《Unknown Past》Volume 1 Chapter 4: Much to Learn, Part 1: Oren's Perspective


Okay, I know I said I was looking for a job...

"Come on, hurry up! We need more!"

And I am aware of Yamiso's profession...

"Get up, everyone! We've got quotas!"

But do I look like a newspaper boy!?!?

"Only take what you can sell! What you don't sell comes out of your pocket!"

Countless youths, all around my age, run past me to grab varying numbers of papers. They all seem passionate about their work, but I don't exactly know where I fit in. There's constant pushing and shoving to get to the papers. The wave of newspaper boys continues to thicken and push me towards the back of the group. And with this, I fall back until I bump into someone.


"Gotten settled in?" he says politely.

"Hey, Yamiso!" says an energetic red-haired boy. "How's it going?"

"I'm doing well, thank you. Allow me to introduce my friend, Oren, to you."

"Greetings, Oren!"

"To you as well." I reply.

"Take care," Yamiso says as the boy walks away.

Looking at him in public, it's like he's a different person.

"Hey, Oren."


I turn around and see Yamiso holding out a First Age flintlock pistol, one of the few models our age can replicate.

"Take this."

Dumbfounded, I stare at it. Why would a newspaper boy need a...

"For your 'other' job."


After looking at it a little longer, I slowly take the gun. I hope I'm not getting myself into too much trouble. I've done enough of that already.

"Alright everyone, dismissed!"

(Oh crap!)


Alright, there's a good selling spot a few miles to the south. One thing I already know: first come first served. Some individuals already have a head start on me. Transforming into birds. Enhanced electric tone speed.



And when did Yamiso get a motorcycle!?

"See ya downtown, newbie!"

I keep looking around. The boys have eyes like beasts! I've been around animal tones that looked less hostile!

(Oh, confound it! Soul Conversion 15...BEAT!!!)

Wish I could see the look on Yamiso's face as I pass him at 105 kilometers an hour. Take that, techology!

Down the alleyways. Riding atop the First Age Japanese inspired express train. A few extra detours. And I finally arrive at my destination.

I reach into my sling to retrieve the newspapers I intend to...


Oh boy...

(I don't have a selling point!)

I couldn't have thought of this before now!?

Okay, let's see. They're cheap! Wait, everything's cheap here. Else nobody could buy anything. Job listings? Yeah, most of us are unemployed. How good could that section be? Blankets. Already taken. Support photographers and cartoonists? With what? How about...nevermind. Nobody should eat something with ink. Fire starters? Already taken again. SWEET RHOKEN, THIS IS HARD!!!


(Looks like pretty boy got here. Man, he has it easy.)

Seems some others have just arrived as well.

"Get your cheap newspapers!"

"Check the latest gambling news and job postings!"

"If your subtone can allow you to eat paper, you're in luck!"

"Get your cheap blankets here!"

(You can really sell with these points!?)

"Tough break?" I hear someone say behind me.

"Tell me about it."

I turn around.

"Sorry to hear that, newbie."

It's the teenager with glasses from yesterday.

"You'll find your selling point soon, I'm sure."

"Oh, it's you again."

I take a closer look at him. Seems he has a few bandages of his own.

"You okay?" I ask.

"Si. Pero, gracias."


"You speak Spanish as well, huh?"

"Well, I do have many students of different tone types to teach."

I forgot that he was considered a teacher. New Vegas must really be in harder times than I thought, if teenagers are teachers.

"I want to thank you for helping me yesterday," he says.

"I acted more on impulse. You were the better role model."


He extends his hand out to me.

"Hisashi Turbulent, at your service."


I jump back as fast as I can. He's the man that Selot spoke about!

"Something wrong?"

"Um. Well. I. Uh."

"Don't worry. I don't bite."

Why should I avoid him?

"I think your bite is worse than mine. Especially considering your strength."

"Well. I. Uh."

"Not much to say, huh?"

"Well. I... Excuse me, but I need to get back to..."

"I'll take them all," Hisashi-sama says.


"Your papers."

"All...of them?"

"That's what I said. Consider this my way of thanking you."


Can't quite see the point of avoiding such a person.

"Sure, why not. Thank you for your patronage."

"Mind if you help me carry them?"

"I see no reason why not."

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