《IROKO - An Elsewhere Naruto Fanfiction》Character Profile: Kosetsu Heiwa



Name: Kosetsu Heiwa/平和 降雪

Age: 27-28

Species: Human

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Blood Type: O

Birthday: August 13th

Personality: A no-nonsense individual, takes her job as a ninja very seriously, knows when to wind down, though

Good Trait(s): Very helpful, always encouraging those she is close to, is not afraid to speak her mind if she knows she's in the right

Bad Trait(s): Reacts rather brutishly if anyone should refer to her as an older woman, gets annoyed when proven wrong, will not trust strangers so easily

Like(s): Stir Fry Vegetables, trustworthy people, training and exercise

Dislike(s): Any cold food, controlling-people, enemies of Konoha

Hobby(ies)/Interest(s): Artistry, going out with friends, working out

Fear(s): Murderous intent

Personal Quote: "Love and benevolence; sometimes it's easy to get those two things mixed up."

Verbal Tic/Catchphrase: None

Clan Info

Clan Name: Heiwa/平和 (means "peace")

History: Is recorded in the great tales as a pacifistic clan but not much else is known.

Clan Appearance

-Skin Tone: N/A

-Markings: N/A

-Hair colour (s): Supposedly black

-Eye colour (s): Supposedly black

Looks and Appearance

Body Type/Looks: Athletic and curvaceous build

Height: 169cm

Weight: 70kg

Hair colour: Black

Eye colour: Black

Skin tone: Warm

Hairstyle(s): Her long and luxuriant hair is tied into a ponytail at the back of her head.

Clothing: Grey forehead protector. Wears the Leaf Village flak jacket over a red long sleeve shirt, light grey pants with red-pink lining and dark grey sandals.

Accessories: N/A

Scent: Covers it very well

Scars/Tattoos/Markings: Red band-like markings on her wrists

Jewellery and/or Piercings: Wears a pair of earrings that depict a black sun

Ninja Registration: 017503


A character who I deem to have one of the most intriguing backstories I have ever conceived in this series (no spoilers lol). Her design is inspired more from the titular character of Netflix's Carmen Sandiego than, say, Kurenai or Shizune. As my first human adult OC, she's setting a standard for the rest of the other adults to come.

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