《The Man Who Became a God》Chapter 7: Recruitment
The final month had passed and instead of being collected to be brought to the army, Kami headed straight over to the head guild to notify them of his lack of spiritual energy. After a few hours, this resulted in Kami in a carriage being transported to the capital city of Masseth to begin aura training within the school of Aura known more commonly as Helix. Kami had no idea how Tama forgot such a simple and unique name but Tama is Tama he thought, probably a lot of over confidence taking up space in her brain.
Within the carriage were 2 other people. As Kami knew this was going to be a fairly long journey he interacted with them. The 2 men, one of colt and the other Aiden, they both were going to the capital city under the orders of the military to learn how to use Aura. Kami remembered that only people who were a city calamity and above were in the military and deduced that the swords they used weren't for show and that their combat ability was reflected entirely with each swing.
They were wearing outfits common of adventurers, Aiden had a short sword and dagger hanging from his waist and Colt had double katana's each with a guard and trigger near the handle and a short sword too. After asking more questions, they both told Kami their weapons were ultra rare. They had heard news of the only man from Styx who cleared a dungeon with no more than a wooden sword and when they saw Asura they realised he was the Kami from Styx.
They began to get excited and asked why he uses a wooden sword. He played it off saying he would be too strong for what he was fighting with a real one.
They soon all arrived at the capital city Masseth, to say the capital city was grand would be an understatement, the concrete on the floor was completely uncracked and coated in pure bronze. The shops were large and had multiple storeys and the city was much larger than the city of Jura.
Kami was easily recognisable with his wooden sword, word had spread about Styx almost overnight after all.
Kami's first plan was to try and find a blacksmith that could craft legendary items. He wanted a new sword, something sleek and stylish. But more than that, he wanted to choose how it looked and what it was made from. If he couldn't choose to him that was fine though, the sword would only be a temporary weapon until he fused it with others into a God tier one.
He rented out a room in a nearby inn for 3 nights and went on his somewhat miscellaneous journey to find a blacksmith that could craft him a legendary sword.
What was once morning was almost late noon and he had gone through at least a dozen blacksmiths and they had legendary items but lacked the capabilities to craft one. Kami gave up on this dream and headed to the inn and did nothing but lie in his bed for the rest of the day.
It was morning and Kami was already up, the guy was super pumped. All his adult and adolescent life he had dreamed of life using magic and although this wasn't magic he was pretty darn close. He was at the gate of the grand school Helix in less than an hour with a few hours.
The school had told newcomers to stand outside the gate but he and a few others were a whole hour early, the outfits of the crowd were mostly the same consisting of plain clothing with no armour and maybe some sort of weapon. Kami too had left his armour behind, he didn't need it. He was soon going to learn how to use his own body to become armour that deals damage.
After an hour of continuous talking amongst the new students, the gate opened and they were greeted by a young woman in a short dress with long green hair and thin but long ears wearing glasses. She was an elf.
"Hello, I am one of the teachers and deputy headmaster of the school Lynsiria. I will be escorting you around to your designated places" she voiced "You will be split between people who the military sent and people who are paying for tuition. Please do not waste my time and go to the military if they didn't send you. I will know"
With that she ushered all the new students onto the school grounds and gave them a tour of the school. They were shown classrooms, battle rooms, training rooms, the living quarters and the cafeteria. Everything else that was within this large school would be found by the students. Kami wondered where Liliana was and how she was doing so far.
After the group of future students had been shown around, the military were split from the rest and they began a roll call to make sure every one attended like they were supposed to.
As the students had joined 3 months later than they were supposed to they were put into the remaining places left for 1st years in the rest of the classrooms. Kami was relaxed still as he had someone who could teach him what he was behind in Asura. He went back to the inn for the last time.
The following day all the new students were in classrooms falling even more behind than they already were. Kami was somewhat able to guess what had been taught in the classes prior to this by working his way backwards and every now and then asking Asura for help if he was unsure.
"Sensei, I think the students who can't use aura should be separated from the rest of us. Even those who were here from the start don't even know how get any out" a student in the back of the class said smuggly. "People like I shouldn't be surrounded by such peasant behaviour"
[Btw I used Sensei because it just felt right. Sensei is Japanese for teacher]
This total mug was Zelphar, as you can probably guess, he's of noble ancestry and his family own land in one of the outer cities of Brunay. He thoroughly enjoys bragging about this.
