《Villain as a Friend》1: The Suffering of Singles is When Their Friend Gets a Girlfriend
VF - Chapter 1
This is in Advanced Math Class, but someone screams out of his lungs and dirty words come out of his mouth.
The f*k! I glanced at the man who screamed
The professor and other students alarmed by his yell. But, without caring what in the world he stood silly with a smartphone in hand and continue scrolling. Didn't care a single bit toward the many students' gaze on him.
"Mr. Kuncara, why are you shouting in my class? Are you trying to disrupt other students?" the silver haired professor asked.
But, the man ignored his word. Busied by his smartphone.
This guy ..., how can he stand unperturbed with this much peopla staring at him.
"Mr. Kuncara ...!? Are you listening?" Prof. Eisenring furrowed his brow.
At last, that fella gazes back at the professor, but with eyes full of hostility.
"Shut the f*k up, you hear me! I can't concentrate here if you keep blabbering about this thing and that thing."
Goddamnit, what the hell is wrong with you! I mentally cursed his nine generation for making things worse.
The other students gasped, their faces plastered with 'This guy has guts! He dares to go up against Professor Eisenring!'
"You ...?! Get out of my class! Scram!" with a red face, Prof. Eisenring shouted.
Well if I was in his place I'd beat the shit out of this rude student too.
"I'd go even without you telling me to! Your class is hella boring! You don't teach well and you always pick the girls over the boys!" He straightened his grey cardigan and packed his things. "Oh! By the way, I could solve this formula with my eyes closed! The answer is 15,491." He stuck his tongue out at the professor.
This fella, he didn't change a single bit. Showing off his ability in the most despicable way. He left after saying that word. Before he passed the door, he looked back and shouted.
"Zak, let's go!"
As a person named Adzkia Razakh, the only 'Zak' in this class ... I become everyone attention. I sighed annoyed. But when I did that, the professor's hostile gaze were also on me.
This f*ker, what's wrong with him, damn it! Now, you have made the professor in the most difficult subject hostile to me. How can I get his credit if he hates me by now?
"Mr. Razakh, please accompany Mr. Kuncara left the class ..." said Prof. Eisenring, I however shake my head vehemently and said.
"Professor, I still want to stay in your class."
He chased me out too. I stand up and made my way to the exit door. Smiling embarrassedly and apologetically.
"Goddamnit! I can't believe this! F*k it!"
That was not me, but this certain arrogant genius that can do anything but doesn't want to do a thing.
I suppress my raging heart and sighed.
Like a sulking child, he said, "Hey, say something ..."
I sighed once again and look at his face.
"What is it?"
"Don't you know! It's the Realm Domination release postponement! Can you believe it! I have been waiting since high school, but what the f*k with that corporation who made out of cow dung! They always delaying the release date and crushing everyone hope!"
"Heihh ... I thought it was some kind of emergency or something, but alas only unimportant thing!"
"YOU'RE TOO F*KIN LOUD!" I also screamed after my ear hurting a little.
He sat down and lighted a Sampoerna cigarette. Puffing some smoke, into the air for a little bit, he then said.
"F*k! This thing is very important to me. Don't you know that I've been waiting for this game to release since the beta-testing period? It's for three years! Three goddamn years!"
"How would I know! I've yet met and knew you!"
"Cheh, that's true ..." he puffs smoke at me. I know that he's annoyed when he did this.
I fanned the smoke away and look at this guy.
It's been two years since I met this guy. At first, he was some random guy I met in college. But, an incident made me know him deeper. We've been a friend and best pal ever since. Still, with his isolated personality, I doubt he had other friends aside from me.
"Oh, Dan and ..., um you. What are you two doing here, don't you have class?" said a beautiful oriental girl.
She has an oval face with clean white skin. Her eyes are narrow like Chinese should be, but her nose is high with a pointed chin. She has wavy hair and wear fashionable attire. If judging by appearance alone, she would score ten out of ten.
Her name, I know it, she's one of those popular girls ... it's Jessica Rahardja. She is ranked third, the most beautiful girl on campus now. She greeted Dan but only send me a quick glance like a heroine should do to Friend A.
As for what this 'third most beautiful girl on campus' is doing here ... because of this Daniel.
Yeah ..., one thing that I can't tolerate about this fellow is this. He is blessed with a beautiful facial feature even though he has a nasty personality. I feel envious at his face that so handsome. That face is a super strong magnet to girls and women.
Well, if I want to be honest ..., then yes, Daniel Kuncara has the qualities to be the protagonist for a certain novel. He has wit, physique, and looks. With his family that has a deep background with wealth that could buy an island. A complete set of the high-quality main character. Pity that he's more anti-hero type with that personality that so thorny and toxic. However, maybe time change some people's preferences, he still managed to enchant some chick. Usually, he brushed them off like their attention was bothering him.
How enviable. He's doing nothing, but these girls one after another swarming him like a locust. One thing different is that these locusts were gentle and sweet and head-over-heels at you. Then what will you do to them?
