《The Celestial Venture》Chapter 15 - Desus II - Una Troubles


Arriving at the large tower, both stopped and looked at it.

"Feels rather intimidating when we're right outside it, doesn't it?"

Twy'la nodded, before continuing forward, stepping into the building.

As soon as they were past the doors, both could see they arrived at the right place, and from all the eyes that fell on them, that they weren't exactly welcome there. Approaching the front counter, Jarvell looked at the receptionist that stared at the two of them.

"Hello, we were hoping to see if we could talk to-"

"If you wish to talk to anyone, you need to be cleared to enter the building. You aren't. Please step out and use the outer console to get guest passes first." The receptionist said, pointing to a console the two had passed by the door.

"Right, thank you."

The two turned and walked out rather quickly, and then stopped by the console.

"Talk about one incredibly cold shoulder," Jarvell said, looking at the console "And great, I can't read this."

"I can. But there are numerous options. Help me figure out how to get these guest passes?" Twy'la pushed him a bit aside so she could get a more proper look at the console.

"I'll do my best. Just need to hope this isn't complicated or confusing."

The two of them then began working out which options were right and which weren't, all the while feeling eyes from inside the building still on them, and a few around the street were also staring at them.


"What did the intermission from the Uma Federation say?" Carlaile asked, looking at one of his sergeants.

"They requested we turn over the winged one, or they will consider the planet to be providing shelter to a hostile force, and thus according to the war files of x319, they will be allowed to invade the planet and ravage it until the force has been taken cared of."

Carlaile moved to look at a screen that showed Jarvell and Twy'la in front of the console, and then another that showed the Tin-Can.

"And how long were we given to comply?"

"One sun cycle sir from the moment the message was sent."

Carlaile sighed and turned back to the sergeant "She did not seem hostile to me, but I cannot let a single stranger's presence cause a full scale invasion, especially when we, as a colonial planet, won't stand a chance. Relay the next few orders to our people. First,-"


"Okay, we went into the requisition options, now outer-system, and now it tells me to go back and first put a request to officially make our ship be part of the Una Heirarchy, which requires a number 512 form with an added form 87?"

Jarvell was just scratching his head and leaned his left upper arm on Twy'la's head "I've been lost with how many options they have. Maybe we should just approach an officer that is walking around."

"Who told you I'm an arm rest?!"

"Ah, sorry!"


Twy'la huffed as she went back to the console "And I haven't seen any officers go in or out the building, did you? Aside from when we landed."

Jarvell sighed and shook his head "No, I guess not. Half makes it feel like they try to not let their presence be felt, though there are cameras stationed around like there is no tomorrow."

"There are? I haven't seen a single one," Twy'la started glancing around "Aren't they big enough to require a couple of people to carry them?"

"What? no. There are smaller cameras you know. And they a bunch all around," Jarvell pointed to one directly above them, which was a small black dot "I got a sense to the cameras from my home planet. Really helps with knowing where you can get some respite and where they are staring down at you."

Twy'la glanced at him with a concerned expression, before an officer exiting the building caught the attention of both of them.

"Excuse me? You've been in front of the console for a long time. If you require guest passes, I actually have a couple for you."

"You do?" Twy'la raised an eyebrow "That's convenient."

"Actually, it was chief-inspector Carlaile that requested me to get them to you, and to get you both to wait for him outside his office. He saw you through the overlooking camera and understood you wanted to inquire about something, and you are our first alien visitors in over a century."

"That, uhm, makes sense I guess." Twy'la lowered her chin.

"Please, put these on and follow me inside." The officer handed them each a tag, before leading the two inside. This time, no one seemed to be staring at them. As Twy'la looked around, she started to notice everyone had some kind of tag on their person, indicating their role. She also noticed that not long as they entered, a group of people seemed to leave the building.

Getting on an elevator, Twy'la looked around as she felt it rattle "Eh? Is this moving?"

The officer nodded, looking a bit confused, as Jarvell laughed "Apologies, my friend here didn't get to experience a lot of technological advancements it seems."

"Y-yeah. My planet doesn't have much in terms of technology." Twy'la said, lowering her head into her collar once more.

As the officer started explaining to Twy'la about the elevator, people kept coming on the elevator, making it stop at every floor, and getting off a few floors later, until they arrived at the 15th floor and got off. The officer escorted them to the chief-inspector's office.

"The chief-inspector should be back within a few minutes. Please wait for him in his office until his return." The officer said, before exiting the office.

Twy'la and Jarvell exchanged looks, before Jarvell leaned back into his seat, while Twy'la just started looking around at everything that was present in the office.


