《Lord of lust》Plan-part 1
On the other side of the door was a 13 year slightly pale brown skinned 4'7, amber-eyed, and short curly black hair this was Tyrone Farwell. Tyrone has been one of Sam's neighbors since he moved to the island and has knowe him that long as well. Back then Tyrone was an energetic child who loved to meet new people to the point he talked to random stranger on the streets, this worried his parent greatly especially when they traveled off the island which was completely understandable more so to people who knew just how dangerous strangers could be, that was probably why they hired Sam to be his babysitter, Tyrone was fine with this as sam told story of his travels toned down, so they appropriate for a nine year old a lot of them had a part where a stranger caused trouble for sam at this points Tyrone just gave him a blank look.
It was a pretty peaceful time then Tyrone learned the hard way why you don't talk to random strangers causes one day he talked to a women who looked in her late twenties she was beautiful and hand kind eyes, later they found out those eyes were fake incredible so, she and Tyrone meet more then once each time talking for quite a while the third time Sam was with them and he noticed something odd the moment he laid eyes on her, at first he wasn't sure what it was but his instincts were telling him danger so he tried to leave with Tyrone but him the lady stopped that plan quickly. It was not long after that she showed her true face and it was an ugly one. She had moved fast as she blasted Sam through a wall before knocking out Tyrone and running full speed into the alleyways. She probably didn't expect anyone to recover from the shock of what happened soon enough to follow her least of the boy she blades through a wall. But Sam did and he was pissed, he tracked her down by heightening his sense of smell to a bloodhounds before the tear he followed her perfume and Tyrone's natural smell but the damage she caused forced him to slow down to where it took him almost two and a half hours to find them and he was not happy when he did.
He found them in a small apartment on the edge of the city he waste breaking into it where he found her in the middle taking off the last of Tyrone cloths with his hands tied to the frame of the bed he was laying on, this was sadly a tame sight for Sam so he wasted no time attacking her. At this time Sam had used a different fighting style it looked like a rabid beast but very calculated. During their fight, Sam used his ability to remove her right arm, permanently scar her face, bit her leg, and break more than a few of her bones. Seeing that she couldn't win she tried to escape not that Sam was going to let her but at that time Tyrone had started to move ( Sam later found out she had really paralyzed him) drawing his attention and she hightailed it like a bat out of hell. Sam for a moment considered chasing her but Tyrone was more important and if need be he could hunt her down later.
He had untied, redressed and was comforting Tyrone in a blanket by the time the police had arrived, not that they were slow in truth the fact Sam was impressed by how fast they found them. The police wasted no time taking control of the situation first they took them to the ambulance to check Tyrone for wounds and treat sam's, after the emergency workers were done with them the police questioned about the kidnapper and what went down, then they questioned Sam about his actions they were very worried that he said he took her arm caused he aimed to take her alive, after that they had an officer take them home but Sam had to come to the station with his parents tomorrow, during all these events Tyrone had stayed glued to Sam's side.
When they arrived on the street between their houses the cop was upset to find out that Tyrone's parents have been off the island for the past week but calmed down to find out they were already on there back, but their plane would not arrive until tomorrow a little after noon so Tyrone was staying with them not that there was much choice as Tyrone was unwilling to leave Sam. thanks to Sam parents that day was able to end on a positive note.
This event marked a great change in both Sam's and Tyrone life. For Sam it marked the first time he got involved with the island law enforcement but not the last, For Tyrone, it marked the day that his career as a recluse began but it was also the day Sam and Tyrone really started to be more than neighbors babysitter and babysat.
Due to his time as a recluse Tyrone had gained a few 'habits' for example because a Tyrone refused to leave his house, he could not visit a barber or such so he took great care of his hair himself to the point his and sam's mothers were jealous of his skill. But he also refused to step out the building to take out the trash so it piled and he sucked at cleaning so his house tended to messy and stink and he just got used to the smell. Another thing was that he had a horrible sleeping schedule, it was incredibly inconsistent some time he slept during the day sometimes at night sometimes he just had nothing but naps. This boy was kind of a mess.
"Hello, Sam what can I help you with," Tyrone asked through the slightly open door that barely allowed Sam to see him.
Taking a breath for the challenge that he was about to face Sam answered him, "an island wide emergency has been issued when I informed your parents that asked that you stay with me during the emergency at my house" the last few words were said slowly for Sam knew just how Tyrone would act.
And act he did cause as soon as he registered what Sam said he tried to slam the door close but Sam's hand prevented that, he really didn't want to make him leave his house but he knew it was better for Tyrone's safety if he stayed with him.
