《Gunslinger Moon》Chapter 8 - D&D
I was sitting in a saloon called The Lady of The Evening with Kristina and Sebastian, trying to drink away my sorrows of not getting first place on 'Turkey Shoot'.
"Uwaaah! I didn't win after all... Sniff... Sniff... And I was so close to... sniff... winning..."
"Oh, stop crying. It's fine."
Sebastian comforted me while I cried into my glass filled to the brim with juice.
"Waaaaaah! I can't believe I lost! Why did I lose? I was so close to winning! I'm so jealous of him! He's so cool, that Gustav! I wanna be a gunslinger like him!"
"But, didn't you get a 9th place and won 10 goldens? That's pretty good, isn't it?" Kristina asked me bewildered.
"I don't care about that! I want to be like Gustav!"
"So, what do you want to do now?"
"I'm gonna become an amazing gunslinger! I'll go to the Gunsmith and buy myself a new amazing gun!"
"You're going to buy a gun? But that means you'll have to fight a lot more battles, right?"
"N-No way! I'm just going to practice and learn how to use a gun! I'm not going to kill anyone!"
"Hm, well, it might be dangerous if you're not careful."
"Well, I'm sure I'll be able to manage. I mean, I've already beaten some bandits, haven't I? Ugh, I didn't want to remember that."
After that the three of us played the whole night something called D&D or Dungeons & Dates. It was a game where we all played a chosen characters and went around Dungeons and other places, while our characters met all sorts of dangers and went on all sorts of dates with each other or other characters.
It was really fun. We had a blast.
At first, I thought it was a dumb game, but it turned out to be really interesting. My character got to have lots of love interests and became a popular person, though he wasn't really all that interested in them.
Kristina's and Sebastian's characters were also very popular, and had a ton of friends. They got along well, too. I was jealous, but I was happy for them.
And there was that strange masked character that sometimes showed up. He would talk to my character and save him from the predicaments he was in. It seems the two of them had some kind of fate-like special connection like no other characters in the game.
The masked guy was just mysterious, so I never really knew his name. The masked guy always helped me, so I felt like I could count on him.
After the game, we decided to go to the inn as we drunk quite a lot of juice.
We left the saloon and went back to the inn.
When we reached the inn, a man wearing a dark brown coat appeared and said "Excuse me, may I have a word with you?" he was Gustav. He is so cool! It's like I met an idol!
"Yes, what is it?"
"Ah, I never introduced myself to you didn't I? Hahaha, I'm Gustav. I wanted to ask you about your experience in the Turkey Shoot. I saw you did quite well, you even got 9th place. I'm glad I was able to see that. I'd like to give you some gift."
"Hm, okay. What kind of gift?"
"A present. Just a consolatory gift for impressing me. Here." Then he gave me some goldens.
"What?! 27 goldens?! Thank you very much!" I jumped up and down with delight. "But is it really okay to give me so much money?"
"Oh, no. This is nothing, I met quite a lot after all. Well, if you are still bothered, then how about going on a date with me tomorrow? I'll treat you to a feast."
"U-Uh... a date..., but why a date... also I'm a bo..." I was confused by his request.
"Don't worry about anything, I won't hurt you. That's right. Tomorrow, at sunset. Let's meet here, okay?"
"If you say so, then I'll definitely go."
"Then I look forward to seeing you. See you tomorrow, then."
Gustav left and we went inside the inn.
"He's a nice guy, isn't he?" Sebastian said.
"He sure is. He's pretty cool, but I wonder why did he want to go on a date with me. He even gave me all this money. What do you think he wants from me?"
"I don't know, but I'm curious to see what will happen. You definitely have to tell me later. I'm really excited to see what happens next."
"Yeah, I'm excited too, miss Kristina. I'm going to meet that Hero-like Gustav and spend time with him. Maybe he will teach me how to shoot a gun better and become a cool guy like him. I'm looking forward to it."
"I see. Well, good luck."
I'm really excited. I'm so happy I got to meet him.
I didn't expect to meet someone like Gustav, but I guess I should thank him. I wonder what he's thinking about me. I hope he doesn't think that I'm just a stupid kid.
