《StoryMania!》World on ( part 2 )


After another sudden teleport...

I reappeared inside an incredibly large room, and the first thing I saw, was this blue screen floating in front of me.

The thirteen of you, shall be given a chance, a chance to study this diagram for 24 hours.

Also, from the thirteen of you, the one with the least points has one more chance at the test, before giving up his position to the one with the most points from all the servers, that didn't manage to get in.

This is a special hidden rule, that should only be activated if one has more points than one of the thirteen of you, and doesn't make it.

Now, STUDY !

because this is the greatest reward you shall ever find in your whole lives.

Well, this should save Kosu...

But aside from that, when the blue screen disappeared, a terrifyingly complex 3D diagram made its appearance.

It was large too... most probably for easier 'studying'.

But honestly... I- I have lost my confidence...

He says study, and gives us this thing to study for 24 hours, where I doubt if I could do it in a month or two.

"Am I all alone ?" I spoke out loud, without any response.

Oh well, let's concentrate.



This thing sure is hard ... even sweat is dropping in brackets from studying it.

Overworking is counterproductive so let's take a small brake, I've already been studying for half an hour non-stop.

Player has been disconnected

Huh !?! What ?

Account has been locked !

Eh !?!

Force logout

I stood speechless there, shaken...

Shaken down to my core.

I only saw the diagram only for about half an hour... I yet to understand many things, oh no !

The greatest reward... I don't have any more chances...

NO !

If I act fast, there still is a chance !


At that moment the sound of the phone was heard *ring* *ring*

As fast as he could, he picked it up, hoping to also finish fast...

"You're lucky you picked it up bastard !" An oddly familiar voice was heard over the phone.

After I heard the word bastard, I quickly closed the phone, and ran up to the game, after all, why bother with this kind of guys when you're about to lose the greatest thing in your life.

Login failed

What the...

Error retrying

Heck ?!?

Account has been locked, login is no longer possible till lock has been lifted.

Just then the phone ring again, and sensing something wrong in that situation I picked it up in a lightning fast speed.

"Hahaha... by now, you should have taken the message. You own us money, and if you don't repay us, that account will remain locked till the end of times." Again the same familiar voice spoke, but this time, not just familiar.

"WHAT !?!?! I FRINKING TRIED TO REPAY YOU, BUT YOU WOULDN'T ACCEPT IT... How is it that I own money, when I can't even repay you !!!"

I yelled with all my anger


"Glad you asked... You see we are scammers. You took the first bait by buying one of our products. The next one, was to not look at the small details. And the final one, was not going in the bank to clear the situation up. When you realised that you owed some money to us, you tried to clear it up like a normal person would by contacting us. After we didn't accept, you simply gave up and ignored it..."

The voice fearless of whether I was recording or not, continued to speak, even confessing that he was a scammer.

Fear filling my face, as I came to with the situation...


"Then I then went to the bank, claimed you owned money, and locked your account, so if you refuse to repay us, you're in deep shit...

The bank saw no problems and if you don't give us a million GC ( Global Currency ) say goodbye to your lovely event.

When you clear up the situation, it will be far too late.

You have no choice...

by the way the account number is **** -****- **** better write that up."

Before I my brain could respond my hands were already ready to give the million GC.

A million wasn't a small amount... considering that in all of my life, even with my status in the game and whatever i did, I could only gather double of what they were asking me in my whole life.

Even so, even when my brain might say that what I'm doing is illogical, my heart could no longer bear it.

In a few seconds only and only, I had lost one million... I had no tears to cry for, but even then it was worth it.

I knew that they were bluffing about me not getting my account back ever.

If I had gone to the bank, and contacted the game support, most likely I would be fine the next day... But.. they were true about me loosing the event.

Those godarn bastards, purposefully chose this day.

If I ever find them I SWEAR I will kill them !

You have been kicked out of the event due to the locking of your account

Nothing strange, if you logout it's fine, but locking usually is far more severe...

Requesting reconnection to event

Yes !

Request denied by Game Master

He what ?!?

Teleporting to previous location before event teleportation

Why did this happen...

And then I heard a voice

"Huh ?!?! What are you doing here ?"

My head slightly dizzy from all of the events that happened in these 10 minutes, I failed to recognise that voice.

"Wasn't the event rewarding supposed to last 2 days? Why are you back after the first day ? Oh I know,my pal here was so special, he didn't even need to wait 2 days for his reward, hehe, you superstar."

The same voice spoke, now recognizing it as the voice of my best friend Nick.

"No..." I spoke with an inaudible voice...

I was at the verge of a mental breakdown

"I - I need some time alone..." I hastily said and logged out.

I knew that after rejection from the Game Master... basically all of my hopes had died.


I said with a deep voice.. I wasn't joking... Should I find them I seriously considered doing that...

But I knew that it wasn't a realistic thing.

Never mind finding them, but killing ?

That was impossible... a hundred years ago, maybe doable, but now... better luck on the lottery, which doesn't even give half as much as I gave to them.

My only consolation was my terrifying memory, which was prized even by father...

Sad memories, but it is the first time I didn't curse my ability for giving me false hopes about a super power, only to realise that it's just an ability...

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