《Wolves revolution》(17): In the factory basement.


Time: A good while after the escape process started.

Location: Central District - Factory.

John walked in a wide, relatively dark corridor, and on either side of the corridor were stacked low stone tables, and behind them was a fair amount of space between them and the factory wall.

After not long walking, John arrived at a relatively large door in the ground with two shutters....

The door opened wide to reveal a stone staircase leading down by a fiery light...

John descended the stairs, which was advancing forward as he descended, and the ceiling had begun to descend with him from a certain point, and on the two walls of the ladder, several oil lamps were fixed at great distances.

John arrived to a large, spacious room.

Half the room was filled with cats and foxes bound and gagged...

And in the other half...There was...Something strange!...Do you know the devices of mad scientists in science fiction stories?...It's something like that...It's hard to describe...But I'll try...Cuboid Metal (relatively huge but low), looks like a bed...Behind it was a metal column (commensurate with the size of the Cuboid), attached to it with metal tubes, and on this column, there was a hollow glass hemisphere, which was closed to the surface of the column, and in the middle of this half There was a flying light ball, very luminous... Of course, the shape of the device was not that simple, but this is what I could describe...

The device was making a strange sound that I can't describe.....

And near the device, two dogs stood, and they bowed They headed to John as soon as they saw him... John said: How much time is left?

One of the dogs: About three hours, sir.

John: Damn it! Why is he so slow! Did it take them that long before?!


While he was saying this, two dogs ran into the room and headed for the chained animals....

John said, addressing his words to the two dogs at the machine: Try not to waste a single second! It has to be done ASAP!

One of them said: your command !

While the other was looking at an indicator on the cuboid near the column...

Then he said in a high tone, addressing the other two dogs: Prepare the next!

So they began to untie one of the foxes and remove what was on his mouth, and the fox began to groan and cry for help, but he seemed to be weak...

The two dogs approached the device while holding the fox their card...

A little time passed before the strange sound of the device stopped, and in its place came a strange whistling sound, However, one of the dogs pressed a button on the side of the Cuboid before the whistle even started, to open a large part of its surface (the way most elevators open) Showing a large gap in the middle of it...

The sides of the inner gap were covered with strangely shaped protrusions, some of which had a different shape from the rest, and wires came out of them extending to reach the body of a cat to adhere to his body through white circles resembling pipettes...

The cat was bound hands and feet to the floor of the inner gap with iron cuffs sticking out of it and he seemed to be passing out,

(In fact, the internal view of the device was closer to the mad scientist than the external view...)

Then he quickly pressed a button next to it to untie the chains that restrict the cat...

Suddenly the cat rises (by the two dogs) and then is placed on the ground, so that the other two dogs put the fox in the place of the cat...


So the dog (who had pressed the buttons before) pressed several small buttons under the (relatively) large buttons quickly, to pull the restraints (the handcuffs) into the device and other handcuffs came out from different places to match the size of the fox... while the other two dogs carried the cat (their card ) and heading to the roof (remember they are in a basement).

In fact, the gap was so big, that a bear could fit inside it! (mostly...)

The dog pressed the button of the cuffs (which he had opened before) to close on the limbs of the fox, which was still moaning and crying out!

Then he pressed the button that opened the Cuboid before, and it closed.

Then he pressed a third button next to the indicator (which we mentioned before) to return the strange sound again...

All this happened in record time...

John turned and left, but a familiar voice from the stairs stopped him: Sir!

The voice was anxious and old...

"What's up, Ellie?" said John, as he waited for the stairs, waiting for someone to appear.

Soon, Ellie appeared, advancing toward John, saying, "Sir! There is something abnormal going on outside the midsection!

John: What! Explain your words!

Ellie: I don't know what exactly is going on, but..I feel like there are lives disappearing!

John: What! Send two dogs from each door to let them know what's going on!

Ellie: Your orders!

Then he ran up...

And after a while... the three gates opened...

And the guards (from the wolves) knew their job well...

As soon as the gates began to open, they raised signals and ran them (towards the outer gate closest to them to the kingdom), then they ignited by condensing and compressing the spiritual energy (which led to the generation of high heat) around the cloth wrapped on the tip of the stick.....


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