《Lord of lust》017
Near the western edge of Alpha star sat a small mansion, this was the home to the lost family. The lost family specializes in the exploration of the world.
When the world expanded all those years ago, an age of exploration was sparked and that spark never went out for two main reasons, new lands and areas kept popping up and some places were much too dangerous to explore, there was also small reason like even places that have been explored stilled held there mysteries.
And because of that explorers were needed to uncover those mysteries and survive the danger that companies them, and the lost were one of the best because they were cursed. No, really there are a cursed family, there great to the fifth grandfather cheated on his great witch girlfriend claiming that he got lost often when in truth he was hitting on random girls he came across. So when the witch found she used her magic and cursed his so that he really would get lost all the time.
And so he did, the curse had a bit more power than she expected for the man now got lost walking down a hallway. When he left his house he ended up crossing the city and have no idea how.
For several months after being cursed the man lived as a shut-in before he had enough and declared he was going to conquer this cure. But first, he broke up with his girlfriend. And then he gathered his supplies and set out to conquer his curse.
The man got lost before he made it down the street. Over the next decade, the man accidentally explored uncharted regions and purposely record all he saw. And with the help of another witch, he was able to control his curse for the most part.
When he returned home he celebrated with his parents and friends, telling all he had experienced. It was less than a week after his return that one of his friends noticed that he was unhappy.
When asked why he shyly admitted that he actually likes his directionless wondering of the world and he was starting to miss it. But he knew that he couldn't live a life like that.
His friend then told him that he was wrong he could join the explorer union and they would littery pay him to wander aimlessly and report his discoveries to them. And so he went to see if she was telling the truth taking one of his traveling journals with him.
He left the explorer union beach building with a new job and almost 3.4 million international credits
That was the start of the empire of the lost family, Well after he changed his sirname to lost.
Over the years the lost family, fortune grew as they took more business ventures. From just explorers to many other groups that existed in the world after the rift changed it.
In the present, the youngest member of the lost family and current heir to the fortune, Daniel lost was waking up.
Grumbling daniel rolled out of his large four-poster bed on to the silk carpet floor of his room. Barely opening his eyes when he hit the floor daniel began to crawl his way to his closet. A little after he made it halfway his room door and one of the housemaids entered.
"Really daniel you are so dramatic in the morning" the dark-haired maid sighed before she walked to the closet and pulled out a casual outfit consisting of graphic t-shirt and jeans.
She dropped the cloth on daniel head before going over to his dresser and pulled out some underwear and a t-shirt. She threw that on top daniel as well.
"Now get dressed, your breakfast is almost ready," the maid said before she walked out of the room. Daniel grumbled something in response ass he stood off the ground, letting his cover fall off him showing the only thing he wore to bed last night was his birthday suit.
Daniel got dressed half wake then headed down the hallway to the grand stairs that lead to the front door before he descended them and turn to the dining hall.
Daniel sat down at the large dining table on the left side of his mother, no sooner than his but met the chair a maid and butler placed his plate in front of him and a large bowl-sized coffee mug and moved out of the way as he thanked them, his parents said he could only have on a cup of coffee a day so he had a cup custom made. His parents decide to ignore it because they decided it wasn't worth the argument, but unknown to him they had caffeine content in his coffee lowered to less than an ordinary cup of coffee.
He ate in silence while his mother read the morning holo-paper, the only sounds were of him eating and the footsteps of the maids as they move through the mansion. The silence was broken by his mother speaking up.
'So you have plans to hang out with Sam today, correct" the women who gave her son's hair asked.
Daniel swallowed the food in his mouth before he answered her, "yes, he's helping me with a video game, I bought recently." he moved some of his food around the plate.
"What kind of game?" she asked nothing more than curious about her son's interest, but it did cause daniel to choke on his food.
Immetaly his mother moved to help him but daniel was able to clear his throat before she was able to get out of her chair and leap over the table.
"It's .. a .. um.." cough "murder mystery game." daniel answered before he drank some of his coffee.
"A murder mystery?' she question, "why would you ask him to help you with it?"
"He figures out who the murder in any of the books we read, movies and show we watch, so he's great at mysteries" but to himself in his thought "well I hope it's mysteries and not the other option.
"Well, what a nice skill to have," she commented before she turned back to the paper. Daniel nodded his head before he turned back to his food.
When he was done with his food one of the maids took away his plate, daniel thanking them as he did and asked them to pass a thank you to the chiefs. After they left the room daniel stood from his chair and bid his mother goodbye before he left the dining room and headed to the garage.
