《Wolves revolution》(6): Inner darkness!


The sun was in the middle of the sky, and it was very hot, and although Ulker and Volg were in the shadow of the cave, they were not spared from the sun's flames....

Of course, Volg was feel hotter than Ulker, and yet he began to tolerate this heat, ignoring it, because he decided to do everything in his power to help this kingdom....

'Saviour, huh?, A beautiful title...Who would have thought that the useless Volg would one day be called that...! '

Ulker said: First, what do you know about spiritual energy?

Volg: I guess... that spiritual energy... is spirit energy?

Ulker was amazed at Volg's answer, saying in his mind: What a fool is this!!

Then he said: Listen to me well, spiritual energy is an energy that is present in all living beings, but it varies in strength according to its owner, and it may be so weak that it cannot be used, and it may be strong, but its owner did not try to use it or did not learn it!... Now! I want you to sit down, close your eyes, and search for an existence within you, an immaterial existence, an existence that is different from your guts, your organs, and every physical part of your body...

Volg was starting to play out what he had heard from Ulker, Ulker continued: Normally a person needs a month to find his spiritual energy....

But Folg did not hear his completion, because he had been immersed in him...

Ulker realized that Volg was no longer aware of what was happening around him, so he marveled at this, and sat down in front of him looking at him thinking: Normally a person needs ten days of training to reach this state!....


Total darkness... Anyone who finds himself in this darkness will desperately search for any way out like a madman, and the way out in darkness means light....


Complete darkness means that your eye only sees blackness... The problem is that he was not only blind, but all his senses were not receiving an atom of its receptors...

The whole situation called to madness... but he was calm...

'Where have you had this experience before?' '

He started shouting: Ooooo! O my spiritual energy! Are you here?

He realized that he had not lost his senses, he had heard himself, of course, but he was only in a place devoid of sensualities..

'That's right.. at that time...'

Volg continued to scream a little, to no avail.

'This nonsense seems to be pointless... the hell, what should I do now?' '

So much time has passed, and Volg as he, and Ulker is bored...

The sun was close to setting, and Ulker felt the urgent need to return to the kingdom, so he got up and went to Volg, who was sitting in the same position in which he was sitting, and began to call him in a loud voice : Volg!...Hey Volg!

There is no life to those you calling! He drew nearer to him and resumed his call while shaking his body with his hand....After a good while, Volg finally came to his senses, saying: Ha! What is this darkness that i were in, the eggplant!?

Ulker said, "I don't know how it happened so quickly, but it looks like you've reached your darkness!"

Volg: Huh!?

Ulker: The darkness in any living creature is proof that it has not yet connected to its spiritual energy! And just to clarify, the darkness within living things has nothing to do with the evil within them!

It took Volg some time to digest and analyze what Ulker had said....

Ulker: Getting to this darkness is very difficult, as long as you reach it so quickly, the rest will not take long either...


Volg nodded...

Ulker: Let's say our training is over for today, we have to get back to the kingdom quickly, before it gets dark.....

Volg and Ulker come out of the cave, and are on their way back to the kingdom, and Ulker urges Volg to hurry....

On their way, Ulker said, "I've heard that arctic wolves have energy of the strongest energies, and that might be why you got to the darkness so quickly..."

After some time, Folg said: Which animal has the greatest energy of all?

Ulker thought for a moment.... Then he said: "I don't know... but I know which being has the greatest energy of all beings...

Volg: Who is he?

Ulker: Hawks!...

Ulker and Folg returned to the wolves area by the same way they had gone, and it was already night long ago, that when they came to the gate of the wolves, they found his guards of dogs (there were three) about to close it , and one of them said: Where were you two wolves? ! If you were a little bit late, you would sleep out of your area!

And the second said sarcastically: You would have slept with the cats! Then he laughed and his two companions laughed,

Then the third of them said: Do you not know the law here?!

Folgh was angry with these dogs, he would do something, had Ulker not sensed him and stopped him, then said: Excuse us for the delay, but if you would have enter us in as soon as we arrived instead of talking to us!

One of the dogs said: Che, get out of here! And the dogs gave way to them, so they entered, and the door was closed...


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