artifacts that would make them powerful. As soon as Luxia stops talking, this place will become hell.

【However, if you are in this place. You are not able to kill. Meaning, this is your Safe Haven, for now. Each floor has a Safe Haven and some of the people before you has made a town, or a city, even an entire kingdom with kings and hierarchy! If you want to settle there and live for the rest of your remaining life, you can. If you don't die here, of course!】

People were relieved for a while, until they noticed that if they don't live here. In this barren place. They would be forced to live this place and desire to go to the 1st floor, where it is believed to have civilization. Where there is food and water.

"And what if we don't want to follow you!" Someone in the crowd protested. The rabbit seems to catch his attention as he started to float in mid air, shocking some of the people. He began to fly slowly to the person that shouted.

【Well, you can always leave.】

"W-we can?" The man that shouted seemed to have relieved himself. Until the rabbit pointed a finger at the ground that the man was standing on. His finger raised up a little and with a noticeable grin, a spike made out of dirt impaled through the man's buttocks and leaving through his mouth.

【Are there more who wishes to leave this arena?】

People became silent as Leon watched from afar. People trembled s the sight of a corpse hanging by a dirt caused their mind to quickly shape as their Flight or Fight response turned only to a Flight response, nothing else.

Leon expected this, that someone may revolt to a stranger who ordered them to survive or become some God; and as he expected. Hell is starting.

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