" Tyrone I know you are not happy about this but you will not be safe on your own, so you are coming over one way or another" Sam told Tyrone his face stern. But the younger boy didn't buy it for sam voice betrayed him he hated having to force others to do things, he knew what it was like to be forced and he hated that feeling so if he could avoid he would.
"And what if she appears" he asked fearful, she was the women who kidnapped him, who while evading the police for years still managed to appear any time Tyrone left the house waiting for the chance to finish what she started, but she never got close enough to do so and if sam, his parents or Tyrone's Han dang thing to say she never would.
"I promise you if she shows her face I will finish what I started years ago, so are willing to come over you can bring over your computer setup" shifting his feet for a more comfortable stance in preparation for the usual argument he had with Tyrone when getting him to leave his house as rare it was, he has only had to do this four times before but every time it has taken more than an hour for it to end, they are tied on winning hopefully he won this time.
"Alright" Sam immediately did a double take, he gave up quickly and was impossible Tyrone was a stubborn boy very stubborn.
Before he could say anything about his surrender, Tyrone walked back in his house to get ready to stay over. Still shocked sam followed after him and then his shocked turned to concealed disgust at the state of the house and slight impress at the state of the house.
There were trash bags piled up everywhere and dust covered that and everything else there was a smell that showed rats had moved in and "OH SHIT" Sam screamed at the sight of large copper and silver caroches otherwise known as metal cockroaches scurrying over the floor.
Sam has been many places many much more of a mess then this place was much more. He has once slept next to a nest of metal cockroaches where they crawled all over him in his sleep(and had nightmares about), he has gone weeks even months without bathing, but that didn't mean he was completely ok with it well he was but after living on the island and with his parents all these has made him soft, well soft compared to his time on the streets anyway.
After screaming sam immediately wrote a light rune and activated it so the roaches ran back into there hiding places. Sam turned to Tyrone and told him to pack up while he cleaned up.
After Tyrone went upstairs Sam entered the kitchen only to back out when he heard something hiss at him. Drawing another light rune he activated it and threw the light into the kitchen scaring away many things in the dark. Before the light faded sam turned on the kitchen light, and after a thought, he turned on the living room light as well. Entering the kitchen he opened the sink cabinet avoiding the dirty dishes and garbage laying about. From the cabinet, he pulled what at first glance looked like a thousand piece Rubix sphere that was mostly blue with two white stripes going through the middle.
This was a cleaning sphere, it was one of the more common pieces of rune tech around the world. Rune tech as the easiest and hardest ways to use tune and tech together in unison A confusion description but an accurate one. To make rune teach you needed rune engraver who knew the needed runes, several people to build the device its self, a large number of raw materials, someone to coordinate the worker and a few other things. That is the easy part the hard part is getting it to work, mana is an unpredictable energy form and even after all the years of study there very little known about it compared to what it can potentially do.
This unpredictable lead to it being difficult to use like with machines which could not adapt like living things could, so when rune tech was made they had to make sure that the machine had a certain range of mana frequency so that lasted a decent amount of time. Another thing that made rune tech difficult was rune had to be engraved by hand. All this put rune tech on the lower side of expensive.
Programming the sphere to dust, sweep, energize the trash bags, eviction the roaches, and then mop. Activating the sphere Sam watch it go for a bit before he walked around ground floor opening the windows to let some fresh air in.
When was done he saw that the sphere had made little progress and made a mental note to talk to his mother about checking on the farewell house to clean more often.
Going upstairs he checked on Tyrone to see him working on packing up his computer setup, and what an impressive setup it was, Sam knew for a fact that it was custom made my Tyrone himself by gutting several other computers, ordering military grade components, taking several computer related classes, etc.
Even before he was kidnapped Tyrone was good with computers and his parents encouraged this, but they made sure he stayed healthy.
Impressive as it was it took hours to pack it up, so Sam quietly move by Tyrone as to not bother him and started with his closet. Here he pulled out all the clothes hanging in it because he rarely left the house Tyrone's closet mostly contained cartoon, movie, video game, and book themed t-shirts along with an assortment of shorts and sweats not a drop of fashion sense could be found.
After he folded the clothes he laid them on the bed and moved over to the dresser to pack Tyrone undershirts, underwear, and socks. Only for the younger teen to slam, the dresser closed when opened it.
"[I can pack these my self]" Tyrone messaged with a slight blush on his cheeks.