Students who were in close proximity to the noble sniggered. Only people he deemed worthy were allowed to get close. It also happens to be that he is at the top of the class. Which was annoying.
"Just because the rest of us are slower doesn't instantly mean we are peasants Zelphar, everyone grows at their own pace" uttered a random woman
"Lilith, do not talk to me when you are a half blood and can't even defend against me. You disgust me" he responded
Zelphar was a full elf whilst Lilith was only half. Elves are common amongst spiritual schools as they excel in using it really fast. There wasn't much discrimination between races but it happens and Zelphar was proof.
Only half a day had passed but Kami was rather familiar with the pair. It was a recurring event; Zelphar would say something to attack the class and Lilith would defend the class. They were both annoying now specifically Zelphar and out of love for his classmates and a strong desire to alter the path this event was going because it pretty much always started and ended the same so far today, Kami stood up and began to talk to Zelphar.
Out of pure love for his classmates, Kami was going to change the rest of this movie that everyone had been watching all day.
"Zelphar, just because you can use aura doesn't instantly mean your better than everyone else" Kami began. "What do you think you are going to be excepted into the military with an attitude like that?"
Kami knew his weakness, Zelphar' attitude was only because of his insecurities for not being able to join the military. Most people that come to this school to learn aura do so to end up in the army whether they were paying or not. If they didn't want to get conscripted, they would either attempt to learn aura at home and hope that they meet an aura user who can teach them or stay in the school until they were almost a city disaster level.
This one sentence angered Zelphar.
"Who do you think you are Kami right? If you wanna test this theory we can have a fight" he said whilst standing up.
"You are gonna lose but I don't mind, I am not doing this to say I am better than you. I am doing this to prove the world is a bigger place than you think" Kami responded
They arranged for a mock battle to happen straight after this and Kami briefly talked to the teacher before going to the battle grounds. Obviously, their was no more class until this was dealt with, and Zelphar was slowing down the class as it was so Kami wanted to shut him up whilst he could now rather than have to squeeze him like an orange later.
Kami knew the basics of Aura, you collect energy from within you and spread it throughout your body, it will then take form as one of the 4 elements most dominant within you.
There is a certain amount of time each person can release aura similar to stamina. It can be increased in a similar way to stamina.
Aura starts out as weak armour and gradually gets stronger.
Basically, to get stronger aura you must first cultivate it in both duration and amount. It had only been 3 months since Zelphar had come to Helix, Kami doubted this was enough time to get strong or unbearable to Kami.
The audience was only the crowd and they looked on excited. Everyone was wondering who was going to win the man who formed Styx and cleared a dungeon with 3 Kami or the dual wielder Zelphar.
The teacher gave the signal and the signal and the battle begun. Zelphar released is aura and it shone with neither the red of fire, the blue of water, the green of earth nor the white of wind.
A very distinct purple aura surrounded him in thick amounts. This was where he got his nickname as a dual wielder, what he was showing was advanced use of aura. He was producing both fire and water at the same time. This was the true power of Zelphar.
When the two completely opposite elements are mixed together steam is formed and when it is used in aura or magic it boils the skin on impact making the victim feel as though they are being boiled alive.
Aiden and Colt looked were amongst Kami's classmates and looked on rather uninterested as if they knew the outcome.
Kami had actually almost caught up in class, he knew the basics and and most of the advanced knowledge on the application of Aura such as dual wielding it. The only thing he couldn't actually do was produce it, however Kami decided to use this fight as a way to learn on the spot.
Unlike Kami's first battle with Nebras, this one against Zelphar had no box that took in the damage, that would be impossible due to the after effects of each element, the black boxes would only shield you from the physical pain making them useless.
If Kami couldn't pull ahead, there was the chance he would die. He needed to somehow come up with a way of defeating Zelphar whilst hitting him with the least amount of blows. Unfortunately the match had a time limit of 5 minutes so he couldn't wait until his opponent had no more aura, he had to beat them straight away.
Kami got an idea.
"I hope you are at least strong enough to take this Kami" Zelphar said as he charged forward and tried to hit Kami.
Kami let him hit him to see the strength of the attack and the attributes. Kami summarised the attack was probably high town level and the steam was annoying and made boils wherever it touched but it was managable. But he didn't want boils all over him so he stepped back before the next attack. With the use of flying he moved fast through the air, fast enough to soothe his skin and stop the effect of the steam.
Things were going as Kami planned, this was half of the idea he had gotten, the steam was weak against wind or at the very least fast winds. He pulled out Asura to execute the second half of his plan.
