《Protect Humanity Project》6. A new era


The 12th district is large, and the prison is so small, and there’s a constant flow of prisoners from the 11th district border, so the rooms are all four. The area is the size of an ordinary family’s master bedroom, with a separate toilet fortunately.

It’s a time when technology is so advanced, when toilets have evolved to a degree that humans in the old days couldn’t understand, when the Moyan comes out of the bathroom and washes his hands, see is the four big men in the hot tidying up things, make the bed to fold the quilt.

They didn’t seem to mind the fact that she had the only big bed.

Murphy tossed the dirty socks she had piled up on the table into a drawer and walked up to her, blushing. “Well, Miss, I’m afraid we’re in a poor state of affairs here, ” she said

“The sheets have been changed and you can wear our shirts if you want. So... if it’s all right, we’ll go out. ”

Moyan turned her head to the side and saw the three fold up beds on the wall, together with the iron bed belonging to the Peiji, where they were supposed to sleep.

“Where are you going? ”

The men looked at each other. “Don’t worry, ” Guerin said. “We’ll be at the door. We won’t let anyone in. ”

Moyan didn’t realize they were planning to spend the night on the ground.

“Can’t you find another room to stay in? ”

“The beds are all coded and there’s no extra space, ” Murphy said with a laugh. “Actually, I’d rather sleep on the floor in front of my room than share it with someone else. ”

Or they’d sleep in the bathroom if it meant spending time with her.

The Moyan didn’t know what to say.

One by one, the men went out, carrying only a thin blanket, apparently to hit the floor, but they all looked very happy, and the Peiji passed her, saying, “Remember to close the window and don’t open the door. ”

As she passed, she caught a faint whiff of smoke, and then she saw the broad spine disappear behind the closing sliding door.

It was quiet again, and Moyan looked around the empty room, which was filled with the air of a man’s past, cold and austere, with uncollected odds and ends piled in the corners of the table, and dumbbells and tension ropes thrown about.

Moyan simply washed and then sat in bed, exhausted from the day’s news and barely able to move. It’s completely dark outside. There’s no moonlight. She knew how cold it was in the desert at night. Without a fire, she might have been buried in the sand and never woken up.

The men of the fifth squad huddled together at the door of the room. Murphy grinned with both hands on his chin. Guerin threw the blanket at his face. “Stop drooling, it’s disgusting. ”

“Will she wear my clothes? ”

“If you’re going to wear it, you’re going to wear it in my size. ”


“Do you think you should ask the young lady if she has any other needs? This is a strange place. I’ve heard that women are as delicate as flowers and must be kept in a greenhouse. ”

The mercenary men, who usually fight and kill without a moment’s hesitation, now gather together and talk about topics that are not nutritious.

Peiji sat to one side, his arm resting on a raised knee, a coat slung over his shoulder.

What she said was almost certain to be true.

He had just confirmed that, although it had not been tested for blood, there was no doubt from the smell that it was a genetically uncontaminated teenager, a pure human being.

Now, the genetic purity of more than 80% of women are under full control, after death would like to keep up with a company of bodyguards, even food and water are closely protected, if the existence of the Moyan is known by the Council of the imperial capital, he could guess what kind of Scream Bloody Gore she’d roll up.

Around 1 a.m. , there was a dust storm outside, the windows clanging in the wind, a constant thud of sand scraping against the glass, air windows in the passageways that were barely sealed and jarring all the time, as if they were about to burst.

The men on the floor were fast asleep, and Murphy rolled over and pressed her thighs against Tours’s body, touching them with both hands. Tours frowned in pain, as if crushed.

Peiji sat with his head down against the wall, as if he were asleep. Suddenly, the sliding door in front of him opened a crack.

There was a warm light, and a low, soft voice.

“Come in. This is your room. But first things first. Don’t cross the line. ”

Peiji was a little stunned. He looked at the figure in the doorway and quickly backed away, but the warm yellow light did not disappear, as if it were drawing him in.

The Peiji picked up three of his teammates, who were sleeping like pigs, and threw them on the ground.

Looking Up, he saw a curtain hanging in front of the iron bed. It was Murphy’s shirt, and in the dim light he could see a small shadowy figure behind him.

Page transcript hand down hanging on the wall of the folding iron bed jumped up, he looked at the group of vague shadow, thought she really is not the girl of this era. She had the audacity to confront a group of strange grown men, thinking they could be separated by a curtain, while the others would just scream for them to get out.

But for some reason, his heart was soft and soft. He thought that if he had to do anything for her right now, he would do it.

She did it.