Mrs.lost watched her son leave the room before turning back to the paper only to be interrupted by her holo-necklace beeping indicating a message. Opening the message she froze as her eyes flew wide open, it was a summons for all beings above the upper great mage level and all kinds of influence people, She was in both. "What on earth could be happening." she thought before she had one of the maids gather her things and another to tell the driver to pull up front.
Daniel entered the garage then waved and greeted the family driver before he passed the five top of the line cars his family owned and made his way to the twelve more common models they owned.
Daniel opened the door to the red hovercar he usually used when he was going to see Sam. using his holo-ring to unlock the car. Opening the door he sat in the driver's set, buckled up and activated the self-driving program.
He sat back as the car pulled out of the garage and onto the driveway and then onto the road.
As the made its way to sam house watch the spectacle that was his hometown, Alpha star city had a certain type to it overall. Largely the city was made from bricks and steel with a couple metal and glass high rises, there were signs of advanced technology throughout the city but weren't obvious. What was obvious was that articular aspect that was constant throughout the island. It could be seen in the gardens, potted plants, window sill planters, community gardens, and not just for the magic herbs that make the island famous there was also many products and cash crops. This was not to mention the trees and flowers planted everywhere.
All the planets gave the city a nice fresh colorful feeling, especially during the spring season a couple of months back where everything was blooming. It was also the biggest tourist season of the year.
From the highway the car was driving over Daniel could see some of the city's most important buildings and structures. There was the statue of Vegratel, the Hermes trading corporation, the explorer's corporation, the fighter, and the magic-user freelance agency and a couple more.
When Daniel got bored of watching the city he turn his holo-ring on and turn to the news for a few minutes before he got bored and turn to a mobile game about fighting rabbits.
He arrived at sam house after playing a few rounds and losing all of them, as the car pulled into sam's driveway he couldn't help but ask himself "why do I suck as this game so much." before getting out of the car.
Going up to the door, he knocked on it and waited a moment before knocking again, then he started to get worried, sam always answered before he could knock a second time, hell a couple of times he answered the door before he could even knock on it.
He knocked on the door harder a little worried something was wrong, but before he could knock for the fourth time the door swung open to reveal a disheveled annoyed and tired sam with a rather ugly quilt held over his shoulders by his left hand who glared at daniel like he was ready to tear off his hand and then use them to tear out his heart.
Daniel backed up a couple of feet, "good morning sam' he greeted in a cheerful but cautious tone.
"I was sleeping," sam told him plainly, this caused guilt to bloom in daniel's heart twice, he knew that sam had trouble sleeping falling and staying asleep, then fear bloomed in his heart four times over because he knew how angry sam got when the sleep he did get was interrupted.
"I can see that so," he cautiously moved closer to the tired teen," are you still up for helping me with the video game."
In response, sam took a breath in through his nose and out of his mouth before stepping aside to let daniel in the house." come on"
Daniel smiled before entering the house and slightly pausing at the sight of the couch where sam had obviously been sleeping. When he had been friends with sam for more than half a year and it was clear that he was here to stay sam's parents sent their son on a small errand while they sat Daniel down and told him a bit about how sam lived before he met them and explain some of his habits, but one thing they explain in great detail is how he deals with something that's too much for him by cutting himself out of the world and that was what right in front of him, luckily it was low level cutting off.
"When we go out for lunch, I don't feel like cooking today, and you what I think of ordering out," Sam said as he reached the stairs, Daniel made a sound of understanding as he turned to the holo-t.v.
When sam returned downstairs the only thing different was that he threw on a button-up t-shirt that had screaming ruby skulls on it.
"One of these days you're going to tell me where you get your clothing from" daniel stated as the title of the game pop on the screen, contest of bodily desires. Accumulated by the sounds of pleasure.
"Where did you get this game" sam asked.
"my random gamer subscription." the curt reply, sam nodded his head and sat down on the couch next to daniel.
Daniel summons holo-controller with his ring and started the game. Sam slouched in the couch before asking daniel a question, "so how far have you gotten in the game?" when daniel didn't answer he looked over to see his friend looking anywhere but his direction.
"Daniel," he asked with an edge in his voice.
"Didn't get past the title before I knew I needed your help," sam just hit him in the arm," so do you have any advice on conquest?"
"Yes, first never call or think of them as conquest it rude on so many levels." daniel nodded his head as he half listed to the game intro.
"Second, it depends on the mood of the person, the mood decide the path you must take."
"Third, kindness and gentleness will get you into more people's beds and it's also less likely to get you hit in the face and arrested."
'That seems kind of obvious"
"It is but you would be surprised how many people don't do it, some time its arrogance, sometimes there really drunk, a lot of times its stupidity."
