《The Dark Veil》Part 21: November 9
November 10
My eyes closed as the crackles outside became tied to a saddening song with no end. A somber melody mixing the light and dark of the once peaceful village.
The darkness based on the undersides of my eyelids as well as the outside tones faded away to a setting filled of a very familiar scene.
My bedroom.
The room was exactly as I remembered it. A whitened shade of blue covered every wall except for the pale brown bookshelf that encompassed the entire eastern wall. Books upon books covered nearly every inch of the shelf. A variety of colors and ages in between them.
I did the same routine that I would do every morning. Starting off the day, I powered on my computer to read the local news from channel sixteen. They always seem to have relevant news to my area. Well, at least I felt that they did.
The first page opened up and the first picture that had loaded onto the page was the face of a serial killer that was responsible for the murder of twenty people.
My eyes faded past the picture and fled to the text but something felt off about it. Something different. My eyes started to hover back to the picture of the serial killer and something just clicked in my mind.
Wait... I stared at the screen. I remember this. I saw this story the morning of that day. The day Nathan died.
I took a deeper look at the actual picture. Besides that, nothing really stood out. Just a rather creepy looking man and....
Wait... Another creepy looking man... I can see his face. His awkwardly bizarre face. It may not be one that I particularly want to see but I can actually see a face!
So, even though I am in a dream, I can see people’s faces?
Even if I haven't actually seen them before?
I ran downstairs as quickly as I could only to see a note on the counter.
“Denny, your father and I both had to head out to get groceries. Be back later. Love you. -Mom”
Well, I totally forgot about that part. Wait, the mantle. We should have a few family photo's left from Christmas.
I sprinted over to the mantle and picked up the nearest photo frame that was knocked over. Upon further inspection, it seems as if the picture had been removed forcefully from its housing. I picked up another and it portrayed the same property.
Why? Do I really not want to see my families faces that badly? Or is it because I feel that I shouldn't?
I felt myself slowly giving up on that task and headed over to the fridge, defeated but not finished.
I grabbed the orange juice carton out of the fridge, grabbed a glass out of the cupboard, and poured myself some before rushing to the shower to get ready for school.
'Should I really be going though? Even if I already knew what was going to happen?' Those types of questions rang in my head over and over but I knew that I needed to get an answer from Nathan this time. I just have to. If I can.
I walked past several people on my route, each seemed more friendly than the last. All smiling and waving. I have never felt so accepted, almost too accepted. Which in truth, I have always wanted to be but it felt... off. Borderline creepy even.
My head was drawn downwards for the remainder of the journey.
Something occurred to me, relatively quickly in fact. Has the pavement always been this cracked? Someone should have called about this a while ago.
The rest of the way was full of convincing myself on how that I should confront Nate.
I began to see a familiar archway appear on the edges of my peripheral vision. My head was pulled upwards, dismissing the people around me. I stopped, stuck in a state of awe and coldness. Many thoughts went through my head, all of them were both good and bad.
The building brought back from the dead. Well, it felt dead to me anymore.
I was staring at the school from the front gates in my normal uniform. Black button down shirt, slightly faded blue jeans, and a pair of light gray sneakers with white laces. The school has a designated 'Uniform' that is enforced to some degree that involves wearing the designated black button down shirt but everything else, as long as it doesn't break any rules, is up to personal choice.
My eyes stood wide, gazing at the brick building ahead of me. Saddened but slightly happy to see this place after a little while.
I wouldn't say that I disliked my time here but I can't say that I did anything that would warrant me having distinct memories besides the whole incident with Nate.
Amid my thoughts, I felt a weird wind behind me. Almost a dark force or at least a malevolent force.
No... not malevolent but...
I didn't even have the time to finish that thought as a pain shot from the middle of my back downwards.
All that I could hear as my legs gave way was “Heyo, Denny!”
I dropped to the ground as a friendly person that I wasn't sure that I wanted to see appeared before me, sticking their hand out.
My hand was shaking violently and any attempt at responding was taken away.
A face that was almost exactly what I had pictured it as. Medium length brown hair, a rather normal face except for his glasses. They were more shades than prescriptions but I won't judge.
Nathan stood before me glaring with a mix of confusion and worry as everyone started to stop and stare at me.
“Ho... Wh.... W...” The words attempted to form, barely could be called that. Sounds, wasted air, whatever it could be called.
“Denny, what's up with you? Are you okay? Are ya hungry? Tired?” He seemed to be himself. Well, his usual helpful, normal self. I stopped shivering and grabbed his hand.
“I'm... I'm okay. You just managed to scare me a little with that one.” It would be better to humor him for now.
I reached towards his hand. “But I even hit a little softer this time. You dropped way faster than yesterday. Are you sure that you are okay? Yesterday was rough on the both of us remember.”