If I was Dan, then I will do the three-step necessary to fulfill my dream in this life. Collection, elimination, reception. Cheh, what use of daydreaming at this time of day. Wake up, Adzkia, your life will never be like him, and his life will never be like yours. Life your own life.
As I warn my inner self with that principle, the third seat campus belle is already sat down beside Dan. She pouted her mouth because we both ignored her. Well, serve you right, I always despise you who think male as a living and walking wallet. Even with my meager IQ, I still realized your goal approaching him. You're trying to leech out of his parent's money, right?
"Hey, hey ..., did you know that there's this new cafe in Kartini street? I've heard my friends talked about it a few times. How about it Dan, wanna check it out?" she asked, her body almost glued to him.
I can smell her orchid perfume from where I sit. But maybe if I were in Dan position, the fragrance will be much stronger. Damn it, thinking about those kinds of thing. Won't that make me a pervert?
"Scram ... from the beginning, I didn't know who you were, but you asked me to go to the cafe? Who do you think you are?"
Yes, who do you think you are? Ah, sorry young lady, I'm not serious. Please don't look at me with those eyes!
"There, you made that kind of joke again ... didn't you invite me to dinner last Saturday? Did you forget?"
What? Did ..., did this fella really had dinner with this chick? How unfair! I also want to have dinner with a beautiful girl! Please, whoever it is, as long as it's a girl, clean, and beautiful, please get out with me. Ahhh ..., Goddamn it! Why I'm born this way.
Unlike the main character archetype - Daniel Kuncara. I, on the other hand, am normal. Your ordinary Friend A.
A mediocre's doing his best, if I may describe it with words. I always thought that my face is not that bad, and with my athletic body build that I worked hard for all this time ..., I think I'm not that ugly. But by being with him for almost all the time, I was always shadowed by his. The girls I associated with always comparing me with this fella, and I feel inferior because of it.
"What are you talking about ...? I don't remember going to dinner with a girl or something, and most importantly I don't remember who the f*k are you?" Dan frowning his brows, cursing her. He doesn't know how to treat a woman at all, you should be gentle with her.
"Well, I've invited you ..., but you didn't come. But, this time I'm gonna drag you even if you refuse. Hey, you ..., can I borrow him for a second?"
"Why ask me, I'm not his caretaker or anything?" I raised one of my brows.
Jessica seems surprised with my answer, she then asked with a cautious voice, "aren't you guys in that ..., kind of relationship?"
"What kind of relationship? Just let me be clear, I'm not into gay or stuff, I'm a pure straight male interested in a female. If you think I'm gay with this f*kin fella's here, then you must be in some kind of major misunderstanding."
"Owh, that's enough. You don't have to explain it to me that way. I know that you and Dan aren't into that, anyway. Then, I'll kidnap this guy for an hour or two." Jessica smiled at me widely.
"Well, make sure he'll back in one piece," I answered, grinning at that bastard.
Jessica smiled sweetly again and said, "Don't you worry, I'll take care of him. See you, umm ..., what's your name again?"
"Adzkia Razakh."
"Okay, note it. See you, Adzkia."
She pulls and drag Dan forcefully and put him into her car. I gazed at Dan's face. But he is not totally against Jessica's method. Dan was never to be the one who takes the initiative. Maybe the method Jessica uses this time will be effective to make him a slave of love.
But, yeah ... I won't care that much into his love life, anyway. If he truly loves someone then I'll support him. But, I always feared that he might be turned into gay into me or something. Let's hope that the worst-case scenario will never happen.
[Dandang: Shit! Chinese girl is awesome! And that's not the best part, she's a virgin! Fuck, bro ... I've never been this fulfilled in this life.]
And he also sends me a picture of a vague figure sleeping quietly in a dim-lit bedroom. Even if the picture is blurry, I can tell that this woman is Jessica. The third-ranked most beautiful goddess on our campus is naked in that very picture, damn it! Even if it's little blurry, she's still naked! Goddamn f*k!
The f*k! Are you trying to kill me out of jealousy!
While I almost slam my phone down after seeing that chat message from Dan, the day has passed. It's midnight at 2 now. I wake up because of his message, but I regretted it a lot. If I know that this message is about this, maybe I should let myself sleep a bit more. F*k, you've tortured my virgin heart! Damn it!
I turn off my phone and get back into my bed.
... ...
... ... ...
Damn it, I can't sleep!
F*k you Dan! Why the hell you always brag to me about something that you did! It's not that I really care about what is your achievement or something, but this time is too much!
You know I'm a single virgin male with no experience regarding the women! And yet, you send me the third most beautiful girl on campus when she's sleeping naked beside you! Are you trying to kill me with that! I, a single man, who always play with my hand is shedding a tear of sorrow at this moment.
It's only your first date you know! And you got laid with her! What an overachiever! Do you know what you are right now! A cheat! A real-life cheat-holder! If life is a game, then you're those with cheat code.
Just why, why I have a friend like you. And why do I stick with you this whole time?
My thought is revolving in a continuous depressing cycle. And before I knew it, dawn had just been set. I skipped morning pray because my heart is wrangling. Well, for the record it's been a very long time since I went to the mosque and prayed.