After that we went back to the inn and went to sleep.
The next day I went to the meeting spot. When I arrived, Gustav was already waiting for me.
"Hello there, Miss Moon. I've been waiting for you. I am glad I was able to witness you yesterday in the competition. And I'm happy to have been able to save you in time from those ruffians. Now, let us go."
"Yes, sir. Where are we going?"
"To a special restaurant."
"Special? Is it a place where I can eat a lot?"
"It's a restaurant that has lots of delicious food. You'll be able to enjoy a meal fit for a king."
"That sounds great! I'm looking forward to it."
We left the town and went to a place called “The Palace". There were a lot of people there, but we managed to get seats near the door.
"Thank you for coming today, Mr. Gustav. Please, come this way." The waiter came over to us.
"Please call me Gustav. I'll pay, so please bring out the best dishes you have."
"Understood, Gustav."
The waiter brought out a menu and Gustav started reading it. "This is a three-course meal. First, you will be served a salad with cheese, chicken breast, and eggs. Next, you will be given a main dish. Finally, you will be served a dessert."
"Oh, I see. I'm a little scared of the main dish, but I guess I'll try it. Can I have some juice?"
"Of course. I'll have some wine though."
Soon after that, our meals were brought to us.
"What is this? It looks good."
"It's called a salad. They put cheese on top, so it's delicious. If you're hungry, feel free to eat it."
"Is it tasty?"
"Yes, very much so. You can just eat it or mix it with other things."
"Wow, it's great."
We started eating. The mal was really good. At some point I realised that Gustav was staring at me.
"You seem to be enjoying your meal. Are you satisfied?"
"Ah, yes. It's great. This is a wonderful place. Thank you."
"No problem. I'm glad to hear you say that."
"By the way, Mr. Gustav. Why did you invite me here? I don't understand."
"Well, how should I put it..." he started thinking for a bit. "I have an interest in you. I want to know more about you. Also, I would like to become closer to you."
"Huh? Really? But why?"
"Because I saw you in the contest yesterday. You were amazing. I think that you could be a great ally."
"Really? I'm honoured." I didn't really know what to say. He was praising me so much, even though I wasn't all that great. He was way cooler than me.
"And also, I think you're cute."
"Huh?" W-what! What was he saying?!
"Your face and everything. It's really cute. I'd like to see you in all sorts of cute outfits."
"Ah... Thank you?" I blushed a bit, while being confused by his words. I think he was complimenting me, probably. I was happy, but I felt embarrassed too. I thought that he was being weird for thinking I'm c-cute.
After that we ate our meal and left the restaurant. We talked about many things as we walked back to town.
"So? What do you want to do now?" I asked him.
"Umm, well, I was wondering if I could ask you something."
"What is it?"
"Could I go shopping with you?"
"Shopping? Well, sure. I also want to buy myself a new gun. So yeah, let's go."
He took me to a clothing store. It was a small shop that sold women's clothes. Hmm? Weren't we going to the Gunsmith?
"Do you have any clothes that would fit this lady here?"
"Of course, we do. Just let me measure her. Wait a second." The clerk said and went into the back.
While waiting, I looked around the shop. There were a lot of different clothes. They seemed like normal clothes. I thought they might be cosplay clothes, but they weren't. They were just regular clothes. The clerk came back and handed us a bunch of dresses and other outfits.
"How about these? I think this one will look good on you."
"Uhm? Would it? I'm not sure..." I was really confused. Why was Gustav buying me a dress?
The clerk smiled and bowed. "Please try them on. If you don't like them, I'll exchange them for you."
"I see. Then I'll take this one. I guess?" I picked out a dress and tried it on. It was a light blue. In truth I actually had some dresses already. There was a time in the past that I was made to buy a couple of dresses after being nagged by a shopkeeper. Well, it would be a waste of money not to use them I though, so I sometimes wore them. Also, when I think about it, when I was a child, Mommy made me wear all sorts of cute dresses almost all the time. So, it's not like I'm completely unfamiliar with them.
