《A Dragon Among The Stars》Always make reminders!


As Kiel got home, he was hesitating, he got another problem, feeling frustrated, he didn't know how to tell his wife about him working outside of the country. 'To go or not to go? what should I do? ...oh let's just get this over with. I'll just tell her, She would understand right? Yeah.. wait…. Why do I have a feeling that this won't end well?" he suddenly had a bad feeling.

"The heck with it.' He no longer bother with it and went out of the car and took out his groceries.

He started walking towards the door, and just has he was about to open the door, he turned back

'arghhhh!. Whats with this? Why won't this feeling go? Did I forget something? Hmmm.. think Kiel? Did she asked you to do something?' He tried to remember but nothing came into mind 'There must something right? Or else I wouldn't be feeling this... ahhh you're old now Kiel,' Kiel became a little depressed as he laments on his age.

'well either way it must have been something I forgotten to buy or something like that. Yeah it's totally like that, nothing to worry about.' For sure he only made some reasons to feel better, he knew but he couldn't care anymore, and finally went inside.

"Honey I'm home!" he mildly shouted as he got in. 'hmm? No one's answering? Did they go anywhere?'

He then notice some lights coming from the living room, which seems to be coming from the television.

He went into the living room and saw his wife and daughter asleep on the couch. He found some sheets near the couch and neatly covered the mother daughter duo, he carrassed their face as he thought to himself. 'ahh… I'm gonna miss this for 2 years' then gave them each a kiss on their forehead as he head over to the kitchen to make dinner.

He got into the kitchen and checked his groceries. Seeing nothing amiss, he was in relief. 'see, I didn't forget anything, so I'm not that old yet. But what was that bad feeling I got... it must be from stress.' He didn't think anymore and check what was inside the bags.

'hmm.. let see…. Chicken…. Some potatoes, garlic and onion… finally, chicken curry! easy peasy! Alright let's get cooking!' excited he started to preparing dinner.

Aya his daughter was woken up by the smell of the food Kiel's was making "daddy! You're here, and you're making dinner? What're you making?


"I'm making chicken curry pumpkin, go wash you're face ,there's some drool on your mouth" he said laughingly.

"Ah!" aya started wiping her mouth, seeing her hands wet with saliva, she went to the bathroom to wash her face.

Finally after some time, dishes were served. He went to wake up his wife,"honey wake up, I've prepared dinner"

"mmmm … what?. Ahhh dinner, what time is it?" she asked while she was rubbing her eyes.

"yeah.. go freshen up first, it's already nearing 8:00 pm"

"ok…" still half asleep, she stood up and went to the bathroom.

"hurry up mom, dad made curry!" said Aya beside, she getting impatient as she was really getting hungry just from the smell.

"hey! Don't start without me okay?" she said as she pinched her daughter's waist.

"heyyy! just hurry up ok!"

"ok ok I will, I'm the same as you, I'm also hungry just from the fragrant smell"

"Now now, Aya don't hurry your mom, the food won't go anywhere" seeing his daughter being impatient, he started comforting her.

Moment's later, Amy got out of the bathroom and they finally had dinner. It was always been a rule in their household to eat together. He always believed that a family eating together would always be happy together.

As the mood was getting better due to the good food they were eating, Kiel brought out the topic of him working overseas.

"Honey… " he called with a sweet tone.

"yes? What? What's with your tone? Let me guess, you've done something wrong and you're trying sweet talking it out?" Amy said in a suspicious tone, and Aya hearing stared at his father also suspicious.

Kiel's body jolted 'a woman's intuition is scary indeed, and what's with that those stares!? I'm not some criminal you know!' but he kept a smiling face and replied "what do you mean by that? I was just about tell you something"

"then tell me, what are you being so wishy-washy for, you're aren't young anymore" Amy said without caring for his husband's feeling

Kiel's eyelid twitched 'what do you mean old? You're the one to talk, you're the same age as me!' helplessly he could only take it as he heard nothing, he knew he would lose the argument with his wife weather he was in the right or wrong.

