《Barter System (or BS like BullSh*it)》chapter 6: beware the shadows


3 months later, I was sticking to my daily routine of training as hard as I can every day, I also had to buy food supplement powder, it contained all the nutrients I would need, be it vitamins, minerals, protein, and carbs, it cost me 1000 points but thankfully even with the base price of 100 points the more points you pour in it the larger its quantity so I didn't take a loss in this transaction, the only issue I had was water, but that was easily solved.

the onion veggy I used to eat grows in places with rich water sources, and no I didn't find water but a plant that could very well do the job of a water source, this plant has a large root network, it grows its roots in search of water and its inside is hollow, the roots absorb water and the plant stores it in its hollow inside.

so how did I discover it, I will let you know that I use insight whenever I can, and so as to not waste the energy which is limited. also, I don't know if it will work, but could it be possible that I can train my soul by using up the energy and replenishing it, like training the body, the more I use it the stronger it gets or the larger my reserves progress, who knows my memories told many stories and such concept isn't foreign, though the stories were fiction, they may hold some truths.

Species : Wakala Power : 1 Description : a species of plant with a hollow core, the plant grows the roots towards water sources and store water in their hollow core, the water in the process becomes faintly sweet.

I have found other plants during these few months, but most of them are useless, except for one that has mild poison.


Species : Para needle Power : 4 Description : a species of plant, a bush full of needle-like thorns, the thorns are poisonous, they contain a mild paralyzing agent at their tip, the roots holds the most concentration of poison.

this plant is the only other plant that could be of use in the future, I can use it to lace my dagger or use the needle in tandem with a blow dart, but that is a talk for another day.

in the 3 months, I have also made progress, my body started shaping up, muscles were already growing on my previous skinny almost bonny body, I am filling up nicely and have grown a little bit taller, using insight I can see my progress.

Name : unnamed dark elven teen Age : 5 years 5 months ... Power : 3 Description : a weak dark elven teen

as one can see I have already grown stronger by 2 points, it isn't much but it is enough for me to be proud, this is progress, the first step of many, next step would be to reach 5 points in power, then I can hunt those ratamoles, and finally have meat on my table hihihihihi.




a few days later I have reached a rating of 4 in power, so I decided to try my luck and hunt for those ratamoles, so I prepared my self and headed to hunt, the strange thing though was that I didn't find any, normally I would come by 1 or two, but this time there was none, so I cautiously went out further into the cave system.

the whole way it was silent, which isn't a strange occurrence underground, but this is just too silent, suddenly, I heard something from behind me, and quickly I jumped left while turning towards my attacker, it was a black cat twice the size of a house cat from my memories, it had glowing green eyes and sharp claws and canines, it hissed at me in a threatening manner, but that didn't faze me. I still had my soul energy at full capacity so I used insight on it


Species : shadowy cat Power : 8 Description : a species of cats that lives underground, it feeds mainly on ratamoles, they are ruthless and unafraid of anything, beware their claws as they are as hard as stone, the feline is very agile and silent, but they have weaker strength

the feedback was promising, it seems that this cat even though is twice as strong as me, but only in terms of speed, the power grading doesn't seem to be very accurate, so I have a chance, it is mostly an ambush animal and when it missed the chance when I had my back turned, my chances increased, also it explains why the ratamoles made their presence scarce, the cat is their natural predator.

now that I know, I can have a chance at this there is no need for me to panic, just remain calm and focus, I calmed my breathing and propped myself to top condition, I held my dagger close to my body, tip facing forward in a back handgrip, waiting for it to pounce, I could see the muscle on its back and hind legs tensing as it prepared to attack, I also slightly crouched,

the cat suddenly exploded in speed with my throat as the destination, panic started to rise but I quickly put it down, and tried to predict its trajectory, I left my neck open for it, and as I predicted, when it was at suitable distance, it pounced on my throat it couldn't fight its instinct to end it fast by biting me on the throat, and as it was mid air it couldn't change position especially with the built up momentum, I pointed my blade at its throat and pushed, way of the savage demon; no fear shall taint my pure heart, my longer reach proved beneficial and the cat impaled itself on my blade, my dagger deep into its throat the cat seemed to lose strength quickly, so even though the momentum pushed me to the floor with the cat on top, it didn't cause me any harm except for blunt trauma I suffred

'i did it?! i.did. it!!!!' my heart was bounding super fast in my chest as blood was soacking me, the cat started trembling as life was escaping it and then it settled, I then quickly started skinning it, the person from my memories was not a stranger to such a thing and I followed his example, it took me 15 minutes to completely skin it and harvest the organs, I took with me the heart, liver, and kidneys, the person from my memories always ate them so they must be safe,

I sold the remains for a few points and then got back to my room

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