《IROKO - An Elsewhere Naruto Fanfiction》Character Profile: Kazue Katsumi



Name: Kazue Katsumi/勝見 一恵

Age: 13

Species: Human

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Blood Type: A

Birthday: February 10th

Personality: Quick-tempered and arrogant

Good Trait(s): Never underestimates his opponents, can be nice to those he respects and/or are his friends; will point out your flaws in a deprecating manner in order to indirectly help you get stronger

Bad Trait(s): Incredibly conceited, gets angry easily, deems those who are weak as unfit to be ninja, isn't afraid of disrespecting seniors and elders (except his mom and Naruto)

Like(s): Strong opponents, topping Iroko and Baku, learning everything there is to know about being a ninja, winning, hot takoyaki

Dislike(s): People who are weak, enemies of Konoha, his father, Baku's laidback attitude, losing, Iroko's weakness, Science

Hobby(ies)/Interest(s): Training, skateboarding, cooking, playing videogames (not as often as before), rivalling Iroko to surpass Naruto

Fear(s): Losing because of his weakness; being the one to blame for unfavourable outcomes

Personal Quote: "Even if you've got the power of friendship, you believe in yourself or any more of that bullshit, when it comes down to it, if you're not strong then you've got no chance in this world."

Verbal Tic/Catchphrase: Tends to make a Tch sound whenever he is annoyed by something or someone.

Clan Info

Clan Name: (mother) Atsuhiro/厚裕 (means "rich abundance")

History: A powerful clan that practised both the teachings of ninja and samurai and were heavily famed throughout the Warring States Period and the First Great Ninja War, being rivalled by the Katsumi clan. Although, just before the start of the Second Great Ninja War, a schism broke out within the clan which brought about their division. Those who believed in the samurai teachings retreated to the Land of Iron while those who still practised the way of ninja stayed in the Land of Fire. Despite this, the Atsuhiro ninja who at some point had formed an armistice with the Katsumi clan maintained their relationship with them, often mingling with each other to create powerful shinobi children.


Clan Name: (father) Katsumi/勝見 (means "victorious view")

History: Were once a proud and powerful Ninja clan during the days of the Warring States Period and were feared nearly to the same degree as the Uchiha and Senju clan. However, during the First Great Ninja War, many were slaughtered and as a result, the prestige of the clan gradually diminished. The clan's main rival was the Atsuhiro clan who was to them as the Senju were to the Uchiha. An armistice was later formed between the two and they became close with one another, often mingling with each other to create powerful shinobi children.

Clan Appearance (mother's side)

-Skin Tone: Tan to pale

-Markings: A special one bestowed to those who mastered both the samurai and ninja hiden arts but was abolished.

-Hair colour (s): Blonde to strawberry

-Eye colour (s): Purple, pink, magenta

Clan Appearance (father's side)

-Skin Tone: Tan to pale

-Markings: Striped tattoos on the elders

-Hair colour (s): Brown, orange and red

-Eye colour (s): Red, brown

Looks and Appearance

Body Type/Looks: Lean and slightly muscular

Height: 155cm

Weight: 43kg

Hair colour: Orange

Eye colour: Bright red

Skin tone: Medium

Hairstyle(s): Full head of spiky hair that naturally orients itself forward

Clothing: Red forehead protector. Light green jacket with Katsumi clan symbol in the centre, plain white shirt, black trousers and slippers.

Accessories: Wears a wallet chain.

Scent: Hides it surprisingly well

Scars/Tattoos/Markings: None

Jewellery and/or Piercings: None

Ninja Registration: 027491


Not even going to try to be smart about this. Yes, his character is heavily inspired by Katsuki Bakugo from My Hero Academia. I did this because I wanted Iroko to have a rival that acted as a foil to his character but diverged from Sasuke's personality, which Asami already embodied. Both boys also look up to Naruto the same way Midoriya and Bakugo do All Might, and I thought that was cool. However, as the story continues you'll find that Kazue and Katsuki are actually quite different from each other given their background, motivations and where their resentment to the protagonist comes from.


Edit: I feel I should also say that he's one of the characters whose ideals I empathize with the most and can truly understand why he acts the way he does.

y he does.

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