Oh yeah, the fall. That time when I slipped down the stairs on the east side of the building and Nathan was the lucky one to catch me. Well, less catching and more being a safety blanket.
“Yeah, yeah. I'm fine. Just sore in some places. Are you hurt bad? You did take most of the weight.”
“Nah, nah. I am built like a bull, so I am more than fine.” He raised his arms to show off his toughness but I clearly saw him flinch.
This dream feels way too real. Feels…. Wrong or should I say, off-putting.
We walked to class and assumed our usual positions. Me sitting at my desk reading whatever book that I managed to grab off the shelf that morning and Nathan sitting next to me talking about whatever he saw on TV last night.
The teacher took every second of their entrance into the classroom to make us understand that we need to sit down and shut up. Nathan stood still and silent at his desk with his notebook open and pencil ready. I had my notebook open and book at the ready as well.
I was very cautious. During every second of the lecture, I had my book up but kept a steady gaze towards Nathan. I needed to see if anything, even the slightest change in his behavior, could have changed.
The time flew by like nothing. The bell rang and on cue, Nathan left the class room in a hurry. I felt my chest tighten, my pulse race, and my vision narrow. The feeling of happiness that I had felt disappeared and was replaced with panic.
I shoved my books into my bag and made my way towards the Eastern corridor staircase. Instead of shaking my way up the stairs, I sprinted up them. Fully intent and ready to have a talk with Nathan.
I clutched the door knob and threw it open. The expanse of stone and cinder block in front of me was somehow different than before. As if it had
shifted. No... the situation had shifted. I didn't see Nathan on the edge of the building but sitting on the bench on the opposite side of the rooftop.
Just sitting, waiting.
I took one slow step after slow step as to not rouse suspicion. It worked for almost ten feet or so.
I am surprised that I even got as far as I had.
“Heyo, Denny. Ol' Buddy, Ol' Pal. Come over here and take a seat. Let's have a chat like usual.” He gestured towards the spot next to him. His tone was calm and gentle. I would have expected a more sinister feel to it but there weren't any.
I walked over to the bench at normal speed but brought out my book to provide myself with some kind of defense. Even if it would be considered a weak defense, it is reassuring in a personal sense.
“You do understand that we are in a dream, yes?” He asked while staring up at the sky, either arm was resting on the top of the bench behind him.
I nodded to his response, expressionless and simple.
“You still remember how this day had ended and the words I had said, yes?” He kept his calm tone but had become more suspicious in the process.
“The first person who had actually been considered a friend to me, jumped off the school's roof. You said that I will cause the end. How could I forget that?” I wanted to but I didn't raise my tone at all. All I did was keep my ears open to any thing that he had to say. My eyes remaining distant from him but also honed into his saddened expression.
I finally made my way onto the bench next to him. I remained at least two feet in between us for reassurance.
“Heh. I never knew that you would survive the days following. Not that I didn't want you to, of course. I had orders and I am not about to disobey them even for my best friend.”
It seemed as if he was having an entirely different conversation.
“Orders? Never knew that I'd survive? What are you talking about?” I had some sort of idea about what he was saying but I wanted to hear it directly from him.
“There is no way that you could understand the person I am working for...”
“King Jol Azuraine.” I stared intensely at him.
“You know of Mister Azuraine. Have you had to meet him personally yet?” His face was more of shock and surprise than sadness anymore.
“I haven't had the pleasure of meeting the king yet. I have had the great pleasure of meeting the princess though.”
His face returned to his smiling state from the beginning of the conversation.
“Ahh... The Princess. Yes, she was a graceful child. Her Mother would tell everyone about their daughter’s strength. The king just regarded her as a child with a foolish wish. He did respect her decision but never actually believed in her. That is the one thing that I never understood about him.”
“You said she 'was' a graceful child. How do you know Kyoko?” How much does he know about her? And who is this man before me? Also, what is he?
“I have known her for basically my whole life. We grew up together, played together, trained together. My sister always treated us like we were her own children and the king even allowed me to use my ability. He set me up with someone to train me, the Vice Duke. Due to that, I had to use my ability to transform into a respectful looking young man to hide my true identity. Everyone regarded me as his son, as Alfonse. Every day, I would come back to the castle as my more known and natural self, Junlos. Leave during the day under 'Training' and sometimes play with Kyoko during the day, if allowed. Up until my 'Father' was sent away, I enjoyed those choice meetings. Those little things called play dates that I wasn't allowed to have as Junlos. It was training day after day after day. Rarely any breathers or recover periods.”
“As for Kyoko, I was only able to ask her a few questions before her mission. Usual sibling talk. What worried her and what she believes is right. That mission was to take down you and seeing that you are still alive means that you have earned her trust. Or you are incredibly lucky. She was scared, worried, confused, but also prepared, confident, and mentally ready.”
