《IROKO - An Elsewhere Naruto Fanfiction》Character Profile: Asami Senju



Name: Asami Senju/千手 朝美

Age: 13

Species: Human

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Blood Type: A

Birthday: July 15th

Personality: Calm and neutral

Good Trait(s): Strategic mindset, acute awareness, prodigious skill as a genin

Bad Trait(s): Disregard for people and their welfare, tends to speak her mind

Like(s): Nothing in particular (maybe sushi)

Dislike(s): Nothing in particular either, but does hate Orochimaru and Danzo (the latter when he was still alive) with a burning passion.

Hobby(ies)/Interest(s): Taking strolls in a woodland

Fear(s): Unknown

Personal Quote: "I have no home. All I've ever wanted is a home, because a home is where you belong."

Verbal Tic/Catchphrase: Sometimes calls Iroko an "idiot" or a "brickhead", as either an insult or to tease him (usually the latter).

Clan Info

Clan Name: Senju/千手 (means "a thousand hands")

History: The most powerful ninja clan in history, the Senju clan are descended from Asura Otsutsuki: the Sage of Six Path's second son. They are proficient in several forms of ninjutsu, taijutsu and genjutsu (thus their name Senju) and have been known as the polar opposite and number one enemy of the Uchiha clan. The Senju are distantly related to the Uzumaki clan who are also descended from Asura. Since the end of the First Great Ninja War, the name of Senju has become blurred as the clan became divided into several smaller families, although there are still few who choose to carry the name.

Clan Appearance (Hashirama's branch)

-Skin Tone: Tan to fair

-Markings: Red stripes across the face

-Hair colour (s): Black, brown, blond or silver

-Eye colour (s): Varies, mostly black or brown

Looks and Appearance

Body Type: Slender

Height: 148cm

Weight: 35kg

Hair colour: White

Eye colour: Bright yellow

Skin tone: Pale

Hairstyle(s): Leaves her long spiky hair tied in a half-up high ponytail with her parted bangs framing her face.


Clothing: Black forehead protector. Dark grey-coloured kimono (that has the Senju symbol imprinted on the back) with a white lining that is secured with a black dark grey sash, a grey mesh armour underneath, black shorts and black sandals.

Accessories: None

Scent: Mostly covers it well

Scars/Tattoos/Markings: Has two small markings on her left shoulder from the experiments performed on her by Orochimaru and several small scars on her back from Danzo's harsh disciplining.

Jewellery and/or Piercings: None

Ninja Registration: 027490


To anyone who is a fan of Naruto, this character, within the first chapter of her introduction, will immediately feel like a Sasuke to you and let me just say ... that I would be expecting that. However, I am also determined to make you change your opinion of her as I continue to write this story. At any rate, I am very happy with her character.

PS: I have a good reason as to why her last name is Senju, but it won't be revealed until much later in the story.

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