《Path of the Shaman [HIATUS]》Chapter 7 - Hidden in the Darkness


In another part of the academy, Doyle Krosik was resting under a tree in the woods near the training field. Cadmar had let him and the other boys go for the day a while ago, but rather than going back to his dorm Doyle had decided to go to the woods. For some reason he always felt more at peace in the woods, and preferred to nap there as it was closer than his dorm.

Doyle woke to the sound of voices in the distance, too faint to make out the words entirely. He looked around and noticed that it was twilight, with the sun just about to sink over the horizon. Curious about the voices, he sat up slowly and began looking towards the direction the sound came from. He edged along silently as his mother had taught him, so as to not startle the speakers. It was just for fun anyways, he doubted it would be anything interesting. He finally reached the edge of the hill he was on and peeped around some shrubbery. There near the bottom he could make out some movement of cloth as someone waved their arms exaggeratedly.

He could tell from the tone the person was agitated but failed to make out the words. Based on what he saw, they should be adults so he might get caught if he went forward, since almost all the teachers had sharper senses to some degree. While he was debating over the idea in his mind, one of the people came closer and he got a better view. The light was fading, but from the outline it seemed to be a man wearing a teacher's uniform. The other voice spoke up now where he could hear it. It was distinctly female.

"Don't screw up again! We’re close to completing the plan after all this time, we can't afford to fail now."

Doyle was surprised, he thought he recognized the voice. He leaned forward a bit but immediately regretted it. His shoulder lightly brushed the bush he was hiding behind. The man stiffened and turned in his direction and in his shock, Doyle let out a quiet gasp.

Doyle froze and stopped breathing immediately. If he could stop his heart from beating at that moment he would. He was not sure why he should be so scared of a teacher, but something about the woman's words and the man's actions told him that he heard something he should not have.


The man suddenly spoke. "It seems we aren't alone."

Doyle nearly gasped again. This voice was one he was very familiar with. It was Professor Mordheart! He stayed silent but the man had already discovered him. Mordheart dashed toward him in a blur. Doyle scrambled to get up and run but he had barely gotten a foot underneath himself when Mordheart appeared over him. He tried to scream but as he did an intense pressure washed over him and he fainted.

Mordheart's face was twisted in displeasure and anger though. "Blood and fire!" He exclaimed quietly. "Why is it just one thing after another these days?"

A female figure appeared in the darkness near him. "Leave this to me, Mordheart. You just take care not to mess up again."

Mordheart looked hesitant. "What are you going to do to him? We cannot afford any attention on us."

"I know this better than you. I will take care of the arrangements. Go." Her voice this time left no room for discussion, so Mordheart quickly escaped.

As the last glow from the setting sun disappeared into the horizon, a shadow ran across the land, slowly plunging the woods into darkness.


Talin woke once again at first bell. He rushed to get ready and make his way to the food hall. He walked with a spring in his step. The major worry that had been on his mind the past months was at last resolved. His determination had been rewarded. When he and Rodric lined up to enter the food hall, Talin excitedly shared the news.

They were still talking when they went through the entrance and noticed an odd mood. Everyone was being quiet, bare whispers echoed through the hall. In the middle of the hall one of the teachers stood quietly, patiently waiting for everyone to file in. She was small and petite with her silver hair up in a tight bun and a pair of small circular glasses on her nose. Despite her diminutive stature there was a commanding air about her that made all the students dare not be too loud.

Only once they were all in did she begin to talk.

"I am afraid I have some unfortunate news." She said, "Earlier this morning, one of our students was found dead."


Shocked and fearful voices sprung up across the food hall. Everyone was stunned.

"Everyone quiet down please." The teacher's voice got louder, suppressing the sudden noise. The loud murmurs began to quiet.

"Once you have all finished eating please go back to your dorms, where you are to remain until you are told otherwise. Classes have been canceled and while we are investigating things no one is allowed to wander about. This is for your own safety."

One of the older students now spoke up. "Professor Tinly, are we in danger? What exactly happened?"

The professor turned to face the boy who had spoken up before replying. "There is no danger as long as you follow our instructions. Clues at the scene indicate a beast attacked the student late at night while he was wandering in the woods. I am not at liberty to say more. An announcement will be made later in the day once a full investigation has been made. Until then, follow our instructions and you will be fine. The districts have plenty of golem defenses to keep you safe."

The professor spoke in a curt manner, before walking over to one of the walls and leaning against it, indicating that she would be remaining here to maintain order. She waved a hand.

"Hurry up and eat."

The food hall soon became bustling again as everyone got their food, but things were not as lively as they usually were. This morning's news left everyone feeling as though there was a cloud hanging over their head.


A group of five or so men and a single woman stood in a small clearing in the woods. In the clearing was a gruesome scene. The body parts and torn uniform of a student were strewn about and blood caked the dirt.

One of the men was noticeably older than the rest. He had been walking around investigating the scene while the others watched on respectfully. Finally, he spoke.


Professor Cadmar stepped forward. "Yes, sir?"

"When you let the boys go last night, you did not notice anything out of place?"

"No sir. I let them off an hour before sunset just as I had the day before. As exhausted as he was, it is hard to believe Doyle would wander into the woods for a walk."

"Mhmm.. I found signs closer to the training field that look like someone laid down for a while. Had his scent on it, according to Sef. Not sure what happened afterwards, but signs show he walked straight here like he was on a guided path. The beast just sat here and waited for him. Did he come to deliver himself to the beast's mouth?" The old man looked at the woman now.

"Frost, any luck deciphering those tracks?"

The woman was rummaging through a case with crystal cylinders. Every time her finger passed over one it would light up a new color.

"Nothing yet, other than the obvious that the animal in question is canine. These tracks do not match any records we have for beasts indigenous to this area. All I can do for now is to make an image imprint and take it back to the library to go over our records. Hopefully I can find a match there."

The old man acquiesced with a brief nod. "Velman, Root, the two of you were on watch last night. Care to explain yourselves?"

"My apologies Headmaster, I did not detect any abnormalities last night." The skinny and tall man, Root, made a low bow and the other one, Velman, did the same before stating the same.

The old man looked like he expected that and nodded his head. "Cadmar, you find some capable people to join them, we are going to start running patrols at night. Until we catch this thing, best to keep everyone out of the woods. Frost, let me know who you want from our Research Department to assist you with going through the records to identify this thing and I will assign them to you."

He stopped and looked back at the scene of carnage in the clearing, his voice becoming a bit softer.

"Once you finish investigating the scene, collect his body so we can give him a proper burial."

Everyone nodded their heads solemnly.

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