I was somewhat used to wearing dresses, so it wasn't that hard to change into. I pulled up the hem and tied it. It was a little loose, but it wasn't too bad.
"It looks good on you." Gustav said.
"Th-thank you."
"You're welcome. Let's get you a pair of shoes too. These ones should work."
"Okay. Got it." I took off my boots and put on the shoes. They were a simple design, but they fit well.
"They look good on you. You've got a nice figure."
"Thank you." I blushed slightly.
"This one will look good on you too."
"Uhm, what is this? This one is really pretty. But... isn't it a bit big for me?"
"It's fine. I'll make it smaller for you." the clerk interrupted the two of us.
"Eh? Really?"
"Yes, really. Please try it on."
"O-okay." I did as the clerk said and changed into another dress.
When I was changing, I noticed that the clerk had been making the dress smaller for me. The length was shorter than the last one. I looked at Gustav and he nodded.
"That's right. I thought this one would look good on you too."
"Uhm, thanks. Do you mind if I try on more clothes?" Maybe I was starting to enjoy it a bit more. I was eager to try more clothes.
"Not at all. Feel free."
"Okay then. Thanks."
Gustav and I walked around other clothing store, while I tried on different clothes. Then some time later, we were standing on the street.
"Wow, we sure bought a lot. But are you sure you want to pay for them, Mr Gustav?."
"No, I'm paying. I'm going to give them all to you."
"Really?! Thank you very much!"
I really appreciated him doing that. And the clothes I bought were also not bad.
"So, where shall we go next?" he asked me.
"How about we go to the gunsmith, I really want to buy a new gun for me! Also, there's something I'd like to ask you, Mr Gustav."
"Sure. What is it?"
"I'd like to know if you wouldn't mind teaching me how to shoot for a bit. I'm sorry for asking such a thing from you."
"Ah, I see. That's fine. But why do you want to learn to shoot?"
"Because I'm interested in guns. Also, I'd like to be able to protect myself if anything happens. And you winning the competition, left strong impression on me. I think you are really cool!"
"Then I'll teach you. Let's go to the gunsmith first though."
"Okay." We went to the gunsmith called One Eyed Pete's Discount Firearms Emporium. There was a sign saying "The place to get your guns cheap".
"Welcome. How may I help you today?" A small old man greeted us when we entered. He was probably in his 50s or 60s. His hair was white and he wore glasses. He had a beard and moustache. He was wearing a thick jacket and pants.
"Hello, sir. My name is Gustav and this is Moon. We're here to purchase guns."
"Moon? Ahh, that's right. You're the girl who beat my nephew at the contest. Yes, I remember now. Well, let's see. Hmm... Hmm... How about this rifle? This one has a special coating that reduces the weight and increases the accuracy. You'll be able to hit even targets with low visibility, and it doesn't use up bullets too fast either. It's perfect for hunting all sorts of beasts. It costs only 12 goldens."
"Oh, wow! That sounds great. Can I have it?" I asked with excitement.
"Of course. I'll throw in some bullets for free."
"Thank you. I'll take it." I took the gun from the old man and put it in my bag and paid the price. 12 goldens, huh?
"So, what's next?"
"Let's go to the shooting range," Gustav said.
"Right. I'm glad we got to buy a gun."
We went to the shooting range next and I started learning how to shoot from Gustav.
Gustav held me from behind as I shot. He would support me with his arm so that I wouldn't fall. It was a bit embarrassing, being held by another man like that, but he didn't seem to mind. He was watching me with a smile.
I was also a bit excited by being taught by such a skilled gunslinger like him. I tried to aim at the target as I was told. The target was a human-sized dummy. I aimed at the heart area and pulled the trigger. There was a loud bang and the dummy fell down.
"You did it!"
"Yeah, I guess I did."
"Well done. But you should keep your finger on the trigger for longer, and squeeze harder."
"Okay." I tried again, and this time I managed to hit the centre of the dummy.
"Very good."
"Ehehehe." I scratched my cheek, while gigging. Hearing him praising me, felt really good.
After the shooting practice, we headed back to the inn. Soon we were standing outside the inn. I had a bag full of clothes in my hand and new rifle.
