《The Celestial Venture》Chapter 17 - Una Territory - History
Taking off from Desus II in the Tin-Can, Jarvell was on the helm. His expression was angry, dissatisfied with how things had turned out. In the second cockpit seat was Twy'la, hugging Gum tightly.
"No signs of anyone trying to come after us. Going to put in the coordinates to the capital Una system and put us at full speed." Jarvell said, glancing at Twy'la who didn't give a reaction back.
Heading away from the two fleets of the Una and Uma, and away from Desus II, Twy'la tried looking in the direction of the fleets, but she couldn't find a way to spot them anymore. She couldn't see the shuttle ship Kree was on.
"We won't let her stay there," Jarvell told her, before putting the ship into a boost "But we have to get her back properly. We try charging them right now, that planet's dead, we'll be dead, and good chance she'll be too."
Squeezing Gum more tightly, Twy'la remained silent. She watched as Desus II vanished from her sight, and the system's sun growing fainter, until they reached the edge of the system, and then they made the jump to the next system.
Their way to the capital system of the Una took them about 2 weeks. In the Una systems were Jumpdrive boosters platforms, which enahnced the performances of any ship with a jump drive. While Jarvell was grateful for their faster than expected arrival, Twy'la had kept to herself throughout this time, only taking over flying the ship from Jarvell so that they could both have a rests and keep on flying.
Being cleared for landing, Twy'la performed a smooth landing, and as they got off the ship, they were welcomed by a large security group, with a few Una members that had more formal appearance.
"Welcome, refugee ship, designation T One N C Four N. We see that you recieved the designation on the planet of Desus II. Is that correct?"
Jarvell nodded "Yes. From-"
The speaker raised his hand "It matters not who gave the designation. You have been approval for shelter on any of the Una planets, but have chosen to arrive at our capital planet. Please state your reasoning."
Twy'la and Jarvell exchanged a look, before Twy'la spoke up "We came here to try and ask for aid. You stand against the Uma Federation, and they have taken our captain. Our friend."
The speaker exchanged a look with the others in his company, and some whispers, before looking back at Twy'la "You will be permitted to give an arguement for a rescue mission in front of one of our king's advisors."
"When?" Jarvell immediately asked, narrowing his eyes at the speaker.
"It should not take long. Due to your refugee status, and outsider status combined, you will be given some priority-"
Twy'la's eyes widened with hope.
"-So you can expect the meeting to occur within the next five years. Until then-"
And all the hope dissipated from her eyes, while Jarvell forms four fists.
"Five years?! That is too long! She'll be long dead by then!" Jarvell shouted.
The speaker turned his attention to Jarvell, who stepped forward and grabbed the speaker's collar. Immediately, all the guard's guns were aimed at Jarvell.
"I would advice you not to do something you will regret. We, as the ones who own this territory, have every right to shoot you down should we consider you to be a threat to our people. And mind you, the arrival of your ship had already done more damage than good."
"What are you talking about?" Twy'la asked, looking around "We just landed here!"
"Desus II. In the two weeks since your departure, it has fallen to Uma forces. Even our fleet could not stop their forces once they got reinforcements." The speaker said, getting himself out of Jarvell's grasp and then patting away some dust "Most were taken prisoners like your friend. So they are our priority, not an outsider."
Twy'la covered her mouth while Jarvell just looked down at the speaker.
"I don't believe anyone here wants to see anyone die if we can spare them. But we have a system, and it has worked for over a century now. And despite how cruel the Uma can be, they are not the ones to simply execute without thought. They hold onto prisoners for potential exchanges, or interrogate for years for intel. So your friend may last for much longer than you think."
Stepping away from the speaker, Jarvell climbed back into the Tin-Can. Twy'la kept her eyes on the speaker, as he turned to exchange more whispers with the others.
"We would like at least one of you to come in and answer a few questions for us. It could help speed up the process even further, and we would be willing to fill you in on some matters in turn." The speaker said, with the guards slowly circling around Twy'la.
Looking back towards the ship, and with all the guards eyes around her, Twy'la felt like this was a familiar situation.
"Lead on then. I'll do my best to cooperate." she said, keeping her best neutral expression despite feeling like she had no choice.
The speaker nodded and the group begin escorting Twy'la away. A few guards remained by the ship, but most had gone with Twy'la, the speaker, and the other diplomats. They soon entered a vehicle, and drove for about 30 minutes, before arriving at a central building in the city, where they got off, and then went into one of the outer-most rooms, where the speaker let Twy'la sit down, before leaving her.
Remaining in silence for several minutes, Twy'la looked around. It didn't feel like she was imprisoned, but the room felt small, and a bit intimidating.
"Welcome, traveller."
Twy'la turned to look at the man who had just entered the room, before he sat down directly opposite of her. The speaker quickly followed inside, appearing a bit shocked.