“I bet you are wondering why I took the form of Nathan, hmm? I bet so. I was given a case file on your family history and let me tell you that it was a long line. A list of people who have dealt with dark magic, ritualistic spells, and even, as we call it, holistic runes. Requested by the King himself, I changed my appearance from an above average Alfertain prone to attacking trees as targets for fun into this average looking male human addicted to reality television and video games. The only trait that I knew about my target, you, was that he loves to read and is extremely quiet. It wasn't hard to find you in the classroom on the first day. But your habits were very interesting, I couldn't help but enjoy your way of living. You only talked when you needed to, kept to yourself, and read all class long. Even after the final bell rang, you wouldn't move until the teacher told you to. I wanted to learn more about you, so the first thing that came to find was the element of surprise. After observing the other classmates, a slap to the back seemed like a sociable greeting. The 'Heyo' is more of a personal habit of mine. Sorry for that one.”
“So, the reason you were even friendly to me was because I was amusing? You want me to believe that the one that I called friend is also the one who was picking up information to use against me? Also, that the little boy that Kyo loved to play with was also the brother she grew up with? Even if I were to say that it is possible, am I able to believe you? Especially after those words and actions that you had done on that last day.”
“No. I don't believe that I have earned the right to be trusted by you just yet. The last thing that I had ever wanted was to be thought of as a friend by you but life has a weird way with things. That whole situation with the roof was not how I wanted it to pan out but Jol had a different idea. He told me to make a scene and repeat my own version of the words, 'You will cause the end.' Did I want to? No. Would I have went against his orders if need be? I wish that I could have but no. Do you think I like how our time knowing each other ended? Of course not. I considered you a friend and I still do. I don't believe that you do though.”
I just kept on feeling worse and worse with every word that came out of his mouth. Even a little anger started to show. I didn't know if I could believe him.
“I actually started to believe that someone could want to be friends with me and then they jump off the roof of the school swearing that I am the downfall of everything. How could I not feel confused, angry, and betrayed? Then, three days later I come back to that roof top to be killed by another supernatural being. Even if that attack may have led to meeting the single important person of my life. It still does not help a damn thing. I am pretty sure that there are people more threatening to Your Majesties empire than I am. People that have pasts so corrupt and have dangerous allies worse than a boy that can't see faces and can't use magic. Why out of all of them do I have to be a self-titled protagonist? A side show act? Do I believe that from all the books I read that it would be a little bit fun to be a part of a grander scheme? Oh, hell yeah I do. Is it amazing to finally be able to connect with someone like I did with Kyoko? Damn straight. One question that I want answered is this: Why is the King so interested in me?”
“DNA. That is the most important reason why you are wanted. Your DNA holds with it the key to your ancestors. Anything beyond that is above my pay grade. But it doesn't sound good... at all. I did also pick up a few little whispers from beyond the council door by 'accident.' From what I know, the king has currently sent an army of Tealwoes to...”
“I'm...” I chuckled a bit out of nervousness. “I'm already in the middle of it.... Kyoko, Aster, Shia, and I...”
“You're in Astern? Shia is with you? How is she holding up? And who is this Aster fellow?”
“We... We are fine. Shia is currently trying to rest up while she can in this mess. We don't have time as of now for me to tell you about Aster. Anyway, Aster, Kyoko, and Elsa are all back at the village's manor looking for supplies. Aster is a master Archer and Elsa is a moderate healer, so they should be fine.”
“Damn... Okay... Umm... Is there any way to call them back?”
“Not that I know of.”
“Okay... Do you know the village named Hauk?”
“Yeah, that is the place that harbors Kyo's next target, Oracle Navarro.”
“Good, good. Oracle is on every Royal Guard's list, not a big time necessity but still a target. I will be held up there for the meantime. As long as you can get Shia here safely, it should be an easy travel. I can explain everything once you get here. You can explain your relationship with Kyo and who this Aster fellow is. I believe that you may be getting a visitor, so I will let you leave.”
“Wait...” As if right on cue, banging came from the back door.
I mouthed the words, “Well shit,” as I heard sounds that did not give me the idea that my team had arrived. Scratching and low, haunting growls crowded behind both sides of the house.
Okay, I am working at half capacity and Shia is on the borderline of being asleep and being unconscious.
I had a moment of blank panic, the point where nothing presents itself to you except worry and anxiety. My first action was to run to the back room and search for anything in sight.
The growling and banging from outside continued to intensify, which only made me panic more.
In my random dismantling of the room, I managed to trip on something rather hefty on the back side of the room. I crashed into the side of the bed, only agitating my ribs once more. Amid my pain, my eyes centered on the object underneath me.
Then, a light bulb went off in my head.
A wide smile climbed its way slowly across my face.
“Time to prepare some traps.”
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