《Protect Humanity Project》12. She’s beautiful


When the door opened, Louis was facing a small, white face. He stared at it for a second, then jumped up like a spring and stepped back several times. His face was red and he stammered, “Miss, please forgive me... ”

Tours and Guerin stood up to Moyan like gatekeepers, jeering at Louis.

“Who did I think it was, you again? ”

“What are you going to do, snake? Don’t try to make friends with the Lady. ”

“Husky is not a good breed... ”

Louis couldn’t hear what they were saying, and he could feel his heart pounding like a screwed up machine.

He was born in the 10th arrondissement to a family of commoners, all of whom are descended from artificial wombs, and his humble origins mean that he has had almost no close contact with women.

It turned out that their faces are really like a delicate flower, and their eyes are like the dew on the petals.

He glanced up at the Moyan with a red face, raised the box in his hand, and went down on one knee.

“My Lady, my name is Louis, and I take the liberty of surmising that you may need some supplies, so we have gathered these together, and dare not entreat your favour, but if I May, may I ask you to rest your anger and grant us the Merest Mercy? ”

As he said this, the Moyan, which he had intended to drink from the box, stopped his hand.

“UH... ”

Do all you people here talk and recite like that?

“You have done me no harm, and if you should apologize, it should be to my friends, ” said the Moyan, pointing to Guerin and tours, who stood on either side.

Louis looked at her, fascinated, and felt her blood boiling: “Thank you for your generosity, your character and the general brightness of the Moon. ”

“My Lady, if I may be so fortunate, may I know your name? ”

As he spoke, he got up and moved forward uncontrollably.

Tours and Guerin were trying to stop him when a figure suddenly appeared behind Moyan. He put his hand around her waist and pulled her back.

Louis, his eyes fixed on the girl, was the first to react. He took a quick step forward and, almost without thinking, tried to rob her. But before he could get his hands on the Moyan, he was flung open with such force that he took several steps backward.


The box turned over on the ground and its contents fell to the ground.

A bottle of energy drink rolled to Moyan’s feet, and she involuntarily moved her arm around her waist and left. Before she had time to react, the man behind her let her go and returned to a polite pose, as if the hug had been a fake.

Louis got a kick and felt a dull pain in his Zang-fu. He wiped the corner of his mouth, calmed his overheated mind, stooped down to pick up the box in silence, and then calmly watched the man come out of the door and block the girl.

Peiji was still dishevelled, barely clothed from the waist up, a few loose bandages hanging from his body, still stained with blood.

Louis had heard of him. He had been a colonel in the regiment. It was a testament to the power of the Peiji, a man who was a black knife in prison, hated by many for his rank, but rarely dared to strike.

But this man, Louis could tell he was different. Just standing there, there was a tremendous amount of pressure on him, and he was as sharp as a knife. He had some instinctive fear for no reason at all.

No drug has made such a difference in such a short period of time, and there is no doubt that he has been genetically purified.

Louis lowered his eyes jealously, but he knew he was no match for him, so he backed down.

“Are you awake? ” The Moyan looked up and down the Peiji, ignoring his strange behavior. “Is something wrong? ”

In fact, she knew the answer by asking, because a man’s looks couldn’t be better.

The wound on Peiji’s body had closed and was healing at an incredible rate. He tore off the bandage and looked at the Moyan.

“I’m fine. ”

Peiji stared deeply at the man in front of him, thinking that the entire federation would not know how shocked he was.

The bestial gene is a double-edged sword, people have a strong ability to pay the price of losing their mind, but the purifiers can improve the situation, they screen out the elements of violence and instability in the blood, leaving the good part behind, it’s like an Act of God.

Poor children may become powerful because of purification, powerful families use this to consolidate their power, therefore, the purification division is very noble.


It’s worth it. The whole world’s fighting over them.

It is also worth noting that the ability and effectiveness of different purifiers is not the same, like the primary purifier, the daily number of purifiers is limited, and the degree is far less than the higher purifier. In the Peiji, the power of the Moyan extends far beyond the elementary.

But the Master of power knows nothing of this.

A storm was brewing in the Peiji’s eyes, and when it finally calmed down, he turned to Louis, who was standing outside the door, staring warily at him. “Where are the others? ” He asked

The latter stupefied, or choose to answer: “Everyone gathered in the central square. ”

The Peiji said calmly, “Have you taken care of the Dead? ”

“The bodies have been buried, the injured have been treated, and the genetically unstable are being kept in isolation at the training ground. ”

“Looks like you guys cleaned up the war pretty fast. ”

Louis stopped talking and looked up at the Moyan behind the Peiji, embarrassed.

A few people nearby were peering in, thinking they had not been noticed, and their hot eyes were melting the glass.

The Peiji looked back at the unconscious girl. “We are going to join them. Now that we have been discovered, long hiding is not an option. A3 has been banned for a month. Now we need to concentrate our efforts. ”

Moyan nodded, and the group tidied up briefly, dragging the still sleeping Murphy toward the concourse.

Guerin and Tours carried the stretcher back and forth, talking to the Moyan.

“My Lady, you are too good. ”

“How to say? ” Duan Mo Yan asked.

“Have you noticed the boss? His body, my God, I can feel the boss is different! ” Tours exclaims.

It doesn’t have an Animal Moyan. It doesn’t make any sense.

Guerin explained: “If the boss could have won 1.5 Montgomery, then I guess he could have won 5 Montgomery! ”

Moyan was surprised that the brown bear, one of the better players in the A3, had worried that team 5 and the prison might be at a disadvantage, but now it looked as if the Peiji might be at a disadvantage.

But what Guerin apparently didn’t count on was that the five units had underestimated him, too.

The central square, which is a landmark in every prison, was designed to educate inmates, and since the inmates of District 12 had no access to education, it was abandoned. It’s the only open space that could accommodate all 50,000 people today.

As Moyan followed Louis, they saw men picking up trash from the ground, men repairing damaged buildings, men hauling heavy metal carts and struggling to get supplies up and down in order, there was an atmosphere of national labor, and I don’t know why it came together.

Just a few hours ago, there was a lot of blood, and it’s amazing how much can be controlled in such a short time.

The Moyan also saw a tall man sitting in a simple Jaeger with a robotic arm to carry things. The Jaeger, which was about three meters tall, looked like the one in a traditional comic book, but without a head, people in the cockpit are also fully open and unarmed.

It was the first time she had truly felt the technological power of the age, and she couldn’t help but take one more look.

The man blushed when he noticed her eyes.

He sat in the cockpit, eyes closely watching her, look very excited, Moyan afraid he controlled to a Hiphop, hurriedly retract the line of sight.

Later, she realized that at some point the road would be filled with people, who would jostle and jostle to follow the procession, all dressed in the same mercenary garb, but with wild eyes, if there was no Peiji at hand, it’s already here, I’m afraid.

“The purifier... ”

“Miss Purifier! ”

“She’s beautiful. ”

The crowd gathered in the central square at the moment was similarly The Perfect Storm.

As the highest-ranking person in the whole of the federation, the Purifier woman is not someone to be seen, nor is she likely to walk down the street with only three or four people to protect her.

The mob, The Untouchables, had hardly seen a woman, had never thought in their lives that they might see a living purifier.

In particular, they witnessed the cleansing of Murphy, which was like a torch lit in the night.

Everyone’s mentality has changed: they can be saved, right?

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