《A Dragon Among The Stars》A Goddamn Job!


Kiel wondered in his mind as he walked his way to the chief's office.

'hmm? Could it be because of the person who's coming right now? I don't have any connection with any higher ups, or maybe because of some grudge I didn't know… nahhh. Impossible, I never offended anyone, looks like things won't be simple'

He woke up from his mulling since he have arrived in front of the desk of the assistant. he knocked on the desk as the assistant had her back facing him, busy with paperworks,

Hearing someone knocking on her desk, she looked back and saw Kiel.

"Ah! Chief Kiel, you're here, please wait a moment as I inform the chief" she said as she picked up the telephone on the side of the her desk.

"Sir Clark, Mr. Kiel has arrived...… yes…. ….I will" She stood up as she put the phone down.

"Please follow me Mr. Kiel" She politely gestured as she walked ahead .

Turn after turn, they finally arrived at the chief's office. She knocked "Sir. Clark, Mr Kiel is here"

"Come in" seconds later a thick low voice came from the door. The assistant hearing this opened the door. She bowed and gestured Kiel to come in.

'Nothing would go wrong anyways.' Kiel took a breath as he took all his worries to the back of his head.

He entered the room, the first thing that caught his attention was the orderliness of the room, files and documents were all piled up neatly in the side of the room. The room was sparkly clean, with barely any dust. He looked ahead and saw a man with thick build, wearing a soldier's uniform. Kiel couldn't see his face, as his back was facing him, busy pouring himself with some whiskey. But he could tell that he was someone of age, with how white his hair was.

"Take a seat, Mr. Kiel" he gestured as he poured his drink down to his throat

Kiel hearing this obediently took a sit. This man was a high ranking soldier, so of course, he was a bit reserved. Even though his face was full of wrinkles, his eyes weren't muddled, on the contrary it was filled with wisdom, it was sharp like an eyes of a hawk. His face brimming with thick vigor, as one would expect from a soldier. He waited for the chief to finish his drink and initiating the conversation.


Seconds later the chief finished his drink, he let out a satisfied smile as he put down the glass. He stared at Kiel for sometime seemingly thinking of something.

Kiel being stared at suddenly became tense 'what with this? Did he call me here just for him stare at. F*ck, don't tell me this old goat suddenly became crazy and developed some weird fetish, please no I have a wife!'

"Don't be tense, relax." The old goat smiled, He continued "I called you here as I have been ordered to pick some of the best workers we have in this facility. And yes you're one of those that were picked"

"Picked? Picked for what?" Kiel was confused as he was picked for something he didn't even know about. Heck he didn't even know a thing, not even the smallest details.

"Yes, the employees who were picked will be sent a research facility newly built by the company in the Philippines, in a region in Mindanao to be precise. Don't worry, at most you'll only be working there for months if not maybe up to 2 years maximum. But of course along with, you'll get a higher salary, and better benefits, you could also bring your family there if you want to."

The offer was tempting but he hesitated, the offer was high, but being suddenly sent overseas…. How would he explain this to his family, they might not accept it.

Seeing Kiel hesitate, the chief said "I recommend you don't reject it, it came from the highest order, meaning, from the CEO himself and the high council"

"What!? How come? could you just picked another one to replace me?" Kiel surprised, it came from the highest order? This thing must be something serious. But how can he decided without talking with his family first.

"I know but the company is short in highly capable workers such as you, they value this project higher than anything right now. I know it sudden but nothing could be done, I can't find another one within the facility" even the chief himself was helpless with the current situation.

"then how about they hire more worker, with the company's prestige, I'm sure a lot of highly skilled workers would come flocking in" He worked for the Stanford Corp. A leading technological company in the world market. With the military field as it's main field, it's influence was on a world scale, Kiel wasn't wrong on his conjecture, a lot of people especially in his field, wanted to work for this company but with the high standards, they could only dream and look for a different company.


"No, we can't, this project is highly classified only given to the company's most valued and loyal employees, like you. You've been working for the company for almost 30 years, and have excellent performance through out those years." The chief was right, thinking about it, he had been working for them for a long time now. From different projects to different facilities, It wouldn't be logical if he wasn't valued by the company despite all the hard work he contributed.

Kiel let out a sigh. 'I guess I don't have much choice., ahhh… they wouldn't be happy about this. Its good thing it's just 2 years. He didn't really have any choice, he could only hide his irritated mood. "Since I can't deny, could I know the details?"

"Good" the chief also knew he didn't have much choice. He continued, his face becoming serious "The reason why we need people like you is because of a discovery, a discovery that could lead mankind to further heights!"

"A discovery" Kiel was surprised, with his current bad mood he started exagerating in his mind 'all of this just for a discovery? Motherf*cker, no one knows weather this discovery would be a good thing or a bad thing. What if this discovery could cause some calamity or something.'

"mm" nodding his head the chief continued, He himself was also excited about the project "In a region of Mindanao, among the mountains, a group of explorers from our company has made the discovery, from the reports they sent, it was deemed as a relic site, and what's more is that it seems to have come from alien origins!"

Kiel was hearing this, was surprised yet again. 'seriously an alien origin? What if a alien insect started jumping up on our faces and impregnate us with their eggs? F*cking serious man! I'm a man, I'm a man, I ain't supposed to get pregnant! This shit ain't funny! ' and seemingly again Kiel exaggerated in his mind

"Isn't this dangerous?" Kiel couldn't help himself and asked. He started getting concerned due to his exaggerating.

The chief pondered for a moment before answering with I-don't-care expression "Of course there are, it was also written in the report that there were traps installed inside the site. But you don't have to worry as I'm sure they would have already disabled or removed the traps by the time you got there", Kiel seeing his expression, wasn't a bit assured and started cursing in his mind, again.

'F*ck you! What's with that face?Is my life that insignificant?! At least hide it, for f*cks sake! Don't tell me, after this project I'll be going home in separate pieces!? OH F*ck this! I don't care anymore'

"When will I'll be sent to the Philippines?"

"Your flight would be in three days, of course everything is covered by the company, so you wouldn't have to worry about anything." The chief assured as he took out something from his desk's drawer, it was two pieces of paper, he continued "The final thing you have to do is sign here" it was a contract.

"I'll have to renew my contract? There's still a long time before my contract expires" Kiel was confused as he just signed another contract with the company.

"Of course, this contract is different. Stated here is that you aren't allowed to disclose anything or anyone's information even to your closest kin, This project is highly classified" the chief said as he pointed his finger on a phrase written in the contract.

'oh well, here goes, I hope nothing goes wrong, I'm still young..... yeah nevermind' He picked up the pen beside the contract and signed it.

"And that's it, you may go, the assistant would give you the flight tickets and further details would be given to you as you arrive at the site. Now you may go" the chief waved his hands as he was chasing out a fly, and continued pouring himself a drink.

Kiel's eyelids twitch seeing this 'Hmph, just drink and let's see how long your body last, seriously man! Slow down with the alcohol!' he didn't bother anymore and went out of the office.

He sighed as he got out of the door. 'sigh.. an new job huh?, a goddamn job.'

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