"Apologies if you die" Kami voiced
"Die? You just ran away from me" Zelphar laughed
"I didn't run, I tested you and me. I wanted to see how difficult you were gonna be and if my prediction was correct. I let you hit me"
After hearing this the rest of the class began to laugh at Zelphar, Kami had no reason to lie to them, if he could clear a dungeon then dodging an attack from Zelphar shouldn't be a problem.
This remark and reaction from the class angered Zelphar.
"I am going to beat an apology out of you" he vowed. He dashed towards Kami and swinged, Kami took to the air.
The crowd began murmuring about Kami flying. This was not something a human could just do or learn. Only gods and winged beasts could fly and he did so with no wings. So why did Asura grant a wish that would make Kami completely special? Asura granted all physical wishes that didn't directly or instantly change Kami's calamity level. Although Kami's creativeness gave him the edge in the fight against Asmodeus, effectively he was technically flying, just with an extra amount of force being acted on him. It made him stronger but indirectly, it was Kami's creativeness that did that.
The use of flying made no change to Kami's disaster level and the wish didn't break any rules so he was given it. However Zelphar argued differently saying this was unfair. The teacher allowed it as he was just using all the stuff he had access to in the fight.
From here Kami pointed Asura at Zelphar and began to swing downwards in the air
"What does doing that supp-" Zelphar was stopped before he could continue. He jumped backwards a few times as if he was slashed. Each slash Kami made at Zelphar resulted in him staggering, it almost looked as if it was faked.
The second half to Kami's plan was to utilise the wind. The wind generated from each swing he made with Asura. The slashes of wind that he generated with Asura were just as sharp as a real Katana.
After Zelphar noticed the trick he removed the water from his aura resulting in a pure red being emitted from his body.
"What now" Zelphar began "Fire is strong against Wind"
"Just because it is strong against it doesn't mean it will win. Wind can put out any campfire with enough speed"
"I am no campfire, I am a burning building!"
"We will see" Kami said whilst putting both his hands on his sword. "When a warrior uses a sword with one hand, they are strong, when they use two their strength is doubled"
Kami slowly raised his hands until the sword was behind him.
"I will finish this in one strike" he claimed. Kami began to fly towards Zelphar quickly.
Zelphar prepared his fist to punch. Kami swung Asura right when he was in front of Zelphar whilst dodging the blow and he touched the ground skidding against it until he was right behind him. A weak wind was followed by a second wave of air with the force of a storm that filled the room instantaneously after a few short seconds almost pushing the spectators backwards. Simultaneously Zelphar' chest spouted blood from within that followed the direction of the wind leaving a large slash against his chest.
Originally all of that force was contained within the slash Zelphar felt.
His aura disappeared and he fell to the ground. Kami checked his pulse and was glad he was alive, even though he had exerted all that force, he held back just in case it killed him.
Kami and the students returned to class except Zelphar who had to get his wounds treated. For a second time, Kami had taught a lesson to someone with too much confidence.
Elves were extremely weak physically. They combated this with spiritual power. Regardless of whether it was aura or magic they needed to have something to put them on par with everyone else. Zelphar being a pure elf was no exception. He was a non calamity without the use of aura. There was nothing wrong with being a non calamity, in fact the majority of people were non calamities but Zelphar wanted to join the military and prove his strength by climbing the ladder to a leading position in Brunay's army. But he was weak.
That all changed when he began to learn aura. He quickly became top of the class and his calamity rose to that of town advanced. He was proud, too proud and he flaunted his strength against others in Helix because it was the first time he could beat people who were better than him.
So why did Kami have to use both hands when he was fighting him if he was only a town calamity?
It wasn't so he could tell Zelphar he went all out to protect his pride, it was to flex. Kami overpowered Zelphar with the force of the wind alone which was stronger than Zelphar when he used 2 elements as well as when he used the element fire which wind was weak against. Kami beat an aura user without even touching him, and one that was well known as one of the top 10 amongst the first years.
A few hours later Zelphar woke up and remembered the fight. His pride shattered. He thought about how Kami beat him with the wind pressure from his strikes. He thought that if Kami could generate any bit of aura and actually decided to slash him he would die. On the spot.
Like normal, Kami's feats spread however this time it was only limited to the school and it had everyone's attention.
9 men gathered in a single room to discuss him in fact. The top 10 of his year.
They are known as Dix. The other and weakest member Zelphar was unable to attend.
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