Hearing knocks on the closed hatch, Kree slowly rose up from the bed. How long did she end up resting for? Didn't feel like much. And she figured whoever was knocking wasn't Twy'la or Jarvell, she taught both of them how to open the hatch. Moving Gum from on top of her legs to the bed, she got up and stretched, also spreading her wings for a moment, before folding them back, and then going and opening the hatch.


"Captain Kree'aria," a voice called out to her from below the opened hatch "Please step outside."

Lowering the ladder, Kree carefully climbed down, and saw the chief-inspector waiting for her, with four officers beside him, and all were armed.

"Is something wrong? I hope my crewmates didn't cause any trouble." Kree said as she got off the ladder, and then closed the hatch.

"Nothing of the sort. Your crewmates are on their way to my office. But I had hoped to discuss the matter with you on the way there in person, and hopefully avoid any unneeded conflict. As the captain of your ship, your word is the final one in this type of matter."

Kree said nothing, only fixing her eyes on Carlaile, as he began walking with her towards the large tower.

"The matter at hand is you. It seems the Uma Federation desire to bring you in to face justice at their hands, for actions taken against their people."

"Their ships shot at us first, but go on."

"I assumed as much, captain Kree'aria. The Uma Federation aren't exactly subtle with their overall hostility ever since the initial split. But they called you, a hostile force that Desus II is now sheltering. And if we do not surrender you to them to face trial, then they will invade the planet as a whole."

Kree's brow furrowed "And why won't they do it otherwise?"

Carlaile nodded "A good question for an outsider. We are currently in a time of relative peace. Certain systems, including the Desus system, have immunity from being ravaged. But certain terms are in place that both sides can utilize. One of them being, if a newly encountered force is determined to be hostile, then either side may invade the planet sheltering it and exterminate it by any means they see fit."

"Both sides can do that?"

"Yes. As proud as I am to be in the Una Heirarchy, I can see the flaws in some of our ways. But, right now my responsibility is to this colonial planet. So I came to ask you to willingly turn yourself in."

Lowering her head, Kree bit her lip "My crewmates won't be taken as well?"

"Only you were instructed to be brought. Not your ship, not your crew," the chief-inspector stated, as they arrived at the tower's entrance "As I said, you are the captain. But in this case, if you don't come willingly, we will arrest your crewmates and impound your ship to ensure you can be turned over with no reprecussions."

"So much for a choice in the matter. Let me just see them, alone if possible?" Kree asked.

Carlaile nodded, and they all entered the building. They went up the elevator, and arrived outside his office.

"Before you enter, I'll request you put this on." Carlaile said, and one of the escorting officers handed her a pair of metal cuffs. Putting them on, she could feel something weird from them "These are specially designed for anyone considered to be a flight risk. Makes it impossible to take off, as it enhances your gravity should you take off in any manner."

Looking at him, Kree nodded, before walking to the door "May I then?"

"You have fifteen minutes. My men will be waiting out here."

Kree entered the office, upon which she immediately saw Jarvell and Twy'la stand up.

"Kree? What are you doing here? I thought you were resting!"


Gesturing to both to sit down, Kree went and leaned against the table, before beginning to explain what Carlaile had told her. Over the course of the explanation, Jarvell's expression went from shocked, to angry, and back to shocked. Twy'la, however, just seemed to lock her sight on Kree, and upon Kree finishing her words, Twy'la slapped herself.

"What was that for?" Kree asked, surprised.

"This has to be a nightmare, right Kree'aria? It can't be real." Twy'la whispered, before pulling her legs up and hugging them, her head resting against her knees.

"That is some nerve from the Uma Federation. They shot at us first! They forced you to defend us! And now they want you to be brought to trial? That is some straight up-"

"Calm down Jarvell," Kree said, before looking back at Twy'la "This isn't optimal, yes. But at least you guys are out of it. So you can take the Tin-Can and continue on. Like you told Regur, we will fine the seven celestial dragons and bring them together."

"We! I said we! Not I!"

"Then I'll come back. If they try to throw me into jail or execute me, then I'll fight and come back to the two of you. I still have my own things to take care of. But for now?" Kree looked at the two "Just stay safe, and escape into Una Heirarchy territory. Out of the Federation's reach. I don't want you guys to suddenly get caught and be used as hostages against me."

Jarvell's expression made it clear he was anything but that idea, while Twy'la just started to sob quietly.

"Look, I'll be transported soon. When the ship I'm takes off, you head off as well. Go into the Una Heirarchy territory. Keep looking for the dragons."

As no new reaction came from either, Kree sighed and approached the door "I trust you both to look after the Tin-Can and Gum." she said, before exiting the office. Once outside, the officers approached her, before watching as teardrops started to fall down from her face.

"I'm fine! Lets just go."

Both officers nodded, before beginning to escort Kree away.

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