"Stupidity?" daniel asked as he started the game tutorial.
"Yes stupidity is everywhere," Sam said with an annoyed tone.
"Can't argue with that." daniel said before a calm silence overtook them while he played the game.
While this silence the disembodied voice returned to sam's head. "Good morning dear lord"
Sam didn't even bat an eye.
"I'm sorry I took so long to contact you. I believed contacting you anytime earlier would have gotten me a negative response" the voice sounded upset with itself.
"I must say you have good judgment because if you had contacted me before now you would have been cursed out." sam said as he waved off the worried look daniel gave him out of the corner of his eye. "So what do you need of me"
"I need nothing of you, I exist only to help the cosmic lords. So I ask would you like me to start your tutorial.
"Sure, no time like the present"
"Okay, you can pause and resume at any time." for a moment the voice didn't say anything.
"Welcome newborn lord", okay now it sounded like the voice for action movie trailers with a bit of horror trailer thrown in, "as a cosmic lord you have gained a huge responsibility needed for the life and happiness of the entire universe. But with this responsibility, you have been gifted many privileges and services."
"Among these services is the status screen, using biometric scanning, neural scanning, and an energy scan, you can see the measurements of your physical mental and energy capabilities.
"The next is the skill record, over the course of the life's lord it has been proven that they collect a large number of skills and sometimes forget about some of them so the skill record service was created. Currently, the only skills on record are the ones you used while you were trapped in the fake world by your predecessor.'
" the third service available to you at this point is a store that services the entire universe run by a group of first's, this store sells everything that exists in the universe. From food to weapons, furniture and knowledge, countess forms of entertainment, raw materials, workforce, and even things your planet doesn't have words for yet."
"You can access these easily by stating their name in your head or out loud, please open one so I can continue."
Sam didn't open one immediately to give him some time to digest and it looks like daniel was going to need his help in a minute.
A minute later he was right, he had started the first seduction. It was the chieftess of the main characters home village.
"Okay, so what should I do here," daniel asked sam.
"First take a good look at the women's body language what does it tell you" sam instructed. Daniel looked at the screen focusing on the chieftess for a couple of moments.
"She keeps rubbing her shoulders and their bags under her eyes so she exhausted."
"So which of the options offered would be best" daniel choose in a moment to offer her a massage, only to be rejected because they weren't any trust between them. But he did get a small quest to start earning some.
[status] while daniel did the quest sam opened his status menu.
Samuel, sam, Vegal
Lord Of Lust
Lord Level-0
Note: three abnormal energy core detected.
Note: two forms of energy poisoning detected
"Interesting" and sam truly thought this about his status
"The body state is made of the collective information of your bodies functions such as your body strength, reflexes, flexibility, endurance, immune system, healing speed, and a few other factors."
"The mind state is made from the information of your brain and nerves, like your memory, information processing, defense, and more factors
"The energy state is decided by the amount of energy in your body you can use and how well you control it,
"Your lord level is a face value state, it is your level as a lord as a leader. Currently, it is at zero because there is no data on your leadership skills. When you showcase your skills it will change."
"The states will change accordingly to the state of their respective representations."
Sam thought over the new information for a bit before he asked, "how are my states? Are they good or bad? And what about the two notes at the bottom."
The voice was silent for a moment before answering "in comparison to the rest of your species they are higher than anyone in a mildly active life you live now, for a lord there must be raised post haste, the notes are things that you should note that are detrimental or beneficial to your states."
"The second note is detrimental the first has yet to be decided" sam wasn't able to name what was in its tone but he got the feeling it wasn't happy.
"Well the first note is about my ability witching hour and the second is the side effect about using it, though I never called it energy poisoning." sam informs the voice that needed a name. It mumbled a bit and all sam got was something about collecting data.
"Careful to your right" sam told daniel as he played a mini-games that looks like dodgeball with grenades.
"Thank you, so how long till you explain why you've been talking to yourself," Daniel respond his eyes never leaving the screen the mini-games in this game was bizarre, you can tell the creators had a lot of fun making this game.
"Something is speaking into my mind, I just don't feel like thinking back to it. Said flatly as he stretched a bit before getting off the couch. "Hey you want something to drink?" he asked as he walked into the kitchen.
"Coffee!" daniel demanded.
"Your addicted" sam stated.
"You're an addiction" the grumpy reply came.
"Got that right" sam said with a smirk, that confuse daniel for a moment.
"Just get me some ice water," he grumbled before turning his attention to the chainsaw wilding slime. After grabbing daniel ice water and himself a glass of explosive orange juice he sat back on the couch.
Handing daniel his drink he said 'skill record"
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