《Ghost Unit In Another World》Chapter 5: They were like Ghosts, Swift, Silent and Deadly


19 miles South of the Cave.

The Village of Grof


The village of around 200 residence, is a 100 year old village since it was first established.

They were all peasants who were fed up living within the lands controlled by rulers, who would impose heavy taxes, that they decided it was better to live deep inside the forest.

Many within the village were fast asleep, some were awake eating and drinking.

It was a peaceful night, just like every other night, but tonight was different.

The villagers had no idea that danger was within reach of their village.

A watchman holding a lantern with one hand and a bell with the other, patrolled around the village to make sure everything was well. He would immediately ring the bell to warn the villagers of impending danger.

He began to hear sounds of horses approaching, though it was alittle faint but he was not mistaken.

Tiiiiiingle, Tiiiiiinnnngle, tiiiiiinggggllle.....


He ran frantically while aggressively ringing the warning bell as he tried to warn the villagers.

Those who were asleep were woken up by the sudden noise, while those who were awake came out to see what was the commotion all about.

Suddenly an arrow came out of the dark forest and pierced the head of the watchman. It went through the back of his head and came out off his left eye with his eyeballs stuck on the tip of the arrow.

Those who saw the scene where left stunned, only to regain their sense when they saw big men with swords and clubs riding horses, galloping out of the dark forest.

They quickly woke their loved ones inside their households, while some men in the village took forks and sticks to try and block the intruders.


These intruders were barbarians. Their upper body were exposed showing their big muscular bodies. They wore what looked like bear skins as pants, some wore it as capes. Each wore helmets that looked like vikings in design.

"Hehehehehe.......men look at these insects bringing out twigs as weapons....."

A thick long bearded man who appears to be the leader of the group, mocked as he smiled evilly towards the village men.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA....." his men all laughed.

"You should be honoured that I THE GREAT GROGU am here to take your pathetic lives.....We will FUCK YOUR WOMEN and DRINK THE BLOOD OF YOUR CHILDREN.....WAHAHAHAHAHAHA....so come with your heads and let us crush it"

Grogu threatened with a terrifying deep voice.

Though the village men were afraid, some were even shaking, still they held tighly on their sticks and forks.

"Fugra come fourth, I have a task for you....."

A man with a scar on the left side of his face stood beside their leader.

"Take a few men and block their escape routes......I don't want any of them to escape, especially their women.....now go."

Grogu ordered as he licked his lips when he mentioned women.

"Now men.....you are free to do as you wish.....go kill to your hearts content."

"FOR GREAT GROGU...." they all shouted as they started slaughtering the villagers.

Heads crushed, limbs and hands detached, the villagers stood no chance.

Those village men who held their ground, their defences fell like a knife through butter.

They set fires to houses as they made their way to the centre of the village.

Bodies of men, children and some women laid in the path of destruction.

Old and young, none were spared.

Some women were forcefully pulled out of their houses as the dead body of their husbands lay outside their homes.


It was a total chaos in the village.

A father of 3 young girls scrambled his daughters out of the house as they made their way towards the forest, away from the onslaught.

"Hurry you three, they're coming.." he shouted as he looked back.

Suddenly, infront of him, appeared a scarred faced man. This man is none other than Fugra.

"Where do you think your going..."

He kicked the father of 3 with his big leg.

The weak looking father was thrown off by the power of the kick.

Fugra then wield his club to intimidate his supposedly victims infront of him.

When the 3 girls saw that their father was hurt, they all ran to him, hugging him tightly. They were crying hard, very afraid of what might become of them.

"I'm sooo sorry angels, I'm a stupid weak father....I have failed you....and your mother...may god bless her soul.."

Though he was in pain, his thoughts were always about his daughters. He felt helpless and powerless as he closed his eyes with tears streaming down, accepting that these were their fate.

But when the clud did not hit any of them, did he open his eyes only to be stunned.

Fugra was holding onto his neck as though he was choking, then blood started to fall down spraying the ground.

The father of three then saw Fugra falling down dead and a man whose face he couldn't see stood beside the dead body, wiping the blood off his knife.

The father and his girls clearerly were afraid but the man just walked past them ignoring them.

Then behind the man, silhouettes of other men appeared out of the dark forest.

No one noticed them, no one felt their presence, they just appeared.

They were like ghosts, swift, silent and deadly.

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