"Advisor Ortel, sir! This is not appropriate! You aren't meant to just talk to strangers, you have other meeting to-"
Ortel looked at the speaker, who turned quiet after meeting his gaze. The speaker then left the room and closed the door behind him. Sighing, Ortel turned his gaze back to Twy'la, and only then did she notice his eyes. They were unlike the eyes of every other Una she had met so far.
They were green, and serpeant-like.
"I was informed of your situation. Truly, less than ideal. And I apologize for the rather cold shoulder feel you might've gotten from my underlings." Ortel said, putting his hands in his lap.
"N-no, it's fine. We're outsiders after all." Twy'la said, surprised that an advisor would just casually come and sit down to talk with her.
"My, so lovely of you to just accept things as they are meant to be! Then perhaps I will go attend my other duties and we will meet again in, about, four or five years? Hope you'll try the roasted cattlefish. It is divine!" Ortel stood up and turned to the door.
Stopping, Ortel turned to look with a smile "Not so patient after all huh?" he said, sitting back down.
Twy'la shook her head "We were told about how the Uma treats their prisoners, but there are still a lot of blanks we don't know. The source who told us about the Uma and Una didn't tell us they were at war."
"Then your source has intel that is outdated by over a century and a half," Ortel leaned back in his seat "Allow me to share the proper story. Of the Unma Imperium. A vast, galactical power, that spanned a couple dozen systems across the Persus arm, made up from several different races that fell under it. Until a hundred and sixty years ago, that is. Many speculate on the reason for the split, but I was there."
Twy'la narrowed her eyebrows "You were?"
Ortel nodded "I'm older than I look. People get to higher ranks here by age. The king of the Heirarchy is even older than me. Think he is around three hundred? But he is close to his retirement. No Una or Uma has ever lived longer than three hundred and thirty. But I digress."
Leaning forward, Twy'la made sure to pay proper attention to Ortel.
"A hundred and sixty years ago, the Unma Imperium had reached a standstill. We became divide by different desires. Some wished to expand peacefully as we always had, which became known as the Una Heirarchy. Some wished to force our will onto others, and they became the Uma Federation. But the split did not fully occur until a single act was taken. The act of assassinating the former ruler."
Twy'la eyes widened "Someone killed the Unma ruler? What?"
"Indeed. The advisors did their best to cover up the assassination, as to try and prevent a civil war, but they were unsuccessful. At least, partially. The knowledge of who exactly was assassinated became lost to the majority. Only rumours were spread, and those still served to trigger the Una-Uma war. Several systems immediately stood with different sides, while others were left to be conquered by one or the other. And despite numerous talks between the two sides, the war has kept on going."
"That's horrible."
Ortel nodded "Very much so. Unfortunately, as much as I would like to just give you even more history, I do need you to answer a few questions as well. Then you will be free to go, and kept updated on any potential developments regarding a rescue mission."
Leaning back in her seat, Twy'la nodded "If it helps hasten things, then of course!"
"Very good! The more cooperative you are, the better chances we'll be able to get things rolling sooner. We mostly have three big questions for you, as we didn't get the report from Desus II. First one, what was your purpose for coming to the Desus system?"
Twy'la took a moment to think about it "Well, it will sound a bit absurd, but my friend, the one who was taken, was following up on a lead to find a part of a myth. We were told someone named Besa could be found there, and that she would have a tail not befitting her body. That it would look much more aggressive than her actual body."
Ortel nodded "Well, that definitely sounds interesting. Part of a myth you say? Which one?"
"The Seven Celestial Dragons."
Putting his hands together and leaning on the table, Ortel sighed "That old myth, huh. Though around these parts it is more known as the Celestial Thunder, which caused a major boom where ever they went, to the point where they caused the downfall of many civilizations. But very well, that is the first question answered." Ortel closed his eyes "Second question, who told you to come here?"
"A source that told us Besa was here about, a thousand years ago?" Twy'la scratched her cheek "At least, that's what he said. We didn't have a reason not to believe him, so we decided to try check for any leads."
"That long ago and you still came looking? Sounds a bit desperate." Ortel said "I don't suppose that source had a name?"
"Regur, but I don't remember the name of the planet he was on."
Ortel opened one eye and glanced at Twy'la, giving her a shiver that went up her spine "I see. Third question. Now that you aware of the situation between the Una and Uma, you would be willing to stand and back the Una's beliefs of spreading peacefully, yes?"
Twy'la nodded "Of course! I never liked conflict."
Leaning back with a smile, Ortel nodded "Excellent, very good! Then you are free. We can arrange for a place for you and your companion to stay at during your time on the planet, and we will keep you updated on plans to rescue the prisoners. So for now, you are free to go!"
Ortel stood up and opened the door, before turning to look at Twy'la "And I truly hope no harm comes to your friend."
Twy'la bowed her head towards Ortel "Thank you! And I look forward to hearing about your plans soon. And if there is anything we could do to help hasten them, then do let us know!" she stood up, before leaving and being escorted by a couple of guards to the building exit, where a vehicle waited to take her back to the ship.
On the way back, Twy'la silently prayed that it won't take long for them to reunite with Kree.
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