《Wolves revolution》(22): Siege!


Volg opened his eyes to find himself floating in white space....

Speak slowly: Where am I...!

A voice came from behind him: You are inside you, or in a more correct sense, inside the Volg the wolf....

He turned to see the light wolf. He said: I remember I was sleeping!

- correct.

= So I'm in a dream!

- no.

= !

- Hear me well... I don't know which being you belong to, nor how you got here... But I realized something important when I merged with you... You are not the embodiment of a being's consciousness, you are the soul of a being!


- One more thing, I seem to have a very difficult time integrating with you, I don't know what this is due to, but there are enough reasons for this to happen, The important thing is that you can't rely on me too much!


- I don't have the ability to explain, so I'll try to keep everything short, you should find your spiritual energy!


- As I mentioned earlier, you (and I mean the entity in front of me when I say you) are not just consciousness, but soul! Which means consciousness and energy!... Finding your energy will be easy; Because when I merged with you...No, when I entered you I made it excited...

= I don't understand anything!

- It doesn't matter that you understand, I (as I mentioned before) do not have the ability to explain, all that matters is that you implement what I tell you....

= May I have two questions?

- what are they?

= First _ Who are you?!...

- I'll answer you briefly too, I am the energy of the wolf wolf....

= Second, why do I do what you tell me?

- Because I know what you don't know!

= …………………………………………………

- Now... Close your eyes, and look for the light within you...


Volg fell asleep after he had mastered the first step of sensation, so that the above happened to him.... and when morning came, not much changed from evening (for Volg), except that he began to use his spiritual energy, that is, he became luminous in his subconscious mind, without the need to The light wolf enters it....


The wolves, cats and foxes gathered themselves, and this took a good time, and then they set out to continue their way....

Likewise, John and his men, they returned to continue their way (John had woken up by nightfall... and then he and his men set up, waiting for the day to come).....

This day also passed normally...

However, this time the wolves camped in the middle of the desert...

Ulker is back training Volg on sensation.

And the king began to resume his training for Breaker....

The night passed and the day came... and Walking was resumed...

Night fell again....but this time, Ulker and those with him arrived at a camel village, and they camped around it...and asked its people to provide them with some water...

Another day passed...

And another.... Ulker arrives in a second camel village....

As these days went by, Volg was developing at breakneck speed, and Bricker very quickly....

And now we are on the sixth day of the escape....

A few hours passed until sunrise... and John and his men continued their way...

Suddenly! Ellie showed signs of anxiety....then it started to increase.... Then he approached John and said, "Sir! There are hordes coming towards us from behind and in front of us!

John: What! Try to know their type!

Ellie showed signs of focus.... Then he said after some time: They... are dogs!

John: What!!

John stopped... and those with him stopped...

And after a while.... legions started appearing....!

They weren't really legions...they were hundreds...but they were legions to no more than forty dogs!

Time passed... and the hordes approached... John and those with him found themselves surrounded... and terror began to spread among them...

The hordes stopped... Three of them came out... They approached the (Fierce Dog), the dog that was ahead of the other two dogs shouted: John!

So John came out to him from among the dogs, and Ellie came out after him.

Hear me well, oh! In the name of our great King Lycovid, I, the second prince of the Dog Kingdom, accompanied by my brothers, the third and fourth princes, and we have half the kingdom's army, have come to arrest you and confiscate your energy asset extraction device!


Signs of intense astonishment appeared on John's face....and there was a little silence.... Then he managed to push the astonishment aside, and said in a sarcastic tone: Oooh! All this in order to arrest a gang that lost most of its men!

The second prince became angry and said in a tone that did not hide any of his anger: You despicable! If you thought that you could defeat three lords and hundreds of soldiers with your alien power you got, you are either an idiot or a madman!

John: We won't know until we try!

Prince: What!

Suddenly! A skeletal fox with a red-blue aura surged from the ground below the Prince up! However, the prince succeeded in jumping backwards (a very wide jump) before the structure touched him!...

The prince, with his back quickly (the two dogs that had advanced with him, began to retreat, and the hull sank in the sand): Crazy! Let everyone prepare to fight!

And immediately everyone released their energy, each in his own way...

Ordinary soldiers did as Ulker did during the escape, with the thickness and severity of the armor varying from one soldier to another.....

The second prince who stood in front of his army, formed a giant blue light dog in front of him out of energy, then transformed into a giant iron dog....

The commanders of the Second Prince's army who stood directly behind him, each had a different strength,

The first of them looked like the rest of the soldiers, except that he was clearly on a different level to all of them.....

The second of them was wearing a wide energy dress (light blue of course), which is difficult to describe, but it can be said that it was a mixture of Western dresses and Japanese kimono prepared for dogs!...

The third of them was standing a moment ago, but he disappeared!

On the other side, the third and fourth princes stood before their army.

Dozens of blue light circles around the Third Prince appeared in the air in astonishing coordination, and in the middle of each circle was another small blackish-gray circle....

The fourth prince armored himself with armor of the level of the armored commander approximately behind the second prince... or slightly above him....

And behind the two princes stood two leaders,

The first of them armored himself with energy armor.... but strangely enough, his level was similar to ordinary soldiers!

The second made several copies that looked very similar to him.

The second prince laughed hysterically, then said (in his loudest voice): John! Can you beat all of this, John! (Then laughing again.)

Then he continued: best surrender to you! Instead of useless resistance!...

John said (in a low voice): My army! extirpate them!...

Then a violet aura surrounded him, and a moment later it all started!…

Try to imagine the scene with me........ John's small group is surrounded on both sides between two huge groups, and between them and the two groups there is a good space.....

Now let us imagine two imaginary lines, along the lines of the army of dogs, adjoining John's company on both sides,

And now let's imagine that these two lines are two gates, through which the skeletons go out successively!... Foxes - wolves - dogs - chameleons and Uromastyxs! - and a few horned sheep and deer... And all the structures are enveloped by this strange aura (which was surrounding the bone fox which appeared in the beginning)....

The first of the dogs to attack was the Third Prince, as iron blades shot out from the circles surrounding him, hitting several skeletons..... and before the Prince himself could comprehend that his blades hit their target... Boom!!

The structures that were hit exploded!... And all the structures were spread out as if they knew that some of them would explode!... But!... Although those who noticed felt that the structures themselves had exploded, those structures that had exploded came back again!.... ....


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