Knock! Knock! Knock!
A loud knock sound in front of my door. This is the first morning, who is looking for me?
I open my door, to see Dan standing with a bleak face. His face is devoid of color, even if he has pale skin tone, this time it was paler than a white sheet. I frowned for seeing him.
My arm crossed in my chest, I asked. "What is it? For you to come to me this time in the morning?"
"I ..., there's something I need to talk to you," Dan spoke, without arrogance expression nor overbearing voice as usual when he talked to me.
"Did you have fun last night? How is it, to take Jessica's virginity ... was it pleasurable?"
"I'm sorry, I didn't take your feeling into consideration."
This arrogant friend of mine lowered his head and really seems as his most honest apology. As I have observed since the very first time I know him, this is the first time he put a humble expression. Huh, did I just say something wrong?
"What the hell are you spouting! You should enjoy yourself more? You know, I'm not mad at you or anything. Just ...," I clicked my tongue and demanded, "cheh ..., introduce a girl to me sometimes."
I squeezed the urge to vent my rage. I envy him, his life, his family, his wealth, all of his. However, no matter what I did, I couldn't be someone like him. I am me, and he is him. Maybe I will get what he had now in the future. But what can I do with my meager intelligence and brain that just slightly above average?
"Okay, If I found some girl who has zero interest in me, I'll immediately introduce her to you." He said, smiled slightly.
"This f*ker ..., are you trying to make me mad!" I grabbed his head and put him into a headlock. "So how about it, how's the third most beautiful girl in campus taste?"
"Yeah ..., it was enjoyable. Actually, that should be my first time."
First time doing what? What kind of play did you do with that b*ch Jessica last night? Do you think I'll take your word into account? You, as a rich second generation I bet you have tasted many women. Not that I envied him about it, but hell, as a regular person who lives a harsh life it's vexing.
I stopped my urge throwing him a punch in the eye and asked ... with a slightly trembling voice.
"So, what is it that brings you here?"
"It's the Neu-net! I come to give you this."
He handed me a stylish black box. I knew this box when I went into this fella's flat, he bragged about this box to me. Saying that he was lucky to be chosen as a beta-tester for the new Dive-MMOVRRPG. I still remember how smug his face. It was unbearable.
"What? Weren't you just complaining about it yesterday, saying why the game hadn't released yet? And now, you're saying that you giving this to me?! Are you still the same Daniel Kuncara that I know?"
"Maybe yes, and maybe not. But, please know this. Adzkia ..., I always regarded you as my one and only friend."
"Aa ..., you know what, if you really considering me as your friend. Then introduce a girl to me. Even if it's your cousin or something, okay?"
He smiled wryly, it's the first time I see that kind of expression. Did sex change a person who much?
"Okay, my cousin from my mother's family is still single. I'll introduce her to you next time she visits the city."
"I'll take that word. You owe me a girl. Cute or beautiful one, I don't care, as long as she has a good look and isn't looking at you, introduce her to me."
"Got that ..."
And after that, we laughed loudly, bothering the morning in the neighbourhood.
"Still take this ..., I have ordered the new model Neu-net Tk3501-Turbo. It has more computing speed with no lagging inside. I want to see what is the differences with this beta model."
"Damn it, after all, you're just bragging!"
"Hahaha ..., you know me well."
This bastard, not only you just f*ked with a beautiful girl, you flaunt your wealth the first time in the morning. Are you really trying to enrage me?
"Just scram! I don't feel like going to campus today."
"Oh, okay ..., see you tomorrow."
I close the door and leaned against it, my hand is holding the black box.
I don't know why that bastard gave me this ..., what was his motive?
Yesterday he was very upset with the news about the delayed release date of the Realm Domination game. But, now he gives me the Neu-net?
I did not understand what was in that bastard's mind.
But forget it. He just f*ked a goddess level beauty, maybe he has gone retard after enjoying that woman's body. Better kept this thing before he changes his mind.
The Neu-net Tk Prototype 0.4 is inside this box. I checked the net and found out that one unit of Tk of the cheapest model is around 56 million Rupiah. With that kind of money, I can buy two cheap motorcycles or one of the expensive models.
Well, in the first place ..., I can't produce that amount of money. So in this rented room that costs around 200 thousand a month, the most expensive thing right now is what inside this black box.
Realm Domination, the net is hyped with this certain game. A dream of mankind. After the testimony of 100.000 beta-tester spreads on the net, this game becomes everyone's attention. They said that this game is the most realistic virtual reality fantasy game that they have played.
Dan, as one of the beta-tester also crazed about this game. I also feel slightly curious about this game, the Promotional Video seems flawless with hyper-realistic graphics and so on. But sometime PV is really different from its reality.
I hope this game is just as good as it's PV.
I can't get into the game right now though.
They are still delaying the release date, not one year like last time but only three weeks. They need time to complete the final preparation and installation of the server. I didn't care before because I didn't have Neu-net, the machine needed to play the game. But because I have one now, I check the release date in anticipation.
After this, I can play the so-called [Realm Domination].
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