Blowing sand overnight, until the early morning to calm down, the windowsill accumulated a thick layer of sand, but because of the airtight is very good, indoor or clean. Moyan rubbed her eyes and sat up, her body aching and her brain swelling, her mind on high alert last night for being in a room with a bunch of men, not holding a knife, but not sleeping well at all.


Pushing aside the curtain, the three men were lying side by side on the floor, and Murphy was snoring on top of the others, seemingly fast asleep.

Moyan looked up to see Peiji, who was already awake, sitting on the fold up bed at the top of the wall, with his back to her, holding a needle like object in his left hand, and without blinking, he plunged the needle into his right arm, which was thin, she saw the yellowish liquid in it.

As if sensing her vision, the Peiji shot was quickly administered and quickly processed.

He was shirtless, his bare back slightly hunched, with smooth, graceful muscular curves, broad shoulders, and a more muscular waist.

The Moyan said casually, “How’s Your Wound? ”

“All Right. ” Say, PEIS report card hand pulls the baluster of the side of the bed of iron frame, depended on arm strength to fall over directly, fall in front of her.

Her eyes met his, and Moyan, because of her height, looked only at his sturdy chest. She turned her head slightly away from him, and Peiji looked into her eyes, then pulled out a tight black shirt and pulled it over her.

At a glance, the Moyan saw a number of wounds on his chest and abdomen, sinuous, new and old, I do not know how many.

“You... What happened to the people here? ” The Moyan couldn’t help asking. “The monsters in the desert, and... ”

The Peiji looked down at her, Moyan thought about it, and added, “If it’s convenient for you to tell me. ”

“There’s nothing you can’t know, ” said the Peiji with a smile. His eyes had something like spoiling them, and the Moyan wondered if he was wrong.

“Those things are called perverts, and not so long ago they were people, like us. ” Although the answer was expected, it was a shock to hear it.

“About 200 years ago, a small meteorite hit the earth. Although the meteorite was smashed by a national missile, the fragments still carried a huge amount of radiation and fell close to the Earth. For the next 200 years, it was all Gobi Desert.

Radiation affects the global climate, causing animals to act erratically. Later, humans near the crater began to mutate on a small scale. At first they were used in combat only as special soldiers by certain powers. But then, more and more people became alienated, capable, and inevitably fell out with the old guard.

In the decades that followed, the Earth was in a free-for-all, with new and old nations, and forces of all kinds on the stage of history. It all ended in 2562, when the first troubled leader, Hoover George, founded the World Federation, ushering in a new era of the seven continents. ”

Peiji looked down at her, his pupils the color of Topaz, shimmered in the sun: “At this point, everyone has more or less animal genes, and the more you rely on the power of the Beast, the more sadistic and bloodthirsty you become. The trend of genetic pollution is irreversible, and human genes will only get worse and worse, more and more mixed, and eventually all degenerate into the Beast of desire. The depraved ones, controlled by their animal instincts, will never be able to turn into human beings. They are hopeless and will eat people. ”

Moyan’s spine stiffened, and before her, Peiji’s teeth grew sharp under his lips, his face had a furry pattern, and even his fingers had morphed into hard talons -- the first time she had ever seen a genetic mutation up close.

That feeling, you can’t describe it as shock.

“My DNA comes from the Pantanal subspecies of jaguar, which is the most powerful land animal in the modern World Federation. ”

He spoke to her, his head bent slightly, his hot breath on her face, and Moyan had the illusion of being locked on by a leopard.

The Peiji is too wild in its own right, and is genetically influenced by the jaguar, which makes it sexy to look down at people. I don’t know, in the past, it would have been popular with women from 88 to 8.

But the Moyan, a cold-blooded zombie-killing teenager, turned away from his burning eyes. “So what you just injected has something to do with genetic craziness? ”

The Peiji was surprised by her sensitivity and laughed. “It was a technical institute that developed an inhibitor that could slow the progression of the disease, ” she said. “It’s just that long-term use can lead to drug resistance, and ATP (adenosine triphosphate disodium) is currently of limited use. ”

Moyan nodded thoughtfully, and, according to him, the human race of the new federation was not far off from becoming a monster, like her former world of zombies.

Peiji looked at her grave face and felt a small glow in his heart. He lowered his voice, afraid it would disturb the peace.

“But there was one kind of person who made an exception, ” said Peiji, pleased to see the Moyan’s eyes returning to him.

“During the years of the free-for-all, the female mortality rate remained high and the population fell sharply. After the new era, the birth rate continued to fall, leading to a huge imbalance in the sex ratio. ”

“But the universe seems to favor women, whose genes are more stable and less prone to madness. and a small number of women have evolved the ability to be purists... ”

The cold claws of the beast rubbed her face, and the Moyan felt his touch.

“What is a Purifier? ”

“The light of hope. ”

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