"Ok then I'll go get the travel capsule" Sam suggested not commenting on the fact he went with Tyrone when bought them but Tyrone was probably hiding something he didn't want him to see, Sam has seen all kinds of thing people hid in there underwear drawer from weapons, money and 'toys'.
Tyrone nodded then watched as Sam left the room before he opened the drawer and started to sort what he would be least embarrassing to bring.
Sam checked on the where's progress before he went to get the capsule and he could see that the sphere was making great progress but it seemed to be losing to the roaches, well it was outnumbered. But the roaches went doing all that much damage to it, to begin with so Sam was going to let that be for now.
Returning upstairs he went to the storage closet at the end of the hall. When he opened the closet it took a bit of searching for him to find the traveling capsules.
Traveling capsules well the ones that Farrell's owned were about the size of a small book a hundred and sixty something pages thick. While it looked black when on looked closely at its side you could see that it was made of multi-colored layer and if counted you'd get about six hundred.
He found them in a box under a box of combat knives one of which he pocketed. Grabbing one of the capsules he put the closet back to its previous state.
When opened the door to Tyrone's room he found it was locked he was surprised for a moment before he realized that Tyrone might not have less interest in him seeing his underclothes then he first thought, he couldn't help but laugh a little at that before he knocked on the door.
"I have the capsule, are you going to let me in or do I have to let myself in" the older teen spoke through the door.
[i'll take the capsule, you should take look through the fridge who knows what will happen to the food while the house is empty], was the response he got.
Rolling his eyes sam asked "well are you going to open the door a-" before he could finish the door was unlocked and opened for Tyrone to step through with his hand out to accept the capsule,' well okay then" Sam gave the piece of rune tech to Tyrone and went to look through the fridge.
When he came downstairs he was greeted with the sight of the roaches being marched out the house (along with a good amount of trash) by the sphere, that sight only made him node his head before he entered the kitchen.
The Farwell's kitchen was different from the Vegal's largely, one was the state the Farwell's showed many signs of disuse expect the fridge, microwave, dishwasher, and stove to a lesser extent. In turn, the Vegal's used the kitchen every day. Another thing was appliance the vegal had all kinds of small kitchen appliances a few out in the open, the farewells well let's just say any they had had cobwebs and were probably just better to replace. There was more but the causes of this was the fact that Tyrone could not cook well he knew how but for whatever reason all the things he cooks come out inedible and poisonous so no one would or could eat it ( not even sam and he had eaten many disgusting and dealy things plus he built a decent poison tolerance over the years), it was kind of unexplainable trust they have tried to find one with many ways(personal Sam thought Tyrone might have an unawakened ability).
Because he couldn't cook all the food in the kitchen required little to no cooking ability whatsoever like fresh fruit or frozen meals, so time he ordered delivery but that was rare, the only home cooked he food he got was from the vegal's or when his mother came home from one of her many business trips (his fathers cooking was just as bad).
Opening the fridge and freezer he saw exactly what he had expected, the freezer was full of frozen meals and foods the fridge had fruit, juice, and some of the lasagna Sam's mother gave Tyrone last week.
Looking at the open appliance Sam thought for a moment if he should take it with him or not. "No I can easily cook for the tw- no three of us with the food in the fridge, and I can use some of the vegetables in my mother's garden or use the emergency food stores around the house I have hidden around the house,but first I have to check if they are still usable it has been a while".
Closing the fridge sam walked back to the living room and watched the sphere go at the mess for a while before he opened his messages and the news. Sam spent the next 2-3 hour it took Tyrone to pack up, during that time he contacted a few people he knew that could get him more information on the situation worldwide and checking the news to see the information that had been released to the public.
For the moment law enforcement with the help guilds and freelance fighter and magic users were detaining all the lost that appeared to hospitals and for the moment things were calm but anyone with the right experience could tell that this was drizzle before the hurricane, but Sam wasn't too worried at worse he would probably relapse to his time before the island and that was not something Sam wanted but he could deal with that if it came to it.
"I need to make a plan" and just as he said that Tyrone came down send Sam a message telling him that he had finished packing everything he needs and wanted to take over to Sam's house, "are you ready to go outside" Sam softly asked.
Tyrone hesitated before nodding his head sam didn't say anything because he knew that was the best he was going to get. Walking to the door, he dodged the still active cleaning and made a mental note he was going to have to come back for that later.
Placing his left hand on the door handle and reached out his right for Tyrone to grab "let's go shall we?" and when Tyrone grabbed it he opened the door.
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