"I've been ordered to work overseas, I'll be going in 3 days" he said in careful tone.

"What! What do you mean overseas,and why so sudden, do you even know that are anniversary is next week! Don't tell me you forgot it?" She stared at Kiel with her eye's blazing in anger.


'Oh shit!' Stunned, he couldn't speak as he totally forgot about it. So this was the bad feeling he got earlier, what he forgot was something really really important!

Seeing her husband mute, Amy was really angry "So you did forgot it!!!! How could you forget our anniversary!?"

Awaken by his wife outburst, he hurriedly said "what do you mean I forgot? It just slipped my mind that's all" he smiled as widely as he could in hopes to quell his wife's anger, but he was too naïve.

"Just slipped your mind!? Oh it slipped my mind, you're going to sleep in the couch today!" she said in a smile yet not a smile.

"oh come on! Don't worry, we can just always spend it earlier" he tried comforted his wife, but all he got was silence treatment, he was actually getting the cold shoulder. He could only bitterly smile as tried to comfort his wife.

"booo! Daddy, you've made mommy mad!" teasingly, she continued in a reprimanding tone. "how could you forget you're anniversary, look how mad mommy is!"

He could only stare in bitter, being reprimanded by his daughter made him depressed, 'ahhh Kiel… Kiel…. What a life, you're wife won't talk to you, and now you're being reprimanded by your daughter.'

For the next hours, Kiel has been trying his hard to comfort his wife, but all he got was a blanket, a pillow, and a door being shut at his face.

*giggles* he turned his head and saw his daughter with her head poking out of her door, laughing at his misfortune.

"yo-" before he could say anything, another door was shut at his face.

Mouth twitching, he could only go and lay down in the couch in bitterness. ' sigh… take note to self, make reminders about next year anniversary'


The next morning


He was woken up by the noise, what saw as his eyes opened was a cup of coffee,

"have some coffee…" he heard his wife's voice, she was standing next him also holding a cup of coffee. He fixed himself in a sitting position so his wife could sit. He looked at her as she sat beside him. No one was speaking, it was awkward between them. He tried to break the awkwardness and spoke ;

"sorry..." he said in a low voice, out of the words and sentences he came up with last night, it was the only thing he could say.

Amy looked at him and lightly said "I'm sorry too honey, I should have listened to you too."

"no I really did forgot about it, I'm most to blame about it. Are you still mad" he said in a bitter tone.

Next thing she smiled and said "oh you.. you know I couldn't stay mad at you, let's just forget about it,"

Kiel heaved a sigh of relief and smiled, he was glad hearing her wife forgiving him, she hug her closer to his chest as they savored the coffee she made.

"hey…" Amy called out.

"yeah my dear wife" he said in a bright smile.

"tell me about the thing you working overseas"

"there's nothing to talk, I'll be working in the Philippines, they needed highly capable long time employees. They said I'll be at most working there for a maximum of 2 years, and of course along with it, they will give me more benefits and a higher pay"

"2 years... that's quite a long time…could they just replace you with some else?"

"I also asked them that but they said it important so they couldn't just recruit someone unknown"

"you know we'll both miss you right?" Kiel looked at his wife, seeing her eyes filled with sadness, he could only sigh as he couldn't do anything about it. They had always been together since dating, same high school and same university. Being apart from each other had always been hard for them.

"I know honey, I'll miss you both too… but I could always take a leave and visit you here right? So its not that bad" comforting her was the only thing he could do.

"how about our anniversary?"

"let's celebrate it earlier, I will spend most of my time with you guys, before I leave" he carassed her face as he kissed her forehead.

"GROUP HUG!" surprised by the hug from behind, it was Aya. "of course I'll also be part of this" what ensued after was a round of laughter.

Hugging his mother and daughter pair and seeing the joy in their eyes. Kiel could only sigh in his mind as he thought about this moment, and how he would miss it.

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