I stared at Gustav's face. Then I hugged him tightly.
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing. I just wanted to thank you very much for today. At first I was a bit troubled and hesitant about going out with you today, but it turned out to be a lot of fun. Thank you very much."
"Ahh, don't worry about it. It was my pleasure." He rubbed my head gently.
"Do you want to come to the range again?"
"I'd love to, but I'm going away tomorrow morning."
"Where to?"
"It's a secret. I'm sorry, but I can't tell you. If I told you, I wouldn't be able to go."
"Is it something dangerous?"
"Yes. It is."
"I see." I understood that he couldn't say anything. But still, I was sad.
"Will I meet you again someday? Will you teach me more things?"
"Maybe. If Lady Fate allows it."
"Lady Fate? Is that a person?"
"Haha. That's not it. She's an important goddess. She's a little hard to deal with, though."
"Aahh, I see. I think I understand." I nodded.
"But I'm sure we'll meet again."
"Yep. I'm sure of it."
"Oh, okay then. Good luck!"
"Thanks. You too."
Then we went back to the inn and separated. I wonder if I will be able to meet him again.
The next day, I tried looking for Gustav, but he was already gone.
"So, how was your date yesterday? Tell me everything!" Kristina asked me.
"He's someone I met by chance. But I really enjoyed talking to him."
"And? Did you kiss?"
"No. I mean, uhm..." Why a k-kiss suddenly?
"If you kissed him, I'll give you a reward."
"Wha—?! No, um, no, I didn't kiss him or anything. I just talked to him. And we went around to some places."
"I see. So, you didn't kiss, huh? How boring. Well, I'll let you off this time. But when you're on a date with someone, make sure you do that part properly."
"O-okay. I will." Will I? I just replied without thinking, but...
As we walked through the Sunnyrise's street, I pondered about what Kristina said. Do I have to do stuff like kissing? What does it involve exactly? I thought, as I looked up at the sky. The sun was shining brightly overhead.
"Uhm, Miss Kristina? Could you please explain to me about dating? Like, erm, what happens during a date?"
"Huh? Oh, well, uhh..."
"Please! I want to know!"
"Well, I guess you could call it 'making out'."
"Making out?"
"Yeah. Making out. In other words, you hold hands and hug each other while walking around town."
"That sounds easy enough. But what about kissing?"
"You should try it sometime. Umm, you put your lips against another person's mouth and—"
"Eeeeeh?! Y-you do such a thing?! Why?!" I touched my lips with my fingers unknowingly. "W-well, I don't feel comfortable doing that. I mean, I don't even know how to do it."
"Th-that's fine. You don't have to worry about it. As long as you act naturally, there's nothing wrong with being shy."
"I see." Then, after a short pause, she continued. "In any case, if you do it right, the two of you will get closer to each other. Isn't that great?"
"Of course. After all, making out means getting close to someone. It's also fun. When you do it, you can feel someone else's heartbeat. Your heart beats faster because of the excitement, and you become excited yourself. It feels good, doesn't it?"
"I suppose. " It does feel good when I hug someone. It makes me happy, which causes me to smile. But still, I am a little nervous about kissing.
"When you do it, you can feel the warmth of the other person's body, smell their scent, and touch their skin. Plus, when you kiss, you can share both physical pleasure and emotional joy. That's why it's so important to be cautious. If you don't pay attention to those things, then you might end up hurting the other person."
"Sigh..." Is that something I can do? I'm not sure I understand what was Kristina saying exactly. Still, I've never done anything like that before, so maybe I'll try it once in order to learn more. But, will I even have the chance to?
Do I even want to kiss Gustav? He was really cool, and he was very nice. Also, he seemed to think I was pretty too. Hmm?
Then I a strange mask appeared in my thoughts. It was Lufas Maphaahl. Why did I start thinking about him suddenly?! And why now? Do I... do I want to k-kiss him?! N-No way! Right?
"Are you okay, Moon?" Kristina asked me suddenly?
"Y-yes, I'm fine. Let's keep going." I shook my head to clear my dazed thoughts.
And so, we kept walking down the street.
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