《Ghost Unit In Another World》Prologue


Somewhere in the Mexican Border.

Mexican bar.

A drunkard young man sitting at a corner of the bar, all alone and depressed.

If you look closely, you will see that this young man is a man with a story, someone who had been through alot.

While many in the bar laughed merrily, flirting with the bartender, making trouble. No one noticed or paid attention at the drunkard young man who sat in his corner grieving in silence.

Staring at a faded passport sized photo of someone, someone so dear that he could not stop a tear falling onto the photo.

This drunkard young man is Rex. A handsome white 28 year old male who used to be one of the best Special Force Operative in the United Stated Navy Seals.

Joined the Marines at 18, before deciding to join the Seals where he became the top of his class, becoming a outstanding Seal. His future was promising in the Seals, getting promoted from petty officer 3rd class to a senior non commissioned Master Chief Petty Officer. His records was impressive that led him to be the team leader of a tier 1 team in the Seals.

But all went down south when his misfortune happened.

Now he's in another country drinking his sorrows away.

"Rex A.K.A Master Chief, no surname.....orphan. Alpha Squad Team Leader, top of his class, exceptional leader....now tell me, have I got the right person?"

A well suited handsome man in his 40's with an english accent came out of nowhere and sat beside Rex.

"Bartender, one shot of tequila, will you pleeeeaase."

"Sure Handsome..." the female bartender said before winking at the gentleman in suit.

"Also a shot of....hmmm, if my judgement is correct....vodka, for my friend here."


"Look hur, I amf notf your friend, andf I'm notf the person your lookin' fooorrr." Rex said as he tried to speak properly.

"I know what you're going through Master Chief but you need to keep moving. You need to keep fighting. A man of your talent and skills, shouldn't be wasted here in a bar drinking vodka all day."

"HOW THE FUCK YOU KNOW WHAT I'M GOING THROUGH?" Rex shouted at the top of his lungs at the man, startling everyone in the bar.

Everyone stared at Rex. Those who were laughing merrily, those dancing, flirting and those fighting, all came to a halt even the music.

"EVERYONE MY FRIEND IS DRUNK SO PLEEEASE I ASK FOR FORGIVENESS ON HIS BEHALF.....DRINKS ON ME." The man in suit shouted to ease the crowd of drunkard mexicans.

"Thank you Amigo!!"

"Thank you sir"


The crowd shouted knowing free drinks for everyone.

Before sitting down. The man in suit took the shot of tequila on the table and drank it in one gulp before sitting down besides Rex.

"Where are my manners. Let me introduce myself...... people call me Mr. C. I represent an organization that has no name."

Mr. C paused for a moment to let Rex digest the information before continuing.

"You see Master Chief, I'm giving you a second chance in life. A second chance to pull yourself from the dark pit you've fallen into, to be part of something much bigger than yourself.......I know you're suffering but you're not the only one in this world who is suffering a loss. There are some who are going to suffer what you're suffering, if men of your skills don't put an end to it or better yet prevent it from happening, we can stop good man from coming to the bar drinking their lives away." Mr. C said trying to convince Rex.


"Andf Why should I helpf you, and why me?" Rex said before giving a burp.

"You see....the organization I work for, have one goal in mind." Mr. C said before taking another shot of tequila before continuing.

"That is to stop evil men from harming the innocent. Our organization like to work in the shadows and hunt down these scumbag murderers, cartels, human traffickers, terrorist, arms dealers, you name it."

"Isn't it the job of the government to deal with it?"

"The government has so many restrictions that it will take them time to deal with these pests. They are also corrupt,.... so corrupt that the powerful criminals have them in their pockets......We on the other hand, don't give a bloody shit about restrictions. If your worried about us being corrupt, I assure you, we're not."

"And to answer your question. We don't just chose anyone to work for us. We employ those who are best of the best of the best, who would go far and beyond the call of duty.....someone with a good moral compass who would try to seek justice and persue it till the end. We know you're that person who meets our requirements......So how about it?"

Rex, though he was drunk, he was not drunk enough to make rash decisions.

Taking one last look at the photo before making up his mind.

"Where do I sign up?"

Mr. C smiled and extended his hand for a hand shake to which Rex politely accepted.

"Welcome to the Ghost Unit"


Hi guys, this is my 1st novel so please understand if there are any mistakes, english is not my 1st language so correct me if there is any grammatical error and I will edit it.

*criticism is welcomed to improve on my novel.

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