《Suits》Unscheduled Maintenance


Far away from the screams now I am a great distance aways from the town. When I was making my way from the town I passed a many of players trying to fight the hordes of monsters. The farther and farther I got though the less players I could spot, however the monsters got more ferocious.

Closer to town the surrounding monsters were less dangerous and more like obnoxious beings with high numbers. There were Hybrid Rabbits 3 ft tall, Rock Tortoises, or the occasional Wolf. The around me was less hospitable however.

As I traveled farther away from the town I came across Minotaurs, Crazed Bears, and many carnivorous plants. the flat landscape allowed me to spot these beast a mile afar but it also allowed them to see me. Fortunately though many of them were solitary so I wasn’t swarmed and had enough time to dispatch them and rest before fights.

Well into the next morning I kept fighting monster after monster.. Repeating the same motion almost like a machine the monsters were dispatched. All the monsters I fought had the same monotonous pattern that was generally easy to figure out. It was boring however. These beast were predictable and easily dispatched. After a while it became just a chore that needed to be done like cleaning the lions cage or bathing.


Game Creator J

How dare such an insolent brat mess with my game. I have spent years working on creating my ideal world and here he is messing it up. First he tricks on of my GMs and now he is making a fool of the monsters I have worked so hard on for the players. I can’t let this keep going on. Pretty soon others are going to come and mess up my fun.

The Game “Creator J sat in his seat with a face of disgust as he watched Spade dispatch his creations effortlessly. With a devious smile he starts typing away on his computer.


Three years before:

A struggling game company Tecs was at the end of its road. It was about to file for bankruptcy till a giant package appeared in the office one morning. Inside it came a supercomputer unlike the world has ever seen and a note.

Hello people of Tecs I present you a godly gift. This computer will allow you to access the world of Oblitus you are given permission to turn this into the world's first “virtual” reality game. Please don’t abuse this privilege and remember have fun. :)


After fighting for most of the morning I find a nice quiet spot to rest. The monsters mysteriously stopped appearing and besides of questioning it I took it as a blessing and sat on the ground. Sweaty and tired I took a swig from my water bag and relaxed. It seems that since the players came all I have been doing is fighting and barely had anytime to do relax.

Days of fatigue finally took its toll on me and I felt myself drifting to sleep. Before losing conscious I was took wary of my surroundings and casted a barrier and summoned my traib to keep watch.





“Huh what do you want shade I was just asleep.” Realizing where I was I jumped to my feet and looked around me but saw nothing. Shade my traib was shaking in his figurative boots afraid of something. He curled into a ball and disappeared into the shadows. THis was the first time he ever disappeared on my like that something must have gotten to him.

Looking around once more I hear a familiar DING!!!

Hey everyone this is J, I am sorry for the inconvenience but there seems to be a problem in the continent of Syra. I am going to resolve this issue right away. All players are going to be evicted from the game and all NPC’s will be teleported to their respective Cities/Towns/Villages/Home please don’t be alarmed.


Thank you,


A countdown timer appeared before me and started ticking.












Nothing happened I was still in a field in the middle of nowhere. What went wrong surely I was supposed to be teleported back to the train cart or at least to the village. A Sudden flash enveloped me and the field and I was blown back 20 ft and hit the ground hard.

I couldn’t see anything but I heard a voice in front of me. “You have been a huge pain thinking you could mess with my world. I will not allow anybody from this world to embarrass my GMs or make light of my creations.”

“Shut up already would you if you are going to do something about it than besides of talking shut the hell up and grow a pair.”

Searing pain erupted from my chest and I could feel every part of my body screaming in pain. Slowly my body was being ripped apart as the mysterious voice laughed with pleasure.

Another voice came from nowhere “J stop this now you have no right to be torturing the people of this world. Don’t abuse your power or who knows what going to happen. Look at his body it is beyond cruel we can’t even fix him just end his life and have some compassion.”

“M we are gods here. There is nothing you or anybody can do to me here. just run along and go watch your own continent.”

“Listen to me if you don’t stop then I will take away your access card and force you out of Tecs.”

“Fine have it your way”

M head starts hurting like it was being split apart as a rod of energy slowly pierced my skull.

Everything is gone now and empty space surrounds me.

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