《A Dragon Among The Stars》Siege!


Today was the day of reckoning. Kiel was with Izakel and his team, advancing through just south, advancing through the forest, their destination is the far back side of the base, it will be their infiltration point.

Izakel raised his hands up before waving it up and down, indicating to stop advancing and and stay low. He pushed the com-link in his hear and said "Alpha team, what's your status?"

On the other side was Victor and Feng leading each team from the north and west respectively, each member deeply blending with the environment with the use of a cloaking device from Reago.

Victor replied to his com-link "Alpha 1 is in place, a distance from the patrolling guards, waiting your signal"

Feng who was stationed from the west also replied "Alpha 2 is also in place, just give the signal, Izakel"

"Charlie is in place, ready for any fire support!" It was a voice of a man, It was Edward. The grandson of Arnold.

Izakel was pleased and replied back "Roger that, Stay low and vigilant" He looked at one of his team members and asked "have we made contact with our Delta from the inside?" the team he was talking about was consisting of planted spies they sent through the years. They spent a lot of resources just to let them infiltrate the inner cores of the Stanfords.

The soldier nodded and said "Yes sir, They have breached the Surveillance room and have tampered the with the cameras. The drones are also disabled. One of them is already in place, we are in the clear to go."

Izakel nodded and gestured for the team to advance, within their sight was three soldiers patrolling near the gate. Izakel said to his team "Three tangos up front, make them fall at my signal, 1... 2... 3... Now!" and a three bodies fell with a thud as sounds of inaudible gunshots were barely heard.

Izakel Instructed "Go, go ,go!" as the team raced through the area towards the gate, Izakel knocked on the gate in a rhythm. Seconds later, the gate opened revealing a middle aged man with a lab coat, he gestured for the team to come in.

He brought them into a large vent and said "This is the entrance, it will take you directly to the second level, just near the relic's entrance, be quick we don't have much time, our spies can only hold off the surveillance for a short moment." Izakel nodded and said the com link "proceed to the second phase " the man nodded and went somewhere else.


VIctor and Feng on the other side heard Izakel's signal, and started their guerrilla assault. the team members moved nearer and aimed their sights at the enemy.

Victor pushed his com-link and said with a cold smile " Feng you're ready?"

Feng replied in a cold smile "I've long been ready my friend, let's do this"

the two both nodded at their team member. Seeing their team leaders giving the go signal, one soldier from each side aimed a grenade launcher above the base and fired.


A team of soldiers were patrolling along side the base when they heard a distinguishable sound from above. They looked up, barely seeing a thing from the sunlight, one of the soldiers asked pointing at the sky. "What is that?"

All their mouths went wide when those blurry balls suddenly turned into countless smaller balls, flying towards their targets. the soldiers were curious at the round black balls at the size of a marble sticking at their weapons and exoskeleton suits. It took a lot of strength just to pull them out. The leader among the group had a bad feeling as he took a closer look at it.

The balls suddenly let out blinking red lights, the soldiers seeing felt something dangerous.


countless booming sounds as explosions scattered around the base. countless limbs and bodies were seen flying, it was a bloody sight. The people inside were frightened by the sudden explosions, and soon after panic and chaos descended.

The alpha team swiftly started engaging their enemies employing guerrilla tactics using every nook of their weapons at their disposal, ensuing chaos. People started dying from the sudden and effective surprise attack out of nowhere. Endless gunshots, explosions and tragic screams continued to echo along the mountains.

"Let's go! We don't have much time." Izakel said, hearing the battle, gestured for his team to climb down the vent, along with Kiel


Frederic was seated beside the table located in the underground part of the base, he busy confronting his brother Jayson, who brought a group of american officials along with a group of special forces.

Jayson snickered at his brother and said "Big brother, you can't do anything now since the family have come up a consensus. The family will be cooperating with the USA." He was joyous as someone who was poor suddenly winning a billion dollars in a lottery. Excited he felt, he was step closer in achieving his dreams. A Dream of power, wealth and endless prestige.


Frederic had a black face, he felt helpless from the series of events. He didn't know how Jayson was able to convince the family but he had no choice but to comply. He couldn't just turned his face away from the orders of the family. To him, these orders were an absolute. He replied in a grim voice. "I don't know what you did to convince the family, but I still don't trust you. Don't be mistaken, I'm only compromising as it was the wishes of the family. If I see any unnecessary foul play, I'll tell you right now, you'll pay for it in folds!"

Jayson was delighted at the poor sight of his brother and said "Hahaha Brot- " before he could say anymore, countless booming sounds echoed as the place rumbled followed by the sounds of fighting and screams.

Frederic stood up and shouted at his men "What was that? were under attack!?" He looked at Jayson and roared "Jayson what are you doing!?"

Jayson stood up, with a grim expression he replied "What are you talking about? I'm not behind this."

Frederic stood there silent, Ferociously staring at his brother. He was unsure weather he should believe or not. He said in a cold voice " Doesn't matter, I don't care anymore. Men contain the attacks, and start the expedition, I don't want any more mishaps, move your asses!" He didn't bother with him anymore and acted swiftly. He didn't know who was behind this, but he knew what they came for, the relic site!

Jayson realized this conjecture too "Follow them, where going the site" he quickly decided, running after Frederic's team with the Americans behind him.

"Change of plans, call them off. Let Frederic weaken himself first fighting this unknown force, then we'll swoop down everything, gaining what is rightfully ours!" Jayson said. Nodding his head to one of his men allies.


Kiel's team finally got down, what greeted them was their spies armed with guns taken from the guards patrolling inside the underground base, ready to assist them to their destination, The relic site. One of them saluted and reported to Izakel "Sir, Everything is according to plan. They were seen rushing toward the right entrance. The only thing is that a unknown force have been spotted the the left gates."

Izakel had a grim face at sudden appearance of an unknown variable he thought ti himself 'who could they be? Looks like things is going out of hand, we need to speed things up.' He looked at his brother and seriously said "we'll near brother just a little more." He gestured his hands and said "Move out!"

Izakel's men started advancing forward in a line, having each other backs. They have don't this kind of mission in the past, to them this was like a walk in a park.

One of the spies touched his com-link and repeatedly nodded. he walked near to Izakel and reported "Sir, our men have reported that Frederic and his Men has entered the relic site., followed by his brother and a group of US men. Our men have been barred from the entrance"

Izakel felt his chin, deep in thought. He said "Doesn't matter, have them retreat and secure the second entrance." Let's move out! double time."

After a series of turn and exchange of bullets the guards. they finally arrived at the second entrance. there were a lot dead bodies, mostly belonging to the enemy.

A man came in front of Izakel and saluted. He reported "Sir, we have secured the perimeter and the entrance is cleared of enemies"

Izakel saluted back and praised the soldier with a smile "Good job soldier, now go and hold your ground, make sure our escape routes aren't compromised"

He looked at his men and shouted "Get inside, move!" before shifting his gaze to Kiel, he softly said "Brother, let's go."

Kiel took a deep breath before following Izakel deep inside the relic sight. His fists tightening. Not sure weather